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 449      */
 450     public final Node getHeader() {
 451         return header.get();
 452     }
 454     /**
 455      * Assigns the dialog pane header. Any Node can be used.
 456      *
 457      * @param header The new header of the DialogPane.
 458      */
 459     public final void setHeader(Node header) {
 460         this.header.setValue(header);
 461     }
 463     /**
 464      * Property representing the header area of the dialog pane. Note that if this
 465      * header is set to a non-null value, that it will take up the entire top
 466      * area of the DialogPane. It will also result in the DialogPane switching its
 467      * layout to the 'header' layout - as outlined in the {@link DialogPane} class
 468      * javadoc.

 469      */
 470     public final ObjectProperty<Node> headerProperty() {
 471         return header;
 472     }
 476     // --- header text
 477     private final StringProperty headerText = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "headerText") {
 478         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 479             updateHeaderArea();
 480             requestLayout();
 481         }
 482     };
 484     /**
 485      * Sets the string to show in the dialog header area. Note that the header text
 486      * is lower precedence than the {@link #headerProperty() header node}, meaning
 487      * that if both the header node and the headerText properties are set, the
 488      * header text will not be displayed in a default DialogPane instance.
 489      *
 490      * <p>When headerText is set to a non-null value, this will result in the
 491      * DialogPane switching its layout to the 'header' layout - as outlined in
 492      * the {@link DialogPane} class javadoc.</p>

 493      */
 494     public final void setHeaderText(String headerText) {
 495         this.headerText.set(headerText);
 496     }
 498     /**
 499      * Returns the currently-set header text for this DialogPane.

 500      */
 501     public final String getHeaderText() {
 502         return headerText.get();
 503     }
 505     /**
 506      * A property representing the header text for the dialog pane. The header text
 507      * is lower precedence than the {@link #headerProperty() header node}, meaning
 508      * that if both the header node and the headerText properties are set, the
 509      * header text will not be displayed in a default DialogPane instance.
 510      *
 511      * <p>When headerText is set to a non-null value, this will result in the
 512      * DialogPane switching its layout to the 'header' layout - as outlined in
 513      * the {@link DialogPane} class javadoc.</p>

 514      */
 515     public final StringProperty headerTextProperty() {
 516         return headerText;
 517     }
 520     // --- content
 521     private final ObjectProperty<Node> content = new SimpleObjectProperty<Node>(null) {
 522         WeakReference<Node> contentRef = new WeakReference<>(null);
 523         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 524             Node oldContent = contentRef.get();
 525             if (oldContent != null) {
 526                 getChildren().remove(oldContent);
 527             }
 529             Node newContent = getContent();
 530             contentRef = new WeakReference<>(newContent);
 531             updateContentArea();
 532         }
 533     };

 538      * {@link Node} (most probably a {@link Label}).
 539      *
 540      * @return dialog's content
 541      */
 542     public final Node getContent() {
 543         return content.get();
 544     }
 546     /**
 547      * Assign dialog content. Any Node can be used
 548      *
 549      * @param content
 550      *            dialog's content
 551      */
 552     public final void setContent(Node content) {
 553         this.content.setValue(content);
 554     }
 556     /**
 557      * Property representing the content area of the dialog.

 558      */
 559     public final ObjectProperty<Node> contentProperty() {
 560         return content;
 561     }
 564     // --- content text
 565     private final StringProperty contentText = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "contentText") {
 566         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 567             updateContentArea();
 568             requestLayout();
 569         }
 570     };
 572     /**
 573      * Sets the string to show in the dialog content area. Note that the content text
 574      * is lower precedence than the {@link #contentProperty() content node}, meaning
 575      * that if both the content node and the contentText properties are set, the
 576      * content text will not be displayed in a default DialogPane instance.

 577      */
 578     public final void setContentText(String contentText) {
 579         this.contentText.set(contentText);
 580     }
 582     /**
 583      * Returns the currently-set content text for this DialogPane.

 584      */
 585     public final String getContentText() {
 586         return contentText.get();
 587     }
 589     /**
 590      * A property representing the content text for the dialog pane. The content text
 591      * is lower precedence than the {@link #contentProperty() content node}, meaning
 592      * that if both the content node and the contentText properties are set, the
 593      * content text will not be displayed in a default DialogPane instance.

 594      */
 595     public final StringProperty contentTextProperty() {
 596         return contentText;
 597     }
 600     // --- expandable content
 601     private final ObjectProperty<Node> expandableContentProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<Node>(null) {
 602         WeakReference<Node> expandableContentRef = new WeakReference<>(null);
 603         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 604             Node oldExpandableContent = expandableContentRef.get();
 605             if (oldExpandableContent != null) {
 606                 getChildren().remove(oldExpandableContent);
 607             }
 609             Node newExpandableContent = getExpandableContent();
 610             expandableContentRef = new WeakReference<Node>(newExpandableContent);
 611             if (newExpandableContent != null) {
 612                 newExpandableContent.setVisible(isExpanded());
 613                 newExpandableContent.setManaged(isExpanded());
 615                 if (!newExpandableContent.getStyleClass().contains("expandable-content")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
 616                     newExpandableContent.getStyleClass().add("expandable-content"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 617                 }
 619                 getChildren().add(newExpandableContent);
 620             }
 621         }
 622     };
 624     /**
 625      * A property that represents the dialog expandable content area. Any Node
 626      * can be placed in this area, but it will only be shown when the user
 627      * clicks the 'Show Details' expandable button. This button will be added
 628      * automatically when the expandable content property is non-null.

 629      */
 630     public final ObjectProperty<Node> expandableContentProperty() {
 631         return expandableContentProperty;
 632     }
 634     /**
 635      * Returns the dialog expandable content node, if one is set, or null
 636      * otherwise.

 637      */
 638     public final Node getExpandableContent() {
 639         return expandableContentProperty.get();
 640     }
 642     /**
 643      * Sets the dialog expandable content node, or null if no expandable content
 644      * needs to be shown.

 645      */
 646     public final void setExpandableContent(Node content) {
 647         this.expandableContentProperty.set(content);
 648     }
 651     // --- expanded
 652     private final BooleanProperty expandedProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "expanded", false) {
 653         protected void invalidated() {
 654             final Node expandableContent = getExpandableContent();
 656             if (expandableContent != null) {
 657                 expandableContent.setVisible(isExpanded());
 658             }
 660             requestLayout();
 661         }
 662     };
 664     /**
 665      * Represents whether the dialogPane is expanded.

 666      */
 667     public final BooleanProperty expandedProperty() {
 668         return expandedProperty;
 669     }
 671     /**
 672      * Returns whether or not the dialogPane is expanded.
 673      *
 674      * @return true if dialogPane is expanded.
 675      */
 676     public final boolean isExpanded() {
 677         return expandedProperty().get();
 678     }
 680     /**
 681      * Sets whether the dialogPane is expanded. This only makes sense when there
 682      * is {@link #expandableContentProperty() expandable content} to show.
 683      *
 684      * @param value true if dialogPane should be expanded.
 685      */

 726     /**
 727      * This method can be overridden by subclasses to provide the button bar.
 728      * Note that by overriding this method, the developer must take on multiple
 729      * responsibilities:
 730      *
 731      * <ol>
 732      *   <li>The developer must immediately iterate through all
 733      *   {@link #getButtonTypes() button types} and call
 734      *   {@link #createButton(ButtonType)} for each of them in turn.
 735      *   <li>The developer must add a listener to the
 736      *   {@link #getButtonTypes() button types} list, and when this list changes
 737      *   update the button bar as appropriate.
 738      *   <li>Similarly, the developer must watch for changes to the
 739      *   {@link #expandableContentProperty() expandable content} property,
 740      *   adding and removing the details button (created via
 741      *   {@link #createDetailsButton()} method).
 742      * </ol>
 743      *
 744      * <p>The default implementation of this method creates and returns a new
 745      * {@link ButtonBar} instance.

 746      */
 747     protected Node createButtonBar() {
 748         ButtonBar buttonBar = new ButtonBar();
 749         buttonBar.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE);
 751         updateButtons(buttonBar);
 752         getButtonTypes().addListener((ListChangeListener<? super ButtonType>) c -> updateButtons(buttonBar));
 753         expandableContentProperty().addListener(o -> updateButtons(buttonBar));
 755         return buttonBar;
 756     }
 758     /**
 759      * This method can be overridden by subclasses to create a custom button that
 760      * will subsequently inserted into the DialogPane button area (created via
 761      * the {@link #createButtonBar()} method, but mostly commonly it is an instance
 762      * of {@link ButtonBar}.
 763      *
 764      * @param buttonType The {@link ButtonType} to create a button from.
 765      * @return A JavaFX {@link Node} that represents the given {@link ButtonType},

 777                 dialog.setResultAndClose(buttonType, true);
 778             }
 779         });
 781         return button;
 782     }
 784     /**
 785      * This method can be overridden by subclasses to create a custom details button.
 786      *
 787      * <p>To override this method you must do two things:
 788      * <ol>
 789      *   <li>The button will need to have its own code set to handle mouse / keyboard
 790      *       interaction and to toggle the state of the
 791      *       {@link #expandedProperty() expanded} property.
 792      *   <li>If your button changes its visuals based on whether the dialog pane
 793      *       is expanded or collapsed, you should add a listener to the
 794      *       {@link #expandedProperty() expanded} property, so that you may update
 795      *       the button visuals.
 796      * </ol>

 797      */
 798     protected Node createDetailsButton() {
 799         final Hyperlink detailsButton = new Hyperlink();
 800         final String moreText = ControlResources.getString("Dialog.detail.button.more"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 801         final String lessText = ControlResources.getString("Dialog.detail.button.less"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 803         InvalidationListener expandedListener = o -> {
 804             final boolean isExpanded = isExpanded();
 805             detailsButton.setText(isExpanded ? lessText : moreText);
 806             detailsButton.getStyleClass().setAll("details-button", (isExpanded ? "less" : "more")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
 807         };
 809         // we call the listener immediately to ensure the state is correct at start up
 810         expandedListener.invalidated(null);
 811         expandedProperty().addListener(expandedListener);
 813         detailsButton.setOnAction(ae -> setExpanded(!isExpanded()));
 814         return detailsButton;
 815     }

 449      */
 450     public final Node getHeader() {
 451         return header.get();
 452     }
 454     /**
 455      * Assigns the dialog pane header. Any Node can be used.
 456      *
 457      * @param header The new header of the DialogPane.
 458      */
 459     public final void setHeader(Node header) {
 460         this.header.setValue(header);
 461     }
 463     /**
 464      * Property representing the header area of the dialog pane. Note that if this
 465      * header is set to a non-null value, that it will take up the entire top
 466      * area of the DialogPane. It will also result in the DialogPane switching its
 467      * layout to the 'header' layout - as outlined in the {@link DialogPane} class
 468      * javadoc.
 469      * @return the property representing the header area of the dialog pane
 470      */
 471     public final ObjectProperty<Node> headerProperty() {
 472         return header;
 473     }
 477     // --- header text
 478     private final StringProperty headerText = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "headerText") {
 479         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 480             updateHeaderArea();
 481             requestLayout();
 482         }
 483     };
 485     /**
 486      * Sets the string to show in the dialog header area. Note that the header text
 487      * is lower precedence than the {@link #headerProperty() header node}, meaning
 488      * that if both the header node and the headerText properties are set, the
 489      * header text will not be displayed in a default DialogPane instance.
 490      *
 491      * <p>When headerText is set to a non-null value, this will result in the
 492      * DialogPane switching its layout to the 'header' layout - as outlined in
 493      * the {@link DialogPane} class javadoc.</p>
 494      * @param headerText the string to show in the dialog header area
 495      */
 496     public final void setHeaderText(String headerText) {
 497         this.headerText.set(headerText);
 498     }
 500     /**
 501      * Returns the currently-set header text for this DialogPane.
 502      * @return the currently-set header text for this DialogPane
 503      */
 504     public final String getHeaderText() {
 505         return headerText.get();
 506     }
 508     /**
 509      * A property representing the header text for the dialog pane. The header text
 510      * is lower precedence than the {@link #headerProperty() header node}, meaning
 511      * that if both the header node and the headerText properties are set, the
 512      * header text will not be displayed in a default DialogPane instance.
 513      *
 514      * <p>When headerText is set to a non-null value, this will result in the
 515      * DialogPane switching its layout to the 'header' layout - as outlined in
 516      * the {@link DialogPane} class javadoc.</p>
 517      * @return the property representing the header text for the dialog pane
 518      */
 519     public final StringProperty headerTextProperty() {
 520         return headerText;
 521     }
 524     // --- content
 525     private final ObjectProperty<Node> content = new SimpleObjectProperty<Node>(null) {
 526         WeakReference<Node> contentRef = new WeakReference<>(null);
 527         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 528             Node oldContent = contentRef.get();
 529             if (oldContent != null) {
 530                 getChildren().remove(oldContent);
 531             }
 533             Node newContent = getContent();
 534             contentRef = new WeakReference<>(newContent);
 535             updateContentArea();
 536         }
 537     };

 542      * {@link Node} (most probably a {@link Label}).
 543      *
 544      * @return dialog's content
 545      */
 546     public final Node getContent() {
 547         return content.get();
 548     }
 550     /**
 551      * Assign dialog content. Any Node can be used
 552      *
 553      * @param content
 554      *            dialog's content
 555      */
 556     public final void setContent(Node content) {
 557         this.content.setValue(content);
 558     }
 560     /**
 561      * Property representing the content area of the dialog.
 562      * @return the property representing the content area of the dialog
 563      */
 564     public final ObjectProperty<Node> contentProperty() {
 565         return content;
 566     }
 569     // --- content text
 570     private final StringProperty contentText = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "contentText") {
 571         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 572             updateContentArea();
 573             requestLayout();
 574         }
 575     };
 577     /**
 578      * Sets the string to show in the dialog content area. Note that the content text
 579      * is lower precedence than the {@link #contentProperty() content node}, meaning
 580      * that if both the content node and the contentText properties are set, the
 581      * content text will not be displayed in a default DialogPane instance.
 582      * @param contentText the string to show in the dialog content area
 583      */
 584     public final void setContentText(String contentText) {
 585         this.contentText.set(contentText);
 586     }
 588     /**
 589      * Returns the currently-set content text for this DialogPane.
 590      * @return the currently-set content text for this DialogPane
 591      */
 592     public final String getContentText() {
 593         return contentText.get();
 594     }
 596     /**
 597      * A property representing the content text for the dialog pane. The content text
 598      * is lower precedence than the {@link #contentProperty() content node}, meaning
 599      * that if both the content node and the contentText properties are set, the
 600      * content text will not be displayed in a default DialogPane instance.
 601      * @return the property representing the content text for the dialog pane
 602      */
 603     public final StringProperty contentTextProperty() {
 604         return contentText;
 605     }
 608     // --- expandable content
 609     private final ObjectProperty<Node> expandableContentProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<Node>(null) {
 610         WeakReference<Node> expandableContentRef = new WeakReference<>(null);
 611         @Override protected void invalidated() {
 612             Node oldExpandableContent = expandableContentRef.get();
 613             if (oldExpandableContent != null) {
 614                 getChildren().remove(oldExpandableContent);
 615             }
 617             Node newExpandableContent = getExpandableContent();
 618             expandableContentRef = new WeakReference<Node>(newExpandableContent);
 619             if (newExpandableContent != null) {
 620                 newExpandableContent.setVisible(isExpanded());
 621                 newExpandableContent.setManaged(isExpanded());
 623                 if (!newExpandableContent.getStyleClass().contains("expandable-content")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
 624                     newExpandableContent.getStyleClass().add("expandable-content"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 625                 }
 627                 getChildren().add(newExpandableContent);
 628             }
 629         }
 630     };
 632     /**
 633      * A property that represents the dialog expandable content area. Any Node
 634      * can be placed in this area, but it will only be shown when the user
 635      * clicks the 'Show Details' expandable button. This button will be added
 636      * automatically when the expandable content property is non-null.
 637      * @return the property that represents the dialog expandable content area
 638      */
 639     public final ObjectProperty<Node> expandableContentProperty() {
 640         return expandableContentProperty;
 641     }
 643     /**
 644      * Returns the dialog expandable content node, if one is set, or null
 645      * otherwise.
 646      * @return the dialog expandable content node
 647      */
 648     public final Node getExpandableContent() {
 649         return expandableContentProperty.get();
 650     }
 652     /**
 653      * Sets the dialog expandable content node, or null if no expandable content
 654      * needs to be shown.
 655      * @param content the dialog expandable content node
 656      */
 657     public final void setExpandableContent(Node content) {
 658         this.expandableContentProperty.set(content);
 659     }
 662     // --- expanded
 663     private final BooleanProperty expandedProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "expanded", false) {
 664         protected void invalidated() {
 665             final Node expandableContent = getExpandableContent();
 667             if (expandableContent != null) {
 668                 expandableContent.setVisible(isExpanded());
 669             }
 671             requestLayout();
 672         }
 673     };
 675     /**
 676      * Represents whether the dialogPane is expanded.
 677      * @return the property representing whether the dialogPane is expanded
 678      */
 679     public final BooleanProperty expandedProperty() {
 680         return expandedProperty;
 681     }
 683     /**
 684      * Returns whether or not the dialogPane is expanded.
 685      *
 686      * @return true if dialogPane is expanded.
 687      */
 688     public final boolean isExpanded() {
 689         return expandedProperty().get();
 690     }
 692     /**
 693      * Sets whether the dialogPane is expanded. This only makes sense when there
 694      * is {@link #expandableContentProperty() expandable content} to show.
 695      *
 696      * @param value true if dialogPane should be expanded.
 697      */

 738     /**
 739      * This method can be overridden by subclasses to provide the button bar.
 740      * Note that by overriding this method, the developer must take on multiple
 741      * responsibilities:
 742      *
 743      * <ol>
 744      *   <li>The developer must immediately iterate through all
 745      *   {@link #getButtonTypes() button types} and call
 746      *   {@link #createButton(ButtonType)} for each of them in turn.
 747      *   <li>The developer must add a listener to the
 748      *   {@link #getButtonTypes() button types} list, and when this list changes
 749      *   update the button bar as appropriate.
 750      *   <li>Similarly, the developer must watch for changes to the
 751      *   {@link #expandableContentProperty() expandable content} property,
 752      *   adding and removing the details button (created via
 753      *   {@link #createDetailsButton()} method).
 754      * </ol>
 755      *
 756      * <p>The default implementation of this method creates and returns a new
 757      * {@link ButtonBar} instance.
 758      * @return the created button bar
 759      */
 760     protected Node createButtonBar() {
 761         ButtonBar buttonBar = new ButtonBar();
 762         buttonBar.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE);
 764         updateButtons(buttonBar);
 765         getButtonTypes().addListener((ListChangeListener<? super ButtonType>) c -> updateButtons(buttonBar));
 766         expandableContentProperty().addListener(o -> updateButtons(buttonBar));
 768         return buttonBar;
 769     }
 771     /**
 772      * This method can be overridden by subclasses to create a custom button that
 773      * will subsequently inserted into the DialogPane button area (created via
 774      * the {@link #createButtonBar()} method, but mostly commonly it is an instance
 775      * of {@link ButtonBar}.
 776      *
 777      * @param buttonType The {@link ButtonType} to create a button from.
 778      * @return A JavaFX {@link Node} that represents the given {@link ButtonType},

 790                 dialog.setResultAndClose(buttonType, true);
 791             }
 792         });
 794         return button;
 795     }
 797     /**
 798      * This method can be overridden by subclasses to create a custom details button.
 799      *
 800      * <p>To override this method you must do two things:
 801      * <ol>
 802      *   <li>The button will need to have its own code set to handle mouse / keyboard
 803      *       interaction and to toggle the state of the
 804      *       {@link #expandedProperty() expanded} property.
 805      *   <li>If your button changes its visuals based on whether the dialog pane
 806      *       is expanded or collapsed, you should add a listener to the
 807      *       {@link #expandedProperty() expanded} property, so that you may update
 808      *       the button visuals.
 809      * </ol>
 810      * @return the created details button
 811      */
 812     protected Node createDetailsButton() {
 813         final Hyperlink detailsButton = new Hyperlink();
 814         final String moreText = ControlResources.getString("Dialog.detail.button.more"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 815         final String lessText = ControlResources.getString("Dialog.detail.button.less"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 817         InvalidationListener expandedListener = o -> {
 818             final boolean isExpanded = isExpanded();
 819             detailsButton.setText(isExpanded ? lessText : moreText);
 820             detailsButton.getStyleClass().setAll("details-button", (isExpanded ? "less" : "more")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
 821         };
 823         // we call the listener immediately to ensure the state is correct at start up
 824         expandedListener.invalidated(null);
 825         expandedProperty().addListener(expandedListener);
 827         detailsButton.setOnAction(ae -> setExpanded(!isExpanded()));
 828         return detailsButton;
 829     }

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