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@@ -365,11 +365,10 @@
 template<typename T, typename PlatformOp>
 struct Atomic::LoadImpl<
   typename EnableIf<IsIntegral<T>::value || IsRegisteredEnum<T>::value || IsPointer<T>::value>::type>
   T operator()(T const volatile* dest) const {
     // Forward to the platform handler for the size of T.
     return PlatformOp()(dest);

@@ -385,11 +384,10 @@
 template<typename T, typename PlatformOp>
 struct Atomic::LoadImpl<
   typename EnableIf<PrimitiveConversions::Translate<T>::value>::type>
   T operator()(T const volatile* dest) const {
     typedef PrimitiveConversions::Translate<T> Translator;
     typedef typename Translator::Decayed Decayed;
     STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) == sizeof(Decayed));

@@ -403,11 +401,11 @@
 // For increased safety, the default implementation only allows
 // load types that are pointer sized or smaller. If a platform still
 // supports wide atomics, then it has to use specialization
 // of Atomic::PlatformLoad for that wider size class.
 template<size_t byte_size>
-struct Atomic::PlatformLoad VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
+struct Atomic::PlatformLoad {
   template<typename T>
   T operator()(T const volatile* dest) const {
     STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(void*)); // wide atomics need specialization
     return *dest;

@@ -419,11 +417,10 @@
 template<typename T, typename PlatformOp>
 struct Atomic::StoreImpl<
   T, T,
   typename EnableIf<IsIntegral<T>::value || IsRegisteredEnum<T>::value>::type>
   void operator()(T new_value, T volatile* dest) const {
     // Forward to the platform handler for the size of T.
     PlatformOp()(new_value, dest);

@@ -437,11 +434,10 @@
 template<typename T, typename D, typename PlatformOp>
 struct Atomic::StoreImpl<
   T*, D*,
   typename EnableIf<Atomic::IsPointerConvertible<T*, D*>::value>::type>
   void operator()(T* new_value, D* volatile* dest) const {
     // Allow derived to base conversion, and adding cv-qualifiers.
     D* value = new_value;
     PlatformOp()(value, dest);

@@ -457,11 +453,10 @@
 template<typename T, typename PlatformOp>
 struct Atomic::StoreImpl<
   T, T,
   typename EnableIf<PrimitiveConversions::Translate<T>::value>::type>
   void operator()(T new_value, T volatile* dest) const {
     typedef PrimitiveConversions::Translate<T> Translator;
     typedef typename Translator::Decayed Decayed;
     STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) == sizeof(Decayed));

@@ -475,11 +470,11 @@
 // For increased safety, the default implementation only allows
 // storing types that are pointer sized or smaller. If a platform still
 // supports wide atomics, then it has to use specialization
 // of Atomic::PlatformStore for that wider size class.
 template<size_t byte_size>
-struct Atomic::PlatformStore VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
+struct Atomic::PlatformStore {
   template<typename T>
   void operator()(T new_value,
                   T volatile* dest) const {
     STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(void*)); // wide atomics need specialization
     (void)const_cast<T&>(*dest = new_value);

@@ -489,17 +484,17 @@
 // Define FetchAndAdd and AddAndFetch helper classes before including
 // platform file, which may use these as base classes, requiring they
 // be complete.
 template<typename Derived>
-struct Atomic::FetchAndAdd VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
+struct Atomic::FetchAndAdd {
   template<typename I, typename D>
   D operator()(I add_value, D volatile* dest) const;
 template<typename Derived>
-struct Atomic::AddAndFetch VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
+struct Atomic::AddAndFetch {
   template<typename I, typename D>
   D operator()(I add_value, D volatile* dest) const;
 template<typename D>

@@ -539,22 +534,22 @@
 // the operator definition.  No generic definition of specializations
 // of the operator template are provided, nor are there any generic
 // specializations of the class.  The platform file is responsible for
 // providing those.
 template<size_t byte_size>
-struct Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
+struct Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg {
   template<typename T>
   T operator()(T exchange_value,
                T volatile* dest,
                T compare_value,
                cmpxchg_memory_order order) const;
 // Define the class before including platform file, which may use this
 // as a base class, requiring it be complete.  The definition is later
 // in this file, near the other definitions related to cmpxchg.
-struct Atomic::CmpxchgByteUsingInt VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
+struct Atomic::CmpxchgByteUsingInt {
   template<typename T>
   T operator()(T exchange_value,
                T volatile* dest,
                T compare_value,
                cmpxchg_memory_order order) const;

@@ -564,11 +559,11 @@
 // the operator definition.  No generic definition of specializations
 // of the operator template are provided, nor are there any generic
 // specializations of the class.  The platform file is responsible for
 // providing those.
 template<size_t byte_size>
-struct Atomic::PlatformXchg VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
+struct Atomic::PlatformXchg {
   template<typename T>
   T operator()(T exchange_value,
                T volatile* dest) const;

@@ -603,11 +598,10 @@
   I, D,
   typename EnableIf<IsIntegral<I>::value &&
                     IsIntegral<D>::value &&
                     (sizeof(I) <= sizeof(D)) &&
                     (IsSigned<I>::value == IsSigned<D>::value)>::type>
   D operator()(I add_value, D volatile* dest) const {
     D addend = add_value;
     return PlatformAdd<sizeof(D)>()(addend, dest);

@@ -615,11 +609,10 @@
 template<typename I, typename P>
 struct Atomic::AddImpl<
   I, P*,
   typename EnableIf<IsIntegral<I>::value && (sizeof(I) <= sizeof(P*))>::type>
   P* operator()(I add_value, P* volatile* dest) const {
     STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(intptr_t) == sizeof(P*));
     STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uintptr_t) == sizeof(P*));
     typedef typename Conditional<IsSigned<I>::value,

@@ -638,11 +631,11 @@
 // The least significant parts of this 32-bit word will never be affected, even
 // in case of overflow/underflow.
 // Use the ATOMIC_SHORT_PAIR macro (see macros.hpp) to get the desired alignment.
-struct Atomic::AddImpl<short, short> VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
+struct Atomic::AddImpl<short, short> {
   short operator()(short add_value, short volatile* dest) const {
     assert((intx(dest) & 0x03) == 0x02, "wrong alignment");
     int new_value = Atomic::add(add_value << 16, (volatile int*)(dest-1));

@@ -705,11 +698,10 @@
 // All the involved types must be identical.
 template<typename T>
 struct Atomic::CmpxchgImpl<
   T, T, T,
   typename EnableIf<IsIntegral<T>::value || IsRegisteredEnum<T>::value>::type>
   T operator()(T exchange_value, T volatile* dest, T compare_value,
                cmpxchg_memory_order order) const {
     // Forward to the platform handler for the size of T.
     return PlatformCmpxchg<sizeof(T)>()(exchange_value,

@@ -732,11 +724,10 @@
 struct Atomic::CmpxchgImpl<
   T*, D*, U*,
   typename EnableIf<Atomic::IsPointerConvertible<T*, D*>::value &&
                     IsSame<typename RemoveCV<D>::type,
                            typename RemoveCV<U>::type>::value>::type>
   D* operator()(T* exchange_value, D* volatile* dest, U* compare_value,
                cmpxchg_memory_order order) const {
     // Allow derived to base conversion, and adding cv-qualifiers.
     D* new_value = exchange_value;

@@ -756,11 +747,10 @@
 // call.
 template<typename T>
 struct Atomic::CmpxchgImpl<
   T, T, T,
   typename EnableIf<PrimitiveConversions::Translate<T>::value>::type>
   T operator()(T exchange_value, T volatile* dest, T compare_value,
                cmpxchg_memory_order order) const {
     typedef PrimitiveConversions::Translate<T> Translator;
     typedef typename Translator::Decayed Decayed;

@@ -828,11 +818,10 @@
 // All the involved types must be identical.
 template<typename T>
 struct Atomic::XchgImpl<
   T, T,
   typename EnableIf<IsIntegral<T>::value || IsRegisteredEnum<T>::value>::type>
   T operator()(T exchange_value, T volatile* dest) const {
     // Forward to the platform handler for the size of T.
     return PlatformXchg<sizeof(T)>()(exchange_value, dest);

@@ -845,11 +834,10 @@
 // exchange_value in the destination.
 template<typename T, typename D>
 struct Atomic::XchgImpl<
   T*, D*,
   typename EnableIf<Atomic::IsPointerConvertible<T*, D*>::value>::type>
   D* operator()(T* exchange_value, D* volatile* dest) const {
     // Allow derived to base conversion, and adding cv-qualifiers.
     D* new_value = exchange_value;
     return PlatformXchg<sizeof(D*)>()(new_value, dest);

@@ -865,11 +853,10 @@
 // call.
 template<typename T>
 struct Atomic::XchgImpl<
   T, T,
   typename EnableIf<PrimitiveConversions::Translate<T>::value>::type>
   T operator()(T exchange_value, T volatile* dest) const {
     typedef PrimitiveConversions::Translate<T> Translator;
     typedef typename Translator::Decayed Decayed;
     STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) == sizeof(Decayed));
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