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  37 /**
  38  * Helper class implementing XEmbed protocol handling routines(client side)
  39  * Window which wants to participate in a protocol should create an instance,
  40  * call install and forward all XClientMessageEvents to it.
  41  */
  42 public class XEmbedClientHelper extends XEmbedHelper implements XEventDispatcher {
  43     private static final PlatformLogger xembedLog = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.xembed.XEmbedClientHelper");
  45     private XEmbeddedFramePeer embedded; // XEmbed client
  46     private long server; // XEmbed server
  48     private boolean active;
  49     private boolean applicationActive;
  51     XEmbedClientHelper() {
  52         super();
  53     }
  55     void setClient(XEmbeddedFramePeer client) {
  56         if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
  57             xembedLog.fine("XEmbed client: " + client);
  58         }
  59         if (embedded != null) {
  60             XToolkit.removeEventDispatcher(embedded.getWindow(), this);
  61             active = false;
  62         }
  63         embedded = client;
  64         if (embedded != null) {
  65             XToolkit.addEventDispatcher(embedded.getWindow(), this);
  66         }
  67     }
  69     void install() {
  70         if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
  71             xembedLog.fine("Installing xembedder on " + embedded);
  72         }
  73         long[] info = new long[] { XEMBED_VERSION, XEMBED_MAPPED };
  74         long data = Native.card32ToData(info);
  75         try {
  76             XEmbedInfo.setAtomData(embedded.getWindow(), data, 2);
  77         } finally {
  78             unsafe.freeMemory(data);
  79         }
  80         // XEmbeddedFrame is initially created with a null parent..
  81         // Here it is reparented to the proper parent window.
  82         long parentWindow = embedded.getParentWindowHandle();
  83         if (parentWindow != 0) {
  84             XToolkit.awtLock();
  85             try {
  86                 XlibWrapper.XReparentWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(),
  87                                             embedded.getWindow(),
  88                                             parentWindow,
  89                                             0, 0);
  90             } finally {
  91                 XToolkit.awtUnlock();
  92             }
  93         }
  94     }
  96     void handleClientMessage(XEvent xev) {
  97         XClientMessageEvent msg = xev.get_xclient();
  98         if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
  99             xembedLog.fine(msg.toString());
 100         }
 101         if (msg.get_message_type() == XEmbed.getAtom()) {
 102             if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
 103                 xembedLog.fine("Embedded message: " + msgidToString((int)msg.get_data(1)));
 104             }
 105             switch ((int)msg.get_data(1)) {
 106               case XEMBED_EMBEDDED_NOTIFY: // Notification about embedding protocol start
 107                   active = true;
 108                   server = getEmbedder(embedded, msg);
 109                   // Check if window is reparented. If not - it was created with
 110                   // parent and so we should update it here.
 111                   if (!embedded.isReparented()) {
 112                       embedded.setReparented(true);
 113                       embedded.updateSizeHints();
 114                   }
 115                   embedded.notifyStarted();
 116                   break;
 117               case XEMBED_WINDOW_ACTIVATE:
 118                   applicationActive = true;
 119                   break;
 120               case XEMBED_WINDOW_DEACTIVATE:
 121                   if (applicationActive) {
 122                       applicationActive = false;

  37 /**
  38  * Helper class implementing XEmbed protocol handling routines(client side)
  39  * Window which wants to participate in a protocol should create an instance,
  40  * call install and forward all XClientMessageEvents to it.
  41  */
  42 public class XEmbedClientHelper extends XEmbedHelper implements XEventDispatcher {
  43     private static final PlatformLogger xembedLog = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.xembed.XEmbedClientHelper");
  45     private XEmbeddedFramePeer embedded; // XEmbed client
  46     private long server; // XEmbed server
  48     private boolean active;
  49     private boolean applicationActive;
  51     XEmbedClientHelper() {
  52         super();
  53     }
  55     void setClient(XEmbeddedFramePeer client) {
  56         if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) {
  57             xembedLog.fine("XEmbed client: " + client);
  58         }
  59         if (embedded != null) {
  60             XToolkit.removeEventDispatcher(embedded.getWindow(), this);
  61             active = false;
  62         }
  63         embedded = client;
  64         if (embedded != null) {
  65             XToolkit.addEventDispatcher(embedded.getWindow(), this);
  66         }
  67     }
  69     void install() {
  70         if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) {
  71             xembedLog.fine("Installing xembedder on " + embedded);
  72         }
  73         long[] info = new long[] { XEMBED_VERSION, XEMBED_MAPPED };
  74         long data = Native.card32ToData(info);
  75         try {
  76             XEmbedInfo.setAtomData(embedded.getWindow(), data, 2);
  77         } finally {
  78             unsafe.freeMemory(data);
  79         }
  80         // XEmbeddedFrame is initially created with a null parent..
  81         // Here it is reparented to the proper parent window.
  82         long parentWindow = embedded.getParentWindowHandle();
  83         if (parentWindow != 0) {
  84             XToolkit.awtLock();
  85             try {
  86                 XlibWrapper.XReparentWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(),
  87                                             embedded.getWindow(),
  88                                             parentWindow,
  89                                             0, 0);
  90             } finally {
  91                 XToolkit.awtUnlock();
  92             }
  93         }
  94     }
  96     void handleClientMessage(XEvent xev) {
  97         XClientMessageEvent msg = xev.get_xclient();
  98         if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) {
  99             xembedLog.fine(msg.toString());
 100         }
 101         if (msg.get_message_type() == XEmbed.getAtom()) {
 102             if (xembedLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) {
 103                 xembedLog.fine("Embedded message: " + msgidToString((int)msg.get_data(1)));
 104             }
 105             switch ((int)msg.get_data(1)) {
 106               case XEMBED_EMBEDDED_NOTIFY: // Notification about embedding protocol start
 107                   active = true;
 108                   server = getEmbedder(embedded, msg);
 109                   // Check if window is reparented. If not - it was created with
 110                   // parent and so we should update it here.
 111                   if (!embedded.isReparented()) {
 112                       embedded.setReparented(true);
 113                       embedded.updateSizeHints();
 114                   }
 115                   embedded.notifyStarted();
 116                   break;
 117               case XEMBED_WINDOW_ACTIVATE:
 118                   applicationActive = true;
 119                   break;
 120               case XEMBED_WINDOW_DEACTIVATE:
 121                   if (applicationActive) {
 122                       applicationActive = false;