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1160                                                                             \
1161   develop(bool, UseStrictFP, true,                                          \
1162           "use strict fp if modifier strictfp is set")                      \
1163                                                                             \
1164   develop(bool, GenerateSynchronizationCode, true,                          \
1165           "generate locking/unlocking code for synchronized methods and "   \
1166           "monitors")                                                       \
1167                                                                             \
1168   develop(bool, GenerateRangeChecks, true,                                  \
1169           "Generate range checks for array accesses")                       \
1170                                                                             \
1171   diagnostic_pd(bool, ImplicitNullChecks,                                   \
1172           "Generate code for implicit null checks")                         \
1173                                                                             \
1174   product_pd(bool, TrapBasedNullChecks,                                     \
1175           "Generate code for null checks that uses a cmp and trap "         \
1176           "instruction raising SIGTRAP.  This is only used if an access to" \
1177           "null (+offset) will not raise a SIGSEGV, i.e.,"                  \
1178           "ImplicitNullChecks don't work (PPC64).")                         \
1179                                                                             \
1180   product(bool, PrintSafepointStatistics, false,                            \
1181           "(Deprecated) Print statistics about safepoint synchronization")  \
1182                                                                             \
1183   product(intx, PrintSafepointStatisticsCount, 300,                         \
1184           "(Deprecated) Total number of safepoint statistics collected "    \
1185           "before printing them out")                                       \
1186           range(1, max_intx)                                                \
1187                                                                             \
1188   product(intx, PrintSafepointStatisticsTimeout,  -1,                       \
1189           "(Deprecated) Print safepoint statistics only when safepoint takes "  \
1190           "more than PrintSafepointSatisticsTimeout in millis")             \
1191   LP64_ONLY(range(-1, max_intx/MICROUNITS))                                 \
1192   NOT_LP64(range(-1, max_intx))                                             \
1193                                                                             \
1194   diagnostic(bool, EnableThreadSMRExtraValidityChecks, true,                \
1195              "Enable Thread SMR extra validity checks")                     \
1196                                                                             \
1197   diagnostic(bool, EnableThreadSMRStatistics, trueInDebug,                  \
1198              "Enable Thread SMR Statistics")                                \
1199                                                                             \
1200   product(bool, Inline, true,                                               \
1201           "Enable inlining")                                                \
1202                                                                             \
1203   product(bool, ClipInlining, true,                                         \
1204           "Clip inlining if aggregate method exceeds DesiredMethodLimit")   \
1205                                                                             \
1206   develop(bool, UseCHA, true,                                               \
1207           "Enable CHA")                                                     \
1208                                                                             \
1209   product(bool, UseTypeProfile, true,                                       \
1210           "Check interpreter profile for historically monomorphic calls")   \
1211                                                                             \
1212   diagnostic(bool, PrintInlining, false,                                    \
1213           "Print inlining optimizations")                                   \

1160                                                                             \
1161   develop(bool, UseStrictFP, true,                                          \
1162           "use strict fp if modifier strictfp is set")                      \
1163                                                                             \
1164   develop(bool, GenerateSynchronizationCode, true,                          \
1165           "generate locking/unlocking code for synchronized methods and "   \
1166           "monitors")                                                       \
1167                                                                             \
1168   develop(bool, GenerateRangeChecks, true,                                  \
1169           "Generate range checks for array accesses")                       \
1170                                                                             \
1171   diagnostic_pd(bool, ImplicitNullChecks,                                   \
1172           "Generate code for implicit null checks")                         \
1173                                                                             \
1174   product_pd(bool, TrapBasedNullChecks,                                     \
1175           "Generate code for null checks that uses a cmp and trap "         \
1176           "instruction raising SIGTRAP.  This is only used if an access to" \
1177           "null (+offset) will not raise a SIGSEGV, i.e.,"                  \
1178           "ImplicitNullChecks don't work (PPC64).")                         \
1179                                                                             \

1180   diagnostic(bool, EnableThreadSMRExtraValidityChecks, true,                \
1181              "Enable Thread SMR extra validity checks")                     \
1182                                                                             \
1183   diagnostic(bool, EnableThreadSMRStatistics, trueInDebug,                  \
1184              "Enable Thread SMR Statistics")                                \
1185                                                                             \
1186   product(bool, Inline, true,                                               \
1187           "Enable inlining")                                                \
1188                                                                             \
1189   product(bool, ClipInlining, true,                                         \
1190           "Clip inlining if aggregate method exceeds DesiredMethodLimit")   \
1191                                                                             \
1192   develop(bool, UseCHA, true,                                               \
1193           "Enable CHA")                                                     \
1194                                                                             \
1195   product(bool, UseTypeProfile, true,                                       \
1196           "Check interpreter profile for historically monomorphic calls")   \
1197                                                                             \
1198   diagnostic(bool, PrintInlining, false,                                    \
1199           "Print inlining optimizations")                                   \

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