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rev 59477 : [mq]: cds_lambda

*** 43,52 **** --- 43,55 ---- AnonVmClassesDuringDumpTransformer.class.getName(), }; public static String cdsDiagnosticOption = "-XX:+AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent"; + public static final boolean dynamicMode = + Boolean.getBoolean(System.getProperty("test.dynamic.cds.archive", "false")); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { String agentJar = ClassFileInstaller.writeJar("AnonVmClassesDuringDumpTransformer.jar", ClassFileInstaller.Manifest.fromSourceFile("AnonVmClassesDuringDumpTransformer.mf"), agentClasses);
*** 69,83 **** String suffix = ".*source: shared objects file.*"; String pattern = prefix + class_pattern + suffix; // during run time, anonymous classes shouldn't be loaded from the archive TestCommon.run("-cp", appJar, "-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions", cdsDiagnosticOption, Hello.class.getName()) ! .assertNormalExit(output -> output.shouldNotMatch(pattern)); // inspect the archive and make sure no anonymous class is in there TestCommon.run("-cp", appJar, "-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions", cdsDiagnosticOption, "-XX:+PrintSharedArchiveAndExit", "-XX:+PrintSharedDictionary", Hello.class.getName()) ! .assertNormalExit(output -> output.shouldNotMatch(class_pattern)); } } --- 72,90 ---- String suffix = ".*source: shared objects file.*"; String pattern = prefix + class_pattern + suffix; // during run time, anonymous classes shouldn't be loaded from the archive TestCommon.run("-cp", appJar, "-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions", cdsDiagnosticOption, Hello.class.getName()) ! .assertNormalExit(dynamicMode ? ! output -> output.shouldMatch(pattern) : ! output -> output.shouldNotMatch(pattern)); // inspect the archive and make sure no anonymous class is in there TestCommon.run("-cp", appJar, "-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions", cdsDiagnosticOption, "-XX:+PrintSharedArchiveAndExit", "-XX:+PrintSharedDictionary", Hello.class.getName()) ! .assertNormalExit(dynamicMode ? ! output -> output.shouldMatch(pattern) : ! output -> output.shouldNotMatch(pattern)); } }
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