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  28 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  30 // An Integral Constant is a class providing a compile-time value of an
  31 // integral type.  An Integral Constant is also a nullary metafunction,
  32 // returning itself.  An integral constant object is implicitly
  33 // convertible to the associated value.
  34 //
  35 // A type n is a model of Integral Constant if it meets the following
  36 // requirements:
  37 //
  38 // n::ValueType                : The integral type of n::value
  39 // n::value                    : An integral constant expression
  40 // n::type                     : IsSame<n::type, n>::value is true
  41 // n::value_type const c = n() : c == n::value
  43 // A model of the Integer Constant concept.
  44 // T is an integral type, and is the value_type.
  45 // v is an integral constant, and is the value.
  46 template<typename T, T v>
  47 struct IntegralConstant VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
  48   typedef T value_type;
  49   static const value_type value = v;
  50   typedef IntegralConstant<T, v> type;
  51   operator value_type() { return value; }
  52 };
  54 // A bool valued IntegralConstant whose value is true.
  55 typedef IntegralConstant<bool, true> TrueType;
  57 // A bool valued IntegralConstant whose value is false.
  58 typedef IntegralConstant<bool, false> FalseType;

  28 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  30 // An Integral Constant is a class providing a compile-time value of an
  31 // integral type.  An Integral Constant is also a nullary metafunction,
  32 // returning itself.  An integral constant object is implicitly
  33 // convertible to the associated value.
  34 //
  35 // A type n is a model of Integral Constant if it meets the following
  36 // requirements:
  37 //
  38 // n::ValueType                : The integral type of n::value
  39 // n::value                    : An integral constant expression
  40 // n::type                     : IsSame<n::type, n>::value is true
  41 // n::value_type const c = n() : c == n::value
  43 // A model of the Integer Constant concept.
  44 // T is an integral type, and is the value_type.
  45 // v is an integral constant, and is the value.
  46 template<typename T, T v>
  47 struct IntegralConstant {
  48   typedef T value_type;
  49   static const value_type value = v;
  50   typedef IntegralConstant<T, v> type;
  51   operator value_type() { return value; }
  52 };
  54 // A bool valued IntegralConstant whose value is true.
  55 typedef IntegralConstant<bool, true> TrueType;
  57 // A bool valued IntegralConstant whose value is false.
  58 typedef IntegralConstant<bool, false> FalseType;
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