
Print this page

  58         super(params);
  59     }
  61     void preInit(XCreateWindowParams params) {
  62         super.preInit(params);
  63         Frame target = (Frame)(;
  64         // set the window attributes for this Frame
  65         winAttr.initialState = target.getExtendedState();
  66         state = 0;
  67         undecorated = Boolean.valueOf(target.isUndecorated());
  68         winAttr.nativeDecor = !target.isUndecorated();
  69         if (winAttr.nativeDecor) {
  70             winAttr.decorations = winAttr.AWT_DECOR_ALL;
  71         } else {
  72             winAttr.decorations = winAttr.AWT_DECOR_NONE;
  73         }
  74         winAttr.functions = MWMConstants.MWM_FUNC_ALL;
  75         winAttr.isResizable = true; // target.isResizable();
  76         winAttr.title = target.getTitle();
  77         winAttr.initialResizability = target.isResizable();
  78         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
  79             log.fine("Frame''s initial attributes: decor {0}, resizable {1}, undecorated {2}, initial state {3}",
  80                      Integer.valueOf(winAttr.decorations), Boolean.valueOf(winAttr.initialResizability),
  81                      Boolean.valueOf(!winAttr.nativeDecor), Integer.valueOf(winAttr.initialState));
  82         }
  83     }
  85     void postInit(XCreateWindowParams params) {
  86         super.postInit(params);
  87         setupState(true);
  88     }
  90     @Override
  91     boolean isTargetUndecorated() {
  92         if (undecorated != null) {
  93             return undecorated.booleanValue();
  94         } else {
  95             return ((Frame)target).isUndecorated();
  96         }
  97     }

 192                         if (height != lastAppliedMenubarHeight) {
 193                             lastAppliedMenubarHeight = height;
 194                             heightChanged = true;
 195                         }
 196                     }
 197                     if (heightChanged) {
 198                         // To make frame contents be re-layout (copied from
 199                         // 'XDecoratedPeer.revalidate()'). These are not
 200                         // 'synchronized', because can recursively call client
 201                         // methods, which are not supposed to be called with locks
 202                         // acquired.
 203                         target.invalidate();
 204                         target.validate();
 205                     }
 206                 }
 207             }
 208         );
 209     }
 211     public void setMaximizedBounds(Rectangle b) {
 212         if (insLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
 213             insLog.fine("Setting maximized bounds to " + b);
 214         }
 215         if (b == null) return;
 216         maxBounds = new Rectangle(b);
 217         XToolkit.awtLock();
 218         try {
 219             XSizeHints hints = getHints();
 220             hints.set_flags(hints.get_flags() | (int)XUtilConstants.PMaxSize);
 221             if (b.width != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
 222                 hints.set_max_width(b.width);
 223             } else {
 224                 hints.set_max_width((int)XlibWrapper.DisplayWidth(XToolkit.getDisplay(), XlibWrapper.DefaultScreen(XToolkit.getDisplay())));
 225             }
 226             if (b.height != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
 227                 hints.set_max_height(b.height);
 228             } else {
 229                 hints.set_max_height((int)XlibWrapper.DisplayHeight(XToolkit.getDisplay(), XlibWrapper.DefaultScreen(XToolkit.getDisplay())));
 230             }
 231             if (insLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) {
 232                 insLog.finer("Setting hints, flags " + XlibWrapper.hintsToString(hints.get_flags()));
 233             }
 234             XlibWrapper.XSetWMNormalHints(XToolkit.getDisplay(), window, hints.pData);
 235         } finally {
 236             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
 237         }
 238     }
 240     public int getState() {
 241         synchronized(getStateLock()) {
 242             return state;
 243         }
 244     }
 246     public void setState(int newState) {
 247         synchronized(getStateLock()) {
 248             if (!isShowing()) {
 249                 stateLog.finer("Frame is not showing");
 250                 state = newState;
 251                 return;
 252             }
 253         }
 254         changeState(newState);
 255     }
 257     void changeState(int newState) {
 258         int changed = state ^ newState;
 259         int changeIconic = changed & Frame.ICONIFIED;
 260         boolean iconic = (newState & Frame.ICONIFIED) != 0;
 261         if (stateLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) {
 262             stateLog.finer("Changing state, old state {0}, new state {1}(iconic {2})",
 263                        Integer.valueOf(state), Integer.valueOf(newState), Boolean.valueOf(iconic));
 264         }
 265         if (changeIconic != 0 && iconic) {
 266             if (stateLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) {
 267                 stateLog.finer("Iconifying shell " + getShell() + ", this " + this + ", screen " + getScreenNumber());
 268             }
 269             XToolkit.awtLock();
 270             try {
 271                 int res = XlibWrapper.XIconifyWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getShell(), getScreenNumber());
 272                 if (stateLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) {
 273                     stateLog.finer("XIconifyWindow returned " + res);
 274                 }
 275             }
 276             finally {
 277                 XToolkit.awtUnlock();
 278             }
 279         }
 280         if ((changed & ~Frame.ICONIFIED) != 0) {
 281             setExtendedState(newState);
 282         }
 283         if (changeIconic != 0 && !iconic) {
 284             if (stateLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) {
 285                 stateLog.finer("DeIconifying " + this);
 286             }
 287             xSetVisible(true);
 288         }
 289     }
 291     void setExtendedState(int newState) {
 292         XWM.getWM().setExtendedState(this, newState);
 293     }
 295     public void handlePropertyNotify(XEvent xev) {
 296         super.handlePropertyNotify(xev);
 297         XPropertyEvent ev = xev.get_xproperty();
 299         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) {
 300             log.finer("Property change {0}", ev);
 301         }
 302         /*
 303          * Let's see if this is a window state protocol message, and
 304          * if it is - decode a new state in terms of java constants.
 305          */
 306         if (!XWM.getWM().isStateChange(this, ev)) {
 307             stateLog.finer("either not a state atom or state has not been changed");
 308             return;
 309         }
 311         final int newState = XWM.getWM().getState(this);
 312         int changed = state ^ newState;
 313         if (changed == 0) {
 314             if (stateLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) {
 315                 stateLog.finer("State is the same: " + state);
 316             }
 317             return;
 318         }
 320         int old_state = state;
 321         state = newState;
 323         // sync target with peer
 324         AWTAccessor.getFrameAccessor().setExtendedState((Frame)target, state);
 326         if ((changed & Frame.ICONIFIED) != 0) {
 327             if ((state & Frame.ICONIFIED) != 0) {
 328                 stateLog.finer("Iconified");
 329                 handleIconify();
 330             } else {
 331                 stateLog.finer("DeIconified");
 332                 content.purgeIconifiedExposeEvents();
 333                 handleDeiconify();
 334             }

 348     public void setVisible(boolean vis) {
 349         if (vis) {
 350             setupState(false);
 351         } else {
 352             if ((state & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) != 0) {
 353                 XWM.getWM().setExtendedState(this, state & ~Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH);
 354             }
 355         }
 356         super.setVisible(vis);
 357         if (vis && maxBounds != null) {
 358             setMaximizedBounds(maxBounds);
 359         }
 360     }
 362     void setInitialState(int wm_state) {
 363         XToolkit.awtLock();
 364         try {
 365             XWMHints hints = getWMHints();
 366             hints.set_flags((int)XUtilConstants.StateHint | hints.get_flags());
 367             hints.set_initial_state(wm_state);
 368             if (stateLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
 369                 stateLog.fine("Setting initial WM state on " + this + " to " + wm_state);
 370             }
 371             XlibWrapper.XSetWMHints(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow(), hints.pData);
 372         }
 373         finally {
 374             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
 375         }
 376     }
 378     public void dispose() {
 379         if (menubarPeer != null) {
 380             menubarPeer.dispose();
 381         }
 382         super.dispose();
 383     }
 385     boolean isMaximized() {
 386         return (state & (Frame.MAXIMIZED_VERT  | Frame.MAXIMIZED_HORIZ)) != 0;
 387     }

  58         super(params);
  59     }
  61     void preInit(XCreateWindowParams params) {
  62         super.preInit(params);
  63         Frame target = (Frame)(;
  64         // set the window attributes for this Frame
  65         winAttr.initialState = target.getExtendedState();
  66         state = 0;
  67         undecorated = Boolean.valueOf(target.isUndecorated());
  68         winAttr.nativeDecor = !target.isUndecorated();
  69         if (winAttr.nativeDecor) {
  70             winAttr.decorations = winAttr.AWT_DECOR_ALL;
  71         } else {
  72             winAttr.decorations = winAttr.AWT_DECOR_NONE;
  73         }
  74         winAttr.functions = MWMConstants.MWM_FUNC_ALL;
  75         winAttr.isResizable = true; // target.isResizable();
  76         winAttr.title = target.getTitle();
  77         winAttr.initialResizability = target.isResizable();
  78         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) {
  79             log.fine("Frame''s initial attributes: decor {0}, resizable {1}, undecorated {2}, initial state {3}",
  80                      Integer.valueOf(winAttr.decorations), Boolean.valueOf(winAttr.initialResizability),
  81                      Boolean.valueOf(!winAttr.nativeDecor), Integer.valueOf(winAttr.initialState));
  82         }
  83     }
  85     void postInit(XCreateWindowParams params) {
  86         super.postInit(params);
  87         setupState(true);
  88     }
  90     @Override
  91     boolean isTargetUndecorated() {
  92         if (undecorated != null) {
  93             return undecorated.booleanValue();
  94         } else {
  95             return ((Frame)target).isUndecorated();
  96         }
  97     }

 192                         if (height != lastAppliedMenubarHeight) {
 193                             lastAppliedMenubarHeight = height;
 194                             heightChanged = true;
 195                         }
 196                     }
 197                     if (heightChanged) {
 198                         // To make frame contents be re-layout (copied from
 199                         // 'XDecoratedPeer.revalidate()'). These are not
 200                         // 'synchronized', because can recursively call client
 201                         // methods, which are not supposed to be called with locks
 202                         // acquired.
 203                         target.invalidate();
 204                         target.validate();
 205                     }
 206                 }
 207             }
 208         );
 209     }
 211     public void setMaximizedBounds(Rectangle b) {
 212         if (insLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) {
 213             insLog.fine("Setting maximized bounds to " + b);
 214         }
 215         if (b == null) return;
 216         maxBounds = new Rectangle(b);
 217         XToolkit.awtLock();
 218         try {
 219             XSizeHints hints = getHints();
 220             hints.set_flags(hints.get_flags() | (int)XUtilConstants.PMaxSize);
 221             if (b.width != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
 222                 hints.set_max_width(b.width);
 223             } else {
 224                 hints.set_max_width((int)XlibWrapper.DisplayWidth(XToolkit.getDisplay(), XlibWrapper.DefaultScreen(XToolkit.getDisplay())));
 225             }
 226             if (b.height != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
 227                 hints.set_max_height(b.height);
 228             } else {
 229                 hints.set_max_height((int)XlibWrapper.DisplayHeight(XToolkit.getDisplay(), XlibWrapper.DefaultScreen(XToolkit.getDisplay())));
 230             }
 231             if (insLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) {
 232                 insLog.finer("Setting hints, flags " + XlibWrapper.hintsToString(hints.get_flags()));
 233             }
 234             XlibWrapper.XSetWMNormalHints(XToolkit.getDisplay(), window, hints.pData);
 235         } finally {
 236             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
 237         }
 238     }
 240     public int getState() {
 241         synchronized(getStateLock()) {
 242             return state;
 243         }
 244     }
 246     public void setState(int newState) {
 247         synchronized(getStateLock()) {
 248             if (!isShowing()) {
 249                 stateLog.finer("Frame is not showing");
 250                 state = newState;
 251                 return;
 252             }
 253         }
 254         changeState(newState);
 255     }
 257     void changeState(int newState) {
 258         int changed = state ^ newState;
 259         int changeIconic = changed & Frame.ICONIFIED;
 260         boolean iconic = (newState & Frame.ICONIFIED) != 0;
 261         if (stateLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) {
 262             stateLog.finer("Changing state, old state {0}, new state {1}(iconic {2})",
 263                        Integer.valueOf(state), Integer.valueOf(newState), Boolean.valueOf(iconic));
 264         }
 265         if (changeIconic != 0 && iconic) {
 266             if (stateLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) {
 267                 stateLog.finer("Iconifying shell " + getShell() + ", this " + this + ", screen " + getScreenNumber());
 268             }
 269             XToolkit.awtLock();
 270             try {
 271                 int res = XlibWrapper.XIconifyWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getShell(), getScreenNumber());
 272                 if (stateLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) {
 273                     stateLog.finer("XIconifyWindow returned " + res);
 274                 }
 275             }
 276             finally {
 277                 XToolkit.awtUnlock();
 278             }
 279         }
 280         if ((changed & ~Frame.ICONIFIED) != 0) {
 281             setExtendedState(newState);
 282         }
 283         if (changeIconic != 0 && !iconic) {
 284             if (stateLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) {
 285                 stateLog.finer("DeIconifying " + this);
 286             }
 287             xSetVisible(true);
 288         }
 289     }
 291     void setExtendedState(int newState) {
 292         XWM.getWM().setExtendedState(this, newState);
 293     }
 295     public void handlePropertyNotify(XEvent xev) {
 296         super.handlePropertyNotify(xev);
 297         XPropertyEvent ev = xev.get_xproperty();
 299         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) {
 300             log.finer("Property change {0}", ev);
 301         }
 302         /*
 303          * Let's see if this is a window state protocol message, and
 304          * if it is - decode a new state in terms of java constants.
 305          */
 306         if (!XWM.getWM().isStateChange(this, ev)) {
 307             stateLog.finer("either not a state atom or state has not been changed");
 308             return;
 309         }
 311         final int newState = XWM.getWM().getState(this);
 312         int changed = state ^ newState;
 313         if (changed == 0) {
 314             if (stateLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) {
 315                 stateLog.finer("State is the same: " + state);
 316             }
 317             return;
 318         }
 320         int old_state = state;
 321         state = newState;
 323         // sync target with peer
 324         AWTAccessor.getFrameAccessor().setExtendedState((Frame)target, state);
 326         if ((changed & Frame.ICONIFIED) != 0) {
 327             if ((state & Frame.ICONIFIED) != 0) {
 328                 stateLog.finer("Iconified");
 329                 handleIconify();
 330             } else {
 331                 stateLog.finer("DeIconified");
 332                 content.purgeIconifiedExposeEvents();
 333                 handleDeiconify();
 334             }

 348     public void setVisible(boolean vis) {
 349         if (vis) {
 350             setupState(false);
 351         } else {
 352             if ((state & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) != 0) {
 353                 XWM.getWM().setExtendedState(this, state & ~Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH);
 354             }
 355         }
 356         super.setVisible(vis);
 357         if (vis && maxBounds != null) {
 358             setMaximizedBounds(maxBounds);
 359         }
 360     }
 362     void setInitialState(int wm_state) {
 363         XToolkit.awtLock();
 364         try {
 365             XWMHints hints = getWMHints();
 366             hints.set_flags((int)XUtilConstants.StateHint | hints.get_flags());
 367             hints.set_initial_state(wm_state);
 368             if (stateLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) {
 369                 stateLog.fine("Setting initial WM state on " + this + " to " + wm_state);
 370             }
 371             XlibWrapper.XSetWMHints(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow(), hints.pData);
 372         }
 373         finally {
 374             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
 375         }
 376     }
 378     public void dispose() {
 379         if (menubarPeer != null) {
 380             menubarPeer.dispose();
 381         }
 382         super.dispose();
 383     }
 385     boolean isMaximized() {
 386         return (state & (Frame.MAXIMIZED_VERT  | Frame.MAXIMIZED_HORIZ)) != 0;
 387     }