Index Unified diffs Context diffs Sdiffs Patch New Old Previous File Next File 8085865.01 Sdiff src/os/linux/vm


Print this page

2200   st->print("Memory:");
2201   st->print(" %dk page", os::vm_page_size()>>10);
2203   // values in struct sysinfo are "unsigned long"
2204   struct sysinfo si;
2205   sysinfo(&si);
2207   st->print(", physical " UINT64_FORMAT "k",
2208             os::physical_memory() >> 10);
2209   st->print("(" UINT64_FORMAT "k free)",
2210             os::available_memory() >> 10);
2211   st->print(", swap " UINT64_FORMAT "k",
2212             ((jlong)si.totalswap * si.mem_unit) >> 10);
2213   st->print("(" UINT64_FORMAT "k free)",
2214             ((jlong)si.freeswap * si.mem_unit) >> 10);
2215   st->cr();
2216 }
2218 void os::pd_print_cpu_info(outputStream* st) {

2219   st->print("\n/proc/cpuinfo:\n");

2220   if (!_print_ascii_file("/proc/cpuinfo", st)) {
2221     st->print("  <Not Available>");
2222   }
2223   st->cr();
2224 }
2226 void os::print_siginfo(outputStream* st, void* siginfo) {
2227   const siginfo_t* si = (const siginfo_t*)siginfo;
2229   os::Posix::print_siginfo_brief(st, si);
2230 #if INCLUDE_CDS
2231   if (si && (si->si_signo == SIGBUS || si->si_signo == SIGSEGV) &&
2232       UseSharedSpaces) {
2233     FileMapInfo* mapinfo = FileMapInfo::current_info();
2234     if (mapinfo->is_in_shared_space(si->si_addr)) {
2235       st->print("\n\nError accessing class data sharing archive."   \
2236                 " Mapped file inaccessible during execution, "      \
2237                 " possible disk/network problem.");
2238     }
2239   }
2240 #endif
2241   st->cr();
2242 }

2200   st->print("Memory:");
2201   st->print(" %dk page", os::vm_page_size()>>10);
2203   // values in struct sysinfo are "unsigned long"
2204   struct sysinfo si;
2205   sysinfo(&si);
2207   st->print(", physical " UINT64_FORMAT "k",
2208             os::physical_memory() >> 10);
2209   st->print("(" UINT64_FORMAT "k free)",
2210             os::available_memory() >> 10);
2211   st->print(", swap " UINT64_FORMAT "k",
2212             ((jlong)si.totalswap * si.mem_unit) >> 10);
2213   st->print("(" UINT64_FORMAT "k free)",
2214             ((jlong)si.freeswap * si.mem_unit) >> 10);
2215   st->cr();
2216 }
2218 void os::pd_print_cpu_info(outputStream* st) {
2219 #if defined(IA32) || defined(AMD64)
2220   // Only print the model name if the platform provides this as a summary
2221   st->print("\n/proc/cpuinfo:\n");
2222   FILE *fp = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r");
2223   if (fp) {
2224     while (!feof(fp)) {
2225       char buf[256];
2226       if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
2227         if (strstr(buf, "model name") != NULL) {
2228           st->print_raw(buf);
2229           break;
2230         }
2231       }
2232     }
2233   } else {
2234     st->print_cr("  <Not Available>");
2235   }
2236 #else
2237     // Other platforms have reasonable cpuinfo files
2238     if (!_print_ascii_file("/proc/cpuinfo", st)) {
2239       st->print_cr("  <Not Available>");
2240     }
2241 #endif
2242 }
2244 void os::print_siginfo(outputStream* st, void* siginfo) {
2245   const siginfo_t* si = (const siginfo_t*)siginfo;
2247   os::Posix::print_siginfo_brief(st, si);
2248 #if INCLUDE_CDS
2249   if (si && (si->si_signo == SIGBUS || si->si_signo == SIGSEGV) &&
2250       UseSharedSpaces) {
2251     FileMapInfo* mapinfo = FileMapInfo::current_info();
2252     if (mapinfo->is_in_shared_space(si->si_addr)) {
2253       st->print("\n\nError accessing class data sharing archive."   \
2254                 " Mapped file inaccessible during execution, "      \
2255                 " possible disk/network problem.");
2256     }
2257   }
2258 #endif
2259   st->cr();
2260 }

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