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  49 if [ "#!" = "$has_hash_bang" ] ; then
  50    python="`head -n 1 ${whichhg} | cut -b 3-`"
  51    bpython="`basename "$python"`"
  52 fi
  54 if [ "python" = "$bpython" -a -x "$python" ] ; then
  55   hg="${python} -u ${whichhg}"
  56 else
  57   echo Cannot find python from hg launcher. Running plain hg, which probably has buffered stdout.
  58   hg="hg"
  59 fi
  61 # Clean out the temporary directory that stores the pid files.
  62 tmp=/tmp/forest.$$
  63 rm -f -r ${tmp}
  64 mkdir -p ${tmp}
  66 safe_interrupt () {
  67   if [ -d ${tmp} ]; then 
  68     if [ "`ls ${tmp}`" != "" ]; then 
  69       echo "Waiting for processes ( `cat ${tmp}/* | tr '\n' ' '`) to terminate nicely!"
  70       sleep 1
  71       # Pipe stderr to dev/null to silence kill, that complains when trying to kill
  72       # a subprocess that has already exited.
  73       kill -TERM `cat ${tmp}/* | tr '\n' ' '` 2> /dev/null
  74       wait 
  75       echo Interrupt complete! 
  76     fi 
  77   fi
  78   rm -f -r ${tmp}
  79   exit 1
  80 }
  82 nice_exit () {
  83   if [ -d ${tmp} ]; then 
  84     if [ "`ls ${tmp}`" != "" ]; then 
  85       wait 
  86     fi 
  87   fi
  88   rm -f -r ${tmp}
  89 }
  91 trap 'safe_interrupt' INT QUIT
  92 trap 'nice_exit' EXIT

 155 echo "# Repositories: ${repos} ${repos_extra}"
 156 echo
 158 # Run the supplied command on all repos in parallel.
 159 n=0
 160 for i in ${repos} ${repos_extra} ; do
 161   n=`expr ${n} '+' 1`
 162   repopidfile=`echo ${i} | sed -e 's@./@@' -e 's@/@_@g'`
 163   reponame=`echo ${i} | sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,20\}$/ &/;ta'`
 164   pull_base="${pull_default}"
 165   for j in $repos_extra ; do
 166       if [ "$i" = "$j" ] ; then
 167           pull_base="${pull_extra}"
 168       fi
 169   done
 170   (
 171     (
 172       if [ "${command}" = "clone" -o "${command}" = "fclone" ] ; then
 173         pull_newrepo="`echo ${pull_base}/${i} | sed -e 's@\([^:]/\)//*@\1@g'`"
 174         echo ${hg} clone ${pull_newrepo} ${i}
 175         ${hg} clone ${pull_newrepo} ${i} &

 176       else
 177         echo "cd ${i} && ${hg} $*"
 178         cd ${i} && ${hg} "$@" &
 179       fi 
 180       echo $! > ${tmp}/${repopidfile}.pid
 181     ) 2>&1 | sed -e "s@^@${reponame}:   @") &
 183   if [ `expr ${n} '%' ${at_a_time}` -eq 0 ] ; then
 184     sleep 2
 185     echo Waiting 5 secs before spawning next background command.
 186     sleep 3
 187   fi
 188 done
 189 # Wait for all hg commands to complete
 190 wait
 192 # Terminate with exit 0 all the time (hard to know when to say "failed")
 193 exit 0

  49 if [ "#!" = "$has_hash_bang" ] ; then
  50    python="`head -n 1 ${whichhg} | cut -b 3-`"
  51    bpython="`basename "$python"`"
  52 fi
  54 if [ "python" = "$bpython" -a -x "$python" ] ; then
  55   hg="${python} -u ${whichhg}"
  56 else
  57   echo Cannot find python from hg launcher. Running plain hg, which probably has buffered stdout.
  58   hg="hg"
  59 fi
  61 # Clean out the temporary directory that stores the pid files.
  62 tmp=/tmp/forest.$$
  63 rm -f -r ${tmp}
  64 mkdir -p ${tmp}
  66 safe_interrupt () {
  67   if [ -d ${tmp} ]; then
  68     if [ "`ls ${tmp}/*.pid`" != "" ]; then
  69       echo "Waiting for processes ( `cat ${tmp}/*.pid | tr '\n' ' '`) to terminate nicely!"
  70       sleep 1
  71       # Pipe stderr to dev/null to silence kill, that complains when trying to kill
  72       # a subprocess that has already exited.
  73       kill -TERM `cat ${tmp}/*.pid | tr '\n' ' '` 2> /dev/null
  74       wait
  75       echo Interrupt complete!
  76     fi
  77   fi
  78   rm -f -r ${tmp}
  79   exit 1
  80 }
  82 nice_exit () {
  83   if [ -d ${tmp} ]; then
  84     if [ "`ls ${tmp}`" != "" ]; then
  85       wait
  86     fi
  87   fi
  88   rm -f -r ${tmp}
  89 }
  91 trap 'safe_interrupt' INT QUIT
  92 trap 'nice_exit' EXIT

 155 echo "# Repositories: ${repos} ${repos_extra}"
 156 echo
 158 # Run the supplied command on all repos in parallel.
 159 n=0
 160 for i in ${repos} ${repos_extra} ; do
 161   n=`expr ${n} '+' 1`
 162   repopidfile=`echo ${i} | sed -e 's@./@@' -e 's@/@_@g'`
 163   reponame=`echo ${i} | sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,20\}$/ &/;ta'`
 164   pull_base="${pull_default}"
 165   for j in $repos_extra ; do
 166       if [ "$i" = "$j" ] ; then
 167           pull_base="${pull_extra}"
 168       fi
 169   done
 170   (
 171     (
 172       if [ "${command}" = "clone" -o "${command}" = "fclone" ] ; then
 173         pull_newrepo="`echo ${pull_base}/${i} | sed -e 's@\([^:]/\)//*@\1@g'`"
 174         echo ${hg} clone ${pull_newrepo} ${i}
 175         path="`dirname ${i}`"
 176         if [ "${path}" != "." ] ; then
 177           times=0
 178           while [ ! -d "${path}" ]   ## nested repo, ensure containing dir exists
 179           do
 180             times=`expr ${times} '+' 1`
 181             if [ `expr ${times} '%' 10` -eq 0 ] ; then
 182               echo ${path} still no created, waiting...
 183             fi
 184             sleep 5
 185           done
 186         fi
 187         (${hg} clone ${pull_newrepo} ${i}; echo "$?" > ${tmp}/${repopidfile}.pid.rc )&
 188       else
 189         echo "cd ${i} && ${hg} $*"
 190         cd ${i} && (${hg} "$@"; echo "$?" > ${tmp}/${repopidfile}.pid.rc )&
 191       fi
 192       echo $! > ${tmp}/${repopidfile}.pid
 193     ) 2>&1 | sed -e "s@^@${reponame}:   @") &
 195   if [ `expr ${n} '%' ${at_a_time}` -eq 0 ] ; then
 196     sleep 2
 197     echo Waiting 5 secs before spawning next background command.
 198     sleep 3
 199   fi
 200 done
 201 # Wait for all hg commands to complete
 202 wait
 204 # Terminate with exit 0 only if all subprocesses were successful
 205 ec=0
 206 if [ -d ${tmp} ]; then
 207   for rc in `ls ${tmp}/*.pid.rc` ; do
 208     exit_code=`cat ${rc} | tr -d ' \n\r'`
 209     if [ "${exit_code}" != "0" ] ; then
 210       echo "WARNING: ${rc} exited abnormally."
 211       ec=1
 212     fi
 213   done
 214 fi
 215 exit ${ec}