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4648           u1->in(0) != u1_later && !u1->in(0)->is_Root()) {
4649         tty->print("n->out(%d)->in(0): ", i); u1->in(0)->dump();
4650       }
4651       for (uint j = 0; j < u1->outcnt(); j++) {
4652         Node* u2 = u1->raw_out(j);
4653         if (u2 == n || u2 == u1)
4654           continue;
4655         tty->print("n->out(%d)->out(%d): ", i, j); u2->dump();
4656         if (!u2->is_CFG()) {
4657           Node* u2_later = get_ctrl(u2);
4658           tty->print("later(n->out(%d)->out(%d)): ", i, j); u2_later->dump();
4659           if (u2->in(0) != NULL     && !u2->in(0)->is_top() &&
4660               u2->in(0) != u2_later && !u2->in(0)->is_Root()) {
4661             tty->print("n->out(%d)->in(0): ", i); u2->in(0)->dump();
4662           }
4663         }
4664       }
4665     }
4666   }
4667   tty->cr();
4668   int ct = 0;
4669   Node *dbg_legal = LCA;
4670   while(!dbg_legal->is_Start() && ct < 100) {
4671     tty->print("idom[%d] ",ct); dbg_legal->dump();
4672     ct++;
4673     dbg_legal = idom(dbg_legal);
4674   }
4675   tty->cr();
4676 }
4677 #endif

4679 #ifndef PRODUCT
4680 //------------------------------dump-------------------------------------------
4681 void PhaseIdealLoop::dump() const {
4682   ResourceMark rm;
4683   Node_Stack stack(C->live_nodes() >> 2);
4684   Node_List rpo_list;
4685   VectorSet visited;
4686   visited.set(C->top()->_idx);
4687   rpo(C->root(), stack, visited, rpo_list);
4688   // Dump root loop indexed by last element in PO order
4689   dump(_ltree_root, rpo_list.size(), rpo_list);
4690 }
4692 void PhaseIdealLoop::dump(IdealLoopTree* loop, uint idx, Node_List &rpo_list) const {
4693   loop->dump_head();
4695   // Now scan for CFG nodes in the same loop
4696   for (uint j = idx; j > 0; j--) {
4697     Node* n = rpo_list[j-1];

4727                       computed_idom->_idx, cached_idom->_idx);
4728       }
4729     }
4730     // Dump nodes it controls
4731     for (uint k = 0; k < _nodes.Size(); k++) {
4732       // (k < C->unique() && get_ctrl(find(k)) == n)
4733       if (k < C->unique() && _nodes[k] == (Node*)((intptr_t)n + 1)) {
4734         Node* m = C->root()->find(k);
4735         if (m && m->outcnt() > 0) {
4736           if (!(has_ctrl(m) && get_ctrl_no_update(m) == n)) {
4737             tty->print_cr("*** BROKEN CTRL ACCESSOR!  _nodes[k] is %p, ctrl is %p",
4738                           _nodes[k], has_ctrl(m) ? get_ctrl_no_update(m) : NULL);
4739           }
4740           tty->sp(2 * loop->_nest + 1);
4741           m->dump();
4742         }
4743       }
4744     }
4745   }
4746 }
4747 #endif

4749 // Collect a R-P-O for the whole CFG.
4750 // Result list is in post-order (scan backwards for RPO)
4751 void PhaseIdealLoop::rpo(Node* start, Node_Stack &stk, VectorSet &visited, Node_List &rpo_list) const {
4752   stk.push(start, 0);
4753   visited.set(start->_idx);
4755   while (stk.is_nonempty()) {
4756     Node* m   = stk.node();
4757     uint  idx = stk.index();
4758     if (idx < m->outcnt()) {
4759       stk.set_index(idx + 1);
4760       Node* n = m->raw_out(idx);
4761       if (n->is_CFG() && !visited.test_set(n->_idx)) {
4762         stk.push(n, 0);
4763       }
4764     } else {
4765       rpo_list.push(m);
4766       stk.pop();
4767     }

4648           u1->in(0) != u1_later && !u1->in(0)->is_Root()) {
4649         tty->print("n->out(%d)->in(0): ", i); u1->in(0)->dump();
4650       }
4651       for (uint j = 0; j < u1->outcnt(); j++) {
4652         Node* u2 = u1->raw_out(j);
4653         if (u2 == n || u2 == u1)
4654           continue;
4655         tty->print("n->out(%d)->out(%d): ", i, j); u2->dump();
4656         if (!u2->is_CFG()) {
4657           Node* u2_later = get_ctrl(u2);
4658           tty->print("later(n->out(%d)->out(%d)): ", i, j); u2_later->dump();
4659           if (u2->in(0) != NULL     && !u2->in(0)->is_top() &&
4660               u2->in(0) != u2_later && !u2->in(0)->is_Root()) {
4661             tty->print("n->out(%d)->in(0): ", i); u2->in(0)->dump();
4662           }
4663         }
4664       }
4665     }
4666   }
4667   tty->cr();
4668   tty->print_cr("idoms of early %d:", early->_idx);
4669   dump_idom(early);
4670   tty->cr();
4671   tty->print_cr("idoms of (wrong) LCA %d:", LCA->_idx);
4672   dump_idom(LCA);
4673   tty->cr();
4674   dump_real_LCA(early, LCA);
4675   tty->cr();
4676 }
4678 // Find the real LCA of early and the wrongly assumed LCA.
4679 void PhaseIdealLoop::dump_real_LCA(Node* early, Node* wrong_lca) {
4680   assert(!is_dominator(early, wrong_lca) && !is_dominator(early, wrong_lca),
4681          "sanity check that one node does not dominate the other");
4682   assert(!has_ctrl(early) && !has_ctrl(wrong_lca), "sanity check, no data nodes");
4684   ResourceMark rm;
4685   Node_List nodes_seen;
4686   Node* real_LCA = NULL;
4687   Node* n1 = wrong_lca;
4688   Node* n2 = early;
4689   uint count_1 = 0;
4690   uint count_2 = 0;
4691   // Add early and wrong_lca to simplify calculation of idom indices
4692   nodes_seen.push(n1);
4693   nodes_seen.push(n2);
4695   // Walk the idom chain up from early and wrong_lca and stop when they intersect.
4696   while (!n1->is_Start() && !n2->is_Start()) {
4697     n1 = idom(n1);
4698     n2 = idom(n2);
4699     if (n1 == n2) {
4700       // Both idom chains intersect at the same index
4701       real_LCA = n1;
4702       count_1 = nodes_seen.size() / 2;
4703       count_2 = count_1;
4704       break;
4705     }
4706     if (check_idom_chains_intersection(n1, count_1, count_2, &nodes_seen)) {
4707       real_LCA = n1;
4708       break;
4709     }
4710     if (check_idom_chains_intersection(n2, count_2, count_1, &nodes_seen)) {
4711       real_LCA = n2;
4712       break;
4713     }
4714     nodes_seen.push(n1);
4715     nodes_seen.push(n2);
4716   }
4718   assert(real_LCA != NULL, "must always find an LCA");
4719   tty->print_cr("Real LCA of early %d (idom[%d]) and (wrong) LCA %d (idom[%d]):", early->_idx, count_2, wrong_lca->_idx, count_1);
4720   real_LCA->dump();
4721 }
4723 // Check if n is already on nodes_seen (i.e. idom chains of early and wrong_lca intersect at n). Determine the idom index of n
4724 // on both idom chains and return them in idom_idx_new and idom_idx_other, respectively.
4725 bool PhaseIdealLoop::check_idom_chains_intersection(const Node* n, uint& idom_idx_new, uint& idom_idx_other, const Node_List* nodes_seen) const {
4726   if (nodes_seen->contains(n)) {
4727     // The idom chain has just discovered n.
4728     // Divide by 2 because nodes_seen contains the same amount of nodes from both chains.
4729     idom_idx_new = nodes_seen->size() / 2;
4731     // The other chain already contained n. Search the index.
4732     for (uint i = 0; i < nodes_seen->size(); i++) {
4733       if (nodes_seen->at(i) == n) {
4734         // Divide by 2 because nodes_seen contains the same amount of nodes from both chains.
4735         idom_idx_other = i / 2;
4736       }
4737     }
4738     return true;
4739   }
4740   return false;
4741 }
4742 #endif // ASSERT
4744 #ifndef PRODUCT
4745 //------------------------------dump-------------------------------------------
4746 void PhaseIdealLoop::dump() const {
4747   ResourceMark rm;
4748   Node_Stack stack(C->live_nodes() >> 2);
4749   Node_List rpo_list;
4750   VectorSet visited;
4751   visited.set(C->top()->_idx);
4752   rpo(C->root(), stack, visited, rpo_list);
4753   // Dump root loop indexed by last element in PO order
4754   dump(_ltree_root, rpo_list.size(), rpo_list);
4755 }
4757 void PhaseIdealLoop::dump(IdealLoopTree* loop, uint idx, Node_List &rpo_list) const {
4758   loop->dump_head();
4760   // Now scan for CFG nodes in the same loop
4761   for (uint j = idx; j > 0; j--) {
4762     Node* n = rpo_list[j-1];

4792                       computed_idom->_idx, cached_idom->_idx);
4793       }
4794     }
4795     // Dump nodes it controls
4796     for (uint k = 0; k < _nodes.Size(); k++) {
4797       // (k < C->unique() && get_ctrl(find(k)) == n)
4798       if (k < C->unique() && _nodes[k] == (Node*)((intptr_t)n + 1)) {
4799         Node* m = C->root()->find(k);
4800         if (m && m->outcnt() > 0) {
4801           if (!(has_ctrl(m) && get_ctrl_no_update(m) == n)) {
4802             tty->print_cr("*** BROKEN CTRL ACCESSOR!  _nodes[k] is %p, ctrl is %p",
4803                           _nodes[k], has_ctrl(m) ? get_ctrl_no_update(m) : NULL);
4804           }
4805           tty->sp(2 * loop->_nest + 1);
4806           m->dump();
4807         }
4808       }
4809     }
4810   }
4811 }
4813 void PhaseIdealLoop::dump_idom(Node* n) const {
4814   if (has_ctrl(n)) {
4815     tty->print_cr("No idom for data nodes");
4816   } else {
4817     for (int i = 0; i < 100 && !n->is_Start(); i++) {
4818       tty->print("idom[%d] ", i);
4819       n->dump();
4820       n = idom(n);
4821     }
4822   }
4823 }
4824 #endif // NOT PRODUCT
4826 // Collect a R-P-O for the whole CFG.
4827 // Result list is in post-order (scan backwards for RPO)
4828 void PhaseIdealLoop::rpo(Node* start, Node_Stack &stk, VectorSet &visited, Node_List &rpo_list) const {
4829   stk.push(start, 0);
4830   visited.set(start->_idx);
4832   while (stk.is_nonempty()) {
4833     Node* m   = stk.node();
4834     uint  idx = stk.index();
4835     if (idx < m->outcnt()) {
4836       stk.set_index(idx + 1);
4837       Node* n = m->raw_out(idx);
4838       if (n->is_CFG() && !visited.test_set(n->_idx)) {
4839         stk.push(n, 0);
4840       }
4841     } else {
4842       rpo_list.push(m);
4843       stk.pop();
4844     }

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