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  72 // This is used in iterators below.
  73 class FieldClosure: public StackObj {
  74 public:
  75   virtual void do_field(fieldDescriptor* fd) = 0;
  76 };
  78 #ifndef PRODUCT
  79 // Print fields.
  80 // If "obj" argument to constructor is NULL, prints static fields, otherwise prints non-static fields.
  81 class FieldPrinter: public FieldClosure {
  82    oop _obj;
  83    outputStream* _st;
  84  public:
  85    FieldPrinter(outputStream* st, oop obj = NULL) : _obj(obj), _st(st) {}
  86    void do_field(fieldDescriptor* fd);
  87 };
  88 #endif  // !PRODUCT
  90 // ValueObjs embedded in klass. Describes where oops are located in instances of
  91 // this klass.
  92 class OopMapBlock VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
  93  public:
  94   // Byte offset of the first oop mapped by this block.
  95   int offset() const          { return _offset; }
  96   void set_offset(int offset) { _offset = offset; }
  98   // Number of oops in this block.
  99   uint count() const         { return _count; }
 100   void set_count(uint count) { _count = count; }
 102   // sizeof(OopMapBlock) in words.
 103   static const int size_in_words() {
 104     return align_up((int)sizeof(OopMapBlock), wordSize) >>
 105       LogBytesPerWord;
 106   }
 108  private:
 109   int  _offset;
 110   uint _count;
 111 };

  72 // This is used in iterators below.
  73 class FieldClosure: public StackObj {
  74 public:
  75   virtual void do_field(fieldDescriptor* fd) = 0;
  76 };
  78 #ifndef PRODUCT
  79 // Print fields.
  80 // If "obj" argument to constructor is NULL, prints static fields, otherwise prints non-static fields.
  81 class FieldPrinter: public FieldClosure {
  82    oop _obj;
  83    outputStream* _st;
  84  public:
  85    FieldPrinter(outputStream* st, oop obj = NULL) : _obj(obj), _st(st) {}
  86    void do_field(fieldDescriptor* fd);
  87 };
  88 #endif  // !PRODUCT
  90 // ValueObjs embedded in klass. Describes where oops are located in instances of
  91 // this klass.
  92 class OopMapBlock {
  93  public:
  94   // Byte offset of the first oop mapped by this block.
  95   int offset() const          { return _offset; }
  96   void set_offset(int offset) { _offset = offset; }
  98   // Number of oops in this block.
  99   uint count() const         { return _count; }
 100   void set_count(uint count) { _count = count; }
 102   // sizeof(OopMapBlock) in words.
 103   static const int size_in_words() {
 104     return align_up((int)sizeof(OopMapBlock), wordSize) >>
 105       LogBytesPerWord;
 106   }
 108  private:
 109   int  _offset;
 110   uint _count;
 111 };

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