/* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package org.openjdk.jigsaw.cli; import java.lang.module.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.security.*; import java.util.*; import static java.lang.System.out; import static java.lang.System.err; import org.openjdk.jigsaw.*; import org.openjdk.jigsaw.SimpleLibrary.StorageOption; import org.openjdk.internal.joptsimple.*; public class Librarian { private static final JigsawModuleSystem jms = JigsawModuleSystem.instance(); private static final File homeLibrary = Library.systemLibraryPath(); static class Create extends Command { protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib) throws Command.Exception { noDry(); finishArgs(); File lp = libPath(opts); File pp = null; if (opts.has(parentPath)) pp = opts.valueOf(parentPath); else if (!opts.has("N")) pp = homeLibrary; File natlibs = null; if (opts.has(nativeLibs)) natlibs = opts.valueOf(nativeLibs); File natcmds = null; if (opts.has(nativeCmds)) natcmds = opts.valueOf(nativeCmds); File configs = null; if (opts.has(configFiles)) configs = opts.valueOf(configFiles); Set createOpts = new HashSet<>(); if (opts.has("z")) createOpts.add(StorageOption.DEFLATED); try { lib = SimpleLibrary.create(lp, pp, natlibs, natcmds, configs, createOpts); } catch (IOException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } } } static class DumpClass extends Command { protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib) throws Command.Exception { noDry(); String mids = takeArg(); ModuleId mid = null; try { mid = jms.parseModuleId(mids); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x.getMessage()); } String cn = takeArg(); String ops = takeArg(); finishArgs(); byte[] bs = null; try { bs = lib.readClass(mid, cn); if (bs == null) throw new Command.Exception("%s: No such class in module %s", cn, mid); OutputStream fout = null; try { fout = (ops.equals("-") ? System.out : new FileOutputStream(ops)); fout.write(bs); } finally { if (fout != null) fout.close(); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x.getMessage()); } catch (IOException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } } } static class Identify extends Command { protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib) throws Command.Exception { noDry(); finishArgs(); out.format("path %s%n", lib.root()); out.format("version %d.%d%n", lib.majorVersion(), lib.minorVersion()); if (lib.natlibs() != null) out.format("natlibs %s%n", lib.natlibs()); if (lib.natcmds() != null) out.format("natcmds %s%n", lib.natcmds()); if (lib.configs() != null) out.format("configs %s%n", lib.configs()); SimpleLibrary plib = lib.parent(); while (plib != null) { out.format("parent %s%n", plib.root()); plib = plib.parent(); } } } static class Extract extends Command { protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib) throws Command.Exception { noDry(); while (hasArg()) { File module = new File(takeArg()); File destination = null; try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(module)) { ModuleFile.Reader reader = new ModuleFile.Reader(fis); ModuleInfo mi = jms.parseModuleInfo(reader.getModuleInfoBytes()); destination = new File(mi.id().name()); Path path = destination.toPath(); Files.deleteIfExists(path); Files.createDirectory(path); reader.extractTo(destination, false); } catch (IOException | ModuleFileParserException x) { // Try to cleanup if an exception is thrown if (destination != null && destination.exists()) try { FilePaths.deleteTree(destination.toPath()); } catch (IOException y) { throw (Command.Exception) new Command.Exception(y).initCause(x); } throw new Command.Exception(x); } } finishArgs(); } } static class Install extends Command { protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib) throws Command.Exception { String key = takeArg(); File kf = new File(key); boolean verifySignature = !opts.has("noverify"); boolean strip = opts.has("G"); // Old form: install ... // if (kf.exists() && kf.isDirectory()) { noDry(); List mfs = new ArrayList<>(); while (hasArg()) mfs.add(Manifest.create(takeArg(), kf)); finishArgs(); if (mfs.isEmpty()) throw new Command.Exception("%s: no module-name specified", command); try { lib.installFromManifests(mfs, strip); } catch (ConfigurationException | IOException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } return; } // Install one or more module file(s) // if (kf.exists() && kf.isFile()) { noDry(); List fs = new ArrayList<>(); fs.add(kf); while (hasArg()) fs.add(new File(takeArg())); finishArgs(); try { lib.install(fs, verifySignature, strip); } catch (ConfigurationException | IOException | SignatureException | ModuleFileParserException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } return; } // Otherwise treat args as module-id queries List midqs = new ArrayList<>(); String s = key; for (;;) { ModuleIdQuery mq = null; try { mq = jms.parseModuleIdQuery(s); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } midqs.add(mq); if (!hasArg()) break; s = takeArg(); } try { boolean quiet = false; // ## Need -q Resolution res = lib.resolve(midqs); if (res.modulesNeeded().isEmpty()) { if (!quiet) out.format("Nothing to install%n"); return; } if (!quiet) { out.format("To install: %s%n", res.modulesNeeded() .toString().replaceAll("^\\[|\\]$", "")); out.format("%d bytes to download/transfer%n", res.downloadRequired()); out.format("%d bytes to store%n", res.spaceRequired()); } if (dry) return; lib.install(res, verifySignature, strip); } catch (ConfigurationException | IOException | SignatureException | ModuleFileParserException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } } } // ## preinstall is used by jpkg for creating debian package. // ## need to revisit this static class PreInstall extends Command { protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib) throws Command.Exception { noDry(); File classes = new File(takeArg()); File dst = new File(takeArg()); List mfs = new ArrayList(); while (hasArg()) mfs.add(Manifest.create(takeArg(), classes)); finishArgs(); try { lib.preInstall(mfs, dst); } catch (IOException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } } } static class Remove extends Command { protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib) throws Command.Exception { if (dry && force) throw new Command.Exception("%s: specify only one of " + "-n (--dry-run) or -f (--force)", command); List mids = new ArrayList(); try { while (hasArg()) mids.add(jms.parseModuleId(takeArg())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x.getMessage()); } boolean quiet = false; // ## Need -q try { if (force) lib.removeForcibly(mids); else lib.remove(mids, dry); } catch (ConfigurationException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } catch (IOException x) { if (!quiet) { for (Throwable t : x.getSuppressed()) err.format("Warning: %s%n", t.getMessage()); } throw new Command.Exception(x); } } } static class DumpConfig extends Command { protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib) throws Command.Exception { noDry(); String midqs = takeArg(); ModuleIdQuery midq = null; try { midq = jms.parseModuleIdQuery(midqs); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x.getMessage()); } finishArgs(); try { ModuleId mid = lib.findLatestModuleId(midq); if (mid == null) throw new Command.Exception(midq + ": No such module"); Configuration cf = lib.readConfiguration(mid); if (cf == null) throw new Command.Exception(mid + ": Not a root module"); cf.dump(out, verbose); } catch (IOException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } } } static class Config extends Command { protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib) throws Command.Exception { noDry(); List mids = new ArrayList(); try { while (hasArg()) mids.add(jms.parseModuleId(takeArg())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x.getMessage()); } try { lib.configure(mids); } catch (ConfigurationException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } catch (IOException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } } } static class ReIndex extends Command { protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib) throws Command.Exception { noDry(); List mids = new ArrayList(); try { while (hasArg()) mids.add(jms.parseModuleId(takeArg())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x.getMessage()); } try { lib.reIndex(mids); } catch (ConfigurationException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } catch (IOException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } } } static class Repos extends Command { protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib) throws Command.Exception { noDry(); finishArgs(); try { RemoteRepositoryList rl = lib.repositoryList(); int i = 0; for (RemoteRepository rr : rl.repositories()) out.format("%d %s%n", i++, rr.location()); } catch (IOException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } } } static URI parseURI(String s) throws Command.Exception { try { // if a scheme isn't specified then assume that a file path if (s.indexOf(':') == -1) return Paths.get(s).toUri(); return new URI(s); } catch (URISyntaxException x) { throw new Command.Exception("URI syntax error: " + x.getMessage()); } } static class AddRepo extends Command { protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib) throws Command.Exception { noDry(); URI u = parseURI(takeArg()); int i = (opts.has(repoIndex) ? opts.valueOf(repoIndex) : Integer.MAX_VALUE); finishArgs(); try { RemoteRepositoryList rl = lib.repositoryList(); rl.add(u, i); } catch (IOException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } } } static class DelRepo extends Command { protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib) throws Command.Exception { noDry(); URI u = null; int i = -1; if (hasArg()) { String s = takeArg(); if (!s.endsWith("/")) s += "/"; u = parseURI(s); finishArgs(); } if (opts.has(repoIndex)) i = opts.valueOf(repoIndex); if (u != null && i != -1) { throw new Command.Exception("del-repo: Cannot specify" + " both -i and a URL"); } if (u == null && i == -1) { throw new Command.Exception("del-repo: One of -i " + " or a URL required"); } try { RemoteRepositoryList rl = lib.repositoryList(); if (i != -1) { rl.remove(rl.repositories().get(i)); return; } for (RemoteRepository rr : rl.repositories()) { if (rr.location().equals(u)) { rl.remove(rr); return; } } throw new Command.Exception("No repository found for deletion"); } catch (IOException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } } } static class Refresh extends Command { protected void go(SimpleLibrary lib) throws Command.Exception { finishArgs(); try { // refresh the module directory lib.refresh(); // refresh the repository catalog RemoteRepositoryList rl = lib.repositoryList(); int n = 0; for (RemoteRepository rr : rl.repositories()) { out.format("%s - ", rr.location()); out.flush(); boolean stale = dry ? rr.isCatalogStale() : rr.updateCatalog(force); if (stale) { n++; out.format(dry ? "out of date%n" : "updated%n"); } else { out.format("up to date%n"); } } } catch (IOException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } } } private static final Map>> commands = new HashMap<>(); static { commands.put("add-repo", AddRepo.class); commands.put("config", Config.class); commands.put("create", Create.class); commands.put("del-repo", DelRepo.class); commands.put("dump-class", DumpClass.class); commands.put("dump-config", DumpConfig.class); commands.put("extract", Extract.class); commands.put("id", Identify.class); commands.put("identify", Identify.class); commands.put("install", Install.class); commands.put("list", Commands.ListLibrary.class); commands.put("ls", Commands.ListLibrary.class); commands.put("preinstall", PreInstall.class); commands.put("refresh", Refresh.class); commands.put("reindex", ReIndex.class); commands.put("remove", Remove.class); commands.put("rm", Remove.class); commands.put("repos", Repos.class); } private OptionParser parser; private static OptionSpec repoIndex; // ## private static OptionSpec libPath; private static OptionSpec parentPath; private static OptionSpec nativeLibs; private static OptionSpec nativeCmds; private static OptionSpec configFiles; private void usage() { out.format("%n"); out.format("usage: jmod add-repo [-i ] URL%n"); out.format(" jmod config [ ...]%n"); out.format(" jmod create [-L ] [-P ]" + " [--natlib ] [--natcmd ] [--config ]%n"); out.format(" jmod del-repo URL%n"); out.format(" jmod dump-class %n"); out.format(" jmod dump-config %n"); out.format(" jmod extract ...%n"); out.format(" jmod identify%n"); out.format(" jmod install [--noverify] [-n] ...%n"); out.format(" jmod install [--noverify] ...%n"); out.format(" jmod install ...%n"); out.format(" jmod list [-v] [-p] [-R] []%n"); out.format(" jmod preinstall ...%n"); out.format(" jmod refresh [-f] [-n] [-v]%n"); out.format(" jmod reindex [ ...]%n"); out.format(" jmod remove [-f] [-n] [ ...]%n"); out.format(" jmod repos [-v]%n"); out.format("%n"); try { parser.printHelpOn(out); } catch (IOException x) { throw new AssertionError(x); } out.format("%n"); System.exit(0); } public static void run(String [] args) throws OptionException, Command.Exception { new Librarian().exec(args); } private void exec(String[] args) throws OptionException, Command.Exception { parser = new OptionParser(); // ## Need subcommand-specific option parsing libPath = (parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("L", "library"), "Module-library location" + " (default $JAVA_MODULES)") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("path") .ofType(File.class)); parentPath = (parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("P", "parent-path"), "Parent module-library location") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("path") .ofType(File.class)); nativeLibs = (parser.accepts("natlib", "Directory to store native libs") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("dir") .ofType(File.class)); nativeCmds = (parser.accepts("natcmd", "Directory to store native launchers") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("dir") .ofType(File.class)); configFiles = (parser.accepts("config", "Directory to store config files") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("dir") .ofType(File.class)); parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("N", "no-parent"), "Use no parent library when creating"); parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("v", "verbose"), "Enable verbose output"); parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("h", "?", "help"), "Show this help message"); parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("p", "parent"), "Apply operation to parent library, if any"); parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("z", "enable-compression"), "Enable compression of module contents"); repoIndex = (parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("i"), "Repository-list index") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("index") .ofType(Integer.class)); parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("f", "force"), "Force the requested operation"); parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("n", "dry-run"), "Dry-run the requested operation"); parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("R", "repos"), "List contents of associated repositories"); parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("noverify"), "Do not verify module signatures. " + "Treat as unsigned."); parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("G", "strip-debug"), "Strip debug attributes during installation"); if (args.length == 0) usage(); OptionSet opts = parser.parse(args); if (opts.has("h")) usage(); List words = opts.nonOptionArguments(); if (words.isEmpty()) usage(); String verb = words.get(0); Class> cmd = commands.get(verb); if (cmd == null) throw new Command.Exception("%s: unknown command", verb); // Every command, except 'create' and 'extract', needs // to have a valid reference to the library SimpleLibrary lib = null; if (!(verb.equals("create") || verb.equals("extract"))) { File lp = libPath(opts); try { lib = SimpleLibrary.open(lp); } catch (FileNotFoundException x) { String msg = null; File f = new File(x.getMessage()); try { f = f.getCanonicalFile(); if (lp.getCanonicalFile().equals(f)) msg = "No such library"; else msg = "Cannot open parent library " + f; } catch (IOException y) { throw new Command.Exception(y); } throw new Command.Exception("%s: %s", lp, msg); } catch (IOException x) { throw new Command.Exception(x); } } try { cmd.newInstance().run(lib, opts); } catch (InstantiationException x) { throw new AssertionError(x); } catch (IllegalAccessException x) { throw new AssertionError(x); } } private static File libPath(OptionSet opts) { if (opts.has(libPath)) { return opts.valueOf(libPath); } else { String jm = System.getenv("JAVA_MODULES"); if (jm != null) return new File(jm); else return homeLibrary; } } private Librarian() { } public static void main(String[] args) { try { run(args); } catch (OptionException x) { err.println(x.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } catch (Command.Exception x) { err.println(x.getMessage()); x.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } }