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 313     XMenuPeer getShowingSubmenu() {
 314         synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) {
 315             return showingSubmenu;
 316         }
 317     }
 319     /**
 320      * Adds item to end of items vector.
 321      * Note that this function does not perform
 322      * check for adding duplicate items
 323      * @param item item to add
 324      */
 325     public void addItem(MenuItem item) {
 326         XMenuItemPeer mp = (XMenuItemPeer)item.getPeer();
 327         if (mp != null) {
 328             mp.setContainer(this);
 329             synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) {
 330                 items.add(mp);
 331             }
 332         } else {
 333             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
 334                 log.fine("WARNING: Attempt to add menu item without a peer");
 335             }
 336         }
 337         updateSize();
 338     }
 340     /**
 341      * Removes item at the specified index from items vector.
 342      * @param index the position of the item to be removed
 343      */
 344     public void delItem(int index) {
 345         synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) {
 346             if (selectedIndex == index) {
 347                 selectItem(null, false);
 348             } else if (selectedIndex > index) {
 349                 selectedIndex--;
 350             }
 351             if (index < items.size()) {
 352                 items.remove(index);
 353             } else {
 354                 if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
 355                     log.fine("WARNING: Attempt to remove non-existing menu item, index : " + index + ", item count : " + items.size());
 356                 }
 357             }
 358         }
 359         updateSize();
 360     }
 362     /**
 363      * Clears items vector and loads specified vector
 364      * @param items vector to be loaded
 365      */
 366     public void reloadItems(Vector items) {
 367         synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) {
 368             this.items.clear();
 369             MenuItem[] itemArray = (MenuItem[])items.toArray(new MenuItem[] {});
 370             int itemCnt = itemArray.length;
 371             for(int i = 0; i < itemCnt; i++) {
 372                 addItem(itemArray[i]);
 373             }
 374         }
 375     }
 377     /**
 378      * Select specified item and shows/hides submenus if necessary
 379      * We can not select by index, so we need to select by ref.
 380      * @param item the item to be selected, null to clear selection
 381      * @param showWindowIfMenu if the item is XMenuPeer then its
 382      * window is shown/hidden according to this param.
 383      */
 384     void selectItem(XMenuItemPeer item, boolean showWindowIfMenu) {
 385         synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) {
 386             XMenuPeer showingSubmenu = getShowingSubmenu();
 387             int newSelectedIndex = (item != null) ? items.indexOf(item) : -1;
 388             if (this.selectedIndex != newSelectedIndex) {
 389                 if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) {
 390                     log.finest("Selected index changed, was : " + this.selectedIndex + ", new : " + newSelectedIndex);
 391                 }
 392                 this.selectedIndex = newSelectedIndex;
 393                 postPaintEvent();
 394             }
 395             final XMenuPeer submenuToShow = (showWindowIfMenu && (item instanceof XMenuPeer)) ? (XMenuPeer)item : null;
 396             if (submenuToShow != showingSubmenu) {
 397                 XToolkit.executeOnEventHandlerThread(target, new Runnable() {
 398                         public void run() {
 399                             doShowSubmenu(submenuToShow);
 400                         }
 401                     });
 402             }
 403         }
 404     }
 406     /**
 407      * Performs hiding of currently showing submenu
 408      * and showing of submenuToShow.
 409      * This function should be executed on eventHandlerThread
 410      * @param submenuToShow submenu to be shown or null
 411      * to hide currently showing submenu
 412      */
 413     private void doShowSubmenu(XMenuPeer submenuToShow) {
 414         XMenuWindow menuWindowToShow = (submenuToShow != null) ? submenuToShow.getMenuWindow() : null;
 415         Dimension dim = null;
 416         Rectangle bounds = null;
 417         //ensureCreated can invoke XWindowPeer.init() ->
 418         //XWindowPeer.initGraphicsConfiguration() ->
 419         //Window.getGraphicsConfiguration()
 420         //that tries to obtain Component.AWTTreeLock.
 421         //So it should be called outside awtLock()
 422         if (menuWindowToShow != null) {
 423             menuWindowToShow.ensureCreated();
 424         }
 425         XToolkit.awtLock();
 426         try {
 427             synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) {
 428                 if (showingSubmenu != submenuToShow) {
 429                     if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) {
 430                         log.finest("Changing showing submenu");
 431                     }
 432                     if (showingSubmenu != null) {
 433                         XMenuWindow showingSubmenuWindow = showingSubmenu.getMenuWindow();
 434                         if (showingSubmenuWindow != null) {
 435                             showingSubmenuWindow.hide();
 436                         }
 437                     }
 438                     if (submenuToShow != null) {
 439                         dim = menuWindowToShow.getDesiredSize();
 440                         bounds = menuWindowToShow.getParentMenuWindow().getSubmenuBounds(submenuToShow.getBounds(), dim);
 441               ;
 442                     }
 443                     showingSubmenu = submenuToShow;
 444                 }
 445             }
 446         } finally {
 447             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
 448         }
 449     }

1105                       wnd.selectItem(null, false);
1106                   }
1107               } else {
1108                   //Mouse is dragged outside menu windows
1109                   //clear selection in leaf to reflect it
1110                   if (cwnd != null) {
1111                       cwnd.selectItem(null, false);
1112                   }
1113               }
1114               break;
1115         }
1116     }
1118     /**
1119      * Performs handling of java keyboard event
1120      * Note that this function should be invoked
1121      * only from root of menu window's hierarchy
1122      * that grabs input focus
1123      */
1124     void doHandleJavaKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
1125         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) {
1126             log.finer(event.toString());
1127         }
1128         if (event.getID() != KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) {
1129             return;
1130         }
1131         final int keyCode = event.getKeyCode();
1132         XBaseMenuWindow cwnd = getShowingLeaf();
1133         XMenuItemPeer citem = cwnd.getSelectedItem();
1134         switch(keyCode) {
1135           case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
1136           case KeyEvent.VK_KP_UP:
1137               if (!(cwnd instanceof XMenuBarPeer)) {
1138                   //If active window is not menu bar,
1139                   //move selection up
1140                   cwnd.selectItem(cwnd.getPrevSelectableItem(), false);
1141               }
1142               break;
1143           case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
1144           case KeyEvent.VK_KP_DOWN:
1145               if (cwnd instanceof XMenuBarPeer) {

 313     XMenuPeer getShowingSubmenu() {
 314         synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) {
 315             return showingSubmenu;
 316         }
 317     }
 319     /**
 320      * Adds item to end of items vector.
 321      * Note that this function does not perform
 322      * check for adding duplicate items
 323      * @param item item to add
 324      */
 325     public void addItem(MenuItem item) {
 326         XMenuItemPeer mp = (XMenuItemPeer)item.getPeer();
 327         if (mp != null) {
 328             mp.setContainer(this);
 329             synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) {
 330                 items.add(mp);
 331             }
 332         } else {
 333             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) {
 334                 log.fine("WARNING: Attempt to add menu item without a peer");
 335             }
 336         }
 337         updateSize();
 338     }
 340     /**
 341      * Removes item at the specified index from items vector.
 342      * @param index the position of the item to be removed
 343      */
 344     public void delItem(int index) {
 345         synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) {
 346             if (selectedIndex == index) {
 347                 selectItem(null, false);
 348             } else if (selectedIndex > index) {
 349                 selectedIndex--;
 350             }
 351             if (index < items.size()) {
 352                 items.remove(index);
 353             } else {
 354                 if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) {
 355                     log.fine("WARNING: Attempt to remove non-existing menu item, index : " + index + ", item count : " + items.size());
 356                 }
 357             }
 358         }
 359         updateSize();
 360     }
 362     /**
 363      * Clears items vector and loads specified vector
 364      * @param items vector to be loaded
 365      */
 366     public void reloadItems(Vector items) {
 367         synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) {
 368             this.items.clear();
 369             MenuItem[] itemArray = (MenuItem[])items.toArray(new MenuItem[] {});
 370             int itemCnt = itemArray.length;
 371             for(int i = 0; i < itemCnt; i++) {
 372                 addItem(itemArray[i]);
 373             }
 374         }
 375     }
 377     /**
 378      * Select specified item and shows/hides submenus if necessary
 379      * We can not select by index, so we need to select by ref.
 380      * @param item the item to be selected, null to clear selection
 381      * @param showWindowIfMenu if the item is XMenuPeer then its
 382      * window is shown/hidden according to this param.
 383      */
 384     void selectItem(XMenuItemPeer item, boolean showWindowIfMenu) {
 385         synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) {
 386             XMenuPeer showingSubmenu = getShowingSubmenu();
 387             int newSelectedIndex = (item != null) ? items.indexOf(item) : -1;
 388             if (this.selectedIndex != newSelectedIndex) {
 389                 if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
 390                     log.finest("Selected index changed, was : " + this.selectedIndex + ", new : " + newSelectedIndex);
 391                 }
 392                 this.selectedIndex = newSelectedIndex;
 393                 postPaintEvent();
 394             }
 395             final XMenuPeer submenuToShow = (showWindowIfMenu && (item instanceof XMenuPeer)) ? (XMenuPeer)item : null;
 396             if (submenuToShow != showingSubmenu) {
 397                 XToolkit.executeOnEventHandlerThread(target, new Runnable() {
 398                         public void run() {
 399                             doShowSubmenu(submenuToShow);
 400                         }
 401                     });
 402             }
 403         }
 404     }
 406     /**
 407      * Performs hiding of currently showing submenu
 408      * and showing of submenuToShow.
 409      * This function should be executed on eventHandlerThread
 410      * @param submenuToShow submenu to be shown or null
 411      * to hide currently showing submenu
 412      */
 413     private void doShowSubmenu(XMenuPeer submenuToShow) {
 414         XMenuWindow menuWindowToShow = (submenuToShow != null) ? submenuToShow.getMenuWindow() : null;
 415         Dimension dim = null;
 416         Rectangle bounds = null;
 417         //ensureCreated can invoke XWindowPeer.init() ->
 418         //XWindowPeer.initGraphicsConfiguration() ->
 419         //Window.getGraphicsConfiguration()
 420         //that tries to obtain Component.AWTTreeLock.
 421         //So it should be called outside awtLock()
 422         if (menuWindowToShow != null) {
 423             menuWindowToShow.ensureCreated();
 424         }
 425         XToolkit.awtLock();
 426         try {
 427             synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) {
 428                 if (showingSubmenu != submenuToShow) {
 429                     if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
 430                         log.finest("Changing showing submenu");
 431                     }
 432                     if (showingSubmenu != null) {
 433                         XMenuWindow showingSubmenuWindow = showingSubmenu.getMenuWindow();
 434                         if (showingSubmenuWindow != null) {
 435                             showingSubmenuWindow.hide();
 436                         }
 437                     }
 438                     if (submenuToShow != null) {
 439                         dim = menuWindowToShow.getDesiredSize();
 440                         bounds = menuWindowToShow.getParentMenuWindow().getSubmenuBounds(submenuToShow.getBounds(), dim);
 441               ;
 442                     }
 443                     showingSubmenu = submenuToShow;
 444                 }
 445             }
 446         } finally {
 447             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
 448         }
 449     }

1105                       wnd.selectItem(null, false);
1106                   }
1107               } else {
1108                   //Mouse is dragged outside menu windows
1109                   //clear selection in leaf to reflect it
1110                   if (cwnd != null) {
1111                       cwnd.selectItem(null, false);
1112                   }
1113               }
1114               break;
1115         }
1116     }
1118     /**
1119      * Performs handling of java keyboard event
1120      * Note that this function should be invoked
1121      * only from root of menu window's hierarchy
1122      * that grabs input focus
1123      */
1124     void doHandleJavaKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
1125         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) {
1126             log.finer(event.toString());
1127         }
1128         if (event.getID() != KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) {
1129             return;
1130         }
1131         final int keyCode = event.getKeyCode();
1132         XBaseMenuWindow cwnd = getShowingLeaf();
1133         XMenuItemPeer citem = cwnd.getSelectedItem();
1134         switch(keyCode) {
1135           case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
1136           case KeyEvent.VK_KP_UP:
1137               if (!(cwnd instanceof XMenuBarPeer)) {
1138                   //If active window is not menu bar,
1139                   //move selection up
1140                   cwnd.selectItem(cwnd.getPrevSelectableItem(), false);
1141               }
1142               break;
1143           case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
1144           case KeyEvent.VK_KP_DOWN:
1145               if (cwnd instanceof XMenuBarPeer) {