1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2008, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 enum AsmShift12 {
  29   lsl0, lsl12
  30 };
  32 enum AsmPrefetchOp {
  33     pldl1keep = 0b00000,
  34     pldl1strm,
  35     pldl2keep,
  36     pldl2strm,
  37     pldl3keep,
  38     pldl3strm,
  40     plil1keep = 0b01000,
  41     plil1strm,
  42     plil2keep,
  43     plil2strm,
  44     plil3keep,
  45     plil3strm,
  47     pstl1keep = 0b10000,
  48     pstl1strm,
  49     pstl2keep,
  50     pstl2strm,
  51     pstl3keep,
  52     pstl3strm,
  53 };
  55 // Shifted register operand for data processing instructions.
  56 class AsmOperand VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
  57  private:
  58   Register _reg;
  59   AsmShift _shift;
  60   int _shift_imm;
  62  public:
  63   AsmOperand(Register reg) {
  64     assert(reg != SP, "SP is not allowed in shifted register operand");
  65     _reg = reg;
  66     _shift = lsl;
  67     _shift_imm = 0;
  68   }
  70   AsmOperand(Register reg, AsmShift shift, int shift_imm) {
  71     assert(reg != SP, "SP is not allowed in shifted register operand");
  72     assert(shift_imm >= 0, "shift amount should be non-negative");
  73     _reg = reg;
  74     _shift = shift;
  75     _shift_imm = shift_imm;
  76   }
  78   Register reg() const {
  79     return _reg;
  80   }
  82   AsmShift shift() const {
  83     return _shift;
  84   }
  86   int shift_imm() const {
  87     return _shift_imm;
  88   }
  89 };
  92 class Assembler : public AbstractAssembler  {
  94  public:
  96   static const int LogInstructionSize = 2;
  97   static const int InstructionSize    = 1 << LogInstructionSize;
  99   Assembler(CodeBuffer* code) : AbstractAssembler(code) {}
 101   static inline AsmCondition inverse(AsmCondition cond) {
 102     assert ((cond != al) && (cond != nv), "AL and NV conditions cannot be inversed");
 103     return (AsmCondition)((int)cond ^ 1);
 104   }
 106   // Returns value of nzcv flags conforming to the given condition.
 107   static inline int flags_for_condition(AsmCondition cond) {
 108     switch(cond) {            // NZCV
 109       case mi: case lt: return 0b1000;
 110       case eq: case le: return 0b0100;
 111       case hs: case hi: return 0b0010;
 112       case vs:          return 0b0001;
 113       default:          return 0b0000;
 114     }
 115   }
 117   // Immediate, encoded into logical instructions.
 118   class LogicalImmediate {
 119    private:
 120     bool _encoded;
 121     bool _is32bit;
 122     int _immN;
 123     int _immr;
 124     int _imms;
 126     static inline bool has_equal_subpatterns(uintx imm, int size);
 127     static inline int least_pattern_size(uintx imm);
 128     static inline int population_count(uintx x);
 129     static inline uintx set_least_zeroes(uintx x);
 131 #ifdef ASSERT
 132     uintx decode();
 133 #endif
 135     void construct(uintx imm, bool is32);
 137    public:
 138     LogicalImmediate(uintx imm, bool is32 = false) { construct(imm, is32); }
 140     // Returns true if given immediate can be used in AArch64 logical instruction.
 141     bool is_encoded() const { return _encoded; }
 143     bool is32bit() const { return _is32bit; }
 144     int immN() const { assert(_encoded, "should be"); return _immN; }
 145     int immr() const { assert(_encoded, "should be"); return _immr; }
 146     int imms() const { assert(_encoded, "should be"); return _imms; }
 147   };
 149   // Immediate, encoded into arithmetic add/sub instructions.
 150   class ArithmeticImmediate {
 151    private:
 152     bool _encoded;
 153     int _imm;
 154     AsmShift12 _shift;
 156    public:
 157     ArithmeticImmediate(intx x) {
 158       if (is_unsigned_imm_in_range(x, 12, 0)) {
 159         _encoded = true;
 160         _imm = x;
 161         _shift = lsl0;
 162       } else if (is_unsigned_imm_in_range(x, 12, 12)) {
 163         _encoded = true;
 164         _imm = x >> 12;
 165         _shift = lsl12;
 166       } else {
 167         _encoded = false;
 168       }
 169     }
 171     ArithmeticImmediate(intx x, AsmShift12 sh) {
 172       if (is_unsigned_imm_in_range(x, 12, 0)) {
 173         _encoded = true;
 174         _imm = x;
 175         _shift = sh;
 176       } else {
 177         _encoded = false;
 178       }
 179     }
 181     // Returns true if this immediate can be used in AArch64 arithmetic (add/sub/cmp/cmn) instructions.
 182     bool is_encoded() const  { return _encoded; }
 184     int imm() const          { assert(_encoded, "should be"); return _imm; }
 185     AsmShift12 shift() const { assert(_encoded, "should be"); return _shift; }
 186   };
 188   static inline bool is_imm_in_range(intx value, int bits, int align_bits) {
 189     intx sign_bits = (value >> (bits + align_bits - 1));
 190     return ((value & right_n_bits(align_bits)) == 0) && ((sign_bits == 0) || (sign_bits == -1));
 191   }
 193   static inline int encode_imm(intx value, int bits, int align_bits, int low_bit_in_encoding) {
 194     assert (is_imm_in_range(value, bits, align_bits), "immediate value is out of range");
 195     return ((value >> align_bits) & right_n_bits(bits)) << low_bit_in_encoding;
 196   }
 198   static inline bool is_unsigned_imm_in_range(intx value, int bits, int align_bits) {
 199     return (value >= 0) && ((value & right_n_bits(align_bits)) == 0) && ((value >> (align_bits + bits)) == 0);
 200   }
 202   static inline int encode_unsigned_imm(intx value, int bits, int align_bits, int low_bit_in_encoding) {
 203     assert (is_unsigned_imm_in_range(value, bits, align_bits), "immediate value is out of range");
 204     return (value >> align_bits) << low_bit_in_encoding;
 205   }
 207   static inline bool is_offset_in_range(intx offset, int bits) {
 208     assert (bits == 14 || bits == 19 || bits == 26, "wrong bits number");
 209     return is_imm_in_range(offset, bits, 2);
 210   }
 212   static inline int encode_offset(intx offset, int bits, int low_bit_in_encoding) {
 213     return encode_imm(offset, bits, 2, low_bit_in_encoding);
 214   }
 216   // Returns true if given value can be used as immediate in arithmetic (add/sub/cmp/cmn) instructions.
 217   static inline bool is_arith_imm_in_range(intx value) {
 218     return ArithmeticImmediate(value).is_encoded();
 219   }
 222   // Load/store instructions
 224 #define F(mnemonic, opc) \
 225   void mnemonic(Register rd, address literal_addr) {                                                       \
 226     intx offset = literal_addr - pc();                                                                     \
 227     assert (opc != 0b01 || offset == 0 || ((uintx)literal_addr & 7) == 0, "ldr target should be aligned"); \
 228     assert (is_offset_in_range(offset, 19), "offset is out of range");                                     \
 229     emit_int32(opc << 30 | 0b011 << 27 | encode_offset(offset, 19, 5) | rd->encoding_with_zr());           \
 230   }
 232   F(ldr_w, 0b00)
 233   F(ldr,   0b01)
 234   F(ldrsw, 0b10)
 235 #undef F
 237 #define F(mnemonic, opc) \
 238   void mnemonic(FloatRegister rt, address literal_addr) {                                                  \
 239     intx offset = literal_addr - pc();                                                                     \
 240     assert (offset == 0 || ((uintx)literal_addr & right_n_bits(2 + opc)) == 0, "ldr target should be aligned"); \
 241     assert (is_offset_in_range(offset, 19), "offset is out of range");                                     \
 242     emit_int32(opc << 30 | 0b011100 << 24 | encode_offset(offset, 19, 5) | rt->encoding());                \
 243   }
 245   F(ldr_s, 0b00)
 246   F(ldr_d, 0b01)
 247   F(ldr_q, 0b10)
 248 #undef F
 250 #define F(mnemonic, size, o2, L, o1, o0) \
 251   void mnemonic(Register rt, Register rn) {                                                                \
 252     emit_int32(size << 30 | 0b001000 << 24 | o2 << 23 | L << 22 | o1 << 21 | 0b11111 << 16 |               \
 253         o0 << 15 | 0b11111 << 10 | rn->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | rt->encoding_with_zr());                  \
 254   }
 256   F(ldxrb,   0b00, 0, 1, 0, 0)
 257   F(ldaxrb,  0b00, 0, 1, 0, 1)
 258   F(ldarb,   0b00, 1, 1, 0, 1)
 259   F(ldxrh,   0b01, 0, 1, 0, 0)
 260   F(ldaxrh,  0b01, 0, 1, 0, 1)
 261   F(ldarh,   0b01, 1, 1, 0, 1)
 262   F(ldxr_w,  0b10, 0, 1, 0, 0)
 263   F(ldaxr_w, 0b10, 0, 1, 0, 1)
 264   F(ldar_w,  0b10, 1, 1, 0, 1)
 265   F(ldxr,    0b11, 0, 1, 0, 0)
 266   F(ldaxr,   0b11, 0, 1, 0, 1)
 267   F(ldar,    0b11, 1, 1, 0, 1)
 269   F(stlrb,   0b00, 1, 0, 0, 1)
 270   F(stlrh,   0b01, 1, 0, 0, 1)
 271   F(stlr_w,  0b10, 1, 0, 0, 1)
 272   F(stlr,    0b11, 1, 0, 0, 1)
 273 #undef F
 275 #define F(mnemonic, size, o2, L, o1, o0) \
 276   void mnemonic(Register rs, Register rt, Register rn) {                                                     \
 277     assert (rs != rt, "should be different");                                                                \
 278     assert (rs != rn, "should be different");                                                                \
 279     emit_int32(size << 30 | 0b001000 << 24 | o2 << 23 | L << 22 | o1 << 21 | rs->encoding_with_zr() << 16 |  \
 280         o0 << 15 | 0b11111 << 10 | rn->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | rt->encoding_with_zr());                    \
 281   }
 283   F(stxrb,   0b00, 0, 0, 0, 0)
 284   F(stlxrb,  0b00, 0, 0, 0, 1)
 285   F(stxrh,   0b01, 0, 0, 0, 0)
 286   F(stlxrh,  0b01, 0, 0, 0, 1)
 287   F(stxr_w,  0b10, 0, 0, 0, 0)
 288   F(stlxr_w, 0b10, 0, 0, 0, 1)
 289   F(stxr,    0b11, 0, 0, 0, 0)
 290   F(stlxr,   0b11, 0, 0, 0, 1)
 291 #undef F
 293 #define F(mnemonic, size, o2, L, o1, o0) \
 294   void mnemonic(Register rt, Register rt2, Register rn) {                                                  \
 295     assert (rt != rt2, "should be different");                                                             \
 296     emit_int32(size << 30 | 0b001000 << 24 | o2 << 23 | L << 22 | o1 << 21 | 0b11111 << 16 |               \
 297         o0 << 15 | rt2->encoding_with_zr() << 10 | rn->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | rt->encoding_with_zr());  \
 298   }
 300   F(ldxp_w,  0b10, 0, 1, 1, 0)
 301   F(ldaxp_w, 0b10, 0, 1, 1, 1)
 302   F(ldxp,    0b11, 0, 1, 1, 0)
 303   F(ldaxp,   0b11, 0, 1, 1, 1)
 304 #undef F
 306 #define F(mnemonic, size, o2, L, o1, o0) \
 307   void mnemonic(Register rs, Register rt, Register rt2, Register rn) {                                       \
 308     assert (rs != rt, "should be different");                                                                \
 309     assert (rs != rt2, "should be different");                                                               \
 310     assert (rs != rn, "should be different");                                                                \
 311     emit_int32(size << 30 | 0b001000 << 24 | o2 << 23 | L << 22 | o1 << 21 | rs->encoding_with_zr() << 16 |  \
 312         o0 << 15 | rt2->encoding_with_zr() << 10 | rn->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | rt->encoding_with_zr());    \
 313   }
 315   F(stxp_w,  0b10, 0, 0, 1, 0)
 316   F(stlxp_w, 0b10, 0, 0, 1, 1)
 317   F(stxp,    0b11, 0, 0, 1, 0)
 318   F(stlxp,   0b11, 0, 0, 1, 1)
 319 #undef F
 321 #define F(mnemonic, opc, V, L) \
 322   void mnemonic(Register rt, Register rt2, Register rn, int offset = 0) {                                  \
 323     assert (!L || rt != rt2, "should be different");                                                       \
 324     int align_bits = 2 + (opc >> 1);                                                                       \
 325     assert (is_imm_in_range(offset, 7, align_bits), "offset is out of range");                             \
 326     emit_int32(opc << 30 | 0b101 << 27 | V << 26 | L << 22 | encode_imm(offset, 7, align_bits, 15) |       \
 327         rt2->encoding_with_zr() << 10 | rn->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | rt->encoding_with_zr());             \
 328   }
 330   F(stnp_w,  0b00, 0, 0)
 331   F(ldnp_w,  0b00, 0, 1)
 332   F(stnp,    0b10, 0, 0)
 333   F(ldnp,    0b10, 0, 1)
 334 #undef F
 336 #define F(mnemonic, opc, V, L) \
 337   void mnemonic(FloatRegister rt, FloatRegister rt2, Register rn, int offset = 0) {                        \
 338     assert (!L || (rt != rt2), "should be different");                                                     \
 339     int align_bits = 2 + opc;                                                                              \
 340     assert (is_imm_in_range(offset, 7, align_bits), "offset is out of range");                             \
 341     emit_int32(opc << 30 | 0b101 << 27 | V << 26 | L << 22 | encode_imm(offset, 7, align_bits, 15) |       \
 342         rt2->encoding() << 10 | rn->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | rt->encoding());                             \
 343   }
 345   F(stnp_s,  0b00, 1, 0)
 346   F(stnp_d,  0b01, 1, 0)
 347   F(stnp_q,  0b10, 1, 0)
 348   F(ldnp_s,  0b00, 1, 1)
 349   F(ldnp_d,  0b01, 1, 1)
 350   F(ldnp_q,  0b10, 1, 1)
 351 #undef F
 353 #define F(mnemonic, size, V, opc) \
 354   void mnemonic(Register rt, Address addr) { \
 355     assert((addr.mode() == basic_offset) || (rt != addr.base()), "should be different");                    \
 356     if (addr.index() == noreg) {                                                                            \
 357       if ((addr.mode() == basic_offset) && is_unsigned_imm_in_range(addr.disp(), 12, size)) {               \
 358         emit_int32(size << 30 | 0b111 << 27 | V << 26 | 0b01 << 24 | opc << 22 |                            \
 359            encode_unsigned_imm(addr.disp(), 12, size, 10) |                                                 \
 360            addr.base()->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | rt->encoding_with_zr());                                  \
 361       } else {                                                                                              \
 362         assert(is_imm_in_range(addr.disp(), 9, 0), "offset is out of range");                               \
 363         emit_int32(size << 30 | 0b111 << 27 | V << 26 | opc << 22 | encode_imm(addr.disp(), 9, 0, 12) |     \
 364            addr.mode() << 10 | addr.base()->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | rt->encoding_with_zr());              \
 365       }                                                                                                     \
 366     } else {                                                                                                \
 367       assert (addr.disp() == 0, "non-zero displacement for [reg + reg] address mode");                      \
 368       assert ((addr.shift_imm() == 0) || (addr.shift_imm() == size), "invalid shift amount");               \
 369       emit_int32(size << 30 | 0b111 << 27 | V << 26 | opc << 22 | 1 << 21 |                                 \
 370          addr.index()->encoding_with_zr() << 16 | addr.extend() << 13 | (addr.shift_imm() != 0) << 12 |     \
 371          0b10 << 10 | addr.base()->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | rt->encoding_with_zr());                       \
 372     }                                                                                                       \
 373   }
 375   F(strb,    0b00, 0, 0b00)
 376   F(ldrb,    0b00, 0, 0b01)
 377   F(ldrsb,   0b00, 0, 0b10)
 378   F(ldrsb_w, 0b00, 0, 0b11)
 380   F(strh,    0b01, 0, 0b00)
 381   F(ldrh,    0b01, 0, 0b01)
 382   F(ldrsh,   0b01, 0, 0b10)
 383   F(ldrsh_w, 0b01, 0, 0b11)
 385   F(str_w,   0b10, 0, 0b00)
 386   F(ldr_w,   0b10, 0, 0b01)
 387   F(ldrsw,   0b10, 0, 0b10)
 389   F(str,     0b11, 0, 0b00)
 390   F(ldr,     0b11, 0, 0b01)
 391 #undef F
 393 #define F(mnemonic, size, V, opc) \
 394   void mnemonic(AsmPrefetchOp prfop, Address addr) { \
 395     assert (addr.mode() == basic_offset, #mnemonic " supports only basic_offset address mode");             \
 396     if (addr.index() == noreg) {                                                                            \
 397       if (is_unsigned_imm_in_range(addr.disp(), 12, size)) {                                                \
 398         emit_int32(size << 30 | 0b111 << 27 | V << 26 | 0b01 << 24 | opc << 22 |                            \
 399            encode_unsigned_imm(addr.disp(), 12, size, 10) |                                                 \
 400            addr.base()->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | prfop);                                                   \
 401       } else {                                                                                              \
 402         assert(is_imm_in_range(addr.disp(), 9, 0), "offset is out of range");                               \
 403         emit_int32(size << 30 | 0b111 << 27 | V << 26 | opc << 22 | encode_imm(addr.disp(), 9, 0, 12) |     \
 404            addr.base()->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | prfop);                                                   \
 405       }                                                                                                     \
 406     } else {                                                                                                \
 407       assert (addr.disp() == 0, "non-zero displacement for [reg + reg] address mode");                      \
 408       assert ((addr.shift_imm() == 0) || (addr.shift_imm() == size), "invalid shift amount");               \
 409       emit_int32(size << 30 | 0b111 << 27 | V << 26 | opc << 22 | 1 << 21 |                                 \
 410          addr.index()->encoding_with_zr() << 16 | addr.extend() << 13 | (addr.shift_imm() != 0) << 12 |     \
 411          0b10 << 10 | addr.base()->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | prfop);                                        \
 412     }                                                                                                       \
 413   }
 415   F(prfm, 0b11, 0, 0b10)
 416 #undef F
 418 #define F(mnemonic, size, V, opc) \
 419   void mnemonic(FloatRegister rt, Address addr) { \
 420     int align_bits = (((opc & 0b10) >> 1) << 2) | size;                                                     \
 421     if (addr.index() == noreg) {                                                                            \
 422       if ((addr.mode() == basic_offset) && is_unsigned_imm_in_range(addr.disp(), 12, align_bits)) {         \
 423         emit_int32(size << 30 | 0b111 << 27 | V << 26 | 0b01 << 24 | opc << 22 |                            \
 424            encode_unsigned_imm(addr.disp(), 12, align_bits, 10) |                                           \
 425            addr.base()->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | rt->encoding());                                          \
 426       } else {                                                                                              \
 427         assert(is_imm_in_range(addr.disp(), 9, 0), "offset is out of range");                               \
 428         emit_int32(size << 30 | 0b111 << 27 | V << 26 | opc << 22 | encode_imm(addr.disp(), 9, 0, 12) |     \
 429            addr.mode() << 10 | addr.base()->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | rt->encoding());                      \
 430       }                                                                                                     \
 431     } else {                                                                                                \
 432       assert (addr.disp() == 0, "non-zero displacement for [reg + reg] address mode");                      \
 433       assert ((addr.shift_imm() == 0) || (addr.shift_imm() == align_bits), "invalid shift amount");         \
 434       emit_int32(size << 30 | 0b111 << 27 | V << 26 | opc << 22 | 1 << 21 |                                 \
 435          addr.index()->encoding_with_zr() << 16 | addr.extend() << 13 | (addr.shift_imm() != 0) << 12 |     \
 436          0b10 << 10 | addr.base()->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | rt->encoding());                               \
 437     }                                                                                                       \
 438   }
 440   F(str_b, 0b00, 1, 0b00)
 441   F(ldr_b, 0b00, 1, 0b01)
 442   F(str_h, 0b01, 1, 0b00)
 443   F(ldr_h, 0b01, 1, 0b01)
 444   F(str_s, 0b10, 1, 0b00)
 445   F(ldr_s, 0b10, 1, 0b01)
 446   F(str_d, 0b11, 1, 0b00)
 447   F(ldr_d, 0b11, 1, 0b01)
 448   F(str_q, 0b00, 1, 0b10)
 449   F(ldr_q, 0b00, 1, 0b11)
 450 #undef F
 452 #define F(mnemonic, opc, V, L) \
 453   void mnemonic(Register rt, Register rt2, Address addr) {                                                         \
 454     assert((addr.mode() == basic_offset) || ((rt != addr.base()) && (rt2 != addr.base())), "should be different"); \
 455     assert(!L || (rt != rt2), "should be different");                                                              \
 456     assert(addr.index() == noreg, "[reg + reg] address mode is not available for load/store pair");                \
 457     int align_bits = 2 + (opc >> 1);                                                                               \
 458     int mode_encoding = (addr.mode() == basic_offset) ? 0b10 : addr.mode();                                        \
 459     assert(is_imm_in_range(addr.disp(), 7, align_bits), "offset is out of range");                                 \
 460     emit_int32(opc << 30 | 0b101 << 27 | V << 26 | mode_encoding << 23 | L << 22 |                                 \
 461        encode_imm(addr.disp(), 7, align_bits, 15) | rt2->encoding_with_zr() << 10 |                                \
 462        addr.base()->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | rt->encoding_with_zr());                                             \
 463   }
 465   F(stp_w, 0b00, 0, 0)
 466   F(ldp_w, 0b00, 0, 1)
 467   F(ldpsw, 0b01, 0, 1)
 468   F(stp,   0b10, 0, 0)
 469   F(ldp,   0b10, 0, 1)
 470 #undef F
 472 #define F(mnemonic, opc, V, L) \
 473   void mnemonic(FloatRegister rt, FloatRegister rt2, Address addr) {                                                         \
 474     assert(!L || (rt != rt2), "should be different");                                                              \
 475     assert(addr.index() == noreg, "[reg + reg] address mode is not available for load/store pair");                \
 476     int align_bits = 2 + opc;                                                                                      \
 477     int mode_encoding = (addr.mode() == basic_offset) ? 0b10 : addr.mode();                                        \
 478     assert(is_imm_in_range(addr.disp(), 7, align_bits), "offset is out of range");                                 \
 479     emit_int32(opc << 30 | 0b101 << 27 | V << 26 | mode_encoding << 23 | L << 22 |                                 \
 480        encode_imm(addr.disp(), 7, align_bits, 15) | rt2->encoding() << 10 |                                        \
 481        addr.base()->encoding_with_sp() << 5 | rt->encoding());                                                     \
 482   }
 484   F(stp_s, 0b00, 1, 0)
 485   F(ldp_s, 0b00, 1, 1)
 486   F(stp_d, 0b01, 1, 0)
 487   F(ldp_d, 0b01, 1, 1)
 488   F(stp_q, 0b10, 1, 0)
 489   F(ldp_q, 0b10, 1, 1)
 490 #undef F
 492   // Data processing instructions
 494 #define F(mnemonic, sf, opc) \
 495   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, const LogicalImmediate& imm) {                      \
 496     assert (imm.is_encoded(), "illegal immediate for logical instruction");                   \
 497     assert (imm.is32bit() == (sf == 0), "immediate size does not match instruction size");    \
 498     emit_int32(sf << 31 | opc << 29 | 0b100100 << 23 | imm.immN() << 22 | imm.immr() << 16 |  \
 499         imm.imms() << 10 | rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5 |                                      \
 500         ((opc == 0b11) ? rd->encoding_with_zr() : rd->encoding_with_sp()));                   \
 501   }                                                                                           \
 502   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, uintx imm) {                                        \
 503     LogicalImmediate limm(imm, (sf == 0));                                                    \
 504     mnemonic(rd, rn, limm);                                                                   \
 505   }                                                                                           \
 506   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, unsigned int imm) {                                 \
 507     mnemonic(rd, rn, (uintx)imm);                                                             \
 508   }
 510   F(andr_w, 0, 0b00)
 511   F(orr_w,  0, 0b01)
 512   F(eor_w,  0, 0b10)
 513   F(ands_w, 0, 0b11)
 515   F(andr, 1, 0b00)
 516   F(orr,  1, 0b01)
 517   F(eor,  1, 0b10)
 518   F(ands, 1, 0b11)
 519 #undef F
 521   void tst(Register rn, unsigned int imm) {
 522     ands(ZR, rn, imm);
 523   }
 525   void tst_w(Register rn, unsigned int imm) {
 526     ands_w(ZR, rn, imm);
 527   }
 529 #define F(mnemonic, sf, opc, N) \
 530   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, AsmOperand operand) { \
 531     assert (operand.shift_imm() >> (5 + sf) == 0, "shift amount is too large");          \
 532     emit_int32(sf << 31 | opc << 29 | 0b01010 << 24 | operand.shift() << 22 | N << 21 |  \
 533         operand.reg()->encoding_with_zr() << 16 | operand.shift_imm() << 10 |            \
 534         rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5 | rd->encoding_with_zr());                           \
 535   }
 537   F(andr_w, 0, 0b00, 0)
 538   F(bic_w,  0, 0b00, 1)
 539   F(orr_w,  0, 0b01, 0)
 540   F(orn_w,  0, 0b01, 1)
 541   F(eor_w,  0, 0b10, 0)
 542   F(eon_w,  0, 0b10, 1)
 543   F(ands_w, 0, 0b11, 0)
 544   F(bics_w, 0, 0b11, 1)
 546   F(andr, 1, 0b00, 0)
 547   F(bic,  1, 0b00, 1)
 548   F(orr,  1, 0b01, 0)
 549   F(orn,  1, 0b01, 1)
 550   F(eor,  1, 0b10, 0)
 551   F(eon,  1, 0b10, 1)
 552   F(ands, 1, 0b11, 0)
 553   F(bics, 1, 0b11, 1)
 554 #undef F
 556   void tst(Register rn, AsmOperand operand) {
 557     ands(ZR, rn, operand);
 558   }
 560   void tst_w(Register rn, AsmOperand operand) {
 561     ands_w(ZR, rn, operand);
 562   }
 564   void mvn(Register rd, AsmOperand operand) {
 565     orn(rd, ZR, operand);
 566   }
 568   void mvn_w(Register rd, AsmOperand operand) {
 569     orn_w(rd, ZR, operand);
 570   }
 572 #define F(mnemonic, sf, op, S) \
 573   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, const ArithmeticImmediate& imm) {                       \
 574     assert(imm.is_encoded(), "immediate is out of range");                                        \
 575     emit_int32(sf << 31 | op << 30 | S << 29 | 0b10001 << 24 | imm.shift() << 22 |                \
 576         imm.imm() << 10 | rn->encoding_with_sp() << 5 |                                           \
 577         (S == 1 ? rd->encoding_with_zr() : rd->encoding_with_sp()));                              \
 578   }                                                                                               \
 579   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, int imm) {                                              \
 580     mnemonic(rd, rn, ArithmeticImmediate(imm));                                                   \
 581   }                                                                                               \
 582   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, int imm, AsmShift12 shift) {                            \
 583     mnemonic(rd, rn, ArithmeticImmediate(imm, shift));                                            \
 584   }                                                                                               \
 585   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, AsmExtendOp extend, int shift_imm = 0) {   \
 586     assert ((0 <= shift_imm) && (shift_imm <= 4), "shift amount is out of range");                \
 587     emit_int32(sf << 31 | op << 30 | S << 29 | 0b01011001 << 21 | rm->encoding_with_zr() << 16 |  \
 588         extend << 13 | shift_imm << 10 | rn->encoding_with_sp() << 5 |                            \
 589         (S == 1 ? rd->encoding_with_zr() : rd->encoding_with_sp()));                              \
 590   }                                                                                               \
 591   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, AsmOperand operand) {                                   \
 592     assert (operand.shift() != ror, "illegal shift type");                                        \
 593     assert (operand.shift_imm() >> (5 + sf) == 0, "shift amount is too large");                   \
 594     emit_int32(sf << 31 | op << 30 | S << 29 | 0b01011 << 24 | operand.shift() << 22 |            \
 595         operand.reg()->encoding_with_zr() << 16 | operand.shift_imm() << 10 |                     \
 596         rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5 | rd->encoding_with_zr());                                    \
 597   }
 599   F(add_w,  0, 0, 0)
 600   F(adds_w, 0, 0, 1)
 601   F(sub_w,  0, 1, 0)
 602   F(subs_w, 0, 1, 1)
 604   F(add,    1, 0, 0)
 605   F(adds,   1, 0, 1)
 606   F(sub,    1, 1, 0)
 607   F(subs,   1, 1, 1)
 608 #undef F
 610   void mov(Register rd, Register rm) {
 611     if ((rd == SP) || (rm == SP)) {
 612       add(rd, rm, 0);
 613     } else {
 614       orr(rd, ZR, rm);
 615     }
 616   }
 618   void mov_w(Register rd, Register rm) {
 619     if ((rd == SP) || (rm == SP)) {
 620       add_w(rd, rm, 0);
 621     } else {
 622       orr_w(rd, ZR, rm);
 623     }
 624   }
 626   void cmp(Register rn, int imm) {
 627     subs(ZR, rn, imm);
 628   }
 630   void cmp_w(Register rn, int imm) {
 631     subs_w(ZR, rn, imm);
 632   }
 634   void cmp(Register rn, Register rm) {
 635     assert (rm != SP, "SP should not be used as the 2nd operand of cmp");
 636     if (rn == SP) {
 637       subs(ZR, rn, rm, ex_uxtx);
 638     } else {
 639       subs(ZR, rn, rm);
 640     }
 641   }
 643   void cmp_w(Register rn, Register rm) {
 644     assert ((rn != SP) && (rm != SP), "SP should not be used in 32-bit cmp");
 645     subs_w(ZR, rn, rm);
 646   }
 648   void cmp(Register rn, AsmOperand operand) {
 649     assert (rn != SP, "SP is not allowed in cmp with shifted register (AsmOperand)");
 650     subs(ZR, rn, operand);
 651   }
 653   void cmn(Register rn, int imm) {
 654     adds(ZR, rn, imm);
 655   }
 657   void cmn_w(Register rn, int imm) {
 658     adds_w(ZR, rn, imm);
 659   }
 661   void cmn(Register rn, Register rm) {
 662     assert (rm != SP, "SP should not be used as the 2nd operand of cmp");
 663     if (rn == SP) {
 664       adds(ZR, rn, rm, ex_uxtx);
 665     } else {
 666       adds(ZR, rn, rm);
 667     }
 668   }
 670   void cmn_w(Register rn, Register rm) {
 671     assert ((rn != SP) && (rm != SP), "SP should not be used in 32-bit cmp");
 672     adds_w(ZR, rn, rm);
 673   }
 675   void neg(Register rd, Register rm) {
 676     sub(rd, ZR, rm);
 677   }
 679   void neg_w(Register rd, Register rm) {
 680     sub_w(rd, ZR, rm);
 681   }
 683 #define F(mnemonic, sf, op, S) \
 684   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm) { \
 685     emit_int32(sf << 31 | op << 30 | S << 29 | 0b11010000 << 21 | rm->encoding_with_zr() << 16 |   \
 686         rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5 | rd->encoding_with_zr());                                     \
 687   }
 689   F(adc_w,  0, 0, 0)
 690   F(adcs_w, 0, 0, 1)
 691   F(sbc_w,  0, 1, 0)
 692   F(sbcs_w, 0, 1, 1)
 694   F(adc,    1, 0, 0)
 695   F(adcs,   1, 0, 1)
 696   F(sbc,    1, 1, 0)
 697   F(sbcs,   1, 1, 1)
 698 #undef F
 700 #define F(mnemonic, sf, N) \
 701   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, int lsb) { \
 702     assert ((lsb >> (5 + sf)) == 0, "illegal least significant bit position");        \
 703     emit_int32(sf << 31 | 0b100111 << 23 | N << 22 | rm->encoding_with_zr() << 16 |   \
 704         lsb << 10 | rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5 | rd->encoding_with_zr());            \
 705   }
 707   F(extr_w,  0, 0)
 708   F(extr,    1, 1)
 709 #undef F
 711 #define F(mnemonic, sf, opc) \
 712   void mnemonic(Register rd, int imm, int shift) { \
 713     assert ((imm >> 16) == 0, "immediate is out of range");                       \
 714     assert (((shift & 0xf) == 0) && ((shift >> (5 + sf)) == 0), "invalid shift"); \
 715     emit_int32(sf << 31 | opc << 29 | 0b100101 << 23 | (shift >> 4) << 21 |       \
 716         imm << 5 | rd->encoding_with_zr());                                       \
 717   }
 719   F(movn_w,  0, 0b00)
 720   F(movz_w,  0, 0b10)
 721   F(movk_w,  0, 0b11)
 722   F(movn,    1, 0b00)
 723   F(movz,    1, 0b10)
 724   F(movk,    1, 0b11)
 725 #undef F
 727   void mov(Register rd, int imm) {
 728     assert ((imm >> 16) == 0, "immediate is out of range");
 729     movz(rd, imm, 0);
 730   }
 732   void mov_w(Register rd, int imm) {
 733     assert ((imm >> 16) == 0, "immediate is out of range");
 734     movz_w(rd, imm, 0);
 735   }
 737 #define F(mnemonic, sf, op, S) \
 738   void mnemonic(Register rn, int imm, int nzcv, AsmCondition cond) { \
 739     assert ((imm >> 5) == 0, "immediate is out of range");                      \
 740     assert ((nzcv >> 4) == 0, "illegal nzcv");                                  \
 741     emit_int32(sf << 31 | op << 30 | S << 29 | 0b11010010 << 21 | imm << 16 |   \
 742          cond << 12 | 1 << 11 | rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5 | nzcv);            \
 743   }
 745   F(ccmn_w, 0, 0, 1)
 746   F(ccmp_w, 0, 1, 1)
 747   F(ccmn,   1, 0, 1)
 748   F(ccmp,   1, 1, 1)
 749 #undef F
 751 #define F(mnemonic, sf, op, S) \
 752   void mnemonic(Register rn, Register rm, int nzcv, AsmCondition cond) { \
 753     assert ((nzcv >> 4) == 0, "illegal nzcv");                                                    \
 754     emit_int32(sf << 31 | op << 30 | S << 29 | 0b11010010 << 21 | rm->encoding_with_zr() << 16 |  \
 755         cond << 12 | rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5 | nzcv);                                         \
 756   }
 758   F(ccmn_w, 0, 0, 1)
 759   F(ccmp_w, 0, 1, 1)
 760   F(ccmn,   1, 0, 1)
 761   F(ccmp,   1, 1, 1)
 762 #undef F
 764 #define F(mnemonic, sf, op, S, op2) \
 765   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, AsmCondition cond) { \
 766     emit_int32(sf << 31 | op << 30 | S << 29 | 0b11010100 << 21 | rm->encoding_with_zr() << 16 |  \
 767         cond << 12 | op2 << 10 | rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5 | rd->encoding_with_zr());           \
 768   }
 770   F(csel_w,  0, 0, 0, 0b00)
 771   F(csinc_w, 0, 0, 0, 0b01)
 772   F(csinv_w, 0, 1, 0, 0b00)
 773   F(csneg_w, 0, 1, 0, 0b01)
 775   F(csel,    1, 0, 0, 0b00)
 776   F(csinc,   1, 0, 0, 0b01)
 777   F(csinv,   1, 1, 0, 0b00)
 778   F(csneg,   1, 1, 0, 0b01)
 779 #undef F
 781   void cset(Register rd, AsmCondition cond) {
 782     csinc(rd, ZR, ZR, inverse(cond));
 783   }
 785   void cset_w(Register rd, AsmCondition cond) {
 786     csinc_w(rd, ZR, ZR, inverse(cond));
 787   }
 789   void csetm(Register rd, AsmCondition cond) {
 790     csinv(rd, ZR, ZR, inverse(cond));
 791   }
 793   void csetm_w(Register rd, AsmCondition cond) {
 794     csinv_w(rd, ZR, ZR, inverse(cond));
 795   }
 797   void cinc(Register rd, Register rn, AsmCondition cond) {
 798     csinc(rd, rn, rn, inverse(cond));
 799   }
 801   void cinc_w(Register rd, Register rn, AsmCondition cond) {
 802     csinc_w(rd, rn, rn, inverse(cond));
 803   }
 805   void cinv(Register rd, Register rn, AsmCondition cond) {
 806     csinv(rd, rn, rn, inverse(cond));
 807   }
 809   void cinv_w(Register rd, Register rn, AsmCondition cond) {
 810     csinv_w(rd, rn, rn, inverse(cond));
 811   }
 813 #define F(mnemonic, sf, S, opcode) \
 814   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn) { \
 815     emit_int32(sf << 31 | 1 << 30 | S << 29 | 0b11010110 << 21 | opcode << 10 |  \
 816         rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5 | rd->encoding_with_zr());                   \
 817   }
 819   F(rbit_w,  0, 0, 0b000000)
 820   F(rev16_w, 0, 0, 0b000001)
 821   F(rev_w,   0, 0, 0b000010)
 822   F(clz_w,   0, 0, 0b000100)
 823   F(cls_w,   0, 0, 0b000101)
 825   F(rbit,    1, 0, 0b000000)
 826   F(rev16,   1, 0, 0b000001)
 827   F(rev32,   1, 0, 0b000010)
 828   F(rev,     1, 0, 0b000011)
 829   F(clz,     1, 0, 0b000100)
 830   F(cls,     1, 0, 0b000101)
 831 #undef F
 833 #define F(mnemonic, sf, S, opcode) \
 834   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm) { \
 835     emit_int32(sf << 31 | S << 29 | 0b11010110 << 21 | rm->encoding_with_zr() << 16 |  \
 836         opcode << 10 | rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5 | rd->encoding_with_zr());          \
 837   }
 839   F(udiv_w,  0, 0, 0b000010)
 840   F(sdiv_w,  0, 0, 0b000011)
 841   F(lslv_w,  0, 0, 0b001000)
 842   F(lsrv_w,  0, 0, 0b001001)
 843   F(asrv_w,  0, 0, 0b001010)
 844   F(rorv_w,  0, 0, 0b001011)
 846   F(udiv,    1, 0, 0b000010)
 847   F(sdiv,    1, 0, 0b000011)
 848   F(lslv,    1, 0, 0b001000)
 849   F(lsrv,    1, 0, 0b001001)
 850   F(asrv,    1, 0, 0b001010)
 851   F(rorv,    1, 0, 0b001011)
 852 #undef F
 854 #define F(mnemonic, sf, op31, o0) \
 855   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, Register ra) { \
 856     emit_int32(sf << 31 | 0b11011 << 24 | op31 << 21 | rm->encoding_with_zr() << 16 |                     \
 857         o0 << 15 | ra->encoding_with_zr() << 10 | rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5 | rd->encoding_with_zr());  \
 858   }
 860   F(madd_w,  0, 0b000, 0)
 861   F(msub_w,  0, 0b000, 1)
 862   F(madd,    1, 0b000, 0)
 863   F(msub,    1, 0b000, 1)
 865   F(smaddl,  1, 0b001, 0)
 866   F(smsubl,  1, 0b001, 1)
 867   F(umaddl,  1, 0b101, 0)
 868   F(umsubl,  1, 0b101, 1)
 869 #undef F
 871   void mul(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm) {
 872       madd(rd, rn, rm, ZR);
 873   }
 875   void mul_w(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm) {
 876       madd_w(rd, rn, rm, ZR);
 877   }
 879 #define F(mnemonic, sf, op31, o0) \
 880   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm) { \
 881     emit_int32(sf << 31 | 0b11011 << 24 | op31 << 21 | rm->encoding_with_zr() << 16 |      \
 882         o0 << 15 | 0b11111 << 10 | rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5 | rd->encoding_with_zr());  \
 883   }
 885   F(smulh,   1, 0b010, 0)
 886   F(umulh,   1, 0b110, 0)
 887 #undef F
 889 #define F(mnemonic, op) \
 890   void mnemonic(Register rd, address addr) { \
 891     intx offset;                                                        \
 892     if (op == 0) {                                                      \
 893       offset = addr - pc();                                             \
 894     } else {                                                            \
 895       offset = (((intx)addr) - (((intx)pc()) & ~0xfff)) >> 12;          \
 896     }                                                                   \
 897     assert (is_imm_in_range(offset, 21, 0), "offset is out of range");  \
 898     emit_int32(op << 31 | (offset & 3) << 29 | 0b10000 << 24 |          \
 899         encode_imm(offset >> 2, 19, 0, 5) | rd->encoding_with_zr());    \
 900   }                                                                     \
 902   F(adr,   0)
 903   F(adrp,  1)
 904 #undef F
 906   void adr(Register rd, Label& L) {
 907     adr(rd, target(L));
 908   }
 910 #define F(mnemonic, sf, opc, N)                                                \
 911   void mnemonic(Register rd, Register rn, int immr, int imms) {                \
 912     assert ((immr >> (5 + sf)) == 0, "immr is out of range");                  \
 913     assert ((imms >> (5 + sf)) == 0, "imms is out of range");                  \
 914     emit_int32(sf << 31 | opc << 29 | 0b100110 << 23 | N << 22 | immr << 16 |  \
 915         imms << 10 | rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5 | rd->encoding_with_zr());    \
 916   }
 918   F(sbfm_w, 0, 0b00, 0)
 919   F(bfm_w,  0, 0b01, 0)
 920   F(ubfm_w, 0, 0b10, 0)
 922   F(sbfm, 1, 0b00, 1)
 923   F(bfm,  1, 0b01, 1)
 924   F(ubfm, 1, 0b10, 1)
 925 #undef F
 927 #define F(alias, mnemonic, sf, immr, imms) \
 928   void alias(Register rd, Register rn, int lsb, int width) {                        \
 929     assert ((lsb >> (5 + sf)) == 0, "lsb is out of range");                         \
 930     assert ((1 <= width) && (width <= (32 << sf) - lsb), "width is out of range");  \
 931     mnemonic(rd, rn, immr, imms);                                                   \
 932   }
 934   F(bfi_w,   bfm_w,  0, (-lsb) & 0x1f, width - 1)
 935   F(bfi,     bfm,    1, (-lsb) & 0x3f, width - 1)
 936   F(bfxil_w, bfm_w,  0, lsb,           lsb + width - 1)
 937   F(bfxil,   bfm,    1, lsb,           lsb + width - 1)
 938   F(sbfiz_w, sbfm_w, 0, (-lsb) & 0x1f, width - 1)
 939   F(sbfiz,   sbfm,   1, (-lsb) & 0x3f, width - 1)
 940   F(sbfx_w,  sbfm_w, 0, lsb,           lsb + width - 1)
 941   F(sbfx,    sbfm,   1, lsb,           lsb + width - 1)
 942   F(ubfiz_w, ubfm_w, 0, (-lsb) & 0x1f, width - 1)
 943   F(ubfiz,   ubfm,   1, (-lsb) & 0x3f, width - 1)
 944   F(ubfx_w,  ubfm_w, 0, lsb,           lsb + width - 1)
 945   F(ubfx,    ubfm,   1, lsb,           lsb + width - 1)
 946 #undef F
 948 #define F(alias, mnemonic, sf, immr, imms) \
 949   void alias(Register rd, Register rn, int shift) {              \
 950     assert ((shift >> (5 + sf)) == 0, "shift is out of range");  \
 951     mnemonic(rd, rn, immr, imms);                                \
 952   }
 954   F(_asr_w, sbfm_w, 0, shift, 31)
 955   F(_asr,   sbfm,   1, shift, 63)
 956   F(_lsl_w, ubfm_w, 0, (-shift) & 0x1f, 31 - shift)
 957   F(_lsl,   ubfm,   1, (-shift) & 0x3f, 63 - shift)
 958   F(_lsr_w, ubfm_w, 0, shift, 31)
 959   F(_lsr,   ubfm,   1, shift, 63)
 960 #undef F
 962 #define F(alias, mnemonic, immr, imms) \
 963   void alias(Register rd, Register rn) {   \
 964     mnemonic(rd, rn, immr, imms);          \
 965   }
 967   F(sxtb_w, sbfm_w, 0, 7)
 968   F(sxtb,   sbfm,   0, 7)
 969   F(sxth_w, sbfm_w, 0, 15)
 970   F(sxth,   sbfm,   0, 15)
 971   F(sxtw,   sbfm,   0, 31)
 972   F(uxtb_w, ubfm_w, 0, 7)
 973   F(uxtb,   ubfm,   0, 7)
 974   F(uxth_w, ubfm_w, 0, 15)
 975   F(uxth,   ubfm,   0, 15)
 976 #undef F
 978   // Branch instructions
 980 #define F(mnemonic, op) \
 981   void mnemonic(Register rn) {                                                             \
 982     emit_int32(0b1101011 << 25 | op << 21 | 0b11111 << 16 | rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5);  \
 983   }
 985   F(br,  0b00)
 986   F(blr, 0b01)
 987   F(ret, 0b10)
 988 #undef F
 990   void ret() {
 991     ret(LR);
 992   }
 994 #define F(mnemonic, op) \
 995   void mnemonic(address target) {                                         \
 996     intx offset = target - pc();                                          \
 997     assert (is_offset_in_range(offset, 26), "offset is out of range");    \
 998     emit_int32(op << 31 | 0b00101 << 26 | encode_offset(offset, 26, 0));  \
 999   }
1001   F(b,  0)
1002   F(bl, 1)
1003 #undef F
1005   void b(address target, AsmCondition cond) {
1006     if (cond == al) {
1007       b(target);
1008     } else {
1009       intx offset = target - pc();
1010       assert (is_offset_in_range(offset, 19), "offset is out of range");
1011       emit_int32(0b0101010 << 25 | encode_offset(offset, 19, 5) | cond);
1012     }
1013   }
1016 #define F(mnemonic, sf, op)                                             \
1017   void mnemonic(Register rt, address target) {                          \
1018     intx offset = target - pc();                                        \
1019     assert (is_offset_in_range(offset, 19), "offset is out of range");  \
1020     emit_int32(sf << 31 | 0b011010 << 25 | op << 24 | encode_offset(offset, 19, 5) | rt->encoding_with_zr()); \
1021   }                                                                     \
1023   F(cbz_w,  0, 0)
1024   F(cbnz_w, 0, 1)
1025   F(cbz,    1, 0)
1026   F(cbnz,   1, 1)
1027 #undef F
1029 #define F(mnemonic, op)                                                 \
1030   void mnemonic(Register rt, int bit, address target) {                 \
1031     intx offset = target - pc();                                        \
1032     assert (is_offset_in_range(offset, 14), "offset is out of range");  \
1033     assert (0 <= bit && bit < 64, "bit number is out of range");        \
1034     emit_int32((bit >> 5) << 31 | 0b011011 << 25 | op << 24 | (bit & 0x1f) << 19 | \
1035         encode_offset(offset, 14, 5) | rt->encoding_with_zr());         \
1036   }                                                                     \
1038   F(tbz,  0)
1039   F(tbnz, 1)
1040 #undef F
1042   // System instructions
1044   enum DMB_Opt {
1045     DMB_ld  = 0b1101,
1046     DMB_st  = 0b1110,
1047     DMB_all = 0b1111
1048   };
1050 #define F(mnemonic, L, op0, op1, CRn, op2, Rt) \
1051   void mnemonic(DMB_Opt option) {                                       \
1052     emit_int32(0b1101010100 << 22 | L << 21 | op0 << 19 | op1 << 16 |   \
1053         CRn << 12 | option << 8 | op2 << 5 | Rt);                       \
1054   }
1056   F(dsb,  0, 0b00, 0b011, 0b0011, 0b100, 0b11111)
1057   F(dmb,  0, 0b00, 0b011, 0b0011, 0b101, 0b11111)
1058 #undef F
1060 #define F(mnemonic, L, op0, op1, CRn, Rt) \
1061   void mnemonic(int imm) {                                              \
1062     assert ((imm >> 7) == 0, "immediate is out of range");              \
1063     emit_int32(0b1101010100 << 22 | L << 21 | op0 << 19 | op1 << 16 |   \
1064         CRn << 12 | imm << 5 | Rt);                                     \
1065   }
1067   F(hint, 0, 0b00, 0b011, 0b0010, 0b11111)
1068 #undef F
1070   void nop() {
1071     hint(0);
1072   }
1074   void yield() {
1075     hint(1);
1076   }
1078 #define F(mnemonic, opc, op2, LL) \
1079   void mnemonic(int imm = 0) {                                           \
1080     assert ((imm >> 16) == 0, "immediate is out of range");              \
1081     emit_int32(0b11010100 << 24 | opc << 21 | imm << 5 | op2 << 2 | LL); \
1082   }
1084   F(brk, 0b001, 0b000, 0b00)
1085   F(hlt, 0b010, 0b000, 0b00)
1086   F(dpcs1, 0b101, 0b000, 0b01)
1087 #undef F
1089   enum SystemRegister { // o0<1> op1<3> CRn<4> CRm<4> op2<3>
1090     SysReg_NZCV = 0b101101000010000,
1091     SysReg_FPCR = 0b101101000100000,
1092   };
1094   void mrs(Register rt, SystemRegister systemReg) {
1095     assert ((systemReg >> 15) == 0, "systemReg is out of range");
1096     emit_int32(0b110101010011 << 20 | systemReg << 5 | rt->encoding_with_zr());
1097   }
1099   void msr(SystemRegister systemReg, Register rt) {
1100     assert ((systemReg >> 15) == 0, "systemReg is out of range");
1101     emit_int32(0b110101010001 << 20 | systemReg << 5 | rt->encoding_with_zr());
1102   }
1104   // Floating-point instructions
1106 #define F(mnemonic, M, S, type, opcode2) \
1107   void mnemonic(FloatRegister rn, FloatRegister rm) {                         \
1108     emit_int32(M << 31 | S << 29 | 0b11110 << 24 | type << 22 | 1 << 21 |     \
1109         rm->encoding() << 16 | 0b1000 << 10 | rn->encoding() << 5 | opcode2); \
1110   }
1112   F(fcmp_s,   0, 0, 0b00, 0b00000)
1113   F(fcmpe_s,  0, 0, 0b00, 0b01000)
1114   F(fcmp_d,   0, 0, 0b01, 0b00000)
1115   F(fcmpe_d,  0, 0, 0b01, 0b10000)
1116 #undef F
1118 #define F(mnemonic, M, S, type, opcode2) \
1119   void mnemonic(FloatRegister rn) {                                           \
1120     emit_int32(M << 31 | S << 29 | 0b11110 << 24 | type << 22 | 1 << 21 |     \
1121         0b1000 << 10 | rn->encoding() << 5 | opcode2);                        \
1122   }
1124   F(fcmp0_s,   0, 0, 0b00, 0b01000)
1125   F(fcmpe0_s,  0, 0, 0b00, 0b11000)
1126   F(fcmp0_d,   0, 0, 0b01, 0b01000)
1127   F(fcmpe0_d,  0, 0, 0b01, 0b11000)
1128 #undef F
1130 #define F(mnemonic, M, S, type, op) \
1131   void mnemonic(FloatRegister rn, FloatRegister rm, int nzcv, AsmCondition cond) { \
1132     assert ((nzcv >> 4) == 0, "illegal nzcv");                                                  \
1133     emit_int32(M << 31 | S << 29 | 0b11110 << 24 | type << 22 | 1 << 21 |                       \
1134         rm->encoding() << 16 | cond << 12 | 0b01 << 10 | rn->encoding() << 5 | op << 4 | nzcv); \
1135   }
1137   F(fccmp_s,   0, 0, 0b00, 0)
1138   F(fccmpe_s,  0, 0, 0b00, 1)
1139   F(fccmp_d,   0, 0, 0b01, 0)
1140   F(fccmpe_d,  0, 0, 0b01, 1)
1141 #undef F
1143 #define F(mnemonic, M, S, type) \
1144   void mnemonic(FloatRegister rd, FloatRegister rn, FloatRegister rm, AsmCondition cond) { \
1145     emit_int32(M << 31 | S << 29 | 0b11110 << 24 | type << 22 | 1 << 21 |                       \
1146         rm->encoding() << 16 | cond << 12 | 0b11 << 10 | rn->encoding() << 5 | rd->encoding()); \
1147   }
1149   F(fcsel_s,   0, 0, 0b00)
1150   F(fcsel_d,   0, 0, 0b01)
1151 #undef F
1153 #define F(mnemonic, M, S, type, opcode) \
1154   void mnemonic(FloatRegister rd, FloatRegister rn) { \
1155     emit_int32(M << 31 | S << 29 | 0b11110 << 24 | type << 22 | 1 << 21 |      \
1156         opcode << 15 | 0b10000 << 10 | rn->encoding() << 5 | rd->encoding());  \
1157   }
1159   F(fmov_s,   0, 0, 0b00, 0b000000)
1160   F(fabs_s,   0, 0, 0b00, 0b000001)
1161   F(fneg_s,   0, 0, 0b00, 0b000010)
1162   F(fsqrt_s,  0, 0, 0b00, 0b000011)
1163   F(fcvt_ds,  0, 0, 0b00, 0b000101)
1164   F(fcvt_hs,  0, 0, 0b00, 0b000111)
1165   F(frintn_s, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b001000)
1166   F(frintp_s, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b001001)
1167   F(frintm_s, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b001010)
1168   F(frintz_s, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b001011)
1169   F(frinta_s, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b001100)
1170   F(frintx_s, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b001110)
1171   F(frinti_s, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b001111)
1173   F(fmov_d,   0, 0, 0b01, 0b000000)
1174   F(fabs_d,   0, 0, 0b01, 0b000001)
1175   F(fneg_d,   0, 0, 0b01, 0b000010)
1176   F(fsqrt_d,  0, 0, 0b01, 0b000011)
1177   F(fcvt_sd,  0, 0, 0b01, 0b000100)
1178   F(fcvt_hd,  0, 0, 0b01, 0b000111)
1179   F(frintn_d, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b001000)
1180   F(frintp_d, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b001001)
1181   F(frintm_d, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b001010)
1182   F(frintz_d, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b001011)
1183   F(frinta_d, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b001100)
1184   F(frintx_d, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b001110)
1185   F(frinti_d, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b001111)
1187   F(fcvt_sh,  0, 0, 0b11, 0b000100)
1188   F(fcvt_dh,  0, 0, 0b11, 0b000101)
1189 #undef F
1191 #define F(mnemonic, M, S, type, opcode) \
1192   void mnemonic(FloatRegister rd, FloatRegister rn, FloatRegister rm) { \
1193     emit_int32(M << 31 | S << 29 | 0b11110 << 24 | type << 22 | 1 << 21 |                          \
1194         rm->encoding() << 16 | opcode << 12 | 0b10 << 10 | rn->encoding() << 5 | rd->encoding());  \
1195   }
1197   F(fmul_s,   0, 0, 0b00, 0b0000)
1198   F(fdiv_s,   0, 0, 0b00, 0b0001)
1199   F(fadd_s,   0, 0, 0b00, 0b0010)
1200   F(fsub_s,   0, 0, 0b00, 0b0011)
1201   F(fmax_s,   0, 0, 0b00, 0b0100)
1202   F(fmin_s,   0, 0, 0b00, 0b0101)
1203   F(fmaxnm_s, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b0110)
1204   F(fminnm_s, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b0111)
1205   F(fnmul_s,  0, 0, 0b00, 0b1000)
1207   F(fmul_d,   0, 0, 0b01, 0b0000)
1208   F(fdiv_d,   0, 0, 0b01, 0b0001)
1209   F(fadd_d,   0, 0, 0b01, 0b0010)
1210   F(fsub_d,   0, 0, 0b01, 0b0011)
1211   F(fmax_d,   0, 0, 0b01, 0b0100)
1212   F(fmin_d,   0, 0, 0b01, 0b0101)
1213   F(fmaxnm_d, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b0110)
1214   F(fminnm_d, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b0111)
1215   F(fnmul_d,  0, 0, 0b01, 0b1000)
1216 #undef F
1218 #define F(mnemonic, M, S, type, o1, o0) \
1219   void mnemonic(FloatRegister rd, FloatRegister rn, FloatRegister rm, FloatRegister ra) { \
1220     emit_int32(M << 31 | S << 29 | 0b11111 << 24 | type << 22 | o1 << 21 | rm->encoding() << 16 |  \
1221          o0 << 15 | ra->encoding() << 10 | rn->encoding() << 5 | rd->encoding());                  \
1222   }
1224   F(fmadd_s,  0, 0, 0b00, 0, 0)
1225   F(fmsub_s,  0, 0, 0b00, 0, 1)
1226   F(fnmadd_s, 0, 0, 0b00, 1, 0)
1227   F(fnmsub_s, 0, 0, 0b00, 1, 1)
1229   F(fmadd_d,  0, 0, 0b01, 0, 0)
1230   F(fmsub_d,  0, 0, 0b01, 0, 1)
1231   F(fnmadd_d, 0, 0, 0b01, 1, 0)
1232   F(fnmsub_d, 0, 0, 0b01, 1, 1)
1233 #undef F
1235 #define F(mnemonic, M, S, type) \
1236   void mnemonic(FloatRegister rd, int imm8) { \
1237     assert ((imm8 >> 8) == 0, "immediate is out of range");                \
1238     emit_int32(M << 31 | S << 29 | 0b11110 << 24 | type << 22 | 1 << 21 |  \
1239          imm8 << 13 | 0b100 << 10 | rd->encoding());                       \
1240   }
1242   F(fmov_s, 0, 0, 0b00)
1243   F(fmov_d, 0, 0, 0b01)
1244 #undef F
1246 #define F(mnemonic, sf, S, type, rmode, opcode) \
1247   void mnemonic(Register rd, FloatRegister rn) {                                     \
1248     emit_int32(sf << 31 | S << 29 | 0b11110 << 24 | type << 22 | 1 << 21 |           \
1249          rmode << 19 | opcode << 16 | rn->encoding() << 5 | rd->encoding_with_zr()); \
1250   }
1252   F(fcvtns_ws, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b000)
1253   F(fcvtnu_ws, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b001)
1254   F(fcvtas_ws, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b100)
1255   F(fcvtau_ws, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b101)
1256   F(fmov_ws,   0, 0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b110)
1257   F(fcvtps_ws, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b01, 0b000)
1258   F(fcvtpu_ws, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b01, 0b001)
1259   F(fcvtms_ws, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b10, 0b000)
1260   F(fcvtmu_ws, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b10, 0b001)
1261   F(fcvtzs_ws, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b11, 0b000)
1262   F(fcvtzu_ws, 0, 0, 0b00, 0b11, 0b001)
1264   F(fcvtns_wd, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b00, 0b000)
1265   F(fcvtnu_wd, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b00, 0b001)
1266   F(fcvtas_wd, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b00, 0b100)
1267   F(fcvtau_wd, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b00, 0b101)
1268   F(fcvtps_wd, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b01, 0b000)
1269   F(fcvtpu_wd, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b01, 0b001)
1270   F(fcvtms_wd, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b10, 0b000)
1271   F(fcvtmu_wd, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b10, 0b001)
1272   F(fcvtzs_wd, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b11, 0b000)
1273   F(fcvtzu_wd, 0, 0, 0b01, 0b11, 0b001)
1275   F(fcvtns_xs, 1, 0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b000)
1276   F(fcvtnu_xs, 1, 0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b001)
1277   F(fcvtas_xs, 1, 0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b100)
1278   F(fcvtau_xs, 1, 0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b101)
1279   F(fcvtps_xs, 1, 0, 0b00, 0b01, 0b000)
1280   F(fcvtpu_xs, 1, 0, 0b00, 0b01, 0b001)
1281   F(fcvtms_xs, 1, 0, 0b00, 0b10, 0b000)
1282   F(fcvtmu_xs, 1, 0, 0b00, 0b10, 0b001)
1283   F(fcvtzs_xs, 1, 0, 0b00, 0b11, 0b000)
1284   F(fcvtzu_xs, 1, 0, 0b00, 0b11, 0b001)
1286   F(fcvtns_xd, 1, 0, 0b01, 0b00, 0b000)
1287   F(fcvtnu_xd, 1, 0, 0b01, 0b00, 0b001)
1288   F(fcvtas_xd, 1, 0, 0b01, 0b00, 0b100)
1289   F(fcvtau_xd, 1, 0, 0b01, 0b00, 0b101)
1290   F(fmov_xd,   1, 0, 0b01, 0b00, 0b110)
1291   F(fcvtps_xd, 1, 0, 0b01, 0b01, 0b000)
1292   F(fcvtpu_xd, 1, 0, 0b01, 0b01, 0b001)
1293   F(fcvtms_xd, 1, 0, 0b01, 0b10, 0b000)
1294   F(fcvtmu_xd, 1, 0, 0b01, 0b10, 0b001)
1295   F(fcvtzs_xd, 1, 0, 0b01, 0b11, 0b000)
1296   F(fcvtzu_xd, 1, 0, 0b01, 0b11, 0b001)
1298   F(fmov_xq,   1, 0, 0b10, 0b01, 0b110)
1299 #undef F
1301 #define F(mnemonic, sf, S, type, rmode, opcode) \
1302   void mnemonic(FloatRegister rd, Register rn) {                                     \
1303     emit_int32(sf << 31 | S << 29 | 0b11110 << 24 | type << 22 | 1 << 21 |           \
1304          rmode << 19 | opcode << 16 | rn->encoding_with_zr() << 5 | rd->encoding()); \
1305   }
1307   F(scvtf_sw,  0, 0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b010)
1308   F(ucvtf_sw,  0, 0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b011)
1309   F(fmov_sw,   0, 0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b111)
1310   F(scvtf_dw,  0, 0, 0b01, 0b00, 0b010)
1311   F(ucvtf_dw,  0, 0, 0b01, 0b00, 0b011)
1313   F(scvtf_sx,  1, 0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b010)
1314   F(ucvtf_sx,  1, 0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b011)
1315   F(scvtf_dx,  1, 0, 0b01, 0b00, 0b010)
1316   F(ucvtf_dx,  1, 0, 0b01, 0b00, 0b011)
1317   F(fmov_dx,   1, 0, 0b01, 0b00, 0b111)
1319   F(fmov_qx,   1, 0, 0b10, 0b01, 0b111)
1320 #undef F
1322 #define F(mnemonic, opcode) \
1323   void mnemonic(FloatRegister Vd, FloatRegister Vn) {                                     \
1324     emit_int32( opcode << 10 | Vn->encoding() << 5 | Vd->encoding());             \
1325   }
1327   F(aese, 0b0100111000101000010010);
1328   F(aesd, 0b0100111000101000010110);
1329   F(aesmc, 0b0100111000101000011010);
1330   F(aesimc, 0b0100111000101000011110);
1331 #undef F
1333 #ifdef COMPILER2
1334   typedef VFP::double_num double_num;
1335   typedef VFP::float_num  float_num;
1336 #endif
1338   void vcnt(FloatRegister Dd, FloatRegister Dn, int quad = 0, int size = 0) {
1339     // emitted at VM startup to detect whether the instruction is available
1340     assert(!VM_Version::is_initialized() || VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1341     assert(size == 0, "illegal size value");
1342     emit_int32(0x0e205800 | quad << 30 | size << 22 | Dn->encoding() << 5 | Dd->encoding());
1343   }
1345 #ifdef COMPILER2
1346   void addv(FloatRegister Dd, FloatRegister Dm, int quad, int size) {
1347     // emitted at VM startup to detect whether the instruction is available
1348     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1349     assert((quad & ~1) == 0, "illegal value");
1350     assert(size >= 0 && size < 3, "illegal value");
1351     assert(((size << 1) | quad) != 4, "illegal values (size 2, quad 0)");
1352     emit_int32(0x0e31b800 | quad << 30 | size << 22 | Dm->encoding() << 5 | Dd->encoding());
1353   }
1355   enum VElem_Size {
1356     VELEM_SIZE_8  = 0x00,
1357     VELEM_SIZE_16 = 0x01,
1358     VELEM_SIZE_32 = 0x02,
1359     VELEM_SIZE_64 = 0x03
1360   };
1362   enum VLD_Type {
1363     VLD1_TYPE_1_REG  = 0b0111,
1364     VLD1_TYPE_2_REGS = 0b1010,
1365     VLD1_TYPE_3_REGS = 0b0110,
1366     VLD1_TYPE_4_REGS = 0b0010
1367   };
1369   enum VFloat_Arith_Size {
1370     VFA_SIZE_F32 = 0b0,
1371     VFA_SIZE_F64 = 0b1
1372   };
1374 #define F(mnemonic, U, S, P) \
1375   void mnemonic(FloatRegister fd, FloatRegister fn, FloatRegister fm,    \
1376                 int size, int quad) {                                    \
1377     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");                  \
1378     assert(!(size == VFA_SIZE_F64 && !quad), "reserved");                \
1379     assert((size & 1) == size, "overflow");                              \
1380     emit_int32(quad << 30 | U << 29 | 0b01110 << 24 |                    \
1381                S << 23 | size << 22 | 1 << 21 | P << 11 | 1 << 10 |      \
1382                fm->encoding() << 16 |                                    \
1383                fn->encoding() <<  5 |                                    \
1384                fd->encoding());                                          \
1385   }
1387   F(vaddF, 0, 0, 0b11010)  // Vd = Vn + Vm (float)
1388   F(vsubF, 0, 1, 0b11010)  // Vd = Vn - Vm (float)
1389   F(vmulF, 1, 0, 0b11011)  // Vd = Vn - Vm (float)
1390   F(vdivF, 1, 0, 0b11111)  // Vd = Vn / Vm (float)
1391 #undef F
1393 #define F(mnemonic, U) \
1394   void mnemonic(FloatRegister fd, FloatRegister fm, FloatRegister fn,    \
1395                 int size, int quad) {                                    \
1396     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");                  \
1397     assert(!(size == VELEM_SIZE_64 && !quad), "reserved");               \
1398     assert((size & 0b11) == size, "overflow");                           \
1399     int R = 0; /* rounding */                                            \
1400     int S = 0; /* saturating */                                          \
1401     emit_int32(quad << 30 | U << 29 | 0b01110 << 24 | size << 22 |       \
1402                1 << 21 | R << 12 | S << 11 | 0b10001 << 10 |             \
1403                fm->encoding() << 16 |                                    \
1404                fn->encoding() <<  5 |                                    \
1405                fd->encoding());                                          \
1406   }
1408   F(vshlSI, 0)  // Vd = ashift(Vn,Vm) (int)
1409   F(vshlUI, 1)  // Vd = lshift(Vn,Vm) (int)
1410 #undef F
1412 #define F(mnemonic, U, P, M) \
1413   void mnemonic(FloatRegister fd, FloatRegister fn, FloatRegister fm,    \
1414                 int size, int quad) {                                    \
1415     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");                  \
1416     assert(!(size == VELEM_SIZE_64 && !quad), "reserved");               \
1417     assert(!(size == VELEM_SIZE_64 && M), "reserved");                   \
1418     assert((size & 0b11) == size, "overflow");                           \
1419     emit_int32(quad << 30 | U << 29 | 0b01110 << 24 | size << 22 |       \
1420                1 << 21 | P << 11 | 1 << 10 |                             \
1421                fm->encoding() << 16 |                                    \
1422                fn->encoding() <<  5 |                                    \
1423                fd->encoding());                                          \
1424   }
1426   F(vmulI, 0, 0b10011,  true)  // Vd = Vn * Vm (int)
1427   F(vaddI, 0, 0b10000, false)  // Vd = Vn + Vm (int)
1428   F(vsubI, 1, 0b10000, false)  // Vd = Vn - Vm (int)
1429 #undef F
1431 #define F(mnemonic, U, O) \
1432   void mnemonic(FloatRegister fd, FloatRegister fn, FloatRegister fm,    \
1433                 int quad) {                                              \
1434     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");                  \
1435     emit_int32(quad << 30 | U << 29 | 0b01110 << 24 | O << 22 |          \
1436                1 << 21 | 0b00011 << 11 | 1 << 10 |                       \
1437                fm->encoding() << 16 |                                    \
1438                fn->encoding() <<  5 |                                    \
1439                fd->encoding());                                          \
1440   }
1442   F(vandI, 0, 0b00)  // Vd = Vn & Vm (int)
1443   F(vorI,  0, 0b10)  // Vd = Vn | Vm (int)
1444   F(vxorI, 1, 0b00)  // Vd = Vn ^ Vm (int)
1445 #undef F
1447   void vnegI(FloatRegister fd, FloatRegister fn, int size, int quad) {
1448     int U = 1;
1449     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1450     assert(quad || size != VELEM_SIZE_64, "reserved");
1451     emit_int32(quad << 30 | U << 29 | 0b01110 << 24 |
1452               size << 22 | 0b100000101110 << 10 |
1453               fn->encoding() << 5 |
1454               fd->encoding() << 0);
1455   }
1457   void vshli(FloatRegister fd, FloatRegister fn, int esize, int imm, int quad) {
1458     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1460     if (imm >= esize) {
1461       // maximum shift gives all zeroes, direction doesn't matter,
1462       // but only available for shift right
1463       vshri(fd, fn, esize, esize, true /* unsigned */, quad);
1464       return;
1465     }
1466     assert(imm >= 0 && imm < esize, "out of range");
1468     int imm7 = esize + imm;
1469     int immh = imm7 >> 3;
1470     assert(immh != 0, "encoding constraint");
1471     assert((uint)immh < 16, "sanity");
1472     assert(((immh >> 2) | quad) != 0b10, "reserved");
1473     emit_int32(quad << 30 | 0b011110 << 23 | imm7 << 16 |
1474                0b010101 << 10 | fn->encoding() << 5 | fd->encoding() << 0);
1475   }
1477   void vshri(FloatRegister fd, FloatRegister fn, int esize, int imm,
1478              bool U /* unsigned */, int quad) {
1479     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1480     assert(imm > 0, "out of range");
1481     if (imm >= esize) {
1482       // maximum shift (all zeroes)
1483       imm = esize;
1484     }
1485     int imm7 = 2 * esize - imm ;
1486     int immh = imm7 >> 3;
1487     assert(immh != 0, "encoding constraint");
1488     assert((uint)immh < 16, "sanity");
1489     assert(((immh >> 2) | quad) != 0b10, "reserved");
1490     emit_int32(quad << 30 | U << 29 | 0b011110 << 23 | imm7 << 16 |
1491                0b000001 << 10 | fn->encoding() << 5 | fd->encoding() << 0);
1492   }
1493   void vshrUI(FloatRegister fd, FloatRegister fm, int size, int imm, int quad) {
1494     vshri(fd, fm, size, imm, true /* unsigned */, quad);
1495   }
1496   void vshrSI(FloatRegister fd, FloatRegister fm, int size, int imm, int quad) {
1497     vshri(fd, fm, size, imm, false /* signed */, quad);
1498   }
1500   void vld1(FloatRegister Vt, Address addr, VElem_Size size, int bits) {
1501     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1502     assert(bits == 128, "unsupported");
1503     assert(addr.disp() == 0 || addr.disp() == 16, "must be");
1504     int type = 0b11; // 2D
1505     int quad = 1;
1506     int L = 1;
1507     int opcode = VLD1_TYPE_1_REG;
1508     emit_int32(quad << 30 | 0b11 << 26 | L << 22 | opcode << 12 | size << 10 |
1509                Vt->encoding() << 0 | addr.encoding_simd());
1510   }
1512   void vst1(FloatRegister Vt, Address addr, VElem_Size size, int bits) {
1513     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1514     assert(bits == 128, "unsupported");
1515     assert(addr.disp() == 0 || addr.disp() == 16, "must be");
1516     int type = 0b11; // 2D
1517     int quad = 1;
1518     int L = 0;
1519     int opcode = VLD1_TYPE_1_REG;
1520     emit_int32(quad << 30 | 0b11 << 26 | L << 22 | opcode << 12 | size << 10 |
1521                Vt->encoding() << 0 | addr.encoding_simd());
1522   }
1524   void vld1(FloatRegister Vt, FloatRegister Vt2, Address addr, VElem_Size size, int bits) {
1525     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1526     assert(bits == 128, "unsupported");
1527     assert(Vt->successor() == Vt2, "Registers must be ordered");
1528     assert(addr.disp() == 0 || addr.disp() == 32, "must be");
1529     int type = 0b11; // 2D
1530     int quad = 1;
1531     int L = 1;
1532     int opcode = VLD1_TYPE_2_REGS;
1533     emit_int32(quad << 30 | 0b11 << 26 | L << 22 | opcode << 12 | size << 10 |
1534                Vt->encoding() << 0 | addr.encoding_simd());
1535   }
1537   void vst1(FloatRegister Vt, FloatRegister Vt2, Address addr, VElem_Size size, int bits) {
1538     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1539     assert(Vt->successor() == Vt2, "Registers must be ordered");
1540     assert(bits == 128, "unsupported");
1541     assert(addr.disp() == 0 || addr.disp() == 32, "must be");
1542     int type = 0b11; // 2D
1543     int quad = 1;
1544     int L = 0;
1545     int opcode = VLD1_TYPE_2_REGS;
1546     emit_int32(quad << 30 | 0b11 << 26 | L << 22 | opcode << 12 | size << 10 |
1547                Vt->encoding() << 0 | addr.encoding_simd());
1548   }
1550   void vld1(FloatRegister Vt, FloatRegister Vt2, FloatRegister Vt3,
1551             Address addr, VElem_Size size, int bits) {
1552     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1553     assert(bits == 128, "unsupported");
1554     assert(Vt->successor() == Vt2 && Vt2->successor() == Vt3,
1555           "Registers must be ordered");
1556     assert(addr.disp() == 0 || addr.disp() == 48, "must be");
1557     int type = 0b11; // 2D
1558     int quad = 1;
1559     int L = 1;
1560     int opcode = VLD1_TYPE_3_REGS;
1561     emit_int32(quad << 30 | 0b11 << 26 | L << 22 | opcode << 12 | size << 10 |
1562                Vt->encoding() << 0 | addr.encoding_simd());
1563   }
1565   void vst1(FloatRegister Vt, FloatRegister Vt2, FloatRegister Vt3,
1566             Address addr, VElem_Size size, int bits) {
1567     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1568     assert(bits == 128, "unsupported");
1569     assert(Vt->successor() == Vt2 &&  Vt2->successor() == Vt3,
1570            "Registers must be ordered");
1571     assert(addr.disp() == 0 || addr.disp() == 48, "must be");
1572     int type = 0b11; // 2D
1573     int quad = 1;
1574     int L = 0;
1575     int opcode = VLD1_TYPE_3_REGS;
1576     emit_int32(quad << 30 | 0b11 << 26 | L << 22 | opcode << 12 | size << 10 |
1577                Vt->encoding() << 0 | addr.encoding_simd());
1578   }
1580   void vld1(FloatRegister Vt, FloatRegister Vt2, FloatRegister Vt3,
1581             FloatRegister Vt4, Address addr, VElem_Size size, int bits) {
1582     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1583     assert(bits == 128, "unsupported");
1584     assert(Vt->successor() == Vt2 && Vt2->successor() == Vt3 &&
1585            Vt3->successor() == Vt4, "Registers must be ordered");
1586     assert(addr.disp() == 0 || addr.disp() == 64, "must be");
1587     int type = 0b11; // 2D
1588     int quad = 1;
1589     int L = 1;
1590     int opcode = VLD1_TYPE_4_REGS;
1591     emit_int32(quad << 30 | 0b11 << 26 | L << 22 | opcode << 12 | size << 10 |
1592                Vt->encoding() << 0 | addr.encoding_simd());
1593   }
1595   void vst1(FloatRegister Vt, FloatRegister Vt2, FloatRegister Vt3,
1596             FloatRegister Vt4,  Address addr, VElem_Size size, int bits) {
1597     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1598     assert(bits == 128, "unsupported");
1599     assert(Vt->successor() == Vt2 && Vt2->successor() == Vt3 &&
1600            Vt3->successor() == Vt4, "Registers must be ordered");
1601     assert(addr.disp() == 0 || addr.disp() == 64, "must be");
1602     int type = 0b11; // 2D
1603     int quad = 1;
1604     int L = 0;
1605     int opcode = VLD1_TYPE_4_REGS;
1606     emit_int32(quad << 30 | 0b11 << 26 | L << 22 | opcode << 12 | size << 10 |
1607                Vt->encoding() << 0 | addr.encoding_simd());
1608   }
1610   void rev32(FloatRegister Vd, FloatRegister Vn, VElem_Size size, int quad) {
1611     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1612     assert(size == VELEM_SIZE_8 || size == VELEM_SIZE_16, "must be");
1613     emit_int32(quad << 30 | 0b101110 << 24 | size << 22 |
1614                0b100000000010 << 10 | Vn->encoding() << 5 | Vd->encoding());
1615   }
1617   void eor(FloatRegister Vd, FloatRegister Vn,  FloatRegister Vm, VElem_Size size, int quad) {
1618     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1619     assert(size == VELEM_SIZE_8, "must be");
1620     emit_int32(quad << 30 | 0b101110001 << 21 | Vm->encoding() << 16 |
1621                0b000111 << 10 | Vn->encoding() << 5 | Vd->encoding());
1622   }
1624   void orr(FloatRegister Vd, FloatRegister Vn,  FloatRegister Vm, VElem_Size size, int quad) {
1625     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1626     assert(size == VELEM_SIZE_8, "must be");
1627     emit_int32(quad << 30 | 0b001110101 << 21 | Vm->encoding() << 16 |
1628                0b000111 << 10 | Vn->encoding() << 5 | Vd->encoding());
1629   }
1631   void vmovI(FloatRegister Dd, int imm8, VElem_Size size, int quad) {
1632     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1633     assert(imm8 >= 0 && imm8 < 256, "out of range");
1634     int op;
1635     int cmode;
1636     switch (size) {
1637     case VELEM_SIZE_8:
1638       op = 0;
1639       cmode = 0b1110;
1640       break;
1641     case VELEM_SIZE_16:
1642       op = 0;
1643       cmode = 0b1000;
1644       break;
1645     case VELEM_SIZE_32:
1646       op = 0;
1647       cmode = 0b0000;
1648       break;
1649     default:
1650       cmode = 0;
1651       ShouldNotReachHere();
1652     }
1653     int abc = imm8 >> 5;
1654     int defgh = imm8 & 0b11111;
1655     emit_int32(quad << 30 | op << 29 | 0b1111 << 24 |
1656                abc << 16 | cmode << 12 | 0b01 << 10 |
1657                defgh << 5 | Dd->encoding() << 0);
1658   }
1660   void vdupI(FloatRegister Dd, Register Rn, VElem_Size size, int quad) {
1661     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1662     assert(size <= 3, "unallocated encoding");
1663     assert(size != 3 || quad == 1, "reserved");
1664     int imm5 = 1 << size;
1665 #ifdef ASSERT
1666     switch (size) {
1667     case VELEM_SIZE_8:
1668       assert(imm5 == 0b00001, "sanity");
1669       break;
1670     case VELEM_SIZE_16:
1671       assert(imm5 == 0b00010, "sanity");
1672       break;
1673     case VELEM_SIZE_32:
1674       assert(imm5 == 0b00100, "sanity");
1675       break;
1676     case VELEM_SIZE_64:
1677       assert(imm5 == 0b01000, "sanity");
1678       break;
1679     default:
1680       ShouldNotReachHere();
1681     }
1682 #endif
1683     emit_int32(quad << 30 | 0b111 << 25 | 0b11 << 10 |
1684                imm5 << 16 | Rn->encoding() << 5 |
1685                Dd->encoding() << 0);
1686   }
1688   void vdup(FloatRegister Vd, FloatRegister Vn, VElem_Size size, int quad) {
1689     assert(VM_Version::has_simd(), "simd instruction");
1690     int index = 0;
1691     int bytes = 1 << size;
1692     int range = 16 / bytes;
1693     assert(index < range, "overflow");
1695     assert(size != VELEM_SIZE_64 || quad, "reserved");
1696     assert(8 << VELEM_SIZE_8  ==  8, "sanity");
1697     assert(8 << VELEM_SIZE_16 == 16, "sanity");
1698     assert(8 << VELEM_SIZE_32 == 32, "sanity");
1699     assert(8 << VELEM_SIZE_64 == 64, "sanity");
1701     int imm5 = (index << (size + 1)) | bytes;
1703     emit_int32(quad << 30 | 0b001110000 << 21 | imm5 << 16 | 0b000001 << 10 |
1704                Vn->encoding() << 5 | Vd->encoding() << 0);
1705   }
1707   void vdupF(FloatRegister Vd, FloatRegister Vn, int quad) {
1708     vdup(Vd, Vn, VELEM_SIZE_32, quad);
1709   }
1711   void vdupD(FloatRegister Vd, FloatRegister Vn, int quad) {
1712     vdup(Vd, Vn, VELEM_SIZE_64, quad);
1713   }
1714 #endif
1715 };
1718 #endif // CPU_ARM_VM_ASSEMBLER_ARM_64_HPP