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  48     /**
  49      * Deletes a file, retrying if necessary.
  50      *
  51      * @param path  the file to delete
  52      *
  53      * @throws NoSuchFileException
  54      *         if the file does not exist (optional specific exception)
  55      * @throws DirectoryNotEmptyException
  56      *         if the file is a directory and could not otherwise be deleted
  57      *         because the directory is not empty (optional specific exception)
  58      * @throws IOException
  59      *         if an I/O error occurs
  60      */
  61     public static void deleteFileWithRetry(Path path)
  62         throws IOException
  63     {
  64         try {
  65             deleteFileWithRetry0(path);
  66         } catch (InterruptedException x) {
  67             // Restore the interrupted status
  68             Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
  69         }
  70     }
  72     private static void deleteFileWithRetry0(Path path)
  73         throws IOException, InterruptedException
  74     {
  75         int times = 0;
  76         IOException ioe = null;
  77         while (true) {
  78             try {
  79                 Files.delete(path);

  80                 break;

  81             } catch (NoSuchFileException | DirectoryNotEmptyException x) {
  82                 throw x;
  83             } catch (IOException x) {
  84                 // Backoff/retry in case another process is accessing the file
  85                 times++;
  86                 if (ioe == null)
  87                     ioe = x;
  88                 else
  89                     ioe.addSuppressed(x);
  90                 if (times > MAX_RETRY_DELETE_TIMES)
  91                     throw ioe;
  92                Thread.sleep(RETRY_DELETE_MILLIS); 
  93             }
  94         }
  95     }
  97     /**
  98      * Deletes a directory and its subdirectories, retrying if necessary.
  99      *
 100      * @param dir  the directory to delete

 114         if (!excs.isEmpty()) {
 115             ioe = excs.remove(0);
 116             for (IOException x : excs)
 117                 ioe.addSuppressed(x);
 118         }
 119         if (ioe != null)
 120             throw ioe;
 121     }
 123     public static List<IOException> deleteFileTreeUnchecked(Path dir) {
 124         final List<IOException> excs = new ArrayList<>();
 125         try {
 126             java.nio.file.Files.walkFileTree(dir, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
 127                 @Override
 128                 public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) {
 129                     try {
 130                         deleteFileWithRetry0(file);
 131                     } catch (IOException x) {
 132                         excs.add(x);
 133                     } catch (InterruptedException x) {
 134                         // Restore the interrupted status and terminate
 135                         Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
 136                         return FileVisitResult.TERMINATE;
 137                     }
 138                     return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
 139                 }
 140                 @Override
 141                 public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) {
 142                     try {
 143                         deleteFileWithRetry0(dir);
 144                     } catch (IOException x) {
 145                         excs.add(x);
 146                     } catch (InterruptedException x) {
 147                         // Restore the interrupted status and terminate
 148                         Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
 149                         return FileVisitResult.TERMINATE;
 150                     }
 151                     return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
 152                 }
 153                 @Override
 154                 public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) {
 155                     excs.add(exc);
 156                     return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
 157                 }
 158             });
 159         } catch (IOException x) {
 160             excs.add(x);
 161         }
 162         return excs;
 163     }
 164 }

  48     /**
  49      * Deletes a file, retrying if necessary.
  50      *
  51      * @param path  the file to delete
  52      *
  53      * @throws NoSuchFileException
  54      *         if the file does not exist (optional specific exception)
  55      * @throws DirectoryNotEmptyException
  56      *         if the file is a directory and could not otherwise be deleted
  57      *         because the directory is not empty (optional specific exception)
  58      * @throws IOException
  59      *         if an I/O error occurs
  60      */
  61     public static void deleteFileWithRetry(Path path)
  62         throws IOException
  63     {
  64         try {
  65             deleteFileWithRetry0(path);
  66         } catch (InterruptedException x) {
  67             throw new IOException("Interrupted while deleting.", x);

  68         }
  69     }
  71     private static void deleteFileWithRetry0(Path path)
  72         throws IOException, InterruptedException
  73     {
  74         int times = 0;
  75         IOException ioe = null;
  76         while (true) {
  77             try {
  78                 Files.delete(path);
  79                 while (true) {
  80                     if (Files.notExists(path))
  81                         break;
  82                     times++;
  83                     if (times > MAX_RETRY_DELETE_TIMES)
  84                         throw new IOException("File still exists after " + times + " waits.");
  85                     Thread.sleep(RETRY_DELETE_MILLIS);
  86                 }
  87                 break;
  88             } catch (NoSuchFileException | DirectoryNotEmptyException x) {
  89                 throw x;
  90             } catch (IOException x) {
  91                 // Backoff/retry in case another process is accessing the file
  92                 times++;
  93                 if (ioe == null)
  94                     ioe = x;
  95                 else
  96                     ioe.addSuppressed(x);
  97                 if (times > MAX_RETRY_DELETE_TIMES)
  98                     throw ioe;
  99                Thread.sleep(RETRY_DELETE_MILLIS);
 100             }
 101         }
 102     }
 104     /**
 105      * Deletes a directory and its subdirectories, retrying if necessary.
 106      *
 107      * @param dir  the directory to delete

 121         if (!excs.isEmpty()) {
 122             ioe = excs.remove(0);
 123             for (IOException x : excs)
 124                 ioe.addSuppressed(x);
 125         }
 126         if (ioe != null)
 127             throw ioe;
 128     }
 130     public static List<IOException> deleteFileTreeUnchecked(Path dir) {
 131         final List<IOException> excs = new ArrayList<>();
 132         try {
 133             java.nio.file.Files.walkFileTree(dir, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
 134                 @Override
 135                 public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) {
 136                     try {
 137                         deleteFileWithRetry0(file);
 138                     } catch (IOException x) {
 139                         excs.add(x);
 140                     } catch (InterruptedException x) {
 141                         excs.add(new IOException("Interrupted while deleting.", x));

 142                         return FileVisitResult.TERMINATE;
 143                     }
 144                     return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
 145                 }
 146                 @Override
 147                 public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) {
 148                     try {
 149                         deleteFileWithRetry0(dir);
 150                     } catch (IOException x) {
 151                         excs.add(x);
 152                     } catch (InterruptedException x) {
 153                         excs.add(new IOException("Interrupted while deleting.", x));

 154                         return FileVisitResult.TERMINATE;
 155                     }
 156                     return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
 157                 }
 158                 @Override
 159                 public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) {
 160                     excs.add(exc);
 161                     return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
 162                 }
 163             });
 164         } catch (IOException x) {
 165             excs.add(x);
 166         }
 167         return excs;
 168     }
 169 }