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rev 17275 : 8181417: Code cleanups in com.sun.jdi

  26 package com.sun.jdi;
  28 import java.util.List;
  30 /**
  31  * A mirror of a class in the target VM. A ClassType is a refinement
  32  * of {@link ReferenceType} that applies to true classes in the JLS
  33  * sense of the definition (not an interface, not an array type). Any
  34  * {@link ObjectReference} that mirrors an instance of such a class
  35  * will have a ClassType as its type.
  36  *
  37  * @see ObjectReference
  38  *
  39  * @author Robert Field
  40  * @author Gordon Hirsch
  41  * @author James McIlree
  42  * @since  1.3
  43  */
  44 public interface ClassType extends ReferenceType {

  45     /**
  46      * Gets the superclass of this class.
  47      *
  48      * @return a {@link ClassType} that mirrors the superclass
  49      * of this class in the target VM. If no such class exists,
  50      * returns null
  51      */
  52     ClassType superclass();
  54     /**
  55      * Gets the interfaces directly implemented by this class.
  56      * Only the interfaces that are declared with the "implements"
  57      * keyword in this class are included.
  58      *
  59      * @return a List of {@link InterfaceType} objects each mirroring
  60      * a direct interface this ClassType in the target VM.
  61      * If none exist, returns a zero length List.
  62      * @throws ClassNotPreparedException if this class not yet been
  63      * prepared.
  64      */

  26 package com.sun.jdi;
  28 import java.util.List;
  30 /**
  31  * A mirror of a class in the target VM. A ClassType is a refinement
  32  * of {@link ReferenceType} that applies to true classes in the JLS
  33  * sense of the definition (not an interface, not an array type). Any
  34  * {@link ObjectReference} that mirrors an instance of such a class
  35  * will have a ClassType as its type.
  36  *
  37  * @see ObjectReference
  38  *
  39  * @author Robert Field
  40  * @author Gordon Hirsch
  41  * @author James McIlree
  42  * @since  1.3
  43  */
  44 public interface ClassType extends ReferenceType {
  46     /**
  47      * Gets the superclass of this class.
  48      *
  49      * @return a {@link ClassType} that mirrors the superclass
  50      * of this class in the target VM. If no such class exists,
  51      * returns null
  52      */
  53     ClassType superclass();
  55     /**
  56      * Gets the interfaces directly implemented by this class.
  57      * Only the interfaces that are declared with the "implements"
  58      * keyword in this class are included.
  59      *
  60      * @return a List of {@link InterfaceType} objects each mirroring
  61      * a direct interface this ClassType in the target VM.
  62      * If none exist, returns a zero length List.
  63      * @throws ClassNotPreparedException if this class not yet been
  64      * prepared.
  65      */

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