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1455                 }
1456             } catch (IOException y) {
1457                 x.addSuppressed(y);
1458             }
1459             throw x;
1460         } finally {
1461             if (complete) {
1462       ;
1463             }
1464             fc.close();
1465         }
1466     }
1468     @Override
1469     public void install(Resolution res, boolean verifySignature)
1470         throws ConfigurationException, IOException, SignatureException
1471     {
1472         install(res, verifySignature, false);
1473     }

1475     /**
1476      * <p> Pre-install one or more modules to an arbitrary destination
1477      * directory. </p>
1478      *
1479      * <p> A pre-installed module has the same format as within the library
1480      * itself, except that there is never a configuration file. </p>
1481      *
1482      * <p> This method is provided for use by the module-packaging tool. </p>
1483      *
1484      * @param   mfs
1485      *          The manifest describing the contents of the modules to be
1486      *          pre-installed
1487      *
1488      * @param   dst
1489      *          The destination directory, with one subdirectory per module
1490      *          name, each of which contains one subdirectory per version
1491      */
1492     public void preInstall(Collection<Manifest> mfs, File dst)
1493         throws IOException
1494     {

1525      * library. </p>
1526      *
1527      * @param   mids
1528      *          The module ids of the new or updated modules, or
1529      *          {@code null} if the configuration of every root module
1530      *          should be (re)computed
1531      */
1532     public void configure(Collection<ModuleId> mids)
1533         throws ConfigurationException, IOException
1534     {
1535         try (FileChannel fc =, WRITE)) {
1536             fc.lock();
1537             configureWhileModuleDirectoryLocked(mids);
1538         }
1539     }
1541     private void configureWhileModuleDirectoryLocked(Collection<ModuleId> mids)
1542         throws ConfigurationException, IOException
1543     {
1544         // ## mids not used yet

1545         List<ModuleId> roots = new ArrayList<>();
1546         for (ModuleId mid : listLocalDeclaringModuleIds()) {
1547             // each module can have multiple entry points
1548             // only configure once for each module.
1549             ModuleInfo mi = readModuleInfo(mid);
1550             for (ModuleView mv : mi.views()) {
1551                 if (mv.mainClass() != null) {
1552                     roots.add(mid);
1553                     break;
1554                 }
1555             }
1556         }
1558         for (ModuleId mid : roots) {
1559             // ## We could be a lot more clever about this!
1560             Configuration<Context> cf
1561                 = Configurator.configure(this, mid.toQuery());
1562             File md = moduleDictionary.findDeclaringModuleDir(mid);
1563             new StoredConfiguration(md, cf).store();
1564         }
1565     }
1567     public URI findLocalResource(ModuleId mid, String name)
1568         throws IOException
1569     {
1570         return locateContent(mid, name);
1571     }
1573     public File findLocalNativeLibrary(ModuleId mid, String name)
1574         throws IOException
1575     {
1576         File f = natlibs();
1577         if (f == null) {
1578             f = moduleDictionary.findDeclaringModuleDir(mid);
1579             if (f == null)
1580                 return null;
1581             f = new File(f, "lib");
1582         }
1583         f = new File(f, name);
1584         if (!f.exists())
1585             return null;

1781                 providingModuleIds.remove(;
1782                 Set<ModuleId> mids = moduleIdsForName.get(;
1783                 if (mids != null)
1784                     mids.remove(;
1785                 for (ModuleId alias : view.aliases()) {
1786                     providingModuleIds.remove(alias);
1787                     mids = moduleIdsForName.get(;
1788                     if (mids != null)
1789                         mids.remove(;
1790                 }
1791             }
1792             File md = moduleDir(root,;
1793             delete(md);
1794         }
1796         private void delete(File md) throws IOException {
1797             if (!md.exists())
1798                 return;
1800             checkModuleDir(md);

1801             ModuleFile.Reader.remove(md);
1802             File parent = md.getParentFile();
1803             if (parent.list().length == 0)
1804                 parent.delete();
1805         }
1807         void refresh() throws IOException {
1808             providingModuleIds = new LinkedHashMap<>();
1809             moduleIdsForName = new LinkedHashMap<>();
1810             modules = new HashSet<>();
1812             try (DirectoryStream<Path> ds = java.nio.file.Files.newDirectoryStream(root.toPath())) {
1813                 for (Path mnp : ds) {
1814                     String mn = mnp.toFile().getName();
1815                     if (mn.startsWith(FileConstants.META_PREFIX)) {
1816                         continue;
1817                     }
1819                     try (DirectoryStream<Path> mds = java.nio.file.Files.newDirectoryStream(mnp)) {
1820                         for (Path versionp : mds) {

1455                 }
1456             } catch (IOException y) {
1457                 x.addSuppressed(y);
1458             }
1459             throw x;
1460         } finally {
1461             if (complete) {
1462       ;
1463             }
1464             fc.close();
1465         }
1466     }
1468     @Override
1469     public void install(Resolution res, boolean verifySignature)
1470         throws ConfigurationException, IOException, SignatureException
1471     {
1472         install(res, verifySignature, false);
1473     }
1475     @Override
1476     public List<IOException> removeForcibly(List<ModuleId> mids)
1477         throws IOException
1478     {
1479         try {
1480             return remove(mids, true, false);
1481         } catch (ConfigurationException x) {
1482             throw new Error("should not be thrown when forcibly removing", x);
1483         }
1484     }
1486     @Override
1487     public List<IOException> remove(List<ModuleId> mids, boolean dry)
1488         throws ConfigurationException, IOException
1489     {
1490         return remove(mids, false,  dry);
1491     }
1493     private List<IOException> remove(List<ModuleId> mids, boolean force, boolean dry)
1494         throws ConfigurationException, IOException
1495     {
1496         boolean needRefresh = false;
1497         List<IOException> excs = new ArrayList<>();
1498         IOException ioe = null;
1499         FileChannel fc =, WRITE);
1500         try {
1501             fc.lock();
1502             for (ModuleId mid : mids) {
1503                 if (moduleDictionary.findDeclaringModuleDir(mid) == null)
1504                     throw new IllegalArgumentException(mid + ": No such module");
1505             }
1506             if (!force)
1507                 checkRootsRequire(mids);
1508             if (dry)
1509                 return Collections.emptyList();
1511             // The library may be altered after this point, so the modules
1512             // dictionary needs to be refreshed
1513             needRefresh = true;
1514             excs.addAll(removeWhileLocked(mids));
1515         } catch (IOException x) {
1516             ioe = x;
1517         } finally {
1518             if (needRefresh) {
1519                 try {
1520                     moduleDictionary.refresh();
1521           ;
1522                 } catch (IOException x) {
1523                     if (ioe == null)
1524                         ioe = x;
1525                     else
1526                         ioe.addSuppressed(x);
1527                 }
1528             }
1529             fc.close();
1530             if (ioe != null)
1531                 throw ioe;
1532         }
1533         return excs;
1534     }
1536     private void checkRootsRequire(List<ModuleId> mids)
1537         throws ConfigurationException, IOException
1538     {
1539         // ## We do not know if a root module in a child library depends on one
1540         // ## of the 'to be removed' modules. We would break it's configuration.
1542         // check each root configuration for reference to a module in mids
1543         for (ModuleId rootid : libraryRoots()) {
1544             // skip any root modules being removed
1545             if (mids.contains(rootid))
1546                 continue;
1548             Configuration<Context> cf = readConfiguration(rootid);
1549             for (Context cx : cf.contexts()) {
1550                 for (ModuleId mid : cx.modules()) {
1551                     if (mids.contains(mid))
1552                         throw new ConfigurationException(mid +
1553                                 ": being used by " + rootid);
1554                 }
1555             }
1556         }
1557     }
1559     private List<IOException> removeWhileLocked(List<ModuleId> mids) {
1560         List<IOException> excs = new ArrayList<>();
1561         for (ModuleId mid : mids) {
1562             File md = moduleDir(root, mid);
1563             excs.addAll(ModuleFile.Reader.remove(md));
1564             File p = md.getParentFile();
1565             if (p.list().length == 0) {
1566                 IOException x = Files.deleteUnchecked(p.toPath());
1567                 if (x != null)
1568                     excs.add(x);
1569             }
1570         }
1571         return excs;
1572     }
1574     /**
1575      * <p> Pre-install one or more modules to an arbitrary destination
1576      * directory. </p>
1577      *
1578      * <p> A pre-installed module has the same format as within the library
1579      * itself, except that there is never a configuration file. </p>
1580      *
1581      * <p> This method is provided for use by the module-packaging tool. </p>
1582      *
1583      * @param   mfs
1584      *          The manifest describing the contents of the modules to be
1585      *          pre-installed
1586      *
1587      * @param   dst
1588      *          The destination directory, with one subdirectory per module
1589      *          name, each of which contains one subdirectory per version
1590      */
1591     public void preInstall(Collection<Manifest> mfs, File dst)
1592         throws IOException
1593     {

1624      * library. </p>
1625      *
1626      * @param   mids
1627      *          The module ids of the new or updated modules, or
1628      *          {@code null} if the configuration of every root module
1629      *          should be (re)computed
1630      */
1631     public void configure(Collection<ModuleId> mids)
1632         throws ConfigurationException, IOException
1633     {
1634         try (FileChannel fc =, WRITE)) {
1635             fc.lock();
1636             configureWhileModuleDirectoryLocked(mids);
1637         }
1638     }
1640     private void configureWhileModuleDirectoryLocked(Collection<ModuleId> mids)
1641         throws ConfigurationException, IOException
1642     {
1643         // ## mids not used yet
1644         for (ModuleId mid : libraryRoots()) {
1645             // ## We could be a lot more clever about this!
1646             Configuration<Context> cf
1647                 = Configurator.configure(this, mid.toQuery());
1648             File md = moduleDictionary.findDeclaringModuleDir(mid);
1649             new StoredConfiguration(md, cf).store();
1650         }
1651     }
1653     private List<ModuleId> libraryRoots()
1654         throws IOException
1655     {
1656         List<ModuleId> roots = new ArrayList<>();
1657         for (ModuleId mid : listLocalDeclaringModuleIds()) {
1658             // each module can have multiple entry points, but
1659             // only one configuration for each module.
1660             ModuleInfo mi = readModuleInfo(mid);
1661             for (ModuleView mv : mi.views()) {
1662                 if (mv.mainClass() != null) {
1663                     roots.add(mid);
1664                     break;
1665                 }
1666             }
1667         }
1668         return roots;

1669     }

1671     public URI findLocalResource(ModuleId mid, String name)
1672         throws IOException
1673     {
1674         return locateContent(mid, name);
1675     }
1677     public File findLocalNativeLibrary(ModuleId mid, String name)
1678         throws IOException
1679     {
1680         File f = natlibs();
1681         if (f == null) {
1682             f = moduleDictionary.findDeclaringModuleDir(mid);
1683             if (f == null)
1684                 return null;
1685             f = new File(f, "lib");
1686         }
1687         f = new File(f, name);
1688         if (!f.exists())
1689             return null;

1885                 providingModuleIds.remove(;
1886                 Set<ModuleId> mids = moduleIdsForName.get(;
1887                 if (mids != null)
1888                     mids.remove(;
1889                 for (ModuleId alias : view.aliases()) {
1890                     providingModuleIds.remove(alias);
1891                     mids = moduleIdsForName.get(;
1892                     if (mids != null)
1893                         mids.remove(;
1894                 }
1895             }
1896             File md = moduleDir(root,;
1897             delete(md);
1898         }
1900         private void delete(File md) throws IOException {
1901             if (!md.exists())
1902                 return;
1904             checkModuleDir(md);
1905             // ## TODO: 
1906             ModuleFile.Reader.remove(md);
1907             File parent = md.getParentFile();
1908             if (parent.list().length == 0)
1909                 parent.delete();
1910         }
1912         void refresh() throws IOException {
1913             providingModuleIds = new LinkedHashMap<>();
1914             moduleIdsForName = new LinkedHashMap<>();
1915             modules = new HashSet<>();
1917             try (DirectoryStream<Path> ds = java.nio.file.Files.newDirectoryStream(root.toPath())) {
1918                 for (Path mnp : ds) {
1919                     String mn = mnp.toFile().getName();
1920                     if (mn.startsWith(FileConstants.META_PREFIX)) {
1921                         continue;
1922                     }
1924                     try (DirectoryStream<Path> mds = java.nio.file.Files.newDirectoryStream(mnp)) {
1925                         for (Path versionp : mds) {