1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "memory/oopFactory.hpp"
  27 #include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
  28 #include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
  29 #include "services/diagnosticArgument.hpp"
  30 #include "services/diagnosticFramework.hpp"
  31 #include "services/management.hpp"
  33 CmdLine::CmdLine(const char* line, size_t len, bool no_command_name) {
  34   assert(line != NULL, "Command line string should not be NULL");
  35   const char* line_end;
  36   const char* cmd_end;
  38   _cmd = line;
  39   line_end = &line[len];
  41   // Skip whitespace in the beginning of the line.
  42   while (_cmd < line_end && isspace((int) _cmd[0])) {
  43     _cmd++;
  44   }
  45   cmd_end = _cmd;
  47   if (no_command_name) {
  48     _cmd = NULL;
  49     _cmd_len = 0;
  50   } else {
  51     // Look for end of the command name
  52     while (cmd_end < line_end && !isspace((int) cmd_end[0])) {
  53       cmd_end++;
  54     }
  55     _cmd_len = cmd_end - _cmd;
  56   }
  57   _args = cmd_end;
  58   _args_len = line_end - _args;
  59 }
  61 bool DCmdArgIter::next(TRAPS) {
  62   if (_len == 0) return false;
  63   // skipping spaces
  64   while (_cursor < _len - 1 && _buffer[_cursor] == _delim) {
  65     _cursor++;
  66   }
  67   // handling end of command line
  68   if (_cursor >= _len - 1) {
  69     _cursor = _len - 1;
  70     _key_addr = &_buffer[_len - 1];
  71     _key_len = 0;
  72     _value_addr = &_buffer[_len - 1];
  73     _value_len = 0;
  74     return false;
  75   }
  76   // extracting first item, argument or option name
  77   _key_addr = &_buffer[_cursor];
  78   bool arg_had_quotes = false;
  79   while (_cursor <= _len - 1 && _buffer[_cursor] != '=' && _buffer[_cursor] != _delim) {
  80     // argument can be surrounded by single or double quotes
  81     if (_buffer[_cursor] == '\"' || _buffer[_cursor] == '\'') {
  82       _key_addr++;
  83       char quote = _buffer[_cursor];
  84       arg_had_quotes = true;
  85       while (_cursor < _len - 1) {
  86         _cursor++;
  87         if (_buffer[_cursor] == quote && _buffer[_cursor - 1] != '\\') {
  88           break;
  89         }
  90       }
  91       if (_buffer[_cursor] != quote) {
  92         THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
  93                 "Format error in diagnostic command arguments", false);
  94       }
  95       break;
  96     }
  97     _cursor++;
  98   }
  99   _key_len = &_buffer[_cursor] - _key_addr;
 100   if (arg_had_quotes) {
 101     // if the argument was quoted, we need to step past the last quote here
 102     _cursor++;
 103   }
 104   // check if the argument has the <key>=<value> format
 105   if (_cursor <= _len -1 && _buffer[_cursor] == '=') {
 106     _cursor++;
 107     _value_addr = &_buffer[_cursor];
 108     bool value_had_quotes = false;
 109     // extract the value
 110     while (_cursor <= _len - 1 && _buffer[_cursor] != _delim) {
 111       // value can be surrounded by simple or double quotes
 112       if (_buffer[_cursor] == '\"' || _buffer[_cursor] == '\'') {
 113         _value_addr++;
 114         char quote = _buffer[_cursor];
 115         value_had_quotes = true;
 116         while (_cursor < _len - 1) {
 117           _cursor++;
 118           if (_buffer[_cursor] == quote && _buffer[_cursor - 1] != '\\') {
 119             break;
 120           }
 121         }
 122         if (_buffer[_cursor] != quote) {
 123           THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 124                   "Format error in diagnostic command arguments", false);
 125         }
 126         break;
 127       }
 128       _cursor++;
 129     }
 130     _value_len = &_buffer[_cursor] - _value_addr;
 131     if (value_had_quotes) {
 132       // if the value was quoted, we need to step past the last quote here
 133       _cursor++;
 134     }
 135   } else {
 136     _value_addr = NULL;
 137     _value_len = 0;
 138   }
 139   return _key_len != 0;
 140 }
 142 bool DCmdInfo::by_name(void* cmd_name, DCmdInfo* info) {
 143   if (info == NULL) return false;
 144   return strcmp((const char*)cmd_name, info->name()) == 0;
 145 }
 147 void DCmdParser::add_dcmd_option(GenDCmdArgument* arg) {
 148   assert(arg != NULL, "Sanity");
 149   if (_options == NULL) {
 150     _options = arg;
 151   } else {
 152     GenDCmdArgument* o = _options;
 153     while (o->next() != NULL) {
 154       o = o->next();
 155     }
 156     o->set_next(arg);
 157   }
 158   arg->set_next(NULL);
 159   Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
 160   arg->init_value(THREAD);
 162     fatal("Initialization must be successful");
 163   }
 164 }
 166 void DCmdParser::add_dcmd_argument(GenDCmdArgument* arg) {
 167   assert(arg != NULL, "Sanity");
 168   if (_arguments_list == NULL) {
 169     _arguments_list = arg;
 170   } else {
 171     GenDCmdArgument* a = _arguments_list;
 172     while (a->next() != NULL) {
 173       a = a->next();
 174     }
 175     a->set_next(arg);
 176   }
 177   arg->set_next(NULL);
 178   Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
 179   arg->init_value(THREAD);
 181     fatal("Initialization must be successful");
 182   }
 183 }
 185 void DCmdParser::parse(CmdLine* line, char delim, TRAPS) {
 186   GenDCmdArgument* next_argument = _arguments_list;
 187   DCmdArgIter iter(line->args_addr(), line->args_len(), delim);
 188   bool cont = iter.next(CHECK);
 189   while (cont) {
 190     GenDCmdArgument* arg = lookup_dcmd_option(iter.key_addr(),
 191             iter.key_length());
 192     if (arg != NULL) {
 193       arg->read_value(iter.value_addr(), iter.value_length(), CHECK);
 194     } else {
 195       if (next_argument != NULL) {
 196         arg = next_argument;
 197         arg->read_value(iter.key_addr(), iter.key_length(), CHECK);
 198         next_argument = next_argument->next();
 199       } else {
 200         const size_t buflen    = 120;
 201         const size_t argbuflen = 30;
 202         char buf[buflen];
 203         char argbuf[argbuflen];
 204         size_t len = MIN2<size_t>(iter.key_length(), argbuflen - 1);
 206         strncpy(argbuf, iter.key_addr(), len);
 207         argbuf[len] = '\0';
 208         jio_snprintf(buf, buflen - 1, "Unknown argument '%s' in diagnostic command.", argbuf);
 210         THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), buf);
 211       }
 212     }
 213     cont = iter.next(CHECK);
 214   }
 215   check(CHECK);
 216 }
 218 GenDCmdArgument* DCmdParser::lookup_dcmd_option(const char* name, size_t len) {
 219   GenDCmdArgument* arg = _options;
 220   while (arg != NULL) {
 221     if (strlen(arg->name()) == len &&
 222       strncmp(name, arg->name(), len) == 0) {
 223       return arg;
 224     }
 225     arg = arg->next();
 226   }
 227   return NULL;
 228 }
 230 void DCmdParser::check(TRAPS) {
 231   const size_t buflen = 256;
 232   char buf[buflen];
 233   GenDCmdArgument* arg = _arguments_list;
 234   while (arg != NULL) {
 235     if (arg->is_mandatory() && !arg->has_value()) {
 236       jio_snprintf(buf, buflen - 1, "The argument '%s' is mandatory.", arg->name());
 237       THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), buf);
 238     }
 239     arg = arg->next();
 240   }
 241   arg = _options;
 242   while (arg != NULL) {
 243     if (arg->is_mandatory() && !arg->has_value()) {
 244       jio_snprintf(buf, buflen - 1, "The option '%s' is mandatory.", arg->name());
 245       THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), buf);
 246     }
 247     arg = arg->next();
 248   }
 249 }
 251 void DCmdParser::print_help(outputStream* out, const char* cmd_name) {
 252   out->print("Syntax : %s %s", cmd_name, _options == NULL ? "" : "[options]");
 253   GenDCmdArgument* arg = _arguments_list;
 254   while (arg != NULL) {
 255     if (arg->is_mandatory()) {
 256       out->print(" <%s>", arg->name());
 257     } else {
 258       out->print(" [<%s>]", arg->name());
 259     }
 260     arg = arg->next();
 261   }
 262   out->cr();
 263   if (_arguments_list != NULL) {
 264     out->print_cr("\nArguments:");
 265     arg = _arguments_list;
 266     while (arg != NULL) {
 267       out->print("\t%s : %s %s (%s, ", arg->name(),
 268                  arg->is_mandatory() ? "" : "[optional]",
 269                  arg->description(), arg->type());
 270       if (arg->has_default()) {
 271         out->print("%s", arg->default_string());
 272       } else {
 273         out->print("no default value");
 274       }
 275       out->print_cr(")");
 276       arg = arg->next();
 277     }
 278   }
 279   if (_options != NULL) {
 280     out->print_cr("\nOptions: (options must be specified using the <key> or <key>=<value> syntax)");
 281     arg = _options;
 282     while (arg != NULL) {
 283       out->print("\t%s : %s %s (%s, ", arg->name(),
 284                  arg->is_mandatory() ? "" : "[optional]",
 285                  arg->description(), arg->type());
 286       if (arg->has_default()) {
 287         out->print("%s", arg->default_string());
 288       } else {
 289         out->print("no default value");
 290       }
 291       out->print_cr(")");
 292       arg = arg->next();
 293     }
 294   }
 295 }
 297 void DCmdParser::reset(TRAPS) {
 298   GenDCmdArgument* arg = _arguments_list;
 299   while (arg != NULL) {
 300     arg->reset(CHECK);
 301     arg = arg->next();
 302   }
 303   arg = _options;
 304   while (arg != NULL) {
 305     arg->reset(CHECK);
 306     arg = arg->next();
 307   }
 308 }
 310 void DCmdParser::cleanup() {
 311   GenDCmdArgument* arg = _arguments_list;
 312   while (arg != NULL) {
 313     arg->cleanup();
 314     arg = arg->next();
 315   }
 316   arg = _options;
 317   while (arg != NULL) {
 318     arg->cleanup();
 319     arg = arg->next();
 320   }
 321 }
 323 int DCmdParser::num_arguments() {
 324   GenDCmdArgument* arg = _arguments_list;
 325   int count = 0;
 326   while (arg != NULL) {
 327     count++;
 328     arg = arg->next();
 329   }
 330   arg = _options;
 331   while (arg != NULL) {
 332     count++;
 333     arg = arg->next();
 334   }
 335   return count;
 336 }
 338 GrowableArray<const char *>* DCmdParser::argument_name_array() {
 339   int count = num_arguments();
 340   GrowableArray<const char *>* array = new GrowableArray<const char *>(count);
 341   GenDCmdArgument* arg = _arguments_list;
 342   while (arg != NULL) {
 343     array->append(arg->name());
 344     arg = arg->next();
 345   }
 346   arg = _options;
 347   while (arg != NULL) {
 348     array->append(arg->name());
 349     arg = arg->next();
 350   }
 351   return array;
 352 }
 354 GrowableArray<DCmdArgumentInfo*>* DCmdParser::argument_info_array() {
 355   int count = num_arguments();
 356   GrowableArray<DCmdArgumentInfo*>* array = new GrowableArray<DCmdArgumentInfo *>(count);
 357   int idx = 0;
 358   GenDCmdArgument* arg = _arguments_list;
 359   while (arg != NULL) {
 360     array->append(new DCmdArgumentInfo(arg->name(), arg->description(),
 361                   arg->type(), arg->default_string(), arg->is_mandatory(),
 362                   false, arg->allow_multiple(), idx));
 363     idx++;
 364     arg = arg->next();
 365   }
 366   arg = _options;
 367   while (arg != NULL) {
 368     array->append(new DCmdArgumentInfo(arg->name(), arg->description(),
 369                   arg->type(), arg->default_string(), arg->is_mandatory(),
 370                   true, arg->allow_multiple()));
 371     arg = arg->next();
 372   }
 373   return array;
 374 }
 376 DCmdFactory* DCmdFactory::_DCmdFactoryList = NULL;
 377 bool DCmdFactory::_has_pending_jmx_notification = false;
 379 void DCmd::parse_and_execute(DCmdSource source, outputStream* out,
 380                              const char* cmdline, char delim, TRAPS) {
 382   if (cmdline == NULL) return; // Nothing to do!
 383   DCmdIter iter(cmdline, '\n');
 385   int count = 0;
 386   while (iter.has_next()) {
 387     if(source == DCmd_Source_MBean && count > 0) {
 388       // When diagnostic commands are invoked via JMX, each command line
 389       // must contains one and only one command because of the Permission
 390       // checks performed by the DiagnosticCommandMBean
 391       THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 392               "Invalid syntax");
 393     }
 394     CmdLine line = iter.next();
 395     if (line.is_stop()) {
 396       break;
 397     }
 398     if (line.is_executable()) {
 399       DCmd* command = DCmdFactory::create_local_DCmd(source, line, out, CHECK);
 400       assert(command != NULL, "command error must be handled before this line");
 401       DCmdMark mark(command);
 402       command->parse(&line, delim, CHECK);
 403       command->execute(source, CHECK);
 404     }
 405     count++;
 406   }
 407 }
 409 void DCmdWithParser::parse(CmdLine* line, char delim, TRAPS) {
 410   _dcmdparser.parse(line, delim, CHECK);
 411 }
 413 void DCmdWithParser::print_help(const char* name) {
 414   _dcmdparser.print_help(output(), name);
 415 }
 417 void DCmdWithParser::reset(TRAPS) {
 418   _dcmdparser.reset(CHECK);
 419 }
 421 void DCmdWithParser::cleanup() {
 422   _dcmdparser.cleanup();
 423 }
 425 GrowableArray<const char*>* DCmdWithParser::argument_name_array() {
 426   return _dcmdparser.argument_name_array();
 427 }
 429 GrowableArray<DCmdArgumentInfo*>* DCmdWithParser::argument_info_array() {
 430   return _dcmdparser.argument_info_array();
 431 }
 433 void DCmdFactory::push_jmx_notification_request() {
 434   MutexLockerEx ml(Service_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
 435   _has_pending_jmx_notification = true;
 436   Service_lock->notify_all();
 437 }
 439 void DCmdFactory::send_notification(TRAPS) {
 440   DCmdFactory::send_notification_internal(THREAD);
 441   // Clearing pending exception to avoid premature termination of
 442   // the service thread
 445   }
 446 }
 447 void DCmdFactory::send_notification_internal(TRAPS) {
 448   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 449   HandleMark hm(THREAD);
 450   bool notif = false;
 451   {
 452     MutexLockerEx ml(Service_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
 453     notif = _has_pending_jmx_notification;
 454     _has_pending_jmx_notification = false;
 455   }
 456   if (notif) {
 458     Klass* k = Management::sun_management_ManagementFactoryHelper_klass(CHECK);
 459     instanceKlassHandle mgmt_factory_helper_klass(THREAD, k);
 461     JavaValue result(T_OBJECT);
 462     JavaCalls::call_static(&result,
 463             mgmt_factory_helper_klass,
 464             vmSymbols::getDiagnosticCommandMBean_name(),
 465             vmSymbols::getDiagnosticCommandMBean_signature(),
 466             CHECK);
 468     instanceOop m = (instanceOop) result.get_jobject();
 469     instanceHandle dcmd_mbean_h(THREAD, m);
 471     Klass* k2 = Management::sun_management_DiagnosticCommandImpl_klass(CHECK);
 472     instanceKlassHandle dcmd_mbean_klass(THREAD, k2);
 474     if (!dcmd_mbean_h->is_a(k2)) {
 475       THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 476               "ManagementFactory.getDiagnosticCommandMBean didn't return a DiagnosticCommandMBean instance");
 477     }
 479     JavaValue result2(T_VOID);
 480     JavaCallArguments args2(dcmd_mbean_h);
 482     JavaCalls::call_virtual(&result2,
 483             dcmd_mbean_klass,
 484             vmSymbols::createDiagnosticFrameworkNotification_name(),
 485             vmSymbols::void_method_signature(),
 486             &args2,
 487             CHECK);
 488   }
 489 }
 491 Mutex* DCmdFactory::_dcmdFactory_lock = new Mutex(Mutex::leaf, "DCmdFactory", true, Monitor::_safepoint_check_never);
 492 bool DCmdFactory::_send_jmx_notification = false;
 494 DCmdFactory* DCmdFactory::factory(DCmdSource source, const char* name, size_t len) {
 495   MutexLockerEx ml(_dcmdFactory_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
 496   DCmdFactory* factory = _DCmdFactoryList;
 497   while (factory != NULL) {
 498     if (strlen(factory->name()) == len &&
 499         strncmp(name, factory->name(), len) == 0) {
 500       if(factory->export_flags() & source) {
 501         return factory;
 502       } else {
 503         return NULL;
 504       }
 505     }
 506     factory = factory->_next;
 507   }
 508   return NULL;
 509 }
 511 int DCmdFactory::register_DCmdFactory(DCmdFactory* factory) {
 512   MutexLockerEx ml(_dcmdFactory_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
 513   factory->_next = _DCmdFactoryList;
 514   _DCmdFactoryList = factory;
 515   if (_send_jmx_notification && !factory->_hidden
 516       && (factory->_export_flags & DCmd_Source_MBean)) {
 517     DCmdFactory::push_jmx_notification_request();
 518   }
 519   return 0; // Actually, there's no checks for duplicates
 520 }
 522 DCmd* DCmdFactory::create_global_DCmd(DCmdSource source, CmdLine &line,
 523                                       outputStream* out, TRAPS) {
 524   DCmdFactory* f = factory(source, line.cmd_addr(), line.cmd_len());
 525   if (f != NULL) {
 526     if (f->is_enabled()) {
 527       THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 528                      f->disabled_message());
 529     }
 530     return f->create_Cheap_instance(out);
 531   }
 532   THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 533              "Unknown diagnostic command");
 534 }
 536 DCmd* DCmdFactory::create_local_DCmd(DCmdSource source, CmdLine &line,
 537                                      outputStream* out, TRAPS) {
 538   DCmdFactory* f = factory(source, line.cmd_addr(), line.cmd_len());
 539   if (f != NULL) {
 540     if (!f->is_enabled()) {
 541       THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 542                      f->disabled_message());
 543     }
 544     return f->create_resource_instance(out);
 545   }
 546   THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 547              "Unknown diagnostic command");
 548 }
 550 GrowableArray<const char*>* DCmdFactory::DCmd_list(DCmdSource source) {
 551   MutexLockerEx ml(_dcmdFactory_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
 552   GrowableArray<const char*>* array = new GrowableArray<const char*>();
 553   DCmdFactory* factory = _DCmdFactoryList;
 554   while (factory != NULL) {
 555     if (!factory->is_hidden() && (factory->export_flags() & source)) {
 556       array->append(factory->name());
 557     }
 558     factory = factory->next();
 559   }
 560   return array;
 561 }
 563 GrowableArray<DCmdInfo*>* DCmdFactory::DCmdInfo_list(DCmdSource source ) {
 564   MutexLockerEx ml(_dcmdFactory_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
 565   GrowableArray<DCmdInfo*>* array = new GrowableArray<DCmdInfo*>();
 566   DCmdFactory* factory = _DCmdFactoryList;
 567   while (factory != NULL) {
 568     if (!factory->is_hidden() && (factory->export_flags() & source)) {
 569       array->append(new DCmdInfo(factory->name(),
 570                     factory->description(), factory->impact(),
 571                     factory->permission(), factory->num_arguments(),
 572                     factory->is_enabled()));
 573     }
 574     factory = factory->next();
 575   }
 576   return array;
 577 }