1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "classfile/javaClasses.inline.hpp"
  27 #include "jfr/recorder/checkpoint/types/traceid/jfrTraceIdEpoch.hpp"
  28 #include "jfr/recorder/service/jfrOptionSet.hpp"
  29 #include "jfr/recorder/storage/jfrMemorySpace.inline.hpp"
  30 #include "jfr/recorder/repository/jfrChunkWriter.hpp"
  31 #include "jfr/recorder/storage/jfrStorageUtils.inline.hpp"
  32 #include "jfr/recorder/stringpool/jfrStringPool.hpp"
  33 #include "jfr/recorder/stringpool/jfrStringPoolWriter.hpp"
  34 #include "jfr/utilities/jfrTypes.hpp"
  35 #include "logging/log.hpp"
  36 #include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
  37 #include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
  38 #include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
  39 #include "runtime/safepoint.hpp"
  40 #include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp"
  42 typedef JfrStringPool::Buffer* BufferPtr;
  44 static JfrStringPool* _instance = NULL;
  46 JfrStringPool& JfrStringPool::instance() {
  47   return *_instance;
  48 }
  50 JfrStringPool* JfrStringPool::create(JfrChunkWriter& cw) {
  51   assert(_instance == NULL, "invariant");
  52   _instance = new JfrStringPool(cw);
  53   return _instance;
  54 }
  56 void JfrStringPool::destroy() {
  57   assert(_instance != NULL, "invariant");
  58   delete _instance;
  59   _instance = NULL;
  60 }
  62 JfrStringPool::JfrStringPool(JfrChunkWriter& cw) : _free_list_mspace(NULL), _lock(NULL), _chunkwriter(cw) {}
  64 JfrStringPool::~JfrStringPool() {
  65   if (_free_list_mspace != NULL) {
  66     delete _free_list_mspace;
  67   }
  68   if (_lock != NULL) {
  69     delete _lock;
  70   }
  71 }
  73 static const size_t unlimited_mspace_size = 0;
  74 static const size_t string_pool_cache_count = 2;
  75 static const size_t string_pool_buffer_size = 512 * K;
  77 bool JfrStringPool::initialize() {
  78   assert(_free_list_mspace == NULL, "invariant");
  79   _free_list_mspace = new JfrStringPoolMspace(string_pool_buffer_size, unlimited_mspace_size, string_pool_cache_count, this);
  80   if (_free_list_mspace == NULL || !_free_list_mspace->initialize()) {
  81     return false;
  82   }
  83   assert(_lock == NULL, "invariant");
  84   _lock = new Mutex(Monitor::leaf - 1, "Checkpoint mutex", Mutex::_allow_vm_block_flag, Monitor::_safepoint_check_never);
  85   return _lock != NULL;
  86 }
  88 /*
  89 * If the buffer was a "lease" from the global system, release back.
  90 *
  91 * The buffer is effectively invalidated for the thread post-return,
  92 * and the caller should take means to ensure that it is not referenced any longer.
  93 */
  94 static void release(BufferPtr buffer, Thread* thread) {
  95   assert(buffer != NULL, "invariant");
  96   assert(buffer->lease(), "invariant");
  97   assert(buffer->acquired_by_self(), "invariant");
  98   buffer->clear_lease();
  99   buffer->release();
 100 }
 102 BufferPtr JfrStringPool::flush(BufferPtr old, size_t used, size_t requested, Thread* thread) {
 103   assert(old != NULL, "invariant");
 104   assert(old->lease(), "invariant");
 105   if (0 == requested) {
 106     // indicates a lease is being returned
 107     release(old, thread);
 108     return NULL;
 109   }
 110   // migration of in-flight information
 111   BufferPtr const new_buffer = lease_buffer(thread, used + requested);
 112   if (new_buffer != NULL) {
 113     migrate_outstanding_writes(old, new_buffer, used, requested);
 114   }
 115   release(old, thread);
 116   return new_buffer; // might be NULL
 117 }
 119 static const size_t lease_retry = 10;
 121 BufferPtr JfrStringPool::lease_buffer(Thread* thread, size_t size /* 0 */) {
 122   BufferPtr buffer = mspace_get_free_lease_with_retry(size, instance()._free_list_mspace, lease_retry, thread);
 123   if (buffer == NULL) {
 124     buffer = mspace_allocate_transient_lease_to_free(size,  instance()._free_list_mspace, thread);
 125   }
 126   assert(buffer->acquired_by_self(), "invariant");
 127   assert(buffer->lease(), "invariant");
 128   return buffer;
 129 }
 131 bool JfrStringPool::add(bool epoch, jlong id, jstring string, JavaThread* jt) {
 132   assert(jt != NULL, "invariant");
 133   const bool current_epoch = JfrTraceIdEpoch::epoch();
 134   if (current_epoch == epoch) {
 135     JfrStringPoolWriter writer(jt);
 136     writer.write(id);
 137     writer.write(string);
 138     writer.inc_nof_strings();
 139   }
 140   return current_epoch;
 141 }
 143 class StringPoolWriteOp  {
 144  public:
 145   typedef JfrStringPoolBuffer Type;
 146  private:
 147   UnBufferedWriteToChunk<Type> _writer;
 148   Thread* _thread;
 149   size_t _strings_processed;
 150  public:
 151   StringPoolWriteOp(JfrChunkWriter& writer, Thread* thread) : _writer(writer), _thread(thread), _strings_processed(0) {}
 152   bool write(Type* buffer, const u1* data, size_t size) {
 153     buffer->acquire(_thread); // blocking
 154     const u4 nof_strings_used = (const u4)buffer->string_count();
 155     assert(nof_strings_used > 0, "invariant");
 156     buffer->set_string_top(buffer->string_top() + nof_strings_used);
 157     // "size processed" for string pool buffers is the number of processed string elements
 158     _strings_processed += nof_strings_used;
 159     const bool ret = _writer.write(buffer, data, size);
 160     buffer->release();
 161     return ret;
 162   }
 163   size_t processed() { return _strings_processed; }
 164 };
 166 typedef StringPoolWriteOp WriteOperation;
 167 typedef ConcurrentWriteOp<WriteOperation> ConcurrentWriteOperation;
 169 size_t JfrStringPool::write() {
 170   Thread* const thread = Thread::current();
 171   WriteOperation wo(_chunkwriter, thread);
 172   ConcurrentWriteOperation cwo(wo);
 173   assert(_free_list_mspace->is_full_empty(), "invariant");
 174   process_free_list(cwo, _free_list_mspace);
 175   return wo.processed();
 176 }
 178 typedef MutexedWriteOp<WriteOperation> MutexedWriteOperation;
 179 typedef ReleaseOp<JfrStringPoolMspace> StringPoolReleaseOperation;
 180 typedef CompositeOperation<MutexedWriteOperation, StringPoolReleaseOperation> StringPoolWriteOperation;
 182 size_t JfrStringPool::write_at_safepoint() {
 183   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "invariant");
 184   Thread* const thread = Thread::current();
 185   WriteOperation wo(_chunkwriter, thread);
 186   MutexedWriteOperation mwo(wo);
 187   StringPoolReleaseOperation spro(_free_list_mspace, thread, false);
 188   StringPoolWriteOperation spwo(&mwo, &spro);
 189   assert(_free_list_mspace->is_full_empty(), "invariant");
 190   process_free_list(spwo, _free_list_mspace);
 191   return wo.processed();
 192 }
 194 class StringPoolBufferDiscarder {
 195  private:
 196   Thread* _thread;
 197   size_t _processed;
 198  public:
 199   typedef JfrStringPoolBuffer Type;
 200   StringPoolBufferDiscarder() : _thread(Thread::current()), _processed(0) {}
 201   bool process(Type* buffer) {
 202     buffer->acquire(_thread); // serialized access
 203     const u1* const current_top = buffer->top();
 204     const size_t unflushed_size = buffer->pos() - current_top;
 205     if (unflushed_size == 0) {
 206       assert(buffer->string_count() == 0, "invariant");
 207       buffer->release();
 208       return true;
 209     }
 210     buffer->set_top(current_top + unflushed_size);
 211     const u4 nof_strings_used = buffer->string_count();
 212     buffer->set_string_top(buffer->string_top() + nof_strings_used);
 213     // "size processed" for string pool buffers is the number of string elements
 214     _processed += nof_strings_used;
 215     buffer->release();
 216     return true;
 217   }
 218   size_t processed() const { return _processed; }
 219 };
 221 size_t JfrStringPool::clear() {
 222   StringPoolBufferDiscarder discard_operation;
 223   assert(_free_list_mspace->is_full_empty(), "invariant");
 224   process_free_list(discard_operation, _free_list_mspace);
 225   return discard_operation.processed();
 226 }
 228 void JfrStringPool::register_full(BufferPtr t, Thread* thread) {
 229   // nothing here at the moment
 230   assert(t->retired(), "invariant");
 231 }
 233 void JfrStringPool::lock() {
 234   assert(!_lock->owned_by_self(), "invariant");
 235   _lock->lock_without_safepoint_check();
 236 }
 238 void JfrStringPool::unlock() {
 239   _lock->unlock();
 240 }
 242 #ifdef ASSERT
 243 bool JfrStringPool::is_locked() const {
 244   return _lock->owned_by_self();
 245 }
 246 #endif