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 123     /***************************************************************************
 124      *                                                                         *
 125      * Constructors                                                            *
 126      *                                                                         *
 127      **************************************************************************/
 129     /**
 130      * Create a new ChoiceBox which has an empty list of items.
 131      */
 132     public ChoiceBox() {
 133         this(FXCollections.<T>observableArrayList());
 134     }
 136     /**
 137      * Create a new ChoiceBox with the given set of items. Since it is observable,
 138      * the content of this list may change over time and the ChoiceBox will
 139      * be updated accordingly.
 140      * @param items
 141      */
 142     public ChoiceBox(ObservableList<T> items) {
 143         getStyleClass().setAll("choice-box");
 144         setAccessibleRole(AccessibleRole.COMBO_BOX);
 145         setItems(items);
 146         setSelectionModel(new ChoiceBoxSelectionModel<T>(this));
 148         // listen to the value property, if the value is
 149         // set to something that exists in the items list, update the
 150         // selection model to indicate that this is the selected item
 151         valueProperty().addListener((ov, t, t1) -> {
 152             if (getItems() == null) return;
 153             int index = getItems().indexOf(t1);
 154             if (index > -1) {
 155                 getSelectionModel().select(index);
 156             }
 157         });
 158     }
 160     /***************************************************************************

 292             // Look for the selected item as having been removed. If it has been,
 293             // then we need to clear the selection in the selection model.
 294             final T selectedItem = sm.getSelectedItem();
 295             while (c.next()) {
 296                 if (selectedItem != null && c.getRemoved().contains(selectedItem)) {
 297                     sm.clearSelection();
 298                     break;
 299                     }
 300             }
 301         }
 302     };
 304     /**
 305      * Allows a way to specify how to represent objects in the items list. When
 306      * a StringConverter is set, the object toString method is not called and
 307      * instead its toString(object T) is called, passing the objects in the items list.
 308      * This is useful when using domain objects in a ChoiceBox as this property
 309      * allows for customization of the representation. Also, any of the pre-built
 310      * Converters available in the {@link javafx.util.converter} package can be set.

 311      * @since JavaFX 2.1
 312      */
 313     public ObjectProperty<StringConverter<T>> converterProperty() { return converter; }
 314     private ObjectProperty<StringConverter<T>> converter =
 315             new SimpleObjectProperty<StringConverter<T>>(this, "converter", null);
 316     public final void setConverter(StringConverter<T> value) { converterProperty().set(value); }
 317     public final StringConverter<T> getConverter() {return converterProperty().get(); }
 319     /**
 320      * The value of this ChoiceBox is defined as the selected item in the ChoiceBox
 321      * selection model. The valueProperty is synchronized with the selectedItem.
 322      * This property allows for bi-directional binding of external properties to the
 323      * ChoiceBox and updates the selection model accordingly.

 324      * @since JavaFX 2.1
 325      */
 326     public ObjectProperty<T> valueProperty() { return value; }
 327     private ObjectProperty<T> value = new SimpleObjectProperty<T>(this, "value") {
 328         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 329             super.invalidated();
 330             fireEvent(new ActionEvent());
 331             // Update selection
 332             final SingleSelectionModel<T> sm = getSelectionModel();
 333             if (sm != null) {
 334                 sm.select(super.getValue());
 335             }
 336             notifyAccessibleAttributeChanged(AccessibleAttribute.TEXT);
 337         }
 338     };
 339     public final void setValue(T value) { valueProperty().set(value); }
 340     public final T getValue() { return valueProperty().get(); }
 343     // --- On Action
 344     /**
 345      * The ChoiceBox action, which is invoked whenever the ChoiceBox
 346      * {@link #valueProperty() value} property is changed. This
 347      * may be due to the value property being programmatically changed or when the
 348      * user selects an item in a popup menu.
 349      *

 350      * @since JavaFX 8u60
 351      */
 352     public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> onActionProperty() { return onAction; }
 353     public final void setOnAction(EventHandler<ActionEvent> value) { onActionProperty().set(value); }
 354     public final EventHandler<ActionEvent> getOnAction() { return onActionProperty().get(); }
 355     private ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> onAction = new ObjectPropertyBase<EventHandler<ActionEvent>>() {
 356         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 357             setEventHandler(ActionEvent.ACTION, get());
 358         }
 360         @Override
 361         public Object getBean() {
 362             return ChoiceBox.this;
 363         }
 365         @Override
 366         public String getName() {
 367             return "onAction";
 368         }
 369     };
 372     // --- On Showing
 373     /**
 374      * Called just prior to the {@code ChoiceBox} popup being shown.

 375      * @since JavaFX 8u60
 376      */
 377     public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onShowingProperty() { return onShowing; }
 378     public final void setOnShowing(EventHandler<Event> value) { onShowingProperty().set(value); }
 379     public final EventHandler<Event> getOnShowing() { return onShowingProperty().get(); }
 380     private ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onShowing = new ObjectPropertyBase<EventHandler<Event>>() {
 381         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 382             setEventHandler(ON_SHOWING, get());
 383         }
 385         @Override public Object getBean() {
 386             return ChoiceBox.this;
 387         }
 389         @Override public String getName() {
 390             return "onShowing";
 391         }
 392     };
 395     // -- On Shown
 396     /**
 397      * Called just after the {@link ChoiceBox} popup is shown.

 398      * @since JavaFX 8u60
 399      */
 400     public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onShownProperty() { return onShown; }
 401     public final void setOnShown(EventHandler<Event> value) { onShownProperty().set(value); }
 402     public final EventHandler<Event> getOnShown() { return onShownProperty().get(); }
 403     private ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onShown = new ObjectPropertyBase<EventHandler<Event>>() {
 404         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 405             setEventHandler(ON_SHOWN, get());
 406         }
 408         @Override public Object getBean() {
 409             return ChoiceBox.this;
 410         }
 412         @Override public String getName() {
 413             return "onShown";
 414         }
 415     };
 418     // --- On Hiding
 419     /**
 420      * Called just prior to the {@link ChoiceBox} popup being hidden.

 421      * @since JavaFX 8u60
 422      */
 423     public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onHidingProperty() { return onHiding; }
 424     public final void setOnHiding(EventHandler<Event> value) { onHidingProperty().set(value); }
 425     public final EventHandler<Event> getOnHiding() { return onHidingProperty().get(); }
 426     private ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onHiding = new ObjectPropertyBase<EventHandler<Event>>() {
 427         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 428             setEventHandler(ON_HIDING, get());
 429         }
 431         @Override public Object getBean() {
 432             return ChoiceBox.this;
 433         }
 435         @Override public String getName() {
 436             return "onHiding";
 437         }
 438     };
 441     // --- On Hidden
 442     /**
 443      * Called just after the {@link ChoiceBox} popup has been hidden.

 444      * @since JavaFX 8u60
 445      */
 446     public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onHiddenProperty() { return onHidden; }
 447     public final void setOnHidden(EventHandler<Event> value) { onHiddenProperty().set(value); }
 448     public final EventHandler<Event> getOnHidden() { return onHiddenProperty().get(); }
 449     private ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onHidden = new ObjectPropertyBase<EventHandler<Event>>() {
 450         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 451             setEventHandler(ON_HIDDEN, get());
 452         }
 454         @Override public Object getBean() {
 455             return ChoiceBox.this;
 456         }
 458         @Override public String getName() {
 459             return "onHidden";
 460         }
 461     };
 463     /***************************************************************************

 123     /***************************************************************************
 124      *                                                                         *
 125      * Constructors                                                            *
 126      *                                                                         *
 127      **************************************************************************/
 129     /**
 130      * Create a new ChoiceBox which has an empty list of items.
 131      */
 132     public ChoiceBox() {
 133         this(FXCollections.<T>observableArrayList());
 134     }
 136     /**
 137      * Create a new ChoiceBox with the given set of items. Since it is observable,
 138      * the content of this list may change over time and the ChoiceBox will
 139      * be updated accordingly.
 140      * @param items the set of items
 141      */
 142     public ChoiceBox(ObservableList<T> items) {
 143         getStyleClass().setAll("choice-box");
 144         setAccessibleRole(AccessibleRole.COMBO_BOX);
 145         setItems(items);
 146         setSelectionModel(new ChoiceBoxSelectionModel<T>(this));
 148         // listen to the value property, if the value is
 149         // set to something that exists in the items list, update the
 150         // selection model to indicate that this is the selected item
 151         valueProperty().addListener((ov, t, t1) -> {
 152             if (getItems() == null) return;
 153             int index = getItems().indexOf(t1);
 154             if (index > -1) {
 155                 getSelectionModel().select(index);
 156             }
 157         });
 158     }
 160     /***************************************************************************

 292             // Look for the selected item as having been removed. If it has been,
 293             // then we need to clear the selection in the selection model.
 294             final T selectedItem = sm.getSelectedItem();
 295             while (c.next()) {
 296                 if (selectedItem != null && c.getRemoved().contains(selectedItem)) {
 297                     sm.clearSelection();
 298                     break;
 299                     }
 300             }
 301         }
 302     };
 304     /**
 305      * Allows a way to specify how to represent objects in the items list. When
 306      * a StringConverter is set, the object toString method is not called and
 307      * instead its toString(object T) is called, passing the objects in the items list.
 308      * This is useful when using domain objects in a ChoiceBox as this property
 309      * allows for customization of the representation. Also, any of the pre-built
 310      * Converters available in the {@link javafx.util.converter} package can be set.
 311      * @return the string converter property
 312      * @since JavaFX 2.1
 313      */
 314     public ObjectProperty<StringConverter<T>> converterProperty() { return converter; }
 315     private ObjectProperty<StringConverter<T>> converter =
 316             new SimpleObjectProperty<StringConverter<T>>(this, "converter", null);
 317     public final void setConverter(StringConverter<T> value) { converterProperty().set(value); }
 318     public final StringConverter<T> getConverter() {return converterProperty().get(); }
 320     /**
 321      * The value of this ChoiceBox is defined as the selected item in the ChoiceBox
 322      * selection model. The valueProperty is synchronized with the selectedItem.
 323      * This property allows for bi-directional binding of external properties to the
 324      * ChoiceBox and updates the selection model accordingly.
 325      * @return the value property
 326      * @since JavaFX 2.1
 327      */
 328     public ObjectProperty<T> valueProperty() { return value; }
 329     private ObjectProperty<T> value = new SimpleObjectProperty<T>(this, "value") {
 330         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 331             super.invalidated();
 332             fireEvent(new ActionEvent());
 333             // Update selection
 334             final SingleSelectionModel<T> sm = getSelectionModel();
 335             if (sm != null) {
 336                 sm.select(super.getValue());
 337             }
 338             notifyAccessibleAttributeChanged(AccessibleAttribute.TEXT);
 339         }
 340     };
 341     public final void setValue(T value) { valueProperty().set(value); }
 342     public final T getValue() { return valueProperty().get(); }
 345     // --- On Action
 346     /**
 347      * The ChoiceBox action, which is invoked whenever the ChoiceBox
 348      * {@link #valueProperty() value} property is changed. This
 349      * may be due to the value property being programmatically changed or when the
 350      * user selects an item in a popup menu.
 351      *
 352      * @return the on action property
 353      * @since JavaFX 8u60
 354      */
 355     public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> onActionProperty() { return onAction; }
 356     public final void setOnAction(EventHandler<ActionEvent> value) { onActionProperty().set(value); }
 357     public final EventHandler<ActionEvent> getOnAction() { return onActionProperty().get(); }
 358     private ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> onAction = new ObjectPropertyBase<EventHandler<ActionEvent>>() {
 359         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 360             setEventHandler(ActionEvent.ACTION, get());
 361         }
 363         @Override
 364         public Object getBean() {
 365             return ChoiceBox.this;
 366         }
 368         @Override
 369         public String getName() {
 370             return "onAction";
 371         }
 372     };
 375     // --- On Showing
 376     /**
 377      * Called just prior to the {@code ChoiceBox} popup being shown.
 378      * @return the on showing property
 379      * @since JavaFX 8u60
 380      */
 381     public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onShowingProperty() { return onShowing; }
 382     public final void setOnShowing(EventHandler<Event> value) { onShowingProperty().set(value); }
 383     public final EventHandler<Event> getOnShowing() { return onShowingProperty().get(); }
 384     private ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onShowing = new ObjectPropertyBase<EventHandler<Event>>() {
 385         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 386             setEventHandler(ON_SHOWING, get());
 387         }
 389         @Override public Object getBean() {
 390             return ChoiceBox.this;
 391         }
 393         @Override public String getName() {
 394             return "onShowing";
 395         }
 396     };
 399     // -- On Shown
 400     /**
 401      * Called just after the {@link ChoiceBox} popup is shown.
 402      * @return the on shown property
 403      * @since JavaFX 8u60
 404      */
 405     public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onShownProperty() { return onShown; }
 406     public final void setOnShown(EventHandler<Event> value) { onShownProperty().set(value); }
 407     public final EventHandler<Event> getOnShown() { return onShownProperty().get(); }
 408     private ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onShown = new ObjectPropertyBase<EventHandler<Event>>() {
 409         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 410             setEventHandler(ON_SHOWN, get());
 411         }
 413         @Override public Object getBean() {
 414             return ChoiceBox.this;
 415         }
 417         @Override public String getName() {
 418             return "onShown";
 419         }
 420     };
 423     // --- On Hiding
 424     /**
 425      * Called just prior to the {@link ChoiceBox} popup being hidden.
 426      * @return the on hiding property
 427      * @since JavaFX 8u60
 428      */
 429     public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onHidingProperty() { return onHiding; }
 430     public final void setOnHiding(EventHandler<Event> value) { onHidingProperty().set(value); }
 431     public final EventHandler<Event> getOnHiding() { return onHidingProperty().get(); }
 432     private ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onHiding = new ObjectPropertyBase<EventHandler<Event>>() {
 433         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 434             setEventHandler(ON_HIDING, get());
 435         }
 437         @Override public Object getBean() {
 438             return ChoiceBox.this;
 439         }
 441         @Override public String getName() {
 442             return "onHiding";
 443         }
 444     };
 447     // --- On Hidden
 448     /**
 449      * Called just after the {@link ChoiceBox} popup has been hidden.
 450      * @return the on hidden property
 451      * @since JavaFX 8u60
 452      */
 453     public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onHiddenProperty() { return onHidden; }
 454     public final void setOnHidden(EventHandler<Event> value) { onHiddenProperty().set(value); }
 455     public final EventHandler<Event> getOnHidden() { return onHiddenProperty().get(); }
 456     private ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onHidden = new ObjectPropertyBase<EventHandler<Event>>() {
 457         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 458             setEventHandler(ON_HIDDEN, get());
 459         }
 461         @Override public Object getBean() {
 462             return ChoiceBox.this;
 463         }
 465         @Override public String getName() {
 466             return "onHidden";
 467         }
 468     };
 470     /***************************************************************************

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