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  74   private static int MISC_HAS_NONSTATIC_CONCRETE_METHODS;
  76   private static int MISC_HAS_BEEN_REDEFINED;
  77   private static int MISC_HAS_PASSED_FINGERPRINT_CHECK;
  78   private static int MISC_IS_SCRATCH_CLASS;
  79   private static int MISC_IS_SHARED_BOOT_CLASS;
  80   private static int MISC_IS_SHARED_PLATFORM_CLASS;
  81   private static int MISC_IS_SHARED_APP_CLASS;
  83   private static synchronized void initialize(TypeDataBase db) throws WrongTypeException {
  84     Type type            = db.lookupType("InstanceKlass");
  85     arrayKlasses         = new MetadataField(type.getAddressField("_array_klasses"), 0);
  86     methods              = type.getAddressField("_methods");
  87     defaultMethods       = type.getAddressField("_default_methods");
  88     methodOrdering       = type.getAddressField("_method_ordering");
  89     localInterfaces      = type.getAddressField("_local_interfaces");
  90     transitiveInterfaces = type.getAddressField("_transitive_interfaces");
  91     fields               = type.getAddressField("_fields");
  92     javaFieldsCount      = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_java_fields_count"), 0);
  93     constants            = new MetadataField(type.getAddressField("_constants"), 0);
  94     classLoaderData      = type.getAddressField("_class_loader_data");
  95     sourceDebugExtension = type.getAddressField("_source_debug_extension");
  96     innerClasses         = type.getAddressField("_inner_classes");
  97     sourceFileNameIndex  = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_source_file_name_index"), 0);
  98     nonstaticFieldSize   = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_nonstatic_field_size"), 0);
  99     staticFieldSize      = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_static_field_size"), 0);
 100     staticOopFieldCount  = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_static_oop_field_count"), 0);
 101     nonstaticOopMapSize  = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_nonstatic_oop_map_size"), 0);
 102     isMarkedDependent    = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_is_marked_dependent"), 0);
 103     initState            = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_init_state"), 0);
 104     itableLen            = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_itable_len"), 0);
 105     if (VM.getVM().isJvmtiSupported()) {
 106       breakpoints        = type.getAddressField("_breakpoints");
 107     }
 108     genericSignatureIndex = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_generic_signature_index"), 0);
 109     miscFlags            = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_misc_flags"), 0);
 110     majorVersion         = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_major_version"), 0);
 111     minorVersion         = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_minor_version"), 0);
 112     headerSize           = type.getSize();
 114     // read field offset constants

 149   public InstanceKlass(Address addr) {
 150     super(addr);
 151     if (getJavaFieldsCount() != getAllFieldsCount()) {
 152       // Exercise the injected field logic
 153       for (int i = getJavaFieldsCount(); i < getAllFieldsCount(); i++) {
 154         getFieldName(i);
 155         getFieldSignature(i);
 156       }
 157     }
 158   }
 160   private static MetadataField arrayKlasses;
 161   private static AddressField  methods;
 162   private static AddressField  defaultMethods;
 163   private static AddressField  methodOrdering;
 164   private static AddressField  localInterfaces;
 165   private static AddressField  transitiveInterfaces;
 166   private static AddressField fields;
 167   private static CIntField javaFieldsCount;
 168   private static MetadataField constants;
 169   private static AddressField  classLoaderData;
 170   private static AddressField  sourceDebugExtension;
 171   private static AddressField  innerClasses;
 172   private static CIntField sourceFileNameIndex;
 173   private static CIntField nonstaticFieldSize;
 174   private static CIntField staticFieldSize;
 175   private static CIntField staticOopFieldCount;
 176   private static CIntField nonstaticOopMapSize;
 177   private static CIntField isMarkedDependent;
 178   private static CIntField initState;
 179   private static CIntField itableLen;
 180   private static AddressField breakpoints;
 181   private static CIntField genericSignatureIndex;
 182   private static CIntField miscFlags;
 183   private static CIntField majorVersion;
 184   private static CIntField minorVersion;
 186   // type safe enum for ClassState from instanceKlass.hpp
 187   public static class ClassState {
 188      public static final ClassState ALLOCATED    = new ClassState("allocated");
 189      public static final ClassState LOADED       = new ClassState("loaded");

 311     return false;
 312   }
 314   public boolean hasStoredFingerprint() {
 315     return shouldStoreFingerprint() || isShared();
 316   }
 318   public boolean isShared() {
 319     VM vm = VM.getVM();
 320     if (vm.isSharingEnabled()) {
 321       // This is not the same implementation as the C++ function MetaspaceObj::is_shared()
 322       //     bool MetaspaceObj::is_shared() const {
 323       //       return MetaspaceShared::is_in_shared_space(this);
 324       //     }
 325       // However, MetaspaceShared::is_in_shared_space is complicated and hard to emulate in
 326       // Java code, so let's do this by looking up from the shared dictionary. Of course,
 327       // this works for shared InstanceKlass only and does not work for other types of
 328       // MetaspaceObj in the CDS shared archive.
 329       Dictionary sharedDictionary = vm.getSystemDictionary().sharedDictionary();
 330       if (sharedDictionary != null) {
 331         if (sharedDictionary.contains(this, null)) {
 332           return true;
 333         }
 334       }
 335     }
 336     return false;
 337   }
 339   public static long getHeaderSize() { return headerSize; }
 341   public short getFieldAccessFlags(int index) {
 342     return getFields().at(index * FIELD_SLOTS + ACCESS_FLAGS_OFFSET);
 343   }
 345   public short getFieldNameIndex(int index) {
 346     if (index >= getJavaFieldsCount()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("not a Java field;");
 347     return getFields().at(index * FIELD_SLOTS + NAME_INDEX_OFFSET);
 348   }
 350   public Symbol getFieldName(int index) {
 351     int nameIndex = getFields().at(index * FIELD_SLOTS + NAME_INDEX_OFFSET);

 431       return null;
 432     }
 433   }
 435   public KlassArray   getLocalInterfaces()      { return new KlassArray(localInterfaces.getValue(getAddress())); }
 436   public KlassArray   getTransitiveInterfaces() { return new KlassArray(transitiveInterfaces.getValue(getAddress())); }
 437   public int       getJavaFieldsCount()     { return                (int) javaFieldsCount.getValue(this); }
 438   public int       getAllFieldsCount()      {
 439     int len = getFields().length();
 440     int allFieldsCount = 0;
 441     for (; allFieldsCount*FIELD_SLOTS < len; allFieldsCount++) {
 442       short flags = getFieldAccessFlags(allFieldsCount);
 443       AccessFlags access = new AccessFlags(flags);
 444       if (access.fieldHasGenericSignature()) {
 445         len --;
 446       }
 447     }
 448     return allFieldsCount;
 449   }
 450   public ConstantPool getConstants()        { return (ConstantPool) constants.getValue(this); }
 451   public ClassLoaderData getClassLoaderData() { return                ClassLoaderData.instantiateWrapperFor(classLoaderData.getValue(getAddress())); }
 452   public Oop       getClassLoader()         { return                getClassLoaderData().getClassLoader(); }
 453   public Symbol    getSourceFileName()      { return                getConstants().getSymbolAt(sourceFileNameIndex.getValue(this)); }
 454   public String    getSourceDebugExtension(){ return                CStringUtilities.getString(sourceDebugExtension.getValue(getAddress())); }
 455   public long      getNonstaticFieldSize()  { return                nonstaticFieldSize.getValue(this); }
 456   public long      getStaticOopFieldCount() { return                staticOopFieldCount.getValue(this); }
 457   public long      getNonstaticOopMapSize() { return                nonstaticOopMapSize.getValue(this); }
 458   public boolean   getIsMarkedDependent()   { return                isMarkedDependent.getValue(this) != 0; }
 459   public long      getItableLen()           { return                itableLen.getValue(this); }
 460   public long      majorVersion()           { return                majorVersion.getValue(this); }
 461   public long      minorVersion()           { return                minorVersion.getValue(this); }
 462   public Symbol    getGenericSignature()    {
 463     long index = genericSignatureIndex.getValue(this);
 464     if (index != 0) {
 465       return getConstants().getSymbolAt(index);
 466     } else {
 467       return null;
 468     }
 469   }
 471   // "size helper" == instance size in words
 472   public long getSizeHelper() {

  74   private static int MISC_HAS_NONSTATIC_CONCRETE_METHODS;
  76   private static int MISC_HAS_BEEN_REDEFINED;
  77   private static int MISC_HAS_PASSED_FINGERPRINT_CHECK;
  78   private static int MISC_IS_SCRATCH_CLASS;
  79   private static int MISC_IS_SHARED_BOOT_CLASS;
  80   private static int MISC_IS_SHARED_PLATFORM_CLASS;
  81   private static int MISC_IS_SHARED_APP_CLASS;
  83   private static synchronized void initialize(TypeDataBase db) throws WrongTypeException {
  84     Type type            = db.lookupType("InstanceKlass");
  85     arrayKlasses         = new MetadataField(type.getAddressField("_array_klasses"), 0);
  86     methods              = type.getAddressField("_methods");
  87     defaultMethods       = type.getAddressField("_default_methods");
  88     methodOrdering       = type.getAddressField("_method_ordering");
  89     localInterfaces      = type.getAddressField("_local_interfaces");
  90     transitiveInterfaces = type.getAddressField("_transitive_interfaces");
  91     fields               = type.getAddressField("_fields");
  92     javaFieldsCount      = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_java_fields_count"), 0);
  93     constants            = new MetadataField(type.getAddressField("_constants"), 0);

  94     sourceDebugExtension = type.getAddressField("_source_debug_extension");
  95     innerClasses         = type.getAddressField("_inner_classes");
  96     sourceFileNameIndex  = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_source_file_name_index"), 0);
  97     nonstaticFieldSize   = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_nonstatic_field_size"), 0);
  98     staticFieldSize      = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_static_field_size"), 0);
  99     staticOopFieldCount  = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_static_oop_field_count"), 0);
 100     nonstaticOopMapSize  = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_nonstatic_oop_map_size"), 0);
 101     isMarkedDependent    = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_is_marked_dependent"), 0);
 102     initState            = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_init_state"), 0);
 103     itableLen            = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_itable_len"), 0);
 104     if (VM.getVM().isJvmtiSupported()) {
 105       breakpoints        = type.getAddressField("_breakpoints");
 106     }
 107     genericSignatureIndex = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_generic_signature_index"), 0);
 108     miscFlags            = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_misc_flags"), 0);
 109     majorVersion         = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_major_version"), 0);
 110     minorVersion         = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_minor_version"), 0);
 111     headerSize           = type.getSize();
 113     // read field offset constants

 148   public InstanceKlass(Address addr) {
 149     super(addr);
 150     if (getJavaFieldsCount() != getAllFieldsCount()) {
 151       // Exercise the injected field logic
 152       for (int i = getJavaFieldsCount(); i < getAllFieldsCount(); i++) {
 153         getFieldName(i);
 154         getFieldSignature(i);
 155       }
 156     }
 157   }
 159   private static MetadataField arrayKlasses;
 160   private static AddressField  methods;
 161   private static AddressField  defaultMethods;
 162   private static AddressField  methodOrdering;
 163   private static AddressField  localInterfaces;
 164   private static AddressField  transitiveInterfaces;
 165   private static AddressField fields;
 166   private static CIntField javaFieldsCount;
 167   private static MetadataField constants;

 168   private static AddressField  sourceDebugExtension;
 169   private static AddressField  innerClasses;
 170   private static CIntField sourceFileNameIndex;
 171   private static CIntField nonstaticFieldSize;
 172   private static CIntField staticFieldSize;
 173   private static CIntField staticOopFieldCount;
 174   private static CIntField nonstaticOopMapSize;
 175   private static CIntField isMarkedDependent;
 176   private static CIntField initState;
 177   private static CIntField itableLen;
 178   private static AddressField breakpoints;
 179   private static CIntField genericSignatureIndex;
 180   private static CIntField miscFlags;
 181   private static CIntField majorVersion;
 182   private static CIntField minorVersion;
 184   // type safe enum for ClassState from instanceKlass.hpp
 185   public static class ClassState {
 186      public static final ClassState ALLOCATED    = new ClassState("allocated");
 187      public static final ClassState LOADED       = new ClassState("loaded");

 309     return false;
 310   }
 312   public boolean hasStoredFingerprint() {
 313     return shouldStoreFingerprint() || isShared();
 314   }
 316   public boolean isShared() {
 317     VM vm = VM.getVM();
 318     if (vm.isSharingEnabled()) {
 319       // This is not the same implementation as the C++ function MetaspaceObj::is_shared()
 320       //     bool MetaspaceObj::is_shared() const {
 321       //       return MetaspaceShared::is_in_shared_space(this);
 322       //     }
 323       // However, MetaspaceShared::is_in_shared_space is complicated and hard to emulate in
 324       // Java code, so let's do this by looking up from the shared dictionary. Of course,
 325       // this works for shared InstanceKlass only and does not work for other types of
 326       // MetaspaceObj in the CDS shared archive.
 327       Dictionary sharedDictionary = vm.getSystemDictionary().sharedDictionary();
 328       if (sharedDictionary != null) {
 329         if (sharedDictionary.contains(this)) {
 330           return true;
 331         }
 332       }
 333     }
 334     return false;
 335   }
 337   public static long getHeaderSize() { return headerSize; }
 339   public short getFieldAccessFlags(int index) {
 340     return getFields().at(index * FIELD_SLOTS + ACCESS_FLAGS_OFFSET);
 341   }
 343   public short getFieldNameIndex(int index) {
 344     if (index >= getJavaFieldsCount()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("not a Java field;");
 345     return getFields().at(index * FIELD_SLOTS + NAME_INDEX_OFFSET);
 346   }
 348   public Symbol getFieldName(int index) {
 349     int nameIndex = getFields().at(index * FIELD_SLOTS + NAME_INDEX_OFFSET);

 429       return null;
 430     }
 431   }
 433   public KlassArray   getLocalInterfaces()      { return new KlassArray(localInterfaces.getValue(getAddress())); }
 434   public KlassArray   getTransitiveInterfaces() { return new KlassArray(transitiveInterfaces.getValue(getAddress())); }
 435   public int       getJavaFieldsCount()     { return                (int) javaFieldsCount.getValue(this); }
 436   public int       getAllFieldsCount()      {
 437     int len = getFields().length();
 438     int allFieldsCount = 0;
 439     for (; allFieldsCount*FIELD_SLOTS < len; allFieldsCount++) {
 440       short flags = getFieldAccessFlags(allFieldsCount);
 441       AccessFlags access = new AccessFlags(flags);
 442       if (access.fieldHasGenericSignature()) {
 443         len --;
 444       }
 445     }
 446     return allFieldsCount;
 447   }
 448   public ConstantPool getConstants()        { return (ConstantPool) constants.getValue(this); }

 449   public Symbol    getSourceFileName()      { return                getConstants().getSymbolAt(sourceFileNameIndex.getValue(this)); }
 450   public String    getSourceDebugExtension(){ return                CStringUtilities.getString(sourceDebugExtension.getValue(getAddress())); }
 451   public long      getNonstaticFieldSize()  { return                nonstaticFieldSize.getValue(this); }
 452   public long      getStaticOopFieldCount() { return                staticOopFieldCount.getValue(this); }
 453   public long      getNonstaticOopMapSize() { return                nonstaticOopMapSize.getValue(this); }
 454   public boolean   getIsMarkedDependent()   { return                isMarkedDependent.getValue(this) != 0; }
 455   public long      getItableLen()           { return                itableLen.getValue(this); }
 456   public long      majorVersion()           { return                majorVersion.getValue(this); }
 457   public long      minorVersion()           { return                minorVersion.getValue(this); }
 458   public Symbol    getGenericSignature()    {
 459     long index = genericSignatureIndex.getValue(this);
 460     if (index != 0) {
 461       return getConstants().getSymbolAt(index);
 462     } else {
 463       return null;
 464     }
 465   }
 467   // "size helper" == instance size in words
 468   public long getSizeHelper() {

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