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 182   // We don't remove old methods from the compile queue even if they have
 183   // very low activity (see select_task()).
 184   inline bool is_old(Method* method);
 185   // Was a given method inactive for a given number of milliseconds.
 186   // If it is, we would remove it from the queue (see select_task()).
 187   inline bool is_stale(jlong t, jlong timeout, Method* m);
 188   // Compute the weight of the method for the compilation scheduling
 189   inline double weight(Method* method);
 190   // Apply heuristics and return true if x should be compiled before y
 191   inline bool compare_methods(Method* x, Method* y);
 192   // Compute event rate for a given method. The rate is the number of event (invocations + backedges)
 193   // per millisecond.
 194   inline void update_rate(jlong t, Method* m);
 195   // Compute threshold scaling coefficient
 196   inline double threshold_scale(CompLevel level, int feedback_k);
 197   // If a method is old enough and is still in the interpreter we would want to
 198   // start profiling without waiting for the compiled method to arrive. This function
 199   // determines whether we should do that.
 200   inline bool should_create_mdo(Method* method, CompLevel cur_level);
 201   // Create MDO if necessary.
 202   void create_mdo(methodHandle mh, JavaThread* thread);
 203   // Is method profiled enough?
 204   bool is_method_profiled(Method* method);
 206   double _increase_threshold_at_ratio;
 208   bool maybe_switch_to_aot(methodHandle mh, CompLevel cur_level, CompLevel next_level, JavaThread* thread);
 210 protected:
 211   void print_specific(EventType type, methodHandle mh, methodHandle imh, int bci, CompLevel level);
 213   void set_increase_threshold_at_ratio() { _increase_threshold_at_ratio = 100 / (100 - (double)IncreaseFirstTierCompileThresholdAt); }
 214   void set_start_time(jlong t) { _start_time = t;    }
 215   jlong start_time() const     { return _start_time; }
 217   // Submit a given method for compilation (and update the rate).
 218   virtual void submit_compile(const methodHandle& mh, int bci, CompLevel level, JavaThread* thread);
 219   // event() from SimpleThresholdPolicy would call these.
 220   virtual void method_invocation_event(const methodHandle& method, const methodHandle& inlinee,
 221                                        CompLevel level, CompiledMethod* nm, JavaThread* thread);
 222   virtual void method_back_branch_event(const methodHandle& method, const methodHandle& inlinee,
 223                                         int bci, CompLevel level, CompiledMethod* nm, JavaThread* thread);
 224 public:
 225   AdvancedThresholdPolicy() : _start_time(0) { }
 226   // Select task is called by CompileBroker. We should return a task or NULL.
 227   virtual CompileTask* select_task(CompileQueue* compile_queue);
 228   virtual void initialize();
 229   virtual bool should_not_inline(ciEnv* env, ciMethod* callee);
 231 };

 182   // We don't remove old methods from the compile queue even if they have
 183   // very low activity (see select_task()).
 184   inline bool is_old(Method* method);
 185   // Was a given method inactive for a given number of milliseconds.
 186   // If it is, we would remove it from the queue (see select_task()).
 187   inline bool is_stale(jlong t, jlong timeout, Method* m);
 188   // Compute the weight of the method for the compilation scheduling
 189   inline double weight(Method* method);
 190   // Apply heuristics and return true if x should be compiled before y
 191   inline bool compare_methods(Method* x, Method* y);
 192   // Compute event rate for a given method. The rate is the number of event (invocations + backedges)
 193   // per millisecond.
 194   inline void update_rate(jlong t, Method* m);
 195   // Compute threshold scaling coefficient
 196   inline double threshold_scale(CompLevel level, int feedback_k);
 197   // If a method is old enough and is still in the interpreter we would want to
 198   // start profiling without waiting for the compiled method to arrive. This function
 199   // determines whether we should do that.
 200   inline bool should_create_mdo(Method* method, CompLevel cur_level);
 201   // Create MDO if necessary.
 202   void create_mdo(const methodHandle& mh, JavaThread* thread);
 203   // Is method profiled enough?
 204   bool is_method_profiled(Method* method);
 206   double _increase_threshold_at_ratio;
 208   bool maybe_switch_to_aot(const methodHandle& mh, CompLevel cur_level, CompLevel next_level, JavaThread* thread);
 210 protected:
 211   void print_specific(EventType type, const methodHandle& mh, const methodHandle& imh, int bci, CompLevel level);
 213   void set_increase_threshold_at_ratio() { _increase_threshold_at_ratio = 100 / (100 - (double)IncreaseFirstTierCompileThresholdAt); }
 214   void set_start_time(jlong t) { _start_time = t;    }
 215   jlong start_time() const     { return _start_time; }
 217   // Submit a given method for compilation (and update the rate).
 218   virtual void submit_compile(const methodHandle& mh, int bci, CompLevel level, JavaThread* thread);
 219   // event() from SimpleThresholdPolicy would call these.
 220   virtual void method_invocation_event(const methodHandle& method, const methodHandle& inlinee,
 221                                        CompLevel level, CompiledMethod* nm, JavaThread* thread);
 222   virtual void method_back_branch_event(const methodHandle& method, const methodHandle& inlinee,
 223                                         int bci, CompLevel level, CompiledMethod* nm, JavaThread* thread);
 224 public:
 225   AdvancedThresholdPolicy() : _start_time(0) { }
 226   // Select task is called by CompileBroker. We should return a task or NULL.
 227   virtual CompileTask* select_task(CompileQueue* compile_queue);
 228   virtual void initialize();
 229   virtual bool should_not_inline(ciEnv* env, ciMethod* callee);
 231 };
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