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  62  * @since 1.6
  63  */
  64 public class ElementFilter {
  65     private ElementFilter() {} // Do not instantiate.
  67     private static final Set<ElementKind> CONSTRUCTOR_KIND =
  68         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR));
  70     private static final Set<ElementKind> FIELD_KINDS =
  71         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.FIELD,
  72                                                ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT));
  73     private static final Set<ElementKind> METHOD_KIND =
  74         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.METHOD));
  76     private static final Set<ElementKind> PACKAGE_KIND =
  77         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.PACKAGE));
  79     private static final Set<ElementKind> MODULE_KIND =
  80         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.MODULE));
  82     @SuppressWarnings("removal")
  83     private static final Set<ElementKind> TYPE_KINDS =
  84         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.CLASS,
  85                                                ElementKind.ENUM,
  86                                                ElementKind.INTERFACE,
  87                                                ElementKind.RECORD,
  88                                                ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE));
  90     @SuppressWarnings("removal")
  91     private static final Set<ElementKind> RECORD_COMPONENT_KIND =
  92         Set.of(ElementKind.RECORD_COMPONENT);
  94     /**
  95      * Returns a list of fields in {@code elements}.
  96      * @return a list of fields in {@code elements}
  97      * @param elements the elements to filter
  98      */
  99     public static List<VariableElement>
 100             fieldsIn(Iterable<? extends Element> elements) {
 101         return listFilter(elements, FIELD_KINDS, VariableElement.class);
 102     }
 104     /**
 105      * Returns a set of fields in {@code elements}.
 106      * @return a set of fields in {@code elements}
 107      * @param elements the elements to filter
 108      */
 109     public static Set<VariableElement>
 110             fieldsIn(Set<? extends Element> elements) {
 111         return setFilter(elements, FIELD_KINDS, VariableElement.class);
 112     }
 114     /**

 115      * Returns a list of record components in {@code elements}.
 116      * @return a list of record components in {@code elements}
 117      * @param elements the elements to filter
 118      * @since 14
 119      * @deprecated This method is part of a preview feature and may be removed
 120      * if the preview feature is removed.
 121      */
 122     @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="14")
 123     @SuppressWarnings("removal")

 124     public static List<RecordComponentElement>
 125         recordComponentsIn(Iterable<? extends Element> elements) {
 126         return listFilter(elements, RECORD_COMPONENT_KIND, RecordComponentElement.class);
 127     }
 129     /**

 130      * Returns a set of record components in {@code elements}.
 131      * @return a set of record components in {@code elements}
 132      * @param elements the elements to filter
 133      * @since 14
 134      * @deprecated This method is part of a preview feature and may be removed
 135      * if the preview feature is removed.
 136      */
 137     @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="14")
 138     @SuppressWarnings("removal")

 139     public static Set<RecordComponentElement>
 140     recordComponentsIn(Set<? extends Element> elements) {
 141         return setFilter(elements, RECORD_COMPONENT_KIND, RecordComponentElement.class);
 142     }
 144     /**
 145      * Returns a list of constructors in {@code elements}.
 146      * @return a list of constructors in {@code elements}
 147      * @param elements the elements to filter
 148      */
 149     public static List<ExecutableElement>
 150             constructorsIn(Iterable<? extends Element> elements) {
 151         return listFilter(elements, CONSTRUCTOR_KIND, ExecutableElement.class);
 152     }
 154     /**
 155      * Returns a set of constructors in {@code elements}.
 156      * @return a set of constructors in {@code elements}
 157      * @param elements the elements to filter
 158      */

  62  * @since 1.6
  63  */
  64 public class ElementFilter {
  65     private ElementFilter() {} // Do not instantiate.
  67     private static final Set<ElementKind> CONSTRUCTOR_KIND =
  68         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR));
  70     private static final Set<ElementKind> FIELD_KINDS =
  71         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.FIELD,
  72                                                ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT));
  73     private static final Set<ElementKind> METHOD_KIND =
  74         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.METHOD));
  76     private static final Set<ElementKind> PACKAGE_KIND =
  77         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.PACKAGE));
  79     private static final Set<ElementKind> MODULE_KIND =
  80         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.MODULE));
  82     @SuppressWarnings("preview")
  83     private static final Set<ElementKind> TYPE_KINDS =
  84         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.CLASS,
  85                                                ElementKind.ENUM,
  86                                                ElementKind.INTERFACE,
  87                                                ElementKind.RECORD,
  88                                                ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE));
  90     @SuppressWarnings("preview")
  91     private static final Set<ElementKind> RECORD_COMPONENT_KIND =
  92         Set.of(ElementKind.RECORD_COMPONENT);
  94     /**
  95      * Returns a list of fields in {@code elements}.
  96      * @return a list of fields in {@code elements}
  97      * @param elements the elements to filter
  98      */
  99     public static List<VariableElement>
 100             fieldsIn(Iterable<? extends Element> elements) {
 101         return listFilter(elements, FIELD_KINDS, VariableElement.class);
 102     }
 104     /**
 105      * Returns a set of fields in {@code elements}.
 106      * @return a set of fields in {@code elements}
 107      * @param elements the elements to filter
 108      */
 109     public static Set<VariableElement>
 110             fieldsIn(Set<? extends Element> elements) {
 111         return setFilter(elements, FIELD_KINDS, VariableElement.class);
 112     }
 114     /**
 115      * {@preview Associated with records, a preview feature of the Java language.
 116      *
 117      *           This method is associated with <i>records</i>, a preview
 118      *           feature of the Java language. Programs can only use this
 119      *           method when preview features are enabled. Preview features
 120      *           may be removed in a future release, or upgraded to permanent
 121      *           features of the Java language.}
 122      *
 123      * Returns a list of record components in {@code elements}.
 124      * @return a list of record components in {@code elements}
 125      * @param elements the elements to filter
 126      * @since 14

 127      */
 128     @jdk.internal.PreviewFeature(feature=jdk.internal.PreviewFeature.Feature.RECORDS,
 129                                  essentialAPI=false)
 130     @SuppressWarnings("preview")
 131     public static List<RecordComponentElement>
 132         recordComponentsIn(Iterable<? extends Element> elements) {
 133         return listFilter(elements, RECORD_COMPONENT_KIND, RecordComponentElement.class);
 134     }
 136     /**
 137      * {@preview Associated with records, a preview feature of the Java language.
 138      *
 139      *           This method is associated with <i>records</i>, a preview
 140      *           feature of the Java language. Programs can only use this
 141      *           method when preview features are enabled. Preview features
 142      *           may be removed in a future release, or upgraded to permanent
 143      *           features of the Java language.}
 144      *
 145      * Returns a set of record components in {@code elements}.
 146      * @return a set of record components in {@code elements}
 147      * @param elements the elements to filter
 148      * @since 14

 149      */
 150     @jdk.internal.PreviewFeature(feature=jdk.internal.PreviewFeature.Feature.RECORDS,
 151                                  essentialAPI=false)
 152     @SuppressWarnings("preview")
 153     public static Set<RecordComponentElement>
 154     recordComponentsIn(Set<? extends Element> elements) {
 155         return setFilter(elements, RECORD_COMPONENT_KIND, RecordComponentElement.class);
 156     }
 158     /**
 159      * Returns a list of constructors in {@code elements}.
 160      * @return a list of constructors in {@code elements}
 161      * @param elements the elements to filter
 162      */
 163     public static List<ExecutableElement>
 164             constructorsIn(Iterable<? extends Element> elements) {
 165         return listFilter(elements, CONSTRUCTOR_KIND, ExecutableElement.class);
 166     }
 168     /**
 169      * Returns a set of constructors in {@code elements}.
 170      * @return a set of constructors in {@code elements}
 171      * @param elements the elements to filter
 172      */

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