1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
  27 #include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.hpp"
  28 #include "memory/universe.inline.hpp"
  29 #include "prims/jvmtiGetLoadedClasses.hpp"
  30 #include "runtime/thread.hpp"
  31 #include "utilities/stack.inline.hpp"
  34 // The closure for GetLoadedClasses
  35 class LoadedClassesClosure : public KlassClosure {
  36 private:
  37   Stack<jclass, mtInternal> _classStack;
  38   JvmtiEnv* _env;
  39   Thread*   _cur_thread;
  41 public:
  42   LoadedClassesClosure(Thread* thread, JvmtiEnv* env) : _cur_thread(thread), _env(env) {
  43     assert(_cur_thread == Thread::current(), "must be current thread");
  44   }
  46   void do_klass(Klass* k) {
  47     // Collect all jclasses
  48     _classStack.push((jclass) _env->jni_reference(Handle(_cur_thread, k->java_mirror())));
  49   }
  51   int extract(jclass* result_list) {
  52     // The size of the Stack will be 0 after extract, so get it here
  53     int count = (int)_classStack.size();
  54     int i = count;
  56     // Pop all jclasses, fill backwards
  57     while (!_classStack.is_empty()) {
  58       result_list[--i] = _classStack.pop();
  59     }
  61     // Return the number of elements written
  62     return count;
  63   }
  65   // Return current size of the Stack
  66   int get_count() {
  67     return (int)_classStack.size();
  68   }
  69 };
  71 // The closure for GetClassLoaderClasses
  72 class JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure : public StackObj {
  73   // Since the SystemDictionary::classes_do callback
  74   // doesn't pass a closureData pointer,
  75   // we use a thread-local slot to hold a pointer to
  76   // a stack allocated instance of this structure.
  77  private:
  78   jobject _initiatingLoader;
  79   int     _count;
  80   Handle* _list;
  81   int     _index;
  83  private:
  84   // Getting and setting the thread local pointer
  85   static JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure* get_this() {
  86     JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure* result = NULL;
  87     JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
  88     result = thread->get_jvmti_get_loaded_classes_closure();
  89     return result;
  90   }
  91   static void set_this(JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure* that) {
  92     JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
  93     thread->set_jvmti_get_loaded_classes_closure(that);
  94   }
  96  public:
  97   // Constructor/Destructor
  98   JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure() {
  99     JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure* that = get_this();
 100     assert(that == NULL, "JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure in use");
 101     _initiatingLoader = NULL;
 102     _count = 0;
 103     _list = NULL;
 104     _index = 0;
 105     set_this(this);
 106   }
 108   JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure(jobject initiatingLoader) {
 109     JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure* that = get_this();
 110     assert(that == NULL, "JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure in use");
 111     _initiatingLoader = initiatingLoader;
 112     _count = 0;
 113     _list = NULL;
 114     _index = 0;
 115     set_this(this);
 116   }
 118   ~JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure() {
 119     JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure* that = get_this();
 120     assert(that != NULL, "JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure not found");
 121     set_this(NULL);
 122     _initiatingLoader = NULL;
 123     _count = 0;
 124     if (_list != NULL) {
 125       FreeHeap(_list);
 126       _list = NULL;
 127     }
 128     _index = 0;
 129   }
 131   // Accessors.
 132   jobject get_initiatingLoader() {
 133     return _initiatingLoader;
 134   }
 136   int get_count() {
 137     return _count;
 138   }
 140   void set_count(int value) {
 141     _count = value;
 142   }
 144   Handle* get_list() {
 145     return _list;
 146   }
 148   void set_list(Handle* value) {
 149     _list = value;
 150   }
 152   int get_index() {
 153     return _index;
 154   }
 156   void set_index(int value) {
 157     _index = value;
 158   }
 160   Handle get_element(int index) {
 161     if ((_list != NULL) && (index < _count)) {
 162       return _list[index];
 163     } else {
 164       assert(false, "empty get_element");
 165       return Handle();
 166     }
 167   }
 169   void set_element(int index, Handle value) {
 170     if ((_list != NULL) && (index < _count)) {
 171       _list[index] = value;
 172     } else {
 173       assert(false, "bad set_element");
 174     }
 175   }
 177   // Other predicates
 178   bool available() {
 179     return (_list != NULL);
 180   }
 182 #ifdef ASSERT
 183   // For debugging.
 184   void check(int limit) {
 185     for (int i = 0; i < limit; i += 1) {
 186       assert(Universe::heap()->is_in(get_element(i)()), "check fails");
 187     }
 188   }
 189 #endif
 191   // Public methods that get called within the scope of the closure
 192   void allocate() {
 193     _list = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(Handle, _count, mtInternal);
 194     assert(_list != NULL, "Out of memory");
 195     if (_list == NULL) {
 196       _count = 0;
 197     }
 198   }
 200   void extract(JvmtiEnv *env, jclass* result) {
 201     for (int index = 0; index < _count; index += 1) {
 202       result[index] = (jclass) env->jni_reference(get_element(index));
 203     }
 204   }
 206   static void increment_with_loader(Klass* k, ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
 207     JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure* that = JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure::get_this();
 208     oop class_loader = loader_data->class_loader();
 209     if (class_loader == JNIHandles::resolve(that->get_initiatingLoader())) {
 210       for (Klass* l = k; l != NULL; l = l->array_klass_or_null()) {
 211         that->set_count(that->get_count() + 1);
 212       }
 213     }
 214   }
 216   static void prim_array_increment_with_loader(Klass* array, ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
 217     JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure* that = JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure::get_this();
 218     oop class_loader = loader_data->class_loader();
 219     if (class_loader == JNIHandles::resolve(that->get_initiatingLoader())) {
 220       that->set_count(that->get_count() + 1);
 221     }
 222   }
 224   static void add_with_loader(Klass* k, ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
 225     JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure* that = JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure::get_this();
 226     if (that->available()) {
 227       oop class_loader = loader_data->class_loader();
 228       if (class_loader == JNIHandles::resolve(that->get_initiatingLoader())) {
 229         Thread *thread = Thread::current();
 230         for (Klass* l = k; l != NULL; l = l->array_klass_or_null()) {
 231           Handle mirror(thread, l->java_mirror());
 232           that->set_element(that->get_index(), mirror);
 233           that->set_index(that->get_index() + 1);
 234         }
 235       }
 236     }
 237   }
 239   // increment the count for the given basic type array class (and any
 240   // multi-dimensional arrays). For example, for [B we check for
 241   // [[B, [[[B, .. and the count is incremented for each one that exists.
 242   static void increment_for_basic_type_arrays(Klass* k) {
 243     JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure* that = JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure::get_this();
 244     assert(that != NULL, "no JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure");
 245     for (Klass* l = k; l != NULL; l = l->array_klass_or_null()) {
 246       that->set_count(that->get_count() + 1);
 247     }
 248   }
 250   // add the basic type array class and its multi-dimensional array classes to the list
 251   static void add_for_basic_type_arrays(Klass* k) {
 252     JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure* that = JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure::get_this();
 253     assert(that != NULL, "no JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure");
 254     assert(that->available(), "no list");
 255     Thread *thread = Thread::current();
 256     for (Klass* l = k; l != NULL; l = l->array_klass_or_null()) {
 257       Handle mirror(thread, l->java_mirror());
 258       that->set_element(that->get_index(), mirror);
 259       that->set_index(that->get_index() + 1);
 260     }
 261   }
 262 };
 265 jvmtiError
 266 JvmtiGetLoadedClasses::getLoadedClasses(JvmtiEnv *env, jint* classCountPtr, jclass** classesPtr) {
 268   LoadedClassesClosure closure(Thread::current(), env);
 269   {
 270     // To get a consistent list of classes we need MultiArray_lock to ensure
 271     // array classes aren't created.
 272     MutexLocker ma(MultiArray_lock);
 274     // Iterate through all classes in ClassLoaderDataGraph
 275     // and collect them using the LoadedClassesClosure
 276     ClassLoaderDataGraph::loaded_classes_do(&closure);
 277   }
 279   // Return results by extracting the collected contents into a list
 280   // allocated via JvmtiEnv
 281   jclass* result_list;
 282   jvmtiError error = env->Allocate(closure.get_count() * sizeof(jclass),
 283                                (unsigned char**)&result_list);
 285   if (error == JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
 286     int count = closure.extract(result_list);
 287     *classCountPtr = count;
 288     *classesPtr = result_list;
 289   }
 290   return error;
 291 }
 293 jvmtiError
 294 JvmtiGetLoadedClasses::getClassLoaderClasses(JvmtiEnv *env, jobject initiatingLoader,
 295                                              jint* classCountPtr, jclass** classesPtr) {
 296   // Since SystemDictionary::classes_do only takes a function pointer
 297   // and doesn't call back with a closure data pointer,
 298   // we can only pass static methods.
 299   JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure closure(initiatingLoader);
 300   {
 301     // To get a consistent list of classes we need MultiArray_lock to ensure
 302     // array classes aren't created, and SystemDictionary_lock to ensure that
 303     // classes aren't added to the system dictionary,
 304     MutexLocker ma(MultiArray_lock);
 305     MutexLocker sd(SystemDictionary_lock);
 306     // First, count the classes in the system dictionary which have this loader recorded
 307     // as an initiating loader. For basic type arrays this information is not recorded
 308     // so GetClassLoaderClasses will return all of the basic type arrays. This is okay
 309     // because the defining loader for basic type arrays is always the boot class loader
 310     // and these classes are "visible" to all loaders.
 311     SystemDictionary::classes_do(&JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure::increment_with_loader);
 312     Universe::basic_type_classes_do(&JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure::increment_for_basic_type_arrays);
 313     // Next, fill in the classes
 314     closure.allocate();
 315     SystemDictionary::classes_do(&JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure::add_with_loader);
 316     Universe::basic_type_classes_do(&JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure::add_for_basic_type_arrays);
 317     // Drop the SystemDictionary_lock, so the results could be wrong from here,
 318     // but we still have a snapshot.
 319   }
 320   // Post results
 321   jclass* result_list;
 322   jvmtiError err = env->Allocate(closure.get_count() * sizeof(jclass),
 323                                  (unsigned char**)&result_list);
 324   if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
 325     return err;
 326   }
 327   closure.extract(env, result_list);
 328   *classCountPtr = closure.get_count();
 329   *classesPtr = result_list;
 330   return JVMTI_ERROR_NONE;
 331 }