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  28 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  29 #include "metaprogramming/conditional.hpp"
  30 #include "metaprogramming/enableIf.hpp"
  31 #include "metaprogramming/isIntegral.hpp"
  32 #include "metaprogramming/isPointer.hpp"
  33 #include "metaprogramming/isSame.hpp"
  34 #include "metaprogramming/primitiveConversions.hpp"
  35 #include "metaprogramming/removeCV.hpp"
  36 #include "metaprogramming/removePointer.hpp"
  37 #include "utilities/align.hpp"
  38 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  40 enum cmpxchg_memory_order {
  41   memory_order_relaxed,
  42   // Use value which doesn't interfere with C++2011. We need to be more conservative.
  43   memory_order_conservative = 8
  44 };
  46 class Atomic : AllStatic {
  47 public:
  48   // Atomic operations on jlong types are not available on all 32-bit
  49   // platforms. If atomic ops on jlongs are defined here they must only
  50   // be used from code that verifies they are available at runtime and
  51   // can provide an alternative action if not - see supports_cx8() for
  52   // a means to test availability.
  54   // The memory operations that are mentioned with each of the atomic
  55   // function families come from src/share/vm/runtime/orderAccess.hpp,
  56   // e.g., <fence> is described in that file and is implemented by the
  57   // OrderAccess::fence() function. See that file for the gory details
  58   // on the Memory Access Ordering Model.
  60   // All of the atomic operations that imply a read-modify-write action
  61   // guarantee a two-way memory barrier across that operation. Historically
  62   // these semantics reflect the strength of atomic operations that are
  63   // provided on SPARC/X86. We assume that strength is necessary unless
  64   // we can prove that a weaker form is sufficiently safe.
  66   // Atomically store to a location
  67   // The type T must be either a pointer type convertible to or equal
  68   // to D, an integral/enum type equal to D, or a type equal to D that
  69   // is primitive convertible using PrimitiveConversions.

 622     STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(intptr_t) == sizeof(P*));
 623     STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uintptr_t) == sizeof(P*));
 624     typedef typename Conditional<IsSigned<I>::value,
 625                                  intptr_t,
 626                                  uintptr_t>::type CI;
 627     CI addend = add_value;
 628     return PlatformAdd<sizeof(P*)>()(addend, dest);
 629   }
 630 };
 632 // Most platforms do not support atomic add on a 2-byte value. However,
 633 // if the value occupies the most significant 16 bits of an aligned 32-bit
 634 // word, then we can do this with an atomic add of (add_value << 16)
 635 // to the 32-bit word.
 636 //
 637 // The least significant parts of this 32-bit word will never be affected, even
 638 // in case of overflow/underflow.
 639 //
 640 // Use the ATOMIC_SHORT_PAIR macro (see macros.hpp) to get the desired alignment.
 641 template<>
 642 struct Atomic::AddImpl<jshort, jshort> VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
 643   jshort operator()(jshort add_value, jshort volatile* dest) const {
 644 #ifdef VM_LITTLE_ENDIAN
 645     assert((intx(dest) & 0x03) == 0x02, "wrong alignment");
 646     jint new_value = Atomic::add(add_value << 16, (volatile jint*)(dest-1));
 647 #else
 648     assert((intx(dest) & 0x03) == 0x00, "wrong alignment");
 649     jint new_value = Atomic::add(add_value << 16, (volatile jint*)(dest));
 650 #endif
 651     return (jshort)(new_value >> 16); // preserves sign
 652   }
 653 };
 655 template<typename Derived>
 656 template<typename I, typename D>
 657 inline D Atomic::FetchAndAdd<Derived>::operator()(I add_value, D volatile* dest) const {
 658   I addend = add_value;
 659   // If D is a pointer type P*, scale by sizeof(P).
 660   if (IsPointer<D>::value) {
 661     addend *= sizeof(typename RemovePointer<D>::type);
 662   }
 663   D old = static_cast<const Derived*>(this)->fetch_and_add(addend, dest);
 664   return old + add_value;
 665 }
 667 template<typename Derived>
 668 template<typename I, typename D>
 669 inline D Atomic::AddAndFetch<Derived>::operator()(I add_value, D volatile* dest) const {
 670   // If D is a pointer type P*, scale by sizeof(P).
 671   if (IsPointer<D>::value) {

 790                                                  T compare_value,
 791                                                  cmpxchg_memory_order order) const {
 792   STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) == sizeof(uint8_t));
 793   uint8_t canon_exchange_value = exchange_value;
 794   uint8_t canon_compare_value = compare_value;
 795   volatile uint32_t* aligned_dest
 796     = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint32_t*>(align_down(dest, sizeof(uint32_t)));
 797   size_t offset = pointer_delta(dest, aligned_dest, 1);
 798   uint32_t cur = *aligned_dest;
 799   uint8_t* cur_as_bytes = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&cur);
 801   // current value may not be what we are looking for, so force it
 802   // to that value so the initial cmpxchg will fail if it is different
 803   cur_as_bytes[offset] = canon_compare_value;
 805   // always execute a real cmpxchg so that we get the required memory
 806   // barriers even on initial failure
 807   do {
 808     // value to swap in matches current value ...
 809     uint32_t new_value = cur;
 810     // ... except for the one jbyte we want to update
 811     reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&new_value)[offset] = canon_exchange_value;
 813     uint32_t res = cmpxchg(new_value, aligned_dest, cur, order);
 814     if (res == cur) break;      // success
 816     // at least one byte in the int changed value, so update
 817     // our view of the current int
 818     cur = res;
 819     // if our byte is still as cur we loop and try again
 820   } while (cur_as_bytes[offset] == canon_compare_value);
 822   return PrimitiveConversions::cast<T>(cur_as_bytes[offset]);
 823 }
 825 // Handle xchg for integral and enum types.
 826 //
 827 // All the involved types must be identical.
 828 template<typename T>
 829 struct Atomic::XchgImpl<
 830   T, T,

  28 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  29 #include "metaprogramming/conditional.hpp"
  30 #include "metaprogramming/enableIf.hpp"
  31 #include "metaprogramming/isIntegral.hpp"
  32 #include "metaprogramming/isPointer.hpp"
  33 #include "metaprogramming/isSame.hpp"
  34 #include "metaprogramming/primitiveConversions.hpp"
  35 #include "metaprogramming/removeCV.hpp"
  36 #include "metaprogramming/removePointer.hpp"
  37 #include "utilities/align.hpp"
  38 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  40 enum cmpxchg_memory_order {
  41   memory_order_relaxed,
  42   // Use value which doesn't interfere with C++2011. We need to be more conservative.
  43   memory_order_conservative = 8
  44 };
  46 class Atomic : AllStatic {
  47 public:
  48   // Atomic operations on int64 types are not available on all 32-bit
  49   // platforms. If atomic ops on int64 are defined here they must only
  50   // be used from code that verifies they are available at runtime and
  51   // can provide an alternative action if not - see supports_cx8() for
  52   // a means to test availability.
  54   // The memory operations that are mentioned with each of the atomic
  55   // function families come from src/share/vm/runtime/orderAccess.hpp,
  56   // e.g., <fence> is described in that file and is implemented by the
  57   // OrderAccess::fence() function. See that file for the gory details
  58   // on the Memory Access Ordering Model.
  60   // All of the atomic operations that imply a read-modify-write action
  61   // guarantee a two-way memory barrier across that operation. Historically
  62   // these semantics reflect the strength of atomic operations that are
  63   // provided on SPARC/X86. We assume that strength is necessary unless
  64   // we can prove that a weaker form is sufficiently safe.
  66   // Atomically store to a location
  67   // The type T must be either a pointer type convertible to or equal
  68   // to D, an integral/enum type equal to D, or a type equal to D that
  69   // is primitive convertible using PrimitiveConversions.

 622     STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(intptr_t) == sizeof(P*));
 623     STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uintptr_t) == sizeof(P*));
 624     typedef typename Conditional<IsSigned<I>::value,
 625                                  intptr_t,
 626                                  uintptr_t>::type CI;
 627     CI addend = add_value;
 628     return PlatformAdd<sizeof(P*)>()(addend, dest);
 629   }
 630 };
 632 // Most platforms do not support atomic add on a 2-byte value. However,
 633 // if the value occupies the most significant 16 bits of an aligned 32-bit
 634 // word, then we can do this with an atomic add of (add_value << 16)
 635 // to the 32-bit word.
 636 //
 637 // The least significant parts of this 32-bit word will never be affected, even
 638 // in case of overflow/underflow.
 639 //
 640 // Use the ATOMIC_SHORT_PAIR macro (see macros.hpp) to get the desired alignment.
 641 template<>
 642 struct Atomic::AddImpl<short, short> VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
 643   short operator()(short add_value, short volatile* dest) const {
 644 #ifdef VM_LITTLE_ENDIAN
 645     assert((intx(dest) & 0x03) == 0x02, "wrong alignment");
 646     int new_value = Atomic::add(add_value << 16, (volatile int*)(dest-1));
 647 #else
 648     assert((intx(dest) & 0x03) == 0x00, "wrong alignment");
 649     int new_value = Atomic::add(add_value << 16, (volatile int*)(dest));
 650 #endif
 651     return (short)(new_value >> 16); // preserves sign
 652   }
 653 };
 655 template<typename Derived>
 656 template<typename I, typename D>
 657 inline D Atomic::FetchAndAdd<Derived>::operator()(I add_value, D volatile* dest) const {
 658   I addend = add_value;
 659   // If D is a pointer type P*, scale by sizeof(P).
 660   if (IsPointer<D>::value) {
 661     addend *= sizeof(typename RemovePointer<D>::type);
 662   }
 663   D old = static_cast<const Derived*>(this)->fetch_and_add(addend, dest);
 664   return old + add_value;
 665 }
 667 template<typename Derived>
 668 template<typename I, typename D>
 669 inline D Atomic::AddAndFetch<Derived>::operator()(I add_value, D volatile* dest) const {
 670   // If D is a pointer type P*, scale by sizeof(P).
 671   if (IsPointer<D>::value) {

 790                                                  T compare_value,
 791                                                  cmpxchg_memory_order order) const {
 792   STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) == sizeof(uint8_t));
 793   uint8_t canon_exchange_value = exchange_value;
 794   uint8_t canon_compare_value = compare_value;
 795   volatile uint32_t* aligned_dest
 796     = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint32_t*>(align_down(dest, sizeof(uint32_t)));
 797   size_t offset = pointer_delta(dest, aligned_dest, 1);
 798   uint32_t cur = *aligned_dest;
 799   uint8_t* cur_as_bytes = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&cur);
 801   // current value may not be what we are looking for, so force it
 802   // to that value so the initial cmpxchg will fail if it is different
 803   cur_as_bytes[offset] = canon_compare_value;
 805   // always execute a real cmpxchg so that we get the required memory
 806   // barriers even on initial failure
 807   do {
 808     // value to swap in matches current value ...
 809     uint32_t new_value = cur;
 810     // ... except for the one byte we want to update
 811     reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&new_value)[offset] = canon_exchange_value;
 813     uint32_t res = cmpxchg(new_value, aligned_dest, cur, order);
 814     if (res == cur) break;      // success
 816     // at least one byte in the int changed value, so update
 817     // our view of the current int
 818     cur = res;
 819     // if our byte is still as cur we loop and try again
 820   } while (cur_as_bytes[offset] == canon_compare_value);
 822   return PrimitiveConversions::cast<T>(cur_as_bytes[offset]);
 823 }
 825 // Handle xchg for integral and enum types.
 826 //
 827 // All the involved types must be identical.
 828 template<typename T>
 829 struct Atomic::XchgImpl<
 830   T, T,

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