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  66   size_t min_chunk_size_in_bytes = align_size_up(sizeof(FreeChunk), MinObjAlignmentInBytes);
  67   MinChunkSize = min_chunk_size_in_bytes / BytesPerWord;
  69   assert(IndexSetStart == 0 && IndexSetStride == 0, "already set");
  70   IndexSetStart  = MinChunkSize;
  71   IndexSetStride = MinObjAlignment;
  72 }
  74 // Constructor
  75 CompactibleFreeListSpace::CompactibleFreeListSpace(BlockOffsetSharedArray* bs,
  76   MemRegion mr, bool use_adaptive_freelists,
  77   FreeBlockDictionary<FreeChunk>::DictionaryChoice dictionaryChoice) :
  78   _dictionaryChoice(dictionaryChoice),
  79   _adaptive_freelists(use_adaptive_freelists),
  80   _bt(bs, mr),
  81   // free list locks are in the range of values taken by _lockRank
  82   // This range currently is [_leaf+2, _leaf+3]
  83   // Note: this requires that CFLspace c'tors
  84   // are called serially in the order in which the locks are
  85   // are acquired in the program text. This is true today.
  86   _freelistLock(_lockRank--, "CompactibleFreeListSpace._lock", true),

  87   _parDictionaryAllocLock(Mutex::leaf - 1,  // == rank(ExpandHeap_lock) - 1
  88                           "CompactibleFreeListSpace._dict_par_lock", true),

  89   _rescan_task_size(CardTableModRefBS::card_size_in_words * BitsPerWord *
  90                     CMSRescanMultiple),
  91   _marking_task_size(CardTableModRefBS::card_size_in_words * BitsPerWord *
  92                     CMSConcMarkMultiple),
  93   _collector(NULL)
  94 {
  95   assert(sizeof(FreeChunk) / BytesPerWord <= MinChunkSize,
  96          "FreeChunk is larger than expected");
  97   _bt.set_space(this);
  98   initialize(mr, SpaceDecorator::Clear, SpaceDecorator::Mangle);
  99   // We have all of "mr", all of which we place in the dictionary
 100   // as one big chunk. We'll need to decide here which of several
 101   // possible alternative dictionary implementations to use. For
 102   // now the choice is easy, since we have only one working
 103   // implementation, namely, the simple binary tree (splaying
 104   // temporarily disabled).
 105   switch (dictionaryChoice) {
 106     case FreeBlockDictionary<FreeChunk>::dictionaryBinaryTree:
 107       _dictionary = new AFLBinaryTreeDictionary(mr);
 108       break;

 134     // Note that _unallocated_block is not updated here.
 135     // Allocations from the linear allocation block should
 136     // update it.
 137   } else {
 138     _smallLinearAllocBlock.set(0, 0, 1024*SmallForLinearAlloc,
 139                                SmallForLinearAlloc);
 140   }
 141   // CMSIndexedFreeListReplenish should be at least 1
 142   CMSIndexedFreeListReplenish = MAX2((uintx)1, CMSIndexedFreeListReplenish);
 143   _promoInfo.setSpace(this);
 144   if (UseCMSBestFit) {
 145     _fitStrategy = FreeBlockBestFitFirst;
 146   } else {
 147     _fitStrategy = FreeBlockStrategyNone;
 148   }
 149   check_free_list_consistency();
 151   // Initialize locks for parallel case.
 152   for (size_t i = IndexSetStart; i < IndexSetSize; i += IndexSetStride) {
 153     _indexedFreeListParLocks[i] = new Mutex(Mutex::leaf - 1, // == ExpandHeap_lock - 1
 154                                             "a freelist par lock",
 155                                             true);
 156     DEBUG_ONLY(
 157       _indexedFreeList[i].set_protecting_lock(_indexedFreeListParLocks[i]);
 158     )
 159   }
 160   _dictionary->set_par_lock(&_parDictionaryAllocLock);
 161 }
 163 // Like CompactibleSpace forward() but always calls cross_threshold() to
 164 // update the block offset table.  Removed initialize_threshold call because
 165 // CFLS does not use a block offset array for contiguous spaces.
 166 HeapWord* CompactibleFreeListSpace::forward(oop q, size_t size,
 167                                     CompactPoint* cp, HeapWord* compact_top) {
 168   // q is alive
 169   // First check if we should switch compaction space
 170   assert(this == cp->space, "'this' should be current compaction space.");
 171   size_t compaction_max_size = pointer_delta(end(), compact_top);
 172   assert(adjustObjectSize(size) == cp->space->adjust_object_size_v(size),
 173     "virtual adjustObjectSize_v() method is not correct");
 174   size_t adjusted_size = adjustObjectSize(size);
 175   assert(compaction_max_size >= MinChunkSize || compaction_max_size == 0,

  66   size_t min_chunk_size_in_bytes = align_size_up(sizeof(FreeChunk), MinObjAlignmentInBytes);
  67   MinChunkSize = min_chunk_size_in_bytes / BytesPerWord;
  69   assert(IndexSetStart == 0 && IndexSetStride == 0, "already set");
  70   IndexSetStart  = MinChunkSize;
  71   IndexSetStride = MinObjAlignment;
  72 }
  74 // Constructor
  75 CompactibleFreeListSpace::CompactibleFreeListSpace(BlockOffsetSharedArray* bs,
  76   MemRegion mr, bool use_adaptive_freelists,
  77   FreeBlockDictionary<FreeChunk>::DictionaryChoice dictionaryChoice) :
  78   _dictionaryChoice(dictionaryChoice),
  79   _adaptive_freelists(use_adaptive_freelists),
  80   _bt(bs, mr),
  81   // free list locks are in the range of values taken by _lockRank
  82   // This range currently is [_leaf+2, _leaf+3]
  83   // Note: this requires that CFLspace c'tors
  84   // are called serially in the order in which the locks are
  85   // are acquired in the program text. This is true today.
  86   _freelistLock(_lockRank--, "CompactibleFreeListSpace._lock", true,
  87                 Monitor::_safepoint_check_sometimes),
  88   _parDictionaryAllocLock(Mutex::leaf - 1,  // == rank(ExpandHeap_lock) - 1
  89                           "CompactibleFreeListSpace._dict_par_lock", true,
  90                           Monitor::_safepoint_check_never),
  91   _rescan_task_size(CardTableModRefBS::card_size_in_words * BitsPerWord *
  92                     CMSRescanMultiple),
  93   _marking_task_size(CardTableModRefBS::card_size_in_words * BitsPerWord *
  94                     CMSConcMarkMultiple),
  95   _collector(NULL)
  96 {
  97   assert(sizeof(FreeChunk) / BytesPerWord <= MinChunkSize,
  98          "FreeChunk is larger than expected");
  99   _bt.set_space(this);
 100   initialize(mr, SpaceDecorator::Clear, SpaceDecorator::Mangle);
 101   // We have all of "mr", all of which we place in the dictionary
 102   // as one big chunk. We'll need to decide here which of several
 103   // possible alternative dictionary implementations to use. For
 104   // now the choice is easy, since we have only one working
 105   // implementation, namely, the simple binary tree (splaying
 106   // temporarily disabled).
 107   switch (dictionaryChoice) {
 108     case FreeBlockDictionary<FreeChunk>::dictionaryBinaryTree:
 109       _dictionary = new AFLBinaryTreeDictionary(mr);
 110       break;

 136     // Note that _unallocated_block is not updated here.
 137     // Allocations from the linear allocation block should
 138     // update it.
 139   } else {
 140     _smallLinearAllocBlock.set(0, 0, 1024*SmallForLinearAlloc,
 141                                SmallForLinearAlloc);
 142   }
 143   // CMSIndexedFreeListReplenish should be at least 1
 144   CMSIndexedFreeListReplenish = MAX2((uintx)1, CMSIndexedFreeListReplenish);
 145   _promoInfo.setSpace(this);
 146   if (UseCMSBestFit) {
 147     _fitStrategy = FreeBlockBestFitFirst;
 148   } else {
 149     _fitStrategy = FreeBlockStrategyNone;
 150   }
 151   check_free_list_consistency();
 153   // Initialize locks for parallel case.
 154   for (size_t i = IndexSetStart; i < IndexSetSize; i += IndexSetStride) {
 155     _indexedFreeListParLocks[i] = new Mutex(Mutex::leaf - 1, // == ExpandHeap_lock - 1
 156                                             "a freelist par lock", true, Mutex::_safepoint_check_sometimes);

 157     DEBUG_ONLY(
 158       _indexedFreeList[i].set_protecting_lock(_indexedFreeListParLocks[i]);
 159     )
 160   }
 161   _dictionary->set_par_lock(&_parDictionaryAllocLock);
 162 }
 164 // Like CompactibleSpace forward() but always calls cross_threshold() to
 165 // update the block offset table.  Removed initialize_threshold call because
 166 // CFLS does not use a block offset array for contiguous spaces.
 167 HeapWord* CompactibleFreeListSpace::forward(oop q, size_t size,
 168                                     CompactPoint* cp, HeapWord* compact_top) {
 169   // q is alive
 170   // First check if we should switch compaction space
 171   assert(this == cp->space, "'this' should be current compaction space.");
 172   size_t compaction_max_size = pointer_delta(end(), compact_top);
 173   assert(adjustObjectSize(size) == cp->space->adjust_object_size_v(size),
 174     "virtual adjustObjectSize_v() method is not correct");
 175   size_t adjusted_size = adjustObjectSize(size);
 176   assert(compaction_max_size >= MinChunkSize || compaction_max_size == 0,

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