1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package javafx.scene.control;
  28 import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
  29 import javafx.beans.property.BooleanPropertyBase;
  30 import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
  31 import javafx.beans.property.ObjectPropertyBase;
  32 import javafx.scene.Node;
  34 /**
  35  * <p>
  36  * A RadioMenuItem is a {@link MenuItem} that can be toggled (it uses
  37  * the {@link javafx.scene.control.Toggle Toggle} mixin). This means that
  38  * RadioMenuItem has an API very similar in nature to other controls that use
  39  * {@link javafx.scene.control.Toggle Toggle}, such as
  40  * {@link javafx.scene.control.RadioButton} and
  41  * {@link javafx.scene.control.ToggleButton}. RadioMenuItem is
  42  * specifically designed for use within a {@code Menu}, so refer to that class
  43  * API documentation for more information on how to add a RadioMenuItem into it.
  44  * <p>
  45  * To create a simple, ungrouped RadioMenuItem, do the following:
  46 <pre><code>
  47 RadioMenuItem radioItem = new RadioMenuItem("radio text");
  48 radioItem.setSelected(false);
  49 radioItem.setOnAction(new EventHandler&lt;ActionEvent&gt;() {
  50     @Override public void handle(ActionEvent e) {
  51         System.out.println("radio toggled");
  52     }
  53 });
  54 </code></pre>
  55  * <p>
  56  * The problem with the example above is that this offers no benefit over using
  57  * a normal MenuItem. As already mentioned, the purpose of a
  58  * RadioMenuItem is to offer
  59  * multiple choices to the user, and only allow for one of these choices to be
  60  * selected at any one time (i.e. the selection should be <i>mutually exclusive</i>).
  61  * To achieve this, you can place zero or more RadioMenuItem's into groups. When
  62  * in groups, only one RadioMenuItem at a time within that group can be selected.
  63  * To put two RadioMenuItem instances into the same group, simply assign them
  64  * both the same value for {@code toggleGroup}. For example:
  65 <pre><code>
  66 ToggleGroup toggleGroup = new ToggleGroup();
  68 RadioMenuItem radioItem1 = new RadioMenuItem("Option 1");
  69 radioItem.setOnAction(new EventHandler&lt;ActionEvent&gt;() {
  70     @Override public void handle(ActionEvent e) {
  71         System.out.println("radio toggled");
  72     }
  73 });
  74 radioItem1.setToggleGroup(toggleGroup);
  75 RadioMenuItem radioItem2 = new RadioMenuItem("Option 2");
  76 radioItem.setOnAction(new EventHandler&lt;ActionEvent&gt;() {
  77     @Override public void handle(ActionEvent e) {
  78         System.out.println("radio toggled");
  79     }
  80 });
  81 radioItem2.setToggleGroup(toggleGroup);
  83 </code></pre>
  84  *
  85  * In this example, with both RadioMenuItem's assigned to the same
  86  * {@link javafx.scene.control.ToggleGroup ToggleGroup}, only one item may be
  87  * selected at any one time, and should
  88  * the selection change, the ToggleGroup will take care of deselecting the
  89  * previous item.
  90 </code></pre>
  91  *
  92  * @see MenuItem
  93  * @see Menu
  94  * @since JavaFX 2.0
  95  */
  96 public class RadioMenuItem extends MenuItem implements Toggle {
  98     /***************************************************************************
  99      *                                                                         *
 100      * Constructors                                                            *
 101      *                                                                         *
 102      **************************************************************************/
 104     /**
 105      * Constructs a RadioMenuItem with no display text.
 106      */
 107     public RadioMenuItem() {
 108         this(null,null);
 109     }
 111     /**
 112      * Constructs a RadioMenuItem and sets the display text with the specified text.
 113      */
 114     public RadioMenuItem(String text) {
 115         this(text,null);
 116     }
 118     /**
 119      * Constructs a RadioMenuItem and sets the display text with the specified text
 120      * and sets the graphic {@link Node} to the given node.
 121      */
 122     public RadioMenuItem(String text, Node graphic) {
 123         super(text,graphic);
 124         getStyleClass().add(DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS);
 125     }
 129     /***************************************************************************
 130      *                                                                         *
 131      * Properties                                                              *
 132      *                                                                         *
 133      **************************************************************************/
 135     // --- Toggle Group
 136     /**
 137      * Represents the {@link ToggleGroup} that this RadioMenuItem belongs to.
 138      */
 139     private ObjectProperty<ToggleGroup> toggleGroup;
 140     @Override public final void setToggleGroup(ToggleGroup value) {
 141         toggleGroupProperty().set(value);
 142     }
 144     @Override public final ToggleGroup getToggleGroup() {
 145         return toggleGroup == null ? null : toggleGroup.get();
 146     }
 148     @Override public final ObjectProperty<ToggleGroup> toggleGroupProperty() {
 149         if (toggleGroup == null) {
 150             toggleGroup = new ObjectPropertyBase<ToggleGroup>() {
 151                 private ToggleGroup old;
 152                 @Override protected void invalidated() {
 153                     if (old != null) {
 154                         old.getToggles().remove(RadioMenuItem.this);
 155                     }
 156                     old = get();
 157                     if (get() != null && !get().getToggles().contains(RadioMenuItem.this)) {
 158                         get().getToggles().add(RadioMenuItem.this);
 159                     }
 160                 }
 162                 @Override
 163                 public Object getBean() {
 164                     return RadioMenuItem.this;
 165                 }
 167                 @Override
 168                 public String getName() {
 169                     return "toggleGroup";
 170                 }
 171             };
 172         }
 173         return toggleGroup;
 174     }
 177     // --- Selected
 178     private BooleanProperty selected;
 179     @Override public final void setSelected(boolean value) {
 180         selectedProperty().set(value);
 181     }
 183     @Override public final boolean isSelected() {
 184         return selected == null ? false : selected.get();
 185     }
 187     @Override public final BooleanProperty selectedProperty() {
 188         if (selected == null) {
 189             selected = new BooleanPropertyBase() {
 190                 @Override protected void invalidated() {
 191                     if (getToggleGroup() != null) {
 192                         if (get()) {
 193                             getToggleGroup().selectToggle(RadioMenuItem.this);
 194                         } else if (getToggleGroup().getSelectedToggle() == RadioMenuItem.this) {
 195                             getToggleGroup().selectToggle(null);
 196                         }
 197                     }
 199                     if (isSelected()) {
 200                         getStyleClass().add(STYLE_CLASS_SELECTED);
 201                     } else {
 202                         getStyleClass().remove(STYLE_CLASS_SELECTED);
 203                     }
 204                 }
 206                 @Override
 207                 public Object getBean() {
 208                     return RadioMenuItem.this;
 209                 }
 211                 @Override
 212                 public String getName() {
 213                     return "selected";
 214                 }
 215             };
 216         }
 217         return selected;
 218     }
 222     /***************************************************************************
 223      *                                                                         *
 224      * Inherited Public API                                                    *
 225      *                                                                         *
 226      **************************************************************************/
 229     /***************************************************************************
 230      *                                                                         *
 231      * Stylesheet Handling                                                     *
 232      *                                                                         *
 233      **************************************************************************/
 235     private static final String DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "radio-menu-item";
 236     private static final String STYLE_CLASS_SELECTED = "selected";
 237 }