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2321                                                bool is_method, TRAPS)  {
2322   // Nothing to do if loaders are the same.
2323   if (loader1() == loader2()) {
2324     return NULL;
2325   }
2327   SignatureStream sig_strm(signature, is_method);
2328   while (!sig_strm.is_done()) {
2329     if (sig_strm.is_object()) {
2330       Symbol* sig = sig_strm.as_symbol();
2331       if (!add_loader_constraint(sig, loader1, loader2, THREAD)) {
2332         return sig;
2333       }
2334     }
2335     sig_strm.next();
2336   }
2337   return NULL;
2338 }
2341 methodHandle SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_intrinsic(vmIntrinsics::ID iid,
2342                                                             Symbol* signature,
2343                                                             TRAPS) {
2344   methodHandle empty;
2345   assert(MethodHandles::is_signature_polymorphic(iid) &&
2346          MethodHandles::is_signature_polymorphic_intrinsic(iid) &&
2347          iid != vmIntrinsics::_invokeGeneric,
2348          "must be a known MH intrinsic iid=%d: %s", iid, vmIntrinsics::name_at(iid));
2350   unsigned int hash  = invoke_method_table()->compute_hash(signature, iid);
2351   int          index = invoke_method_table()->hash_to_index(hash);
2352   SymbolPropertyEntry* spe = invoke_method_table()->find_entry(index, hash, signature, iid);
2353   methodHandle m;
2354   if (spe == NULL || spe->method() == NULL) {
2355     spe = NULL;
2356     // Must create lots of stuff here, but outside of the SystemDictionary lock.
2357     m = Method::make_method_handle_intrinsic(iid, signature, CHECK_(empty));
2358     if (!Arguments::is_interpreter_only()) {
2359       // Generate a compiled form of the MH intrinsic.
2360       AdapterHandlerLibrary::create_native_wrapper(m);
2361       // Check if have the compiled code.
2362       if (!m->has_compiled_code()) {
2363         THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_VirtualMachineError(),
2364                    "Out of space in CodeCache for method handle intrinsic", empty);
2365       }
2366     }
2367     // Now grab the lock.  We might have to throw away the new method,
2368     // if a racing thread has managed to install one at the same time.
2369     {
2370       MutexLocker ml(SystemDictionary_lock, THREAD);
2371       spe = invoke_method_table()->find_entry(index, hash, signature, iid);
2372       if (spe == NULL)
2373         spe = invoke_method_table()->add_entry(index, hash, signature, iid);
2374       if (spe->method() == NULL)
2375         spe->set_method(m());
2376     }
2377   }
2379   assert(spe != NULL && spe->method() != NULL, "");
2380   assert(Arguments::is_interpreter_only() || (spe->method()->has_compiled_code() &&
2381          spe->method()->code()->entry_point() == spe->method()->from_compiled_entry()),
2382          "MH intrinsic invariant");
2383   return spe->method();
2384 }
2386 // Helper for unpacking the return value from linkMethod and linkCallSite.
2387 static methodHandle unpack_method_and_appendix(Handle mname,
2388                                                Klass* accessing_klass,
2389                                                objArrayHandle appendix_box,
2390                                                Handle* appendix_result,
2391                                                TRAPS) {
2392   methodHandle empty;
2393   if (mname.not_null()) {
2394     Method* m = java_lang_invoke_MemberName::vmtarget(mname());
2395     if (m != NULL) {
2396       oop appendix = appendix_box->obj_at(0);
2397       if (TraceMethodHandles) {
2398     #ifndef PRODUCT
2399         ttyLocker ttyl;
2400         tty->print("Linked method=" INTPTR_FORMAT ": ", p2i(m));
2401         m->print();
2402         if (appendix != NULL) { tty->print("appendix = "); appendix->print(); }
2403         tty->cr();
2404     #endif //PRODUCT
2405       }
2406       (*appendix_result) = Handle(THREAD, appendix);
2407       // the target is stored in the cpCache and if a reference to this
2408       // MemberName is dropped we need a way to make sure the
2409       // class_loader containing this method is kept alive.

2410       ClassLoaderData* this_key = accessing_klass->class_loader_data();
2411       this_key->record_dependency(m->method_holder());
2412       return methodHandle(THREAD, m);
2413     }
2414   }
2415   THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_LinkageError(), "bad value from MethodHandleNatives", empty);
2416   return empty;
2417 }
2419 methodHandle SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_invoker(Klass* klass,
2420                                                           Symbol* name,
2421                                                           Symbol* signature,
2422                                                           Klass* accessing_klass,
2423                                                           Handle *appendix_result,
2424                                                           TRAPS) {
2425   methodHandle empty;
2426   assert(THREAD->can_call_java() ,"");
2427   Handle method_type =
2428     SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_type(signature, accessing_klass, CHECK_(empty));
2430   int ref_kind = JVM_REF_invokeVirtual;
2431   oop name_oop = StringTable::intern(name, CHECK_(empty));
2432   Handle name_str (THREAD, name_oop);
2433   objArrayHandle appendix_box = oopFactory::new_objArray_handle(SystemDictionary::Object_klass(), 1, CHECK_(empty));
2434   assert(appendix_box->obj_at(0) == NULL, "");
2436   // This should not happen.  JDK code should take care of that.
2437   if (accessing_klass == NULL || method_type.is_null()) {
2438     THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "bad invokehandle", empty);
2439   }
2441   // call java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives::linkMethod(... String, MethodType) -> MemberName
2442   JavaCallArguments args;
2443   args.push_oop(Handle(THREAD, accessing_klass->java_mirror()));
2444   args.push_int(ref_kind);
2445   args.push_oop(Handle(THREAD, klass->java_mirror()));
2446   args.push_oop(name_str);
2447   args.push_oop(method_type);
2448   args.push_oop(appendix_box);
2449   JavaValue result(T_OBJECT);
2450   JavaCalls::call_static(&result,
2451                          SystemDictionary::MethodHandleNatives_klass(),
2452                          vmSymbols::linkMethod_name(),
2453                          vmSymbols::linkMethod_signature(),
2454                          &args, CHECK_(empty));
2455   Handle mname(THREAD, (oop) result.get_jobject());
2456   return unpack_method_and_appendix(mname, accessing_klass, appendix_box, appendix_result, THREAD);
2457 }
2459 // Decide if we can globally cache a lookup of this class, to be returned to any client that asks.
2460 // We must ensure that all class loaders everywhere will reach this class, for any client.
2461 // This is a safe bet for public classes in java.lang, such as Object and String.
2462 // We also include public classes in java.lang.invoke, because they appear frequently in system-level method types.
2463 // Out of an abundance of caution, we do not include any other classes, not even for packages like java.util.
2464 static bool is_always_visible_class(oop mirror) {
2465   Klass* klass = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(mirror);
2466   if (klass->is_objArray_klass()) {
2467     klass = ObjArrayKlass::cast(klass)->bottom_klass(); // check element type
2468   }
2469   if (klass->is_typeArray_klass()) {
2470     return true; // primitive array
2471   }
2472   assert(klass->is_instance_klass(), "%s", klass->external_name());
2473   return klass->is_public() &&
2474          (InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->is_same_class_package(SystemDictionary::Object_klass()) ||       // java.lang

2738   JavaCallArguments args;
2739   args.push_oop(Handle(THREAD, bootstrap_specifier.caller_mirror()));
2740   args.push_int(bootstrap_specifier.bss_index());
2741   args.push_oop(bootstrap_specifier.bsm());
2742   args.push_oop(bootstrap_specifier.name_arg());
2743   args.push_oop(bootstrap_specifier.type_arg());
2744   args.push_oop(bootstrap_specifier.arg_values());
2745   if (is_indy) {
2746     args.push_oop(appendix_box);
2747   }
2748   JavaValue result(T_OBJECT);
2749   JavaCalls::call_static(&result,
2750                          SystemDictionary::MethodHandleNatives_klass(),
2751                          is_indy ? vmSymbols::linkCallSite_name() : vmSymbols::linkDynamicConstant_name(),
2752                          is_indy ? vmSymbols::linkCallSite_signature() : vmSymbols::linkDynamicConstant_signature(),
2753                          &args, CHECK);
2755   Handle value(THREAD, (oop) result.get_jobject());
2756   if (is_indy) {
2757     Handle appendix;
2758     methodHandle method = unpack_method_and_appendix(value,
2759                                                      bootstrap_specifier.caller(),
2760                                                      appendix_box,
2761                                                      &appendix, CHECK);
2762     bootstrap_specifier.set_resolved_method(method, appendix);

2763   } else {
2764     bootstrap_specifier.set_resolved_value(value);
2765   }
2767   // sanity check
2768   assert(bootstrap_specifier.is_resolved() ||
2769          (bootstrap_specifier.is_method_call() &&
2770           bootstrap_specifier.resolved_method().not_null()), "bootstrap method call failed");
2771 }
2773 // Protection domain cache table handling
2775 ProtectionDomainCacheEntry* SystemDictionary::cache_get(Handle protection_domain) {
2776   return _pd_cache_table->get(protection_domain);
2777 }
2779 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2781 void SystemDictionary::print_on(outputStream *st) {
2782   CDS_ONLY(SystemDictionaryShared::print_on(st));

2321                                                bool is_method, TRAPS)  {
2322   // Nothing to do if loaders are the same.
2323   if (loader1() == loader2()) {
2324     return NULL;
2325   }
2327   SignatureStream sig_strm(signature, is_method);
2328   while (!sig_strm.is_done()) {
2329     if (sig_strm.is_object()) {
2330       Symbol* sig = sig_strm.as_symbol();
2331       if (!add_loader_constraint(sig, loader1, loader2, THREAD)) {
2332         return sig;
2333       }
2334     }
2335     sig_strm.next();
2336   }
2337   return NULL;
2338 }
2341 Method* SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_intrinsic(vmIntrinsics::ID iid,
2342                                                        Symbol* signature,
2343                                                        TRAPS) {
2344   methodHandle empty;
2345   assert(MethodHandles::is_signature_polymorphic(iid) &&
2346          MethodHandles::is_signature_polymorphic_intrinsic(iid) &&
2347          iid != vmIntrinsics::_invokeGeneric,
2348          "must be a known MH intrinsic iid=%d: %s", iid, vmIntrinsics::name_at(iid));
2350   unsigned int hash  = invoke_method_table()->compute_hash(signature, iid);
2351   int          index = invoke_method_table()->hash_to_index(hash);
2352   SymbolPropertyEntry* spe = invoke_method_table()->find_entry(index, hash, signature, iid);
2353   methodHandle m;
2354   if (spe == NULL || spe->method() == NULL) {
2355     spe = NULL;
2356     // Must create lots of stuff here, but outside of the SystemDictionary lock.
2357     m = Method::make_method_handle_intrinsic(iid, signature, CHECK_NULL);
2358     if (!Arguments::is_interpreter_only()) {
2359       // Generate a compiled form of the MH intrinsic.
2360       AdapterHandlerLibrary::create_native_wrapper(m);
2361       // Check if have the compiled code.
2362       if (!m->has_compiled_code()) {
2363         THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_VirtualMachineError(),
2364                        "Out of space in CodeCache for method handle intrinsic");
2365       }
2366     }
2367     // Now grab the lock.  We might have to throw away the new method,
2368     // if a racing thread has managed to install one at the same time.
2369     {
2370       MutexLocker ml(SystemDictionary_lock, THREAD);
2371       spe = invoke_method_table()->find_entry(index, hash, signature, iid);
2372       if (spe == NULL)
2373         spe = invoke_method_table()->add_entry(index, hash, signature, iid);
2374       if (spe->method() == NULL)
2375         spe->set_method(m());
2376     }
2377   }
2379   assert(spe != NULL && spe->method() != NULL, "");
2380   assert(Arguments::is_interpreter_only() || (spe->method()->has_compiled_code() &&
2381          spe->method()->code()->entry_point() == spe->method()->from_compiled_entry()),
2382          "MH intrinsic invariant");
2383   return spe->method();
2384 }
2386 // Helper for unpacking the return value from linkMethod and linkCallSite.
2387 static Method* unpack_method_and_appendix(Handle mname,
2388                                           Klass* accessing_klass,
2389                                           objArrayHandle appendix_box,
2390                                           Handle* appendix_result,
2391                                           TRAPS) {

2392   if (mname.not_null()) {
2393     Method* m = java_lang_invoke_MemberName::vmtarget(mname());
2394     if (m != NULL) {
2395       oop appendix = appendix_box->obj_at(0);
2396       if (TraceMethodHandles) {
2397     #ifndef PRODUCT
2398         ttyLocker ttyl;
2399         tty->print("Linked method=" INTPTR_FORMAT ": ", p2i(m));
2400         m->print();
2401         if (appendix != NULL) { tty->print("appendix = "); appendix->print(); }
2402         tty->cr();
2403     #endif //PRODUCT
2404       }
2405       (*appendix_result) = Handle(THREAD, appendix);
2406       // the target is stored in the cpCache and if a reference to this
2407       // MemberName is dropped we need a way to make sure the
2408       // class_loader containing this method is kept alive.
2409       methodHandle mh(THREAD, m); // record_dependency can safepoint.
2410       ClassLoaderData* this_key = accessing_klass->class_loader_data();
2411       this_key->record_dependency(m->method_holder());
2412       return mh();
2413     }
2414   }
2415   THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_LinkageError(), "bad value from MethodHandleNatives");

2416 }
2418 Method* SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_invoker(Klass* klass,
2419                                                      Symbol* name,
2420                                                      Symbol* signature,
2421                                                      Klass* accessing_klass,
2422                                                      Handle *appendix_result,
2423                                                      TRAPS) {

2424   assert(THREAD->can_call_java() ,"");
2425   Handle method_type =
2426     SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_type(signature, accessing_klass, CHECK_NULL);
2428   int ref_kind = JVM_REF_invokeVirtual;
2429   oop name_oop = StringTable::intern(name, CHECK_NULL);
2430   Handle name_str (THREAD, name_oop);
2431   objArrayHandle appendix_box = oopFactory::new_objArray_handle(SystemDictionary::Object_klass(), 1, CHECK_NULL);
2432   assert(appendix_box->obj_at(0) == NULL, "");
2434   // This should not happen.  JDK code should take care of that.
2435   if (accessing_klass == NULL || method_type.is_null()) {
2436     THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "bad invokehandle");
2437   }
2439   // call java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives::linkMethod(... String, MethodType) -> MemberName
2440   JavaCallArguments args;
2441   args.push_oop(Handle(THREAD, accessing_klass->java_mirror()));
2442   args.push_int(ref_kind);
2443   args.push_oop(Handle(THREAD, klass->java_mirror()));
2444   args.push_oop(name_str);
2445   args.push_oop(method_type);
2446   args.push_oop(appendix_box);
2447   JavaValue result(T_OBJECT);
2448   JavaCalls::call_static(&result,
2449                          SystemDictionary::MethodHandleNatives_klass(),
2450                          vmSymbols::linkMethod_name(),
2451                          vmSymbols::linkMethod_signature(),
2452                          &args, CHECK_NULL);
2453   Handle mname(THREAD, (oop) result.get_jobject());
2454   return unpack_method_and_appendix(mname, accessing_klass, appendix_box, appendix_result, THREAD);
2455 }
2457 // Decide if we can globally cache a lookup of this class, to be returned to any client that asks.
2458 // We must ensure that all class loaders everywhere will reach this class, for any client.
2459 // This is a safe bet for public classes in java.lang, such as Object and String.
2460 // We also include public classes in java.lang.invoke, because they appear frequently in system-level method types.
2461 // Out of an abundance of caution, we do not include any other classes, not even for packages like java.util.
2462 static bool is_always_visible_class(oop mirror) {
2463   Klass* klass = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(mirror);
2464   if (klass->is_objArray_klass()) {
2465     klass = ObjArrayKlass::cast(klass)->bottom_klass(); // check element type
2466   }
2467   if (klass->is_typeArray_klass()) {
2468     return true; // primitive array
2469   }
2470   assert(klass->is_instance_klass(), "%s", klass->external_name());
2471   return klass->is_public() &&
2472          (InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->is_same_class_package(SystemDictionary::Object_klass()) ||       // java.lang

2736   JavaCallArguments args;
2737   args.push_oop(Handle(THREAD, bootstrap_specifier.caller_mirror()));
2738   args.push_int(bootstrap_specifier.bss_index());
2739   args.push_oop(bootstrap_specifier.bsm());
2740   args.push_oop(bootstrap_specifier.name_arg());
2741   args.push_oop(bootstrap_specifier.type_arg());
2742   args.push_oop(bootstrap_specifier.arg_values());
2743   if (is_indy) {
2744     args.push_oop(appendix_box);
2745   }
2746   JavaValue result(T_OBJECT);
2747   JavaCalls::call_static(&result,
2748                          SystemDictionary::MethodHandleNatives_klass(),
2749                          is_indy ? vmSymbols::linkCallSite_name() : vmSymbols::linkDynamicConstant_name(),
2750                          is_indy ? vmSymbols::linkCallSite_signature() : vmSymbols::linkDynamicConstant_signature(),
2751                          &args, CHECK);
2753   Handle value(THREAD, (oop) result.get_jobject());
2754   if (is_indy) {
2755     Handle appendix;
2756     Method* method = unpack_method_and_appendix(value,
2757                                                 bootstrap_specifier.caller(),
2758                                                 appendix_box,
2759                                                 &appendix, CHECK);
2760     methodHandle mh(THREAD, method);
2761     bootstrap_specifier.set_resolved_method(mh, appendix);
2762   } else {
2763     bootstrap_specifier.set_resolved_value(value);
2764   }
2766   // sanity check
2767   assert(bootstrap_specifier.is_resolved() ||
2768          (bootstrap_specifier.is_method_call() &&
2769           bootstrap_specifier.resolved_method().not_null()), "bootstrap method call failed");
2770 }
2772 // Protection domain cache table handling
2774 ProtectionDomainCacheEntry* SystemDictionary::cache_get(Handle protection_domain) {
2775   return _pd_cache_table->get(protection_domain);
2776 }
2778 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2780 void SystemDictionary::print_on(outputStream *st) {
2781   CDS_ONLY(SystemDictionaryShared::print_on(st));

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