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  57  *
  58  * <pre><code>
  59  * // create the tree model
  60  * CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt; jonathanGiles = new CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt;("Jonathan");
  61  * CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt; juliaGiles = new CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt;("Julia");
  62  * CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt; mattGiles = new CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt;("Matt");
  63  * CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt; sueGiles = new CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt;("Sue");
  64  * CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt; ianGiles = new CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt;("Ian");
  65  *
  66  * CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt; gilesFamily = new CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt;("Giles Family");
  67  * gilesFamily.setExpanded(true);
  68  * gilesFamily.getChildren().addAll(jonathanGiles, juliaGiles, mattGiles, sueGiles, ianGiles);
  69  *
  70  * // create the treeView
  71  * final TreeView&lt;String&gt; treeView = new TreeView&lt;String&gt;();
  72  * treeView.setRoot(gilesFamily);
  73  *
  74  * // set the cell factory
  75  * treeView.setCellFactory(CheckBoxTreeCell.&lt;String&gt;forTreeView());</code></pre>
  76  *

  77  * @see CheckBoxTreeCell
  78  * @see TreeItem
  79  * @see CheckBox
  80  * @since JavaFX 2.2
  81  */
  82 // TODO the TreeModificationEvent doesn't actually bubble in the same way as
  83 // TreeItem - it just looks that way as the 'bubbling' is done via changing the
  84 // state of all parent items.
  85 public class CheckBoxTreeItem<T> extends TreeItem<T> {
  87     /**
  88      * An EventType used when the CheckBoxTreeItem selection / indeterminate
  89      * state changes. To use this, it is recommended that you use code along the
  90      * lines of the following:
  91      *
  92      *<pre>
  93      * {@code
  94      * child1.addEventHandler(CheckBoxTreeItem.<String>checkBoxSelectionChangedEvent(), new EventHandler<TreeModificationEvent<String>>() {
  95      *     public void handle(TreeModificationEvent<String> event) {
  96      *          ...
  97      *     }
  98      * });}
  99      * </pre>
 100      *
 101      * @param <T> The type of the value contained within the TreeItem.

 102      */
 103     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 104     public static <T> EventType<TreeModificationEvent<T>> checkBoxSelectionChangedEvent() {
 105         return (EventType<TreeModificationEvent<T>>) CHECK_BOX_SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT;
 106     }
 107     private static final EventType<? extends Event> CHECK_BOX_SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT
 108             = new EventType<Event>(TreeModificationEvent.ANY, "checkBoxSelectionChangedEvent");
 110     /***************************************************************************
 111      *                                                                         *
 112      * Constructors                                                            *
 113      *                                                                         *
 114      **************************************************************************/
 116     /**
 117      * Creates an empty CheckBoxTreeItem.
 118      */
 119     public CheckBoxTreeItem() {
 120         this(null);
 121     }

 186      *                                                                         *
 187      **************************************************************************/
 188     private final ChangeListener<Boolean> stateChangeListener = (ov, oldVal, newVal) -> {
 189         updateState();
 190     };
 193     /***************************************************************************
 194      *                                                                         *
 195      * Properties                                                              *
 196      *                                                                         *
 197      **************************************************************************/
 199     // --- Selected
 200     private final BooleanProperty selected = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "selected", false) {
 201         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 202             super.invalidated();
 203             fireEvent(CheckBoxTreeItem.this, true);
 204         }
 205     };
 206     /** Sets the selected state of this CheckBoxTreeItem. */

 207     public final void setSelected(boolean value) { selectedProperty().setValue(value); }
 208     /** Returns the selected state of this CheckBoxTreeItem. */

 209     public final boolean isSelected() { return selected.getValue(); }
 210     /** A {@link BooleanProperty} used to represent the selected state of this CheckBoxTreeItem. */

 211     public final BooleanProperty selectedProperty() { return selected; }
 214     // --- Indeterminate
 215     private final BooleanProperty indeterminate = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "indeterminate", false) {
 216         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 217             super.invalidated();
 218             fireEvent(CheckBoxTreeItem.this, false);
 219         }
 220     };
 221     /** Sets the indeterminate state of this CheckBoxTreeItem. */

 222     public final void setIndeterminate(boolean value) { indeterminateProperty().setValue(value); }
 223     /** Returns the indeterminate state of this CheckBoxTreeItem. */

 224     public final boolean isIndeterminate() { return indeterminate.getValue(); }
 225     /** A {@link BooleanProperty} used to represent the indeterminate state of this CheckBoxTreeItem. */

 226     public final BooleanProperty indeterminateProperty() { return indeterminate; }
 229     // --- Independent
 230     /**
 231      * A {@link BooleanProperty} used to represent the independent state of this CheckBoxTreeItem.
 232      * The independent state is used to represent whether changes to a single
 233      * CheckBoxTreeItem should influence the state of its parent and children.
 234      *
 235      * <p>By default, the independent property is false, which means that when
 236      * a CheckBoxTreeItem has state changes to the selected or indeterminate
 237      * properties, the state of related CheckBoxTreeItems will possibly be changed.
 238      * If the independent property is set to true, the state of related CheckBoxTreeItems
 239      * will <b>never</b> change.

 240      */
 241     public final BooleanProperty independentProperty() { return independent; }
 242     private final BooleanProperty independent = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "independent", false);
 243     public final void setIndependent(boolean value) { independentProperty().setValue(value); }
 244     public final boolean isIndependent() { return independent.getValue(); }
 248     /***************************************************************************
 249      *                                                                         *
 250      * Private Implementation                                                  *
 251      *                                                                         *
 252      **************************************************************************/
 254     private static boolean updateLock = false;
 256     private void updateState() {
 257         if (isIndependent()) return;
 259         boolean firstLock = ! updateLock;

 323      * @param <T> The type of the value contained within the
 324      *      {@link CheckBoxTreeItem#valueProperty() value} property.
 325      * @since JavaFX 2.2
 326      */
 327     public static class TreeModificationEvent<T> extends Event {
 328         private static final long serialVersionUID = -8445355590698862999L;
 330         private transient final CheckBoxTreeItem<T> treeItem;
 331         private final boolean selectionChanged;
 333         /**
 334          * Common supertype for all tree modification event types.
 335          */
 336         public static final EventType<Event> ANY =
 337                 new EventType<Event> (Event.ANY, "TREE_MODIFICATION");
 339         /**
 340          * Creates a default TreeModificationEvent instance to represent the
 341          * change in selection/indeterminate states for the given CheckBoxTreeItem
 342          * instance.

 343          */
 344         public TreeModificationEvent(EventType<? extends Event> eventType, CheckBoxTreeItem<T> treeItem, boolean selectionChanged) {
 345             super(eventType);
 346             this.treeItem = treeItem;
 347             this.selectionChanged = selectionChanged;
 348         }
 350         /**
 351          * Returns the CheckBoxTreeItem that this event occurred upon.
 352          * @return The CheckBoxTreeItem that this event occurred upon.
 353          */
 354         public CheckBoxTreeItem<T> getTreeItem() {
 355             return treeItem;
 356         }
 358         /**
 359          * Indicates the the reason for this event is that the selection on the
 360          * CheckBoxTreeItem changed (as opposed to it becoming indeterminate).

 361          */
 362         public boolean wasSelectionChanged() {
 363             return selectionChanged;
 364         }
 366         /**
 367          * Indicates the the reason for this event is that the indeterminate
 368          * state on the CheckBoxTreeItem changed (as opposed to it becoming
 369          * selected or unselected).

 370          */
 371         public boolean wasIndeterminateChanged() {
 372             return ! selectionChanged;
 373         }
 374     }
 375 }

  57  *
  58  * <pre><code>
  59  * // create the tree model
  60  * CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt; jonathanGiles = new CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt;("Jonathan");
  61  * CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt; juliaGiles = new CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt;("Julia");
  62  * CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt; mattGiles = new CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt;("Matt");
  63  * CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt; sueGiles = new CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt;("Sue");
  64  * CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt; ianGiles = new CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt;("Ian");
  65  *
  66  * CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt; gilesFamily = new CheckBoxTreeItem&lt;String&gt;("Giles Family");
  67  * gilesFamily.setExpanded(true);
  68  * gilesFamily.getChildren().addAll(jonathanGiles, juliaGiles, mattGiles, sueGiles, ianGiles);
  69  *
  70  * // create the treeView
  71  * final TreeView&lt;String&gt; treeView = new TreeView&lt;String&gt;();
  72  * treeView.setRoot(gilesFamily);
  73  *
  74  * // set the cell factory
  75  * treeView.setCellFactory(CheckBoxTreeCell.&lt;String&gt;forTreeView());</code></pre>
  76  *
  77  * @param <T> The type of the value contained within the TreeItem
  78  * @see CheckBoxTreeCell
  79  * @see TreeItem
  80  * @see CheckBox
  81  * @since JavaFX 2.2
  82  */
  83 // TODO the TreeModificationEvent doesn't actually bubble in the same way as
  84 // TreeItem - it just looks that way as the 'bubbling' is done via changing the
  85 // state of all parent items.
  86 public class CheckBoxTreeItem<T> extends TreeItem<T> {
  88     /**
  89      * An EventType used when the CheckBoxTreeItem selection / indeterminate
  90      * state changes. To use this, it is recommended that you use code along the
  91      * lines of the following:
  92      *
  93      *<pre>
  94      * {@code
  95      * child1.addEventHandler(CheckBoxTreeItem.<String>checkBoxSelectionChangedEvent(), new EventHandler<TreeModificationEvent<String>>() {
  96      *     public void handle(TreeModificationEvent<String> event) {
  97      *          ...
  98      *     }
  99      * });}
 100      * </pre>
 101      *
 102      * @param <T> The type of the value contained within the TreeItem.
 103      * @return the EventType used when the CheckBoxTreeItem selection / indeterminate
 104      * state changes
 105      */
 106     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 107     public static <T> EventType<TreeModificationEvent<T>> checkBoxSelectionChangedEvent() {
 108         return (EventType<TreeModificationEvent<T>>) CHECK_BOX_SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT;
 109     }
 110     private static final EventType<? extends Event> CHECK_BOX_SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT
 111             = new EventType<Event>(TreeModificationEvent.ANY, "checkBoxSelectionChangedEvent");
 113     /***************************************************************************
 114      *                                                                         *
 115      * Constructors                                                            *
 116      *                                                                         *
 117      **************************************************************************/
 119     /**
 120      * Creates an empty CheckBoxTreeItem.
 121      */
 122     public CheckBoxTreeItem() {
 123         this(null);
 124     }

 189      *                                                                         *
 190      **************************************************************************/
 191     private final ChangeListener<Boolean> stateChangeListener = (ov, oldVal, newVal) -> {
 192         updateState();
 193     };
 196     /***************************************************************************
 197      *                                                                         *
 198      * Properties                                                              *
 199      *                                                                         *
 200      **************************************************************************/
 202     // --- Selected
 203     private final BooleanProperty selected = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "selected", false) {
 204         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 205             super.invalidated();
 206             fireEvent(CheckBoxTreeItem.this, true);
 207         }
 208     };
 210     /**
 211      * Sets the selected state of this CheckBoxTreeItem.
 212      * @param value the selected state of this CheckBoxTreeItem
 213      */
 214     public final void setSelected(boolean value) { selectedProperty().setValue(value); }
 216     /**
 217      * Returns the selected state of this CheckBoxTreeItem.
 218      * @return true if CheckBoxTreeItem is selected
 219      */
 220     public final boolean isSelected() { return selected.getValue(); }
 222     /**
 223      * A {@link BooleanProperty} used to represent the selected state of this CheckBoxTreeItem.
 224      * @return the selected state property of this CheckBoxTreeItem
 225      */
 226     public final BooleanProperty selectedProperty() { return selected; }
 229     // --- Indeterminate
 230     private final BooleanProperty indeterminate = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "indeterminate", false) {
 231         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 232             super.invalidated();
 233             fireEvent(CheckBoxTreeItem.this, false);
 234         }
 235     };
 237     /**
 238      * Sets the indeterminate state of this CheckBoxTreeItem.
 239      * @param value the indeterminate state of this CheckBoxTreeItem
 240      */
 241     public final void setIndeterminate(boolean value) { indeterminateProperty().setValue(value); }
 243     /**
 244      * Returns the indeterminate state of this CheckBoxTreeItem.
 245      * @return true if CheckBoxTreeItem is indeterminate state
 246      */
 247     public final boolean isIndeterminate() { return indeterminate.getValue(); }
 249     /**
 250      * A {@link BooleanProperty} used to represent the indeterminate state of this CheckBoxTreeItem.
 251      * @return the indeterminate state property of this CheckBoxTreeItem
 252      */
 253     public final BooleanProperty indeterminateProperty() { return indeterminate; }
 256     // --- Independent
 257     /**
 258      * A {@link BooleanProperty} used to represent the independent state of this CheckBoxTreeItem.
 259      * The independent state is used to represent whether changes to a single
 260      * CheckBoxTreeItem should influence the state of its parent and children.
 261      *
 262      * <p>By default, the independent property is false, which means that when
 263      * a CheckBoxTreeItem has state changes to the selected or indeterminate
 264      * properties, the state of related CheckBoxTreeItems will possibly be changed.
 265      * If the independent property is set to true, the state of related CheckBoxTreeItems
 266      * will <b>never</b> change.
 267      * @return the independent state property of this CheckBoxTreeItem
 268      */
 269     public final BooleanProperty independentProperty() { return independent; }
 270     private final BooleanProperty independent = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "independent", false);
 271     public final void setIndependent(boolean value) { independentProperty().setValue(value); }
 272     public final boolean isIndependent() { return independent.getValue(); }
 276     /***************************************************************************
 277      *                                                                         *
 278      * Private Implementation                                                  *
 279      *                                                                         *
 280      **************************************************************************/
 282     private static boolean updateLock = false;
 284     private void updateState() {
 285         if (isIndependent()) return;
 287         boolean firstLock = ! updateLock;

 351      * @param <T> The type of the value contained within the
 352      *      {@link CheckBoxTreeItem#valueProperty() value} property.
 353      * @since JavaFX 2.2
 354      */
 355     public static class TreeModificationEvent<T> extends Event {
 356         private static final long serialVersionUID = -8445355590698862999L;
 358         private transient final CheckBoxTreeItem<T> treeItem;
 359         private final boolean selectionChanged;
 361         /**
 362          * Common supertype for all tree modification event types.
 363          */
 364         public static final EventType<Event> ANY =
 365                 new EventType<Event> (Event.ANY, "TREE_MODIFICATION");
 367         /**
 368          * Creates a default TreeModificationEvent instance to represent the
 369          * change in selection/indeterminate states for the given CheckBoxTreeItem
 370          * instance.
 371          * @param eventType the eventType
 372          * @param treeItem the treeItem
 373          * @param selectionChanged the selectioonChanged
 374          */
 375         public TreeModificationEvent(EventType<? extends Event> eventType, CheckBoxTreeItem<T> treeItem, boolean selectionChanged) {
 376             super(eventType);
 377             this.treeItem = treeItem;
 378             this.selectionChanged = selectionChanged;
 379         }
 381         /**
 382          * Returns the CheckBoxTreeItem that this event occurred upon.
 383          * @return The CheckBoxTreeItem that this event occurred upon.
 384          */
 385         public CheckBoxTreeItem<T> getTreeItem() {
 386             return treeItem;
 387         }
 389         /**
 390          * Indicates the reason for this event is that the selection on the
 391          * CheckBoxTreeItem changed (as opposed to it becoming indeterminate).
 392          * @return has the CheckBoxTreeItem's selection changed
 393          */
 394         public boolean wasSelectionChanged() {
 395             return selectionChanged;
 396         }
 398         /**
 399          * Indicates the reason for this event is that the indeterminate
 400          * state on the CheckBoxTreeItem changed (as opposed to it becoming
 401          * selected or unselected).
 402          * @return has the CheckBoxTreeItem's indeterminate changed
 403          */
 404         public boolean wasIndeterminateChanged() {
 405             return ! selectionChanged;
 406         }
 407     }
 408 }
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