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 296   }
 297 }
 299 bool frame::is_interpreted_frame() const  {
 300   return Interpreter::contains(pc());
 301 }
 303 int frame::frame_size(RegisterMap* map) const {
 304   frame sender = this->sender(map);
 305   return sender.sp() - sp();
 306 }
 308 intptr_t* frame::entry_frame_argument_at(int offset) const {
 309   // convert offset to index to deal with tsi
 310   int index = (Interpreter::expr_offset_in_bytes(offset)/wordSize);
 311   // Entry frame's arguments are always in relation to unextended_sp()
 312   return &unextended_sp()[index];
 313 }
 315 // sender_sp
 316 #ifdef CC_INTERP
 317 intptr_t* frame::interpreter_frame_sender_sp() const {
 318   assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
 319   // QQQ why does this specialize method exist if frame::sender_sp() does same thing?
 320   // seems odd and if we always know interpreted vs. non then sender_sp() is really
 321   // doing too much work.
 322   return get_interpreterState()->sender_sp();
 323 }
 325 // monitor elements
 327 BasicObjectLock* frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_begin() const {
 328   return get_interpreterState()->monitor_base();
 329 }
 331 BasicObjectLock* frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_end() const {
 332   return (BasicObjectLock*) get_interpreterState()->stack_base();
 333 }
 335 #else // CC_INTERP
 337 intptr_t* frame::interpreter_frame_sender_sp() const {
 338   assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
 339   return (intptr_t*) at(interpreter_frame_sender_sp_offset);
 340 }
 342 void frame::set_interpreter_frame_sender_sp(intptr_t* sender_sp) {
 343   assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
 344   ptr_at_put(interpreter_frame_sender_sp_offset, (intptr_t) sender_sp);
 345 }
 348 // monitor elements
 350 BasicObjectLock* frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_begin() const {
 351   return (BasicObjectLock*) addr_at(interpreter_frame_monitor_block_bottom_offset);
 352 }
 354 BasicObjectLock* frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_end() const {
 355   BasicObjectLock* result = (BasicObjectLock*) *addr_at(interpreter_frame_monitor_block_top_offset);
 356   // make sure the pointer points inside the frame
 357   assert(sp() <= (intptr_t*) result, "monitor end should be above the stack pointer");
 358   assert((intptr_t*) result < fp(),  "monitor end should be strictly below the frame pointer");
 359   return result;
 360 }
 362 void frame::interpreter_frame_set_monitor_end(BasicObjectLock* value) {
 363   *((BasicObjectLock**)addr_at(interpreter_frame_monitor_block_top_offset)) = value;
 364 }
 366 // Used by template based interpreter deoptimization
 367 void frame::interpreter_frame_set_last_sp(intptr_t* sp) {
 368     *((intptr_t**)addr_at(interpreter_frame_last_sp_offset)) = sp;
 369 }
 370 #endif // CC_INTERP
 372 frame frame::sender_for_entry_frame(RegisterMap* map) const {
 373   assert(map != NULL, "map must be set");
 374   // Java frame called from C; skip all C frames and return top C
 375   // frame of that chunk as the sender
 376   JavaFrameAnchor* jfa = entry_frame_call_wrapper()->anchor();
 377   assert(!entry_frame_is_first(), "next Java fp must be non zero");
 378   assert(jfa->last_Java_sp() > sp(), "must be above this frame on stack");
 379   map->clear();
 380   assert(map->include_argument_oops(), "should be set by clear");
 381   if (jfa->last_Java_pc() != NULL ) {
 382     frame fr(jfa->last_Java_sp(), jfa->last_Java_fp(), jfa->last_Java_pc());
 383     return fr;
 384   }
 385   frame fr(jfa->last_Java_sp(), jfa->last_Java_fp());
 386   return fr;
 387 }
 389 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 390 // frame::verify_deopt_original_pc

 510    map->set_include_argument_oops(false);
 512   if (is_entry_frame())
 513     return sender_for_entry_frame(map);
 514   if (is_interpreted_frame())
 515     return sender_for_interpreter_frame(map);
 516   assert(_cb == CodeCache::find_blob(pc()),"Must be the same");
 518   // This test looks odd: why is it not is_compiled_frame() ?  That's
 519   // because stubs also have OOP maps.
 520   if (_cb != NULL) {
 521     return sender_for_compiled_frame(map);
 522   }
 524   // Must be native-compiled frame, i.e. the marshaling code for native
 525   // methods that exists in the core system.
 526   return frame(sender_sp(), link(), sender_pc());
 527 }
 529 bool frame::is_interpreted_frame_valid(JavaThread* thread) const {
 530 // QQQ
 531 #ifdef CC_INTERP
 532 #else
 533   assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "Not an interpreted frame");
 534   // These are reasonable sanity checks
 535   if (fp() == 0 || (intptr_t(fp()) & (wordSize-1)) != 0) {
 536     return false;
 537   }
 538   if (sp() == 0 || (intptr_t(sp()) & (wordSize-1)) != 0) {
 539     return false;
 540   }
 541   if (fp() + interpreter_frame_initial_sp_offset < sp()) {
 542     return false;
 543   }
 544   // These are hacks to keep us out of trouble.
 545   // The problem with these is that they mask other problems
 546   if (fp() <= sp()) {        // this attempts to deal with unsigned comparison above
 547     return false;
 548   }
 550   // do some validation of frame elements
 552   // first the method

 566   }
 568   // validate bci/bcx
 570   address  bcp    = interpreter_frame_bcp();
 571   if (m->validate_bci_from_bcp(bcp) < 0) {
 572     return false;
 573   }
 575   // validate constantPoolCache*
 576   ConstantPoolCache* cp = *interpreter_frame_cache_addr();
 577   if (cp == NULL || !cp->is_metaspace_object()) return false;
 579   // validate locals
 581   address locals =  (address) *interpreter_frame_locals_addr();
 583   if (locals > thread->stack_base() || locals < (address) fp()) return false;
 585   // We'd have to be pretty unlucky to be mislead at this point
 587 #endif // CC_INTERP
 588   return true;
 589 }
 591 BasicType frame::interpreter_frame_result(oop* oop_result, jvalue* value_result) {
 592 #ifdef CC_INTERP
 593   // Needed for JVMTI. The result should always be in the
 594   // interpreterState object
 595   interpreterState istate = get_interpreterState();
 596 #endif // CC_INTERP
 597   assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
 598   Method* method = interpreter_frame_method();
 599   BasicType type = method->result_type();
 601   intptr_t* tos_addr;
 602   if (method->is_native()) {
 603     // TODO : ensure AARCH64 does the same as Intel here i.e. push v0 then r0
 604     // Prior to calling into the runtime to report the method_exit the possible
 605     // return value is pushed to the native stack. If the result is a jfloat/jdouble
 606     // then ST0 is saved before EAX/EDX. See the note in generate_native_result
 607     tos_addr = (intptr_t*)sp();
 608     if (type == T_FLOAT || type == T_DOUBLE) {
 609       // This is times two because we do a push(ltos) after pushing XMM0
 610       // and that takes two interpreter stack slots.
 611       tos_addr += 2 * Interpreter::stackElementWords;
 612     }
 613   } else {
 614     tos_addr = (intptr_t*)interpreter_frame_tos_address();
 615   }
 617   switch (type) {
 618     case T_OBJECT  :
 619     case T_ARRAY   : {
 620       oop obj;
 621       if (method->is_native()) {
 622 #ifdef CC_INTERP
 623         obj = istate->_oop_temp;
 624 #else
 625         obj = cast_to_oop(at(interpreter_frame_oop_temp_offset));
 626 #endif // CC_INTERP
 627       } else {
 628         oop* obj_p = (oop*)tos_addr;
 629         obj = (obj_p == NULL) ? (oop)NULL : *obj_p;
 630       }
 631       assert(obj == NULL || Universe::heap()->is_in(obj), "sanity check");
 632       *oop_result = obj;
 633       break;
 634     }
 635     case T_BOOLEAN : value_result->z = *(jboolean*)tos_addr; break;
 636     case T_BYTE    : value_result->b = *(jbyte*)tos_addr; break;
 637     case T_CHAR    : value_result->c = *(jchar*)tos_addr; break;
 638     case T_SHORT   : value_result->s = *(jshort*)tos_addr; break;
 639     case T_INT     : value_result->i = *(jint*)tos_addr; break;
 640     case T_LONG    : value_result->j = *(jlong*)tos_addr; break;
 641     case T_FLOAT   : {
 642         value_result->f = *(jfloat*)tos_addr;
 643       break;
 644     }
 645     case T_DOUBLE  : value_result->d = *(jdouble*)tos_addr; break;
 646     case T_VOID    : /* Nothing to do */ break;

 296   }
 297 }
 299 bool frame::is_interpreted_frame() const  {
 300   return Interpreter::contains(pc());
 301 }
 303 int frame::frame_size(RegisterMap* map) const {
 304   frame sender = this->sender(map);
 305   return sender.sp() - sp();
 306 }
 308 intptr_t* frame::entry_frame_argument_at(int offset) const {
 309   // convert offset to index to deal with tsi
 310   int index = (Interpreter::expr_offset_in_bytes(offset)/wordSize);
 311   // Entry frame's arguments are always in relation to unextended_sp()
 312   return &unextended_sp()[index];
 313 }
 315 // sender_sp

 316 intptr_t* frame::interpreter_frame_sender_sp() const {
 317   assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
 318   return (intptr_t*) at(interpreter_frame_sender_sp_offset);
 319 }
 321 void frame::set_interpreter_frame_sender_sp(intptr_t* sender_sp) {
 322   assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
 323   ptr_at_put(interpreter_frame_sender_sp_offset, (intptr_t) sender_sp);
 324 }
 327 // monitor elements
 329 BasicObjectLock* frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_begin() const {
 330   return (BasicObjectLock*) addr_at(interpreter_frame_monitor_block_bottom_offset);
 331 }
 333 BasicObjectLock* frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_end() const {
 334   BasicObjectLock* result = (BasicObjectLock*) *addr_at(interpreter_frame_monitor_block_top_offset);
 335   // make sure the pointer points inside the frame
 336   assert(sp() <= (intptr_t*) result, "monitor end should be above the stack pointer");
 337   assert((intptr_t*) result < fp(),  "monitor end should be strictly below the frame pointer");
 338   return result;
 339 }
 341 void frame::interpreter_frame_set_monitor_end(BasicObjectLock* value) {
 342   *((BasicObjectLock**)addr_at(interpreter_frame_monitor_block_top_offset)) = value;
 343 }
 345 // Used by template based interpreter deoptimization
 346 void frame::interpreter_frame_set_last_sp(intptr_t* sp) {
 347     *((intptr_t**)addr_at(interpreter_frame_last_sp_offset)) = sp;
 348 }

 350 frame frame::sender_for_entry_frame(RegisterMap* map) const {
 351   assert(map != NULL, "map must be set");
 352   // Java frame called from C; skip all C frames and return top C
 353   // frame of that chunk as the sender
 354   JavaFrameAnchor* jfa = entry_frame_call_wrapper()->anchor();
 355   assert(!entry_frame_is_first(), "next Java fp must be non zero");
 356   assert(jfa->last_Java_sp() > sp(), "must be above this frame on stack");
 357   map->clear();
 358   assert(map->include_argument_oops(), "should be set by clear");
 359   if (jfa->last_Java_pc() != NULL ) {
 360     frame fr(jfa->last_Java_sp(), jfa->last_Java_fp(), jfa->last_Java_pc());
 361     return fr;
 362   }
 363   frame fr(jfa->last_Java_sp(), jfa->last_Java_fp());
 364   return fr;
 365 }
 367 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 368 // frame::verify_deopt_original_pc

 488    map->set_include_argument_oops(false);
 490   if (is_entry_frame())
 491     return sender_for_entry_frame(map);
 492   if (is_interpreted_frame())
 493     return sender_for_interpreter_frame(map);
 494   assert(_cb == CodeCache::find_blob(pc()),"Must be the same");
 496   // This test looks odd: why is it not is_compiled_frame() ?  That's
 497   // because stubs also have OOP maps.
 498   if (_cb != NULL) {
 499     return sender_for_compiled_frame(map);
 500   }
 502   // Must be native-compiled frame, i.e. the marshaling code for native
 503   // methods that exists in the core system.
 504   return frame(sender_sp(), link(), sender_pc());
 505 }
 507 bool frame::is_interpreted_frame_valid(JavaThread* thread) const {

 508   assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "Not an interpreted frame");
 509   // These are reasonable sanity checks
 510   if (fp() == 0 || (intptr_t(fp()) & (wordSize-1)) != 0) {
 511     return false;
 512   }
 513   if (sp() == 0 || (intptr_t(sp()) & (wordSize-1)) != 0) {
 514     return false;
 515   }
 516   if (fp() + interpreter_frame_initial_sp_offset < sp()) {
 517     return false;
 518   }
 519   // These are hacks to keep us out of trouble.
 520   // The problem with these is that they mask other problems
 521   if (fp() <= sp()) {        // this attempts to deal with unsigned comparison above
 522     return false;
 523   }
 525   // do some validation of frame elements
 527   // first the method

 541   }
 543   // validate bci/bcx
 545   address  bcp    = interpreter_frame_bcp();
 546   if (m->validate_bci_from_bcp(bcp) < 0) {
 547     return false;
 548   }
 550   // validate constantPoolCache*
 551   ConstantPoolCache* cp = *interpreter_frame_cache_addr();
 552   if (cp == NULL || !cp->is_metaspace_object()) return false;
 554   // validate locals
 556   address locals =  (address) *interpreter_frame_locals_addr();
 558   if (locals > thread->stack_base() || locals < (address) fp()) return false;
 560   // We'd have to be pretty unlucky to be mislead at this point

 561   return true;
 562 }
 564 BasicType frame::interpreter_frame_result(oop* oop_result, jvalue* value_result) {

 565   assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
 566   Method* method = interpreter_frame_method();
 567   BasicType type = method->result_type();
 569   intptr_t* tos_addr;
 570   if (method->is_native()) {
 571     // TODO : ensure AARCH64 does the same as Intel here i.e. push v0 then r0
 572     // Prior to calling into the runtime to report the method_exit the possible
 573     // return value is pushed to the native stack. If the result is a jfloat/jdouble
 574     // then ST0 is saved before EAX/EDX. See the note in generate_native_result
 575     tos_addr = (intptr_t*)sp();
 576     if (type == T_FLOAT || type == T_DOUBLE) {
 577       // This is times two because we do a push(ltos) after pushing XMM0
 578       // and that takes two interpreter stack slots.
 579       tos_addr += 2 * Interpreter::stackElementWords;
 580     }
 581   } else {
 582     tos_addr = (intptr_t*)interpreter_frame_tos_address();
 583   }
 585   switch (type) {
 586     case T_OBJECT  :
 587     case T_ARRAY   : {
 588       oop obj;
 589       if (method->is_native()) {

 590         obj = cast_to_oop(at(interpreter_frame_oop_temp_offset));

 591       } else {
 592         oop* obj_p = (oop*)tos_addr;
 593         obj = (obj_p == NULL) ? (oop)NULL : *obj_p;
 594       }
 595       assert(obj == NULL || Universe::heap()->is_in(obj), "sanity check");
 596       *oop_result = obj;
 597       break;
 598     }
 599     case T_BOOLEAN : value_result->z = *(jboolean*)tos_addr; break;
 600     case T_BYTE    : value_result->b = *(jbyte*)tos_addr; break;
 601     case T_CHAR    : value_result->c = *(jchar*)tos_addr; break;
 602     case T_SHORT   : value_result->s = *(jshort*)tos_addr; break;
 603     case T_INT     : value_result->i = *(jint*)tos_addr; break;
 604     case T_LONG    : value_result->j = *(jlong*)tos_addr; break;
 605     case T_FLOAT   : {
 606         value_result->f = *(jfloat*)tos_addr;
 607       break;
 608     }
 609     case T_DOUBLE  : value_result->d = *(jdouble*)tos_addr; break;
 610     case T_VOID    : /* Nothing to do */ break;

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