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1387     // Performance measurements show the 1word and 2word variants to be almost equivalent,
1388     // with very light advantages for the 1word variant. We chose the 1word variant for
1389     // code compactness.
1390     __ kernel_crc32_1word(crc, data, dataLen, table, t0, t1, t2, t3, tc0, tc1, tc2, tc3);
1392     // Restore caller sp for c2i case and return.
1393     __ mr(R1_SP, R21_sender_SP); // Cut the stack back to where the caller started.
1394     __ blr();
1396     // Generate a vanilla native entry as the slow path.
1397     BLOCK_COMMENT("} CRC32_updateBytes(Buffer)");
1398     BIND(slow_path);
1399     __ jump_to_entry(Interpreter::entry_for_kind(Interpreter::native), R11_scratch1);
1400     return start;
1401   }
1403   return NULL;
1404 }
1406 // These should never be compiled since the interpreter will prefer
1407 // the compiled version to the intrinsic version.
1408 bool AbstractInterpreter::can_be_compiled(methodHandle m) {
1409   return !math_entry_available(method_kind(m));
1410 }
1412 // How much stack a method activation needs in stack slots.
1413 // We must calc this exactly like in generate_fixed_frame.
1414 // Note: This returns the conservative size assuming maximum alignment.
1415 int AbstractInterpreter::size_top_interpreter_activation(Method* method) {
1416   const int max_alignment_size = 2;
1417   const int abi_scratch = frame::abi_reg_args_size;
1418   return method->max_locals() + method->max_stack() +
1419          frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_size() + max_alignment_size + abi_scratch;
1420 }
1422 // Returns number of stackElementWords needed for the interpreter frame with the
1423 // given sections.
1424 // This overestimates the stack by one slot in case of alignments.
1425 int AbstractInterpreter::size_activation(int max_stack,
1426                                          int temps,
1427                                          int extra_args,
1428                                          int monitors,
1429                                          int callee_params,
1430                                          int callee_locals,
1431                                          bool is_top_frame) {
1432   // Note: This calculation must exactly parallel the frame setup
1433   // in InterpreterGenerator::generate_fixed_frame.
1434   assert(Interpreter::stackElementWords == 1, "sanity");
1435   const int max_alignment_space = StackAlignmentInBytes / Interpreter::stackElementSize;
1436   const int abi_scratch = is_top_frame ? (frame::abi_reg_args_size / Interpreter::stackElementSize) :
1437                                          (frame::abi_minframe_size / Interpreter::stackElementSize);
1438   const int size =
1439     max_stack                                                +
1440     (callee_locals - callee_params)                          +
1441     monitors * frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_size()       +
1442     max_alignment_space                                      +
1443     abi_scratch                                              +
1444     frame::ijava_state_size / Interpreter::stackElementSize;
1446   // Fixed size of an interpreter frame, align to 16-byte.
1447   return (size & -2);
1448 }
1450 // Fills a sceletal interpreter frame generated during deoptimizations.
1451 //
1452 // Parameters:
1453 //
1454 // interpreter_frame != NULL:
1455 //   set up the method, locals, and monitors.
1456 //   The frame interpreter_frame, if not NULL, is guaranteed to be the
1457 //   right size, as determined by a previous call to this method.
1458 //   It is also guaranteed to be walkable even though it is in a skeletal state
1459 //
1460 // is_top_frame == true:
1461 //   We're processing the *oldest* interpreter frame!
1462 //
1463 // pop_frame_extra_args:
1464 //   If this is != 0 we are returning to a deoptimized frame by popping
1465 //   off the callee frame. We want to re-execute the call that called the
1466 //   callee interpreted, but since the return to the interpreter would pop
1467 //   the arguments off advance the esp by dummy popframe_extra_args slots.
1468 //   Popping off those will establish the stack layout as it was before the call.
1469 //
1470 void AbstractInterpreter::layout_activation(Method* method,
1471                                             int tempcount,
1472                                             int popframe_extra_args,
1473                                             int moncount,
1474                                             int caller_actual_parameters,
1475                                             int callee_param_count,
1476                                             int callee_locals_count,
1477                                             frame* caller,
1478                                             frame* interpreter_frame,
1479                                             bool is_top_frame,
1480                                             bool is_bottom_frame) {
1482   const int abi_scratch = is_top_frame ? (frame::abi_reg_args_size / Interpreter::stackElementSize) :
1483                                          (frame::abi_minframe_size / Interpreter::stackElementSize);
1485   intptr_t* locals_base  = (caller->is_interpreted_frame()) ?
1486     caller->interpreter_frame_esp() + caller_actual_parameters :
1487     caller->sp() + method->max_locals() - 1 + (frame::abi_minframe_size / Interpreter::stackElementSize) ;
1489   intptr_t* monitor_base = caller->sp() - frame::ijava_state_size / Interpreter::stackElementSize ;
1490   intptr_t* monitor      = monitor_base - (moncount * frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_size());
1491   intptr_t* esp_base     = monitor - 1;
1492   intptr_t* esp          = esp_base - tempcount - popframe_extra_args;
1493   intptr_t* sp           = (intptr_t *) (((intptr_t) (esp_base - callee_locals_count + callee_param_count - method->max_stack()- abi_scratch)) & -StackAlignmentInBytes);
1494   intptr_t* sender_sp    = caller->sp() + (frame::abi_minframe_size - frame::abi_reg_args_size) / Interpreter::stackElementSize;
1495   intptr_t* top_frame_sp = is_top_frame ? sp : sp + (frame::abi_minframe_size - frame::abi_reg_args_size) / Interpreter::stackElementSize;
1497   interpreter_frame->interpreter_frame_set_method(method);
1498   interpreter_frame->interpreter_frame_set_locals(locals_base);
1499   interpreter_frame->interpreter_frame_set_cpcache(method->constants()->cache());
1500   interpreter_frame->interpreter_frame_set_esp(esp);
1501   interpreter_frame->interpreter_frame_set_monitor_end((BasicObjectLock *)monitor);
1502   interpreter_frame->interpreter_frame_set_top_frame_sp(top_frame_sp);
1503   if (!is_bottom_frame) {
1504     interpreter_frame->interpreter_frame_set_sender_sp(sender_sp);
1505   }
1506 }
1508 // =============================================================================
1509 // Exceptions
1511 void TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_throw_exception() {
1512   Register Rexception    = R17_tos,
1513            Rcontinuation = R3_RET;
1515   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1516   // Entry point if an method returns with a pending exception (rethrow).
1517   Interpreter::_rethrow_exception_entry = __ pc();
1518   {
1519     __ restore_interpreter_state(R11_scratch1); // Sets R11_scratch1 = fp.
1520     __ ld(R12_scratch2, _ijava_state_neg(top_frame_sp), R11_scratch1);
1521     __ resize_frame_absolute(R12_scratch2, R11_scratch1, R0);
1523     // Compiled code destroys templateTableBase, reload.
1524     __ load_const_optimized(R25_templateTableBase, (address)Interpreter::dispatch_table((TosState)0), R11_scratch1);
1525   }
1527   // Entry point if a interpreted method throws an exception (throw).

1387     // Performance measurements show the 1word and 2word variants to be almost equivalent,
1388     // with very light advantages for the 1word variant. We chose the 1word variant for
1389     // code compactness.
1390     __ kernel_crc32_1word(crc, data, dataLen, table, t0, t1, t2, t3, tc0, tc1, tc2, tc3);
1392     // Restore caller sp for c2i case and return.
1393     __ mr(R1_SP, R21_sender_SP); // Cut the stack back to where the caller started.
1394     __ blr();
1396     // Generate a vanilla native entry as the slow path.
1397     BLOCK_COMMENT("} CRC32_updateBytes(Buffer)");
1398     BIND(slow_path);
1399     __ jump_to_entry(Interpreter::entry_for_kind(Interpreter::native), R11_scratch1);
1400     return start;
1401   }
1403   return NULL;
1404 }

1406 // =============================================================================
1407 // Exceptions
1409 void TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_throw_exception() {
1410   Register Rexception    = R17_tos,
1411            Rcontinuation = R3_RET;
1413   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1414   // Entry point if an method returns with a pending exception (rethrow).
1415   Interpreter::_rethrow_exception_entry = __ pc();
1416   {
1417     __ restore_interpreter_state(R11_scratch1); // Sets R11_scratch1 = fp.
1418     __ ld(R12_scratch2, _ijava_state_neg(top_frame_sp), R11_scratch1);
1419     __ resize_frame_absolute(R12_scratch2, R11_scratch1, R0);
1421     // Compiled code destroys templateTableBase, reload.
1422     __ load_const_optimized(R25_templateTableBase, (address)Interpreter::dispatch_table((TosState)0), R11_scratch1);
1423   }
1425   // Entry point if a interpreted method throws an exception (throw).

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