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@@ -134,19 +134,19 @@
   friend class ConstantPool;
   friend class InterpreterRuntime;
   volatile intx     _indices;  // constant pool index & rewrite bytecodes
-  volatile Metadata*   _f1;       // entry specific metadata field
+  Metadata* volatile   _f1;       // entry specific metadata field
   volatile intx        _f2;       // entry specific int/metadata field
   volatile intx     _flags;    // flags
   void set_bytecode_1(Bytecodes::Code code);
   void set_bytecode_2(Bytecodes::Code code);
   void set_f1(Metadata* f1) {
-    Metadata* existing_f1 = (Metadata*)_f1; // read once
+    Metadata* existing_f1 = _f1; // read once
     assert(existing_f1 == NULL || existing_f1 == f1, "illegal field change");
     _f1 = f1;
   void release_set_f1(Metadata* f1);
   void set_f2(intx f2) {

@@ -330,15 +330,15 @@
     return false;      // default: not resolved
   // Accessors
   int indices() const                            { return _indices; }
-  int indices_ord() const                        { return (intx)OrderAccess::load_ptr_acquire(&_indices); }
+  int indices_ord() const                        { return OrderAccess::load_acquire(&_indices); }
   int constant_pool_index() const                { return (indices() & cp_index_mask); }
   Bytecodes::Code bytecode_1() const             { return Bytecodes::cast((indices_ord() >> bytecode_1_shift) & bytecode_1_mask); }
   Bytecodes::Code bytecode_2() const             { return Bytecodes::cast((indices_ord() >> bytecode_2_shift) & bytecode_2_mask); }
-  Metadata* f1_ord() const                       { return (Metadata *)OrderAccess::load_ptr_acquire(&_f1); }
+  Metadata* f1_ord() const                       { return (Metadata *)OrderAccess::load_acquire(&_f1); }
   Method*   f1_as_method() const                 { Metadata* f1 = f1_ord(); assert(f1 == NULL || f1->is_method(), ""); return (Method*)f1; }
   Klass*    f1_as_klass() const                  { Metadata* f1 = f1_ord(); assert(f1 == NULL || f1->is_klass(), ""); return (Klass*)f1; }
   // Use the accessor f1() to acquire _f1's value. This is needed for
   // example in BytecodeInterpreter::run(), where is_f1_null() is
   // called to check if an invokedynamic call is resolved. This load
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