1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package org.openjdk.jigsaw.cli;
  28 import java.lang.module.*;
  29 import java.io.*;
  30 import java.net.*;
  31 import java.nio.file.Files;
  32 import java.nio.file.Path;
  33 import java.security.*;
  34 import java.util.*;
  35 import java.util.regex.*;
  37 import static java.lang.System.out;
  38 import static java.lang.System.err;
  40 import org.openjdk.jigsaw.*;
  41 import org.openjdk.jigsaw.SimpleLibrary.StorageOption;
  42 import org.openjdk.internal.joptsimple.*;
  45 public class Librarian {
  47     private static JigsawModuleSystem jms
  48         = JigsawModuleSystem.instance();
  50     static class Create extends Command<SimpleLibrary> {
  51         protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib)
  52             throws Command.Exception
  53         {
  54             noDry();
  55             finishArgs();
  56         }
  57     }
  59     static class DumpClass extends Command<SimpleLibrary> {
  60         protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib)
  61             throws Command.Exception
  62         {
  63             noDry();
  64             String mids = takeArg();
  65             ModuleId mid = null;
  66             try {
  67                 mid = jms.parseModuleId(mids);
  68             } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
  69                 throw new Command.Exception(x.getMessage());
  70             }
  71             String cn = takeArg();
  72             String ops = takeArg();
  73             finishArgs();
  74             byte[] bs = null;
  75             try {
  76                 bs = lib.readClass(mid, cn);
  77                 if (bs == null)
  78                     throw new Command.Exception("%s: No such class in module %s",
  79                                                 cn, mid);
  80                 OutputStream fout = null;
  81                 try {
  82                     fout = (ops.equals("-")
  83                             ? System.out
  84                             : new FileOutputStream(ops));
  85                     fout.write(bs);
  86                 } finally {
  87                     if (fout != null)
  88                         fout.close();
  89                 }
  90             } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
  91                 throw new Command.Exception(x.getMessage());
  92             } catch (IOException x) {
  93                 throw new Command.Exception(x);
  94             }
  95         }
  96     }
  98     static class Identify extends Command<SimpleLibrary> {
  99         protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib)
 100             throws Command.Exception
 101         {
 102             noDry();
 103             finishArgs();
 104             out.format("path %s%n", lib.root());
 105             out.format("version %d.%d%n",
 106                        lib.majorVersion(), lib.minorVersion());
 107             SimpleLibrary plib = lib.parent();
 108             while (plib != null) {
 109                 out.format("parent %s%n", plib.root());
 110                 plib = plib.parent();
 111             }
 112         }
 113     }
 115     static class Extract extends Command<SimpleLibrary> {
 116         protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib)
 117             throws Command.Exception
 118         {
 119             noDry();
 120             while (hasArg()) {
 121                 File module = new File(takeArg());
 122                 File classes = null;
 123                 try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(module);
 124                      DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis);
 125                      ModuleFile.Reader reader = new ModuleFile.Reader(dis)) {
 127                     ModuleInfo mi = jms.parseModuleInfo(reader.readStart());
 128                     classes = new File(mi.id().name());
 129                     Path path = classes.toPath();
 130                     Files.deleteIfExists(path);
 131                     Files.createDirectory(path);
 132                     reader.readRest(classes, false);
 133                 }
 134                 catch (IOException x) {
 135                     // Try to cleanup if an exception is thrown
 136                     if (classes != null && classes.exists())
 137                         try {
 138                             FilePaths.deleteTree(classes.toPath());
 139                         }
 140                         catch (IOException y) {
 141                             throw (Command.Exception)
 142                                 new Command.Exception(y).initCause(x);
 143                         }
 144                     throw new Command.Exception(x);
 145                 }
 146             }
 147             finishArgs();
 148         }
 149     }
 151     static class Install extends Command<SimpleLibrary> {
 152         protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib)
 153             throws Command.Exception
 154         {
 155             String key = takeArg();
 156             File kf = new File(key);
 157             boolean verifySignature = !opts.has("noverify");
 158             boolean strip = opts.has("G");
 160             // Old form: install <classes-dir> <module-name> ...
 161             //
 162             if (kf.exists() && kf.isDirectory()) {
 163                 noDry();
 164                 List<Manifest> mfs = new ArrayList<>();
 165                 while (hasArg())
 166                     mfs.add(Manifest.create(takeArg(), kf));
 167                 finishArgs();
 168                 try {
 169                     lib.installFromManifests(mfs, strip);
 170                 } catch (ConfigurationException x) {
 171                     throw new Command.Exception(x);
 172                 } catch (IOException x) {
 173                     throw new Command.Exception(x);
 174                 }
 175                 return;
 176             }
 178             // Install one or more module file(s)
 179             //
 180             if (kf.exists() && kf.isFile()) {
 181                 noDry();
 182                 List<File> fs = new ArrayList<>();
 183                 fs.add(kf);
 184                 while (hasArg())
 185                     fs.add(new File(takeArg()));
 186                 finishArgs();
 187                 try {
 188                     lib.install(fs, verifySignature, strip);
 189                 } catch (ConfigurationException x) {
 190                     throw new Command.Exception(x);
 191                 } catch (IOException x) {
 192                     throw new Command.Exception(x);
 193                 } catch (SignatureException x) {
 194                     throw new Command.Exception(x);
 195                 }
 196                 return;
 197             }
 199             // Otherwise treat args as module-id queries
 200             List<ModuleIdQuery> midqs = new ArrayList<>();
 201             String s = key;
 202             for (;;) {
 203                 ModuleIdQuery mq = null;
 204                 try {
 205                     mq = jms.parseModuleIdQuery(s);
 206                 } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
 207                     throw new Command.Exception(x);
 208                 }
 209                 midqs.add(mq);
 210                 if (!hasArg())
 211                     break;
 212                 s = takeArg();
 213             }
 214             try {
 215                 boolean quiet = false;  // ## Need -q
 216                 Resolution res = lib.resolve(midqs);
 217                 if (res.modulesNeeded().isEmpty()) {
 218                     if (!quiet)
 219                         out.format("Nothing to install%n");
 220                     return;
 221                 }
 222                 if (!quiet) {
 223                     out.format("To install: %s%n",
 224                                res.modulesNeeded()
 225                                .toString().replaceAll("^\\[|\\]$", ""));
 226                     out.format("%d bytes to download%n",
 227                                res.downloadRequired());
 228                     out.format("%d bytes to store%n",
 229                                res.spaceRequired());
 230                 }
 231                 if (dry)
 232                     return;
 233                 lib.install(res, verifySignature, strip);
 234             } catch (ConfigurationException x) {
 235                 throw new Command.Exception(x);
 236             } catch (IOException x) {
 237                 throw new Command.Exception(x);
 238             } catch (SignatureException x) {
 239                 throw new Command.Exception(x);
 240             }
 242         }
 243     }
 245     static class PreInstall extends Command<SimpleLibrary> {
 246         protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib)
 247             throws Command.Exception
 248         {
 249             noDry();
 250             File classes = new File(takeArg());
 251             File dst = new File(takeArg());
 252             List<Manifest> mfs = new ArrayList<Manifest>();
 253             while (hasArg())
 254                 mfs.add(Manifest.create(takeArg(), classes));
 255             finishArgs();
 256             try {
 257                 lib.preInstall(mfs, dst);
 258             } catch (IOException x) {
 259                 throw new Command.Exception(x);
 260             }
 261         }
 262     }
 264     static class DumpConfig extends Command<SimpleLibrary> {
 265         protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib)
 266             throws Command.Exception
 267         {
 268             noDry();
 269             String midqs = takeArg();
 270             ModuleIdQuery midq = null;
 271             try {
 272                 midq = jms.parseModuleIdQuery(midqs);
 273             } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
 274                 throw new Command.Exception(x.getMessage());
 275             }
 276             finishArgs();
 277             try {
 278                 ModuleId mid = lib.findLatestModuleId(midq);
 279                 if (mid == null)
 280                     throw new Command.Exception(midq + ": No such module");
 281                 Configuration<Context> cf = lib.readConfiguration(mid);
 282                 if (cf == null)
 283                     throw new Command.Exception(mid + ": Not a root module");
 284                 cf.dump(out, verbose);
 285             } catch (IOException x) {
 286                 throw new Command.Exception(x);
 287             }
 288         }
 289     }
 291     static class Config extends Command<SimpleLibrary> {
 292         protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib)
 293             throws Command.Exception
 294         {
 295             noDry();
 296             List<ModuleId> mids = new ArrayList<ModuleId>();
 297             try {
 298                 while (hasArg())
 299                     mids.add(jms.parseModuleId(takeArg()));
 300             } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
 301                 throw new Command.Exception(x.getMessage());
 302             }
 303             try {
 304                 lib.configure(mids);
 305             } catch (ConfigurationException x) {
 306                 throw new Command.Exception(x);
 307             } catch (IOException x) {
 308                 throw new Command.Exception(x);
 309             }
 310         }
 311     }
 313     static class ReIndex extends Command<SimpleLibrary> {
 314         protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib)
 315             throws Command.Exception
 316         {
 317             noDry();
 318             List<ModuleId> mids = new ArrayList<ModuleId>();
 319             try {
 320                 while (hasArg())
 321                     mids.add(jms.parseModuleId(takeArg()));
 322             } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
 323                 throw new Command.Exception(x.getMessage());
 324             }
 325             try {
 326                 lib.reIndex(mids);
 327             } catch (ConfigurationException x) {
 328                 throw new Command.Exception(x);
 329             } catch (IOException x) {
 330                 throw new Command.Exception(x);
 331             }
 332         }
 333     }
 335     static class Repos extends Command<SimpleLibrary> {
 336         protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib)
 337             throws Command.Exception
 338         {
 339             noDry();
 340             finishArgs();
 341             try {
 342                 RemoteRepositoryList rl = lib.repositoryList();
 343                 int i = 0;
 344                 for (RemoteRepository rr : rl.repositories())
 345                     out.format("%d %s%n", i++, rr.location());
 346             } catch (IOException x) {
 347                 throw new Command.Exception(x);
 348             }
 349         }
 350     }
 352     static URI parseURI(String s)
 353         throws Command.Exception
 354     {
 355         try {
 356             return new URI(s);
 357         } catch (URISyntaxException x) {
 358             throw new Command.Exception("URI syntax error: "
 359                                         + x.getMessage());
 360         }
 361     }
 363     static class AddRepo extends Command<SimpleLibrary> {
 364         protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib)
 365             throws Command.Exception
 366         {
 367             noDry();
 368             URI u = parseURI(takeArg());
 369             int i = (opts.has(repoIndex)
 370                      ? opts.valueOf(repoIndex)
 371                      : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
 372             finishArgs();
 373             try {
 374                 RemoteRepositoryList rl = lib.repositoryList();
 375                 rl.add(u, i);
 376             } catch (IOException x) {
 377                 throw new Command.Exception(x);
 378             }
 379         }
 380     }
 382     static class DelRepo extends Command<SimpleLibrary> {
 383         protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib)
 384             throws Command.Exception
 385         {
 386             noDry();
 387             URI u = null;
 388             int i = -1;
 389             if (hasArg()) {
 390                 String s = takeArg();
 391                 if (!s.endsWith("/"))
 392                     s += "/";
 393                 u = parseURI(s);
 394                 finishArgs();
 395             }
 396             if (opts.has(repoIndex))
 397                 i = opts.valueOf(repoIndex);
 398             if (u != null && i != -1) {
 399                 throw new Command.Exception("del-repo: Cannot specify"
 400                                             + " both -i and a URL");
 401             }
 402             if (u == null && i == -1) {
 403                 throw new Command.Exception("del-repo: One of -i <index>"
 404                                             + " or a URL required");
 405             }
 406             try {
 407                 RemoteRepositoryList rl = lib.repositoryList();
 408                 if (i != -1) {
 409                     rl.remove(rl.repositories().get(i));
 410                     return;
 411                 }
 412                 for (RemoteRepository rr : rl.repositories()) {
 413                     if (rr.location().equals(u)) {
 414                         rl.remove(rr);
 415                         return;
 416                     }
 417                 }
 418                 throw new Command.Exception("No repository found for deletion");
 419             } catch (IOException x) {
 420                 throw new Command.Exception(x);
 421             }
 422         }
 423     }
 425     static class Refresh extends Command<SimpleLibrary> {
 426         protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib)
 427             throws Command.Exception
 428         {
 429             finishArgs();
 430             try {
 431                 RemoteRepositoryList rl = lib.repositoryList();
 432                 int n = 0;
 433                 for (RemoteRepository rr : rl.repositories()) {
 434                     out.format("%s - ", rr.location());
 435                     out.flush();
 436                     boolean stale
 437                         = dry ? rr.isCatalogStale() : rr.updateCatalog(force);
 438                     if (stale) {
 439                         n++;
 440                         out.format(dry ? "out of date%n" : "updated%n");
 441                     } else {
 442                         out.format("up to date%n");
 443                     }
 444                 }
 445             } catch (IOException x) {
 446                 throw new Command.Exception(x);
 447             }
 448         }
 449     }
 451     private static Map<String,Class<? extends Command<SimpleLibrary>>> commands
 452         = new HashMap<>();
 454     static {
 455         commands.put("add-repo", AddRepo.class);
 456         commands.put("config", Config.class);
 457         commands.put("create", Create.class);
 458         commands.put("del-repo", DelRepo.class);
 459         commands.put("dump-class", DumpClass.class);
 460         commands.put("dump-config", DumpConfig.class);
 461         commands.put("extract", Extract.class);
 462         commands.put("id", Identify.class);
 463         commands.put("identify", Identify.class);
 464         commands.put("install", Install.class);
 465         commands.put("list", Commands.ListLibrary.class);
 466         commands.put("ls", Commands.ListLibrary.class);
 467         commands.put("preinstall", PreInstall.class);
 468         commands.put("refresh", Refresh.class);
 469         commands.put("reindex", ReIndex.class);
 470         commands.put("repos", Repos.class);
 471     }
 473     private OptionParser parser;
 475     private static OptionSpec<Integer> repoIndex; // ##
 477     private void usage() {
 478         out.format("%n");
 479         out.format("usage: jmod add-repo [-i <index>] URL%n");
 480         out.format("       jmod extract <module-file> ...%n");
 481         out.format("       jmod config [<module-id> ...]%n");
 482         out.format("       jmod create [-L <library>] [-P <parent>]%n");
 483         out.format("       jmod del-repo URL%n");
 484         out.format("       jmod dump-class <module-id> <class-name> <output-file>%n");
 485         out.format("       jmod dump-config <module-id>%n");
 486         out.format("       jmod identify%n");
 487         out.format("       jmod install [--noverify] [-n] <module-id-query> ...%n");
 488         out.format("       jmod install [--noverify] <module-file> ...%n");
 489         out.format("       jmod install <classes-dir> <module-name> ...%n");
 490         out.format("       jmod list [-v] [-p] [-R] [<module-id-query>]%n");
 491         out.format("       jmod preinstall <classes-dir> <dst-dir> <module-name> ...%n");
 492         out.format("       jmod refresh [-f] [-n] [-v]%n");
 493         out.format("       jmod reindex [<module-id> ...]%n");
 494         out.format("       jmod repos [-v]%n");
 495         out.format("%n");
 496         try {
 497             parser.printHelpOn(out);
 498         } catch (IOException x) {
 499             throw new AssertionError(x);
 500         }
 501         out.format("%n");
 502         System.exit(0);
 503     }
 505     public static void run(String [] args) throws OptionException, Command.Exception {
 506         new Librarian().exec(args);
 507     }
 509     private void exec(String[] args) throws OptionException, Command.Exception {
 510         parser = new OptionParser();
 512         // ## Need subcommand-specific option parsing
 513         OptionSpec<File> libPath
 514             = (parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("L", "library"),
 515                                  "Module-library location"
 516                                  + " (default $JAVA_MODULES)")
 517                .withRequiredArg()
 518                .describedAs("path")
 519                .ofType(File.class));
 520         OptionSpec<File> parentPath
 521             = (parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("P", "parent-path"),
 522                                  "Parent module-library location")
 523                .withRequiredArg()
 524                .describedAs("path")
 525                .ofType(File.class));
 526         parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("N", "no-parent"),
 527                           "Use no parent library when creating");
 528         parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("v", "verbose"),
 529                           "Enable verbose output");
 530         parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("h", "?", "help"),
 531                           "Show this help message");
 532         parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("p", "parent"),
 533                           "Apply operation to parent library, if any");
 534         parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("z", "enable-compression"),
 535                           "Enable compression of module contents");
 536         repoIndex
 537             = (parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("i"),
 538                                  "Repository-list index")
 539                .withRequiredArg()
 540                .describedAs("index")
 541                .ofType(Integer.class));
 542         parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("f", "force"),
 543                           "Force the requested operation");
 544         parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("n", "dry-run"),
 545                           "Dry-run the requested operation");
 546         parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("R", "repos"),
 547                           "List contents of associated repositories");
 548         parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("noverify"),
 549                           "Do not verify module signatures. "
 550                           + "Treat as unsigned.");
 551         parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("G", "strip-debug"),
 552                           "Strip debug attributes during installation");
 554         if (args.length == 0)
 555             usage();
 557         File homeLibrary = new File(System.getProperty("java.home"),
 558                                     "lib/modules");
 560         OptionSet opts = parser.parse(args);
 561         if (opts.has("h"))
 562             usage();
 563         List<String> words = opts.nonOptionArguments();
 564         if (words.isEmpty())
 565             usage();
 566         String verb = words.get(0);
 567         Class<? extends Command<SimpleLibrary>> cmd = commands.get(verb);
 568         if (cmd == null)
 569             throw new Command.Exception("%s: unknown command", verb);
 570         File lp = null;
 571         if (opts.has(libPath)) {
 572             lp = opts.valueOf(libPath);
 573         } else {
 574             String jm = System.getenv("JAVA_MODULES");
 575             if (jm != null)
 576                 lp = new File(jm);
 577             else
 578                 lp = homeLibrary;
 579         }
 580         File pp = null;
 581         if (opts.has(parentPath)) {
 582             pp = opts.valueOf(parentPath);
 583         } else if (!opts.has("N")) {
 584             pp = homeLibrary;
 585         }
 586         SimpleLibrary lib = null;
 587         try {
 588             if (verb.equals("create")) {
 589                 Set<StorageOption> createOpts = new HashSet<>();
 590                 if (opts.has("z"))
 591                     createOpts.add(StorageOption.DEFLATED);
 592                 lib = SimpleLibrary.create(lp, pp, createOpts);
 593             } else {
 594                 lib = SimpleLibrary.open(lp);
 595             }
 596         } catch (FileNotFoundException x) {
 597             String msg = null;
 598             File f = new File(x.getMessage());
 599             try {
 600                 f = f.getCanonicalFile();
 601                 if (lp.getCanonicalFile().equals(f))
 602                     msg = "No such library";
 603                 else
 604                     msg = "Cannot open parent library " + f;
 605             } catch (IOException y) {
 606                 throw new Command.Exception(y);
 607             }
 608             throw new Command.Exception("%s: %s", lp, msg);
 609         } catch (IOException x) {
 610             throw new Command.Exception(x);
 611         }
 612         try {
 613             cmd.newInstance().run(lib, opts);
 614         } catch (InstantiationException x) {
 615             throw new AssertionError(x);
 616         } catch (IllegalAccessException x) {
 617             throw new AssertionError(x);
 618         }
 619     }
 621     private Librarian() { }
 623     public static void main(String[] args) {
 624         try {
 625             run(args);
 626         } catch (OptionException x) {
 627             err.println(x.getMessage());
 628             System.exit(1);
 629         } catch (Command.Exception x) {
 630             err.println(x.getMessage());
 631             x.printStackTrace();
 632             System.exit(1);
 633         }
 634     }
 636 }