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 206   }
 207 }
 208 #endif
 210 //=============================================================================
 211 // Do we Match on this edge index or not?  Match only target address & method
 212 uint TailCallNode::match_edge(uint idx) const {
 213   return TypeFunc::Parms <= idx  &&  idx <= TypeFunc::Parms+1;
 214 }
 216 //=============================================================================
 217 // Do we Match on this edge index or not?  Match only target address & oop
 218 uint TailJumpNode::match_edge(uint idx) const {
 219   return TypeFunc::Parms <= idx  &&  idx <= TypeFunc::Parms+1;
 220 }
 222 //=============================================================================
 223 JVMState::JVMState(ciMethod* method, JVMState* caller) {
 224   assert(method != NULL, "must be valid call site");
 225   _method = method;

 226   debug_only(_bci = -99);  // random garbage value
 227   debug_only(_map = (SafePointNode*)-1);
 228   _caller = caller;
 229   _depth  = 1 + (caller == NULL ? 0 : caller->depth());
 230   _locoff = TypeFunc::Parms;
 231   _stkoff = _locoff + _method->max_locals();
 232   _monoff = _stkoff + _method->max_stack();
 233   _scloff = _monoff;
 234   _endoff = _monoff;
 235   _sp = 0;
 236 }
 237 JVMState::JVMState(int stack_size) {
 238   _method = NULL;
 239   _bci = InvocationEntryBci;

 240   debug_only(_map = (SafePointNode*)-1);
 241   _caller = NULL;
 242   _depth  = 1;
 243   _locoff = TypeFunc::Parms;
 244   _stkoff = _locoff;
 245   _monoff = _stkoff + stack_size;
 246   _scloff = _monoff;
 247   _endoff = _monoff;
 248   _sp = 0;
 249 }
 251 //--------------------------------of_depth-------------------------------------
 252 JVMState* JVMState::of_depth(int d) const {
 253   const JVMState* jvmp = this;
 254   assert(0 < d && (uint)d <= depth(), "oob");
 255   for (int skip = depth() - d; skip > 0; skip--) {
 256     jvmp = jvmp->caller();
 257   }
 258   assert(jvmp->depth() == (uint)d, "found the right one");
 259   return (JVMState*)jvmp;
 260 }
 262 //-----------------------------same_calls_as-----------------------------------
 263 bool JVMState::same_calls_as(const JVMState* that) const {
 264   if (this == that)                    return true;
 265   if (this->depth() != that->depth())  return false;
 266   const JVMState* p = this;
 267   const JVMState* q = that;
 268   for (;;) {
 269     if (p->_method != q->_method)    return false;
 270     if (p->_method == NULL)          return true;   // bci is irrelevant
 271     if (p->_bci    != q->_bci)       return false;

 272     p = p->caller();
 273     q = q->caller();
 274     if (p == q)                      return true;
 275     assert(p != NULL && q != NULL, "depth check ensures we don't run off end");
 276   }
 277 }
 279 //------------------------------debug_start------------------------------------
 280 uint JVMState::debug_start()  const {
 281   debug_only(JVMState* jvmroot = of_depth(1));
 282   assert(jvmroot->locoff() <= this->locoff(), "youngest JVMState must be last");
 283   return of_depth(1)->locoff();
 284 }
 286 //-------------------------------debug_end-------------------------------------
 287 uint JVMState::debug_end() const {
 288   debug_only(JVMState* jvmroot = of_depth(1));
 289   assert(jvmroot->endoff() <= this->endoff(), "youngest JVMState must be last");
 290   return endoff();
 291 }

 473       // The JVMS dumps make really, really long lines.
 474       // Take out the most boring parts, which are the package prefixes.
 475       char buf[500];
 476       stringStream namest(buf, sizeof(buf));
 477       _method->print_short_name(&namest);
 478       if (namest.count() < sizeof(buf)) {
 479         const char* name = namest.base();
 480         if (name[0] == ' ')  ++name;
 481         const char* endcn = strchr(name, ':');  // end of class name
 482         if (endcn == NULL)  endcn = strchr(name, '(');
 483         if (endcn == NULL)  endcn = name + strlen(name);
 484         while (endcn > name && endcn[-1] != '.' && endcn[-1] != '/')
 485           --endcn;
 486         st->print(" %s", endcn);
 487         printed = true;
 488       }
 489     }
 490     if (!printed)
 491       _method->print_short_name(st);
 492     st->print(" @ bci:%d",_bci);

 493   } else {
 494     st->print(" runtime stub");
 495   }
 496   if (caller() != NULL)  caller()->dump_spec(st);
 497 }
 500 void JVMState::dump_on(outputStream* st) const {
 501   if (_map && !((uintptr_t)_map & 1)) {
 502     if (_map->len() > _map->req()) {  // _map->has_exceptions()
 503       Node* ex = _map->in(_map->req());  // _map->next_exception()
 504       // skip the first one; it's already being printed
 505       while (ex != NULL && ex->len() > ex->req()) {
 506         ex = ex->in(ex->req());  // ex->next_exception()
 507         ex->dump(1);
 508       }
 509     }
 510     _map->dump(2);
 511   }
 512   st->print("JVMS depth=%d loc=%d stk=%d mon=%d scalar=%d end=%d mondepth=%d sp=%d bci=%d method=",
 513              depth(), locoff(), stkoff(), monoff(), scloff(), endoff(), monitor_depth(), sp(), bci());
 514   if (_method == NULL) {
 515     st->print_cr("(none)");
 516   } else {
 517     _method->print_name(st);
 518     st->cr();
 519     if (bci() >= 0 && bci() < _method->code_size()) {
 520       st->print("    bc: ");
 521       _method->print_codes_on(bci(), bci()+1, st);
 522     }
 523   }
 524   if (caller() != NULL) {
 525     caller()->dump_on(st);
 526   }
 527 }
 529 // Extra way to dump a jvms from the debugger,
 530 // to avoid a bug with C++ member function calls.
 531 void dump_jvms(JVMState* jvms) {
 532   jvms->dump();
 533 }
 534 #endif
 536 //--------------------------clone_shallow--------------------------------------
 537 JVMState* JVMState::clone_shallow(Compile* C) const {
 538   JVMState* n = has_method() ? new (C) JVMState(_method, _caller) : new (C) JVMState(0);
 539   n->set_bci(_bci);

 540   n->set_locoff(_locoff);
 541   n->set_stkoff(_stkoff);
 542   n->set_monoff(_monoff);
 543   n->set_scloff(_scloff);
 544   n->set_endoff(_endoff);
 545   n->set_sp(_sp);
 546   n->set_map(_map);
 547   return n;
 548 }
 550 //---------------------------clone_deep----------------------------------------
 551 JVMState* JVMState::clone_deep(Compile* C) const {
 552   JVMState* n = clone_shallow(C);
 553   for (JVMState* p = n; p->_caller != NULL; p = p->_caller) {
 554     p->_caller = p->_caller->clone_shallow(C);
 555   }
 556   assert(n->depth() == depth(), "sanity");
 557   assert(n->debug_depth() == debug_depth(), "sanity");
 558   return n;
 559 }

 206   }
 207 }
 208 #endif
 210 //=============================================================================
 211 // Do we Match on this edge index or not?  Match only target address & method
 212 uint TailCallNode::match_edge(uint idx) const {
 213   return TypeFunc::Parms <= idx  &&  idx <= TypeFunc::Parms+1;
 214 }
 216 //=============================================================================
 217 // Do we Match on this edge index or not?  Match only target address & oop
 218 uint TailJumpNode::match_edge(uint idx) const {
 219   return TypeFunc::Parms <= idx  &&  idx <= TypeFunc::Parms+1;
 220 }
 222 //=============================================================================
 223 JVMState::JVMState(ciMethod* method, JVMState* caller) {
 224   assert(method != NULL, "must be valid call site");
 225   _method = method;
 226   _reexecute = false;
 227   debug_only(_bci = -99);  // random garbage value
 228   debug_only(_map = (SafePointNode*)-1);
 229   _caller = caller;
 230   _depth  = 1 + (caller == NULL ? 0 : caller->depth());
 231   _locoff = TypeFunc::Parms;
 232   _stkoff = _locoff + _method->max_locals();
 233   _monoff = _stkoff + _method->max_stack();
 234   _scloff = _monoff;
 235   _endoff = _monoff;
 236   _sp = 0;
 237 }
 238 JVMState::JVMState(int stack_size) {
 239   _method = NULL;
 240   _bci = InvocationEntryBci;
 241   _reexecute = false;
 242   debug_only(_map = (SafePointNode*)-1);
 243   _caller = NULL;
 244   _depth  = 1;
 245   _locoff = TypeFunc::Parms;
 246   _stkoff = _locoff;
 247   _monoff = _stkoff + stack_size;
 248   _scloff = _monoff;
 249   _endoff = _monoff;
 250   _sp = 0;
 251 }
 253 //--------------------------------of_depth-------------------------------------
 254 JVMState* JVMState::of_depth(int d) const {
 255   const JVMState* jvmp = this;
 256   assert(0 < d && (uint)d <= depth(), "oob");
 257   for (int skip = depth() - d; skip > 0; skip--) {
 258     jvmp = jvmp->caller();
 259   }
 260   assert(jvmp->depth() == (uint)d, "found the right one");
 261   return (JVMState*)jvmp;
 262 }
 264 //-----------------------------same_calls_as-----------------------------------
 265 bool JVMState::same_calls_as(const JVMState* that) const {
 266   if (this == that)                    return true;
 267   if (this->depth() != that->depth())  return false;
 268   const JVMState* p = this;
 269   const JVMState* q = that;
 270   for (;;) {
 271     if (p->_method != q->_method)    return false;
 272     if (p->_method == NULL)          return true;   // bci is irrelevant
 273     if (p->_bci    != q->_bci)       return false;
 274     if (p->_reexecute != q->_reexecute)  return false;
 275     p = p->caller();
 276     q = q->caller();
 277     if (p == q)                      return true;
 278     assert(p != NULL && q != NULL, "depth check ensures we don't run off end");
 279   }
 280 }
 282 //------------------------------debug_start------------------------------------
 283 uint JVMState::debug_start()  const {
 284   debug_only(JVMState* jvmroot = of_depth(1));
 285   assert(jvmroot->locoff() <= this->locoff(), "youngest JVMState must be last");
 286   return of_depth(1)->locoff();
 287 }
 289 //-------------------------------debug_end-------------------------------------
 290 uint JVMState::debug_end() const {
 291   debug_only(JVMState* jvmroot = of_depth(1));
 292   assert(jvmroot->endoff() <= this->endoff(), "youngest JVMState must be last");
 293   return endoff();
 294 }

 476       // The JVMS dumps make really, really long lines.
 477       // Take out the most boring parts, which are the package prefixes.
 478       char buf[500];
 479       stringStream namest(buf, sizeof(buf));
 480       _method->print_short_name(&namest);
 481       if (namest.count() < sizeof(buf)) {
 482         const char* name = namest.base();
 483         if (name[0] == ' ')  ++name;
 484         const char* endcn = strchr(name, ':');  // end of class name
 485         if (endcn == NULL)  endcn = strchr(name, '(');
 486         if (endcn == NULL)  endcn = name + strlen(name);
 487         while (endcn > name && endcn[-1] != '.' && endcn[-1] != '/')
 488           --endcn;
 489         st->print(" %s", endcn);
 490         printed = true;
 491       }
 492     }
 493     if (!printed)
 494       _method->print_short_name(st);
 495     st->print(" @ bci:%d",_bci);
 496     st->print(" reexecute:%s", _reexecute?"true":"false");
 497   } else {
 498     st->print(" runtime stub");
 499   }
 500   if (caller() != NULL)  caller()->dump_spec(st);
 501 }
 504 void JVMState::dump_on(outputStream* st) const {
 505   if (_map && !((uintptr_t)_map & 1)) {
 506     if (_map->len() > _map->req()) {  // _map->has_exceptions()
 507       Node* ex = _map->in(_map->req());  // _map->next_exception()
 508       // skip the first one; it's already being printed
 509       while (ex != NULL && ex->len() > ex->req()) {
 510         ex = ex->in(ex->req());  // ex->next_exception()
 511         ex->dump(1);
 512       }
 513     }
 514     _map->dump(2);
 515   }
 516   st->print("JVMS depth=%d loc=%d stk=%d mon=%d scalar=%d end=%d mondepth=%d sp=%d bci=%d reexecute=%s method=",
 517              depth(), locoff(), stkoff(), monoff(), scloff(), endoff(), monitor_depth(), sp(), bci(), should_reexecute()?"true":"false");
 518   if (_method == NULL) {
 519     st->print_cr("(none)");
 520   } else {
 521     _method->print_name(st);
 522     st->cr();
 523     if (bci() >= 0 && bci() < _method->code_size()) {
 524       st->print("    bc: ");
 525       _method->print_codes_on(bci(), bci()+1, st);
 526     }
 527   }
 528   if (caller() != NULL) {
 529     caller()->dump_on(st);
 530   }
 531 }
 533 // Extra way to dump a jvms from the debugger,
 534 // to avoid a bug with C++ member function calls.
 535 void dump_jvms(JVMState* jvms) {
 536   jvms->dump();
 537 }
 538 #endif
 540 //--------------------------clone_shallow--------------------------------------
 541 JVMState* JVMState::clone_shallow(Compile* C) const {
 542   JVMState* n = has_method() ? new (C) JVMState(_method, _caller) : new (C) JVMState(0);
 543   n->set_bci(_bci);
 544   n->set_reexecute(_reexecute);
 545   n->set_locoff(_locoff);
 546   n->set_stkoff(_stkoff);
 547   n->set_monoff(_monoff);
 548   n->set_scloff(_scloff);
 549   n->set_endoff(_endoff);
 550   n->set_sp(_sp);
 551   n->set_map(_map);
 552   return n;
 553 }
 555 //---------------------------clone_deep----------------------------------------
 556 JVMState* JVMState::clone_deep(Compile* C) const {
 557   JVMState* n = clone_shallow(C);
 558   for (JVMState* p = n; p->_caller != NULL; p = p->_caller) {
 559     p->_caller = p->_caller->clone_shallow(C);
 560   }
 561   assert(n->depth() == depth(), "sanity");
 562   assert(n->debug_depth() == debug_depth(), "sanity");
 563   return n;
 564 }

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