1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2012, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "jvm.h"
  27 #include "classfile/classLoaderDataGraph.hpp"
  28 #include "classfile/classLoaderStats.hpp"
  29 #include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
  30 #include "code/codeCache.hpp"
  31 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
  32 #include "gc/g1/g1HeapRegionEventSender.hpp"
  33 #include "gc/shared/gcConfiguration.hpp"
  34 #include "gc/shared/gcTrace.hpp"
  35 #include "gc/shared/objectCountEventSender.hpp"
  36 #include "gc/shared/vmGCOperations.hpp"
  37 #include "jfr/jfrEvents.hpp"
  38 #include "jfr/periodic/jfrModuleEvent.hpp"
  39 #include "jfr/periodic/jfrOSInterface.hpp"
  40 #include "jfr/periodic/jfrThreadCPULoadEvent.hpp"
  41 #include "jfr/periodic/jfrThreadDumpEvent.hpp"
  42 #include "jfr/periodic/jfrNetworkUtilization.hpp"
  43 #include "jfr/recorder/jfrRecorder.hpp"
  44 #include "jfr/support/jfrThreadId.hpp"
  45 #include "jfr/utilities/jfrTime.hpp"
  46 #include "jfrfiles/jfrPeriodic.hpp"
  47 #include "logging/log.hpp"
  48 #include "memory/heapInspection.hpp"
  49 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  50 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  51 #include "runtime/arguments.hpp"
  52 #include "runtime/flags/jvmFlag.hpp"
  53 #include "runtime/globals.hpp"
  54 #include "runtime/os.hpp"
  55 #include "runtime/os_perf.hpp"
  56 #include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp"
  57 #include "runtime/threadSMR.hpp"
  58 #include "runtime/sweeper.hpp"
  59 #include "runtime/vmThread.hpp"
  60 #include "services/classLoadingService.hpp"
  61 #include "services/management.hpp"
  62 #include "services/threadService.hpp"
  63 #include "utilities/exceptions.hpp"
  64 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
  66 /**
  67  *  JfrPeriodic class
  68  *  Implementation of declarations in
  69  *  xsl generated traceRequestables.hpp
  70  */
  71 #define TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(id)    void JfrPeriodicEventSet::request##id(void)
  73 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(JVMInformation) {
  74   ResourceMark rm;
  75   EventJVMInformation event;
  76   event.set_jvmName(VM_Version::vm_name());
  77   event.set_jvmVersion(VM_Version::internal_vm_info_string());
  78   event.set_javaArguments(Arguments::java_command());
  79   event.set_jvmArguments(Arguments::jvm_args());
  80   event.set_jvmFlags(Arguments::jvm_flags());
  81   event.set_jvmStartTime(Management::vm_init_done_time());
  82   event.commit();
  83  }
  85 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(OSInformation) {
  86   ResourceMark rm;
  87   char* os_name = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, 2048);
  88   JfrOSInterface::os_version(&os_name);
  89   EventOSInformation event;
  90   event.set_osVersion(os_name);
  91   event.commit();
  92 }
  94 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ModuleRequire) {
  95   JfrModuleEvent::generate_module_dependency_events();
  96 }
  98 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ModuleExport) {
  99   JfrModuleEvent::generate_module_export_events();
 100 }
 102 /*
 103  * This is left empty on purpose, having ExecutionSample as a requestable
 104  * is a way of getting the period. The period is passed to ThreadSampling::update_period.
 105  * Implementation in jfrSamples.cpp
 106  */
 107 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ExecutionSample) {
 108 }
 109 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(NativeMethodSample) {
 110 }
 112 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ThreadDump) {
 113   ResourceMark rm;
 114   EventThreadDump event;
 115   event.set_result(JfrDcmdEvent::thread_dump());
 116   event.commit();
 117 }
 119 static int _native_library_callback(const char* name, address base, address top, void *param) {
 120   EventNativeLibrary event(UNTIMED);
 121   event.set_name(name);
 122   event.set_baseAddress((u8)base);
 123   event.set_topAddress((u8)top);
 124   event.set_endtime(*(JfrTicks*) param);
 125   event.commit();
 126   return 0;
 127 }
 129 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(NativeLibrary) {
 130   JfrTicks ts= JfrTicks::now();
 131   os::get_loaded_modules_info(&_native_library_callback, (void *)&ts);
 132 }
 134 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(InitialEnvironmentVariable) {
 135   JfrOSInterface::generate_initial_environment_variable_events();
 136 }
 138 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CPUInformation) {
 139   CPUInformation cpu_info;
 140   int ret_val = JfrOSInterface::cpu_information(cpu_info);
 141   if (ret_val == OS_ERR) {
 142     log_debug(jfr, system)( "Unable to generate requestable event CPUInformation");
 143     return;
 144   }
 145   if (ret_val == FUNCTIONALITY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) {
 146      return;
 147   }
 148   if (ret_val == OS_OK) {
 149     EventCPUInformation event;
 150     event.set_cpu(cpu_info.cpu_name());
 151     event.set_description(cpu_info.cpu_description());
 152     event.set_sockets(cpu_info.number_of_sockets());
 153     event.set_cores(cpu_info.number_of_cores());
 154     event.set_hwThreads(cpu_info.number_of_hardware_threads());
 155     event.commit();
 156   }
 157 }
 160   double u = 0; // user time
 161   double s = 0; // kernel time
 162   double t = 0; // total time
 163   int ret_val = JfrOSInterface::cpu_loads_process(&u, &s, &t);
 164   if (ret_val == OS_ERR) {
 165     log_debug(jfr, system)( "Unable to generate requestable event CPULoad");
 166     return;
 167   }
 168   if (ret_val == OS_OK) {
 169     EventCPULoad event;
 170     event.set_jvmUser((float)u);
 171     event.set_jvmSystem((float)s);
 172     event.set_machineTotal((float)t);
 173     event.commit();
 174   }
 175 }
 178   JfrThreadCPULoadEvent::send_events();
 179 }
 181 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(NetworkUtilization) {
 182   JfrNetworkUtilization::send_events();
 183 }
 185 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CPUTimeStampCounter) {
 186   EventCPUTimeStampCounter event;
 187   event.set_fastTimeEnabled(JfrTime::is_ft_enabled());
 188   event.set_fastTimeAutoEnabled(JfrTime::is_ft_supported());
 189   event.set_osFrequency(os::elapsed_frequency());
 190   event.set_fastTimeFrequency(JfrTime::frequency());
 191   event.commit();
 192 }
 194 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(SystemProcess) {
 195   char pid_buf[16];
 196   SystemProcess* processes = NULL;
 197   int num_of_processes = 0;
 198   JfrTicks start_time = JfrTicks::now();
 199   int ret_val = JfrOSInterface::system_processes(&processes, &num_of_processes);
 200   if (ret_val == OS_ERR) {
 201     log_debug(jfr, system)( "Unable to generate requestable event SystemProcesses");
 202     return;
 203   }
 204   JfrTicks end_time = JfrTicks::now();
 205   if (ret_val == FUNCTIONALITY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) {
 206     return;
 207   }
 208   if (ret_val == OS_OK) {
 209     // feature is implemented, write real event
 210     while (processes != NULL) {
 211       SystemProcess* tmp = processes;
 212       const char* info = processes->command_line();
 213       if (info == NULL) {
 214          info = processes->path();
 215       }
 216       if (info == NULL) {
 217          info = processes->name();
 218       }
 219       if (info == NULL) {
 220          info = "?";
 221       }
 222       jio_snprintf(pid_buf, sizeof(pid_buf), "%d", processes->pid());
 223       EventSystemProcess event(UNTIMED);
 224       event.set_pid(pid_buf);
 225       event.set_commandLine(info);
 226       event.set_starttime(start_time);
 227       event.set_endtime(end_time);
 228       event.commit();
 229       processes = processes->next();
 230       delete tmp;
 231     }
 232   }
 233 }
 235 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ThreadContextSwitchRate) {
 236   double rate = 0.0;
 237   int ret_val = JfrOSInterface::context_switch_rate(&rate);
 238   if (ret_val == OS_ERR) {
 239     log_debug(jfr, system)( "Unable to generate requestable event ThreadContextSwitchRate");
 240     return;
 241   }
 242   if (ret_val == FUNCTIONALITY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) {
 243     return;
 244   }
 245   if (ret_val == OS_OK) {
 246     EventThreadContextSwitchRate event;
 247     event.set_switchRate((float)rate + 0.0f);
 248     event.commit();
 249   }
 250 }
 252 #define SEND_FLAGS_OF_TYPE(eventType, flagType)                   \
 253   do {                                                            \
 254     JVMFlag *flag = JVMFlag::flags;                               \
 255     while (flag->_name != NULL) {                                 \
 256       if (flag->is_ ## flagType()) {                              \
 257         if (flag->is_unlocked()) {                                \
 258           Event ## eventType event;                               \
 259           event.set_name(flag->_name);                            \
 260           event.set_value(flag->get_ ## flagType());              \
 261           event.set_origin(flag->get_origin());                   \
 262           event.commit();                                         \
 263         }                                                         \
 264       }                                                           \
 265       ++flag;                                                     \
 266     }                                                             \
 267   } while (0)
 270   SEND_FLAGS_OF_TYPE(IntFlag, int);
 271 }
 273 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(UnsignedIntFlag) {
 274   SEND_FLAGS_OF_TYPE(UnsignedIntFlag, uint);
 275 }
 278   SEND_FLAGS_OF_TYPE(LongFlag, intx);
 279 }
 281 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(UnsignedLongFlag) {
 282   SEND_FLAGS_OF_TYPE(UnsignedLongFlag, uintx);
 283   SEND_FLAGS_OF_TYPE(UnsignedLongFlag, uint64_t);
 284   SEND_FLAGS_OF_TYPE(UnsignedLongFlag, size_t);
 285 }
 287 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(DoubleFlag) {
 288   SEND_FLAGS_OF_TYPE(DoubleFlag, double);
 289 }
 291 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(BooleanFlag) {
 292   SEND_FLAGS_OF_TYPE(BooleanFlag, bool);
 293 }
 295 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(StringFlag) {
 296   SEND_FLAGS_OF_TYPE(StringFlag, ccstr);
 297 }
 299 class VM_GC_SendObjectCountEvent : public VM_GC_HeapInspection {
 300  public:
 301   VM_GC_SendObjectCountEvent() : VM_GC_HeapInspection(NULL, true) {}
 302   virtual void doit() {
 303     ObjectCountEventSender::enable_requestable_event();
 304     collect();
 305     ObjectCountEventSender::disable_requestable_event();
 306   }
 307 };
 309 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ObjectCount) {
 310   VM_GC_SendObjectCountEvent op;
 311   VMThread::execute(&op);
 312 }
 314 class VM_G1SendHeapRegionInfoEvents : public VM_Operation {
 315   virtual void doit() {
 316     G1HeapRegionEventSender::send_events();
 317   }
 318   virtual VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_HeapIterateOperation; }
 319 };
 321 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(G1HeapRegionInformation) {
 322   if (UseG1GC) {
 323     VM_G1SendHeapRegionInfoEvents op;
 324     VMThread::execute(&op);
 325   }
 326 }
 328 // Java Mission Control (JMC) uses (Java) Long.MIN_VALUE to describe that a
 329 // long value is undefined.
 330 static jlong jmc_undefined_long = min_jlong;
 332 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCConfiguration) {
 333   GCConfiguration conf;
 334   jlong pause_target = conf.has_pause_target_default_value() ? jmc_undefined_long : conf.pause_target();
 335   EventGCConfiguration event;
 336   event.set_youngCollector(conf.young_collector());
 337   event.set_oldCollector(conf.old_collector());
 338   event.set_parallelGCThreads(conf.num_parallel_gc_threads());
 339   event.set_concurrentGCThreads(conf.num_concurrent_gc_threads());
 340   event.set_usesDynamicGCThreads(conf.uses_dynamic_gc_threads());
 341   event.set_isExplicitGCConcurrent(conf.is_explicit_gc_concurrent());
 342   event.set_isExplicitGCDisabled(conf.is_explicit_gc_disabled());
 343   event.set_gcTimeRatio(conf.gc_time_ratio());
 344   event.set_pauseTarget((s8)pause_target);
 345   event.commit();
 346 }
 348 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCTLABConfiguration) {
 349   GCTLABConfiguration conf;
 350   EventGCTLABConfiguration event;
 351   event.set_usesTLABs(conf.uses_tlabs());
 352   event.set_minTLABSize(conf.min_tlab_size());
 353   event.set_tlabRefillWasteLimit(conf.tlab_refill_waste_limit());
 354   event.commit();
 355 }
 357 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCSurvivorConfiguration) {
 358   GCSurvivorConfiguration conf;
 359   EventGCSurvivorConfiguration event;
 360   event.set_maxTenuringThreshold(conf.max_tenuring_threshold());
 361   event.set_initialTenuringThreshold(conf.initial_tenuring_threshold());
 362   event.commit();
 363 }
 365 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(GCHeapConfiguration) {
 366   GCHeapConfiguration conf;
 367   EventGCHeapConfiguration event;
 368   event.set_minSize(conf.min_size());
 369   event.set_maxSize(conf.max_size());
 370   event.set_initialSize(conf.initial_size());
 371   event.set_usesCompressedOops(conf.uses_compressed_oops());
 372   event.set_compressedOopsMode(conf.narrow_oop_mode());
 373   event.set_objectAlignment(conf.object_alignment_in_bytes());
 374   event.set_heapAddressBits(conf.heap_address_size_in_bits());
 375   event.commit();
 376 }
 378 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(YoungGenerationConfiguration) {
 379   GCYoungGenerationConfiguration conf;
 380   jlong max_size = conf.has_max_size_default_value() ? jmc_undefined_long : conf.max_size();
 381   EventYoungGenerationConfiguration event;
 382   event.set_maxSize((u8)max_size);
 383   event.set_minSize(conf.min_size());
 384   event.set_newRatio(conf.new_ratio());
 385   event.commit();
 386 }
 388 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(InitialSystemProperty) {
 389   SystemProperty* p = Arguments::system_properties();
 390   JfrTicks time_stamp = JfrTicks::now();
 391   while (p !=  NULL) {
 392     if (!p->internal()) {
 393       EventInitialSystemProperty event(UNTIMED);
 394       event.set_key(p->key());
 395       event.set_value(p->value());
 396       event.set_endtime(time_stamp);
 397       event.commit();
 398     }
 399     p = p->next();
 400   }
 401 }
 403 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ThreadAllocationStatistics) {
 404   ResourceMark rm;
 405   int initial_size = Threads::number_of_threads();
 406   GrowableArray<jlong> allocated(initial_size);
 407   GrowableArray<traceid> thread_ids(initial_size);
 408   JfrTicks time_stamp = JfrTicks::now();
 409   {
 410     // Collect allocation statistics while holding threads lock
 411     MutexLockerEx ml(Threads_lock);
 412     for (JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle jtiwh; JavaThread *jt = jtiwh.next(); ) {
 413       allocated.append(jt->cooked_allocated_bytes());
 414       thread_ids.append(JFR_THREAD_ID(jt));
 415     }
 416   }
 418   // Write allocation statistics to buffer.
 419   for(int i = 0; i < thread_ids.length(); i++) {
 420     EventThreadAllocationStatistics event(UNTIMED);
 421     event.set_allocated(allocated.at(i));
 422     event.set_thread(thread_ids.at(i));
 423     event.set_endtime(time_stamp);
 424     event.commit();
 425   }
 426 }
 428 /**
 429  *  PhysicalMemory event represents:
 430  *
 431  *  @totalSize == The amount of physical memory (hw) installed and reported by the OS, in bytes.
 432  *  @usedSize  == The amount of physical memory currently in use in the system (reserved/committed), in bytes.
 433  *
 434  *  Both fields are systemwide, i.e. represents the entire OS/HW environment.
 435  *  These fields do not include virtual memory.
 436  *
 437  *  If running inside a guest OS on top of a hypervisor in a virtualized environment,
 438  *  the total memory reported is the amount of memory configured for the guest OS by the hypervisor.
 439  */
 440 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(PhysicalMemory) {
 441   u8 totalPhysicalMemory = os::physical_memory();
 442   EventPhysicalMemory event;
 443   event.set_totalSize(totalPhysicalMemory);
 444   event.set_usedSize(totalPhysicalMemory - os::available_memory());
 445   event.commit();
 446 }
 448 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(JavaThreadStatistics) {
 449   EventJavaThreadStatistics event;
 450   event.set_activeCount(ThreadService::get_live_thread_count());
 451   event.set_daemonCount(ThreadService::get_daemon_thread_count());
 452   event.set_accumulatedCount(ThreadService::get_total_thread_count());
 453   event.set_peakCount(ThreadService::get_peak_thread_count());
 454   event.commit();
 455 }
 457 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ClassLoadingStatistics) {
 458   EventClassLoadingStatistics event;
 459   event.set_loadedClassCount(ClassLoadingService::loaded_class_count());
 460   event.set_unloadedClassCount(ClassLoadingService::unloaded_class_count());
 461   event.commit();
 462 }
 464 class JfrClassLoaderStatsClosure : public ClassLoaderStatsClosure {
 465 public:
 466   JfrClassLoaderStatsClosure() : ClassLoaderStatsClosure(NULL) {}
 468   bool do_entry(oop const& key, ClassLoaderStats* const& cls) {
 469     const ClassLoaderData* this_cld = cls->_class_loader != NULL ?
 470       java_lang_ClassLoader::loader_data_acquire(cls->_class_loader) : NULL;
 471     const ClassLoaderData* parent_cld = cls->_parent != NULL ?
 472       java_lang_ClassLoader::loader_data_acquire(cls->_parent) : NULL;
 473     EventClassLoaderStatistics event;
 474     event.set_classLoader(this_cld);
 475     event.set_parentClassLoader(parent_cld);
 476     event.set_classLoaderData((intptr_t)cls->_cld);
 477     event.set_classCount(cls->_classes_count);
 478     event.set_chunkSize(cls->_chunk_sz);
 479     event.set_blockSize(cls->_block_sz);
 480     event.set_unsafeAnonymousClassCount(cls->_anon_classes_count);
 481     event.set_unsafeAnonymousChunkSize(cls->_anon_chunk_sz);
 482     event.set_unsafeAnonymousBlockSize(cls->_anon_block_sz);
 483     event.commit();
 484     return true;
 485   }
 487   void createEvents(void) {
 488     _stats->iterate(this);
 489   }
 490 };
 492 class JfrClassLoaderStatsVMOperation : public ClassLoaderStatsVMOperation {
 493  public:
 494   JfrClassLoaderStatsVMOperation() : ClassLoaderStatsVMOperation(NULL) { }
 496   void doit() {
 497     JfrClassLoaderStatsClosure clsc;
 498     ClassLoaderDataGraph::cld_do(&clsc);
 499     clsc.createEvents();
 500   }
 501 };
 503 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(ClassLoaderStatistics) {
 504   JfrClassLoaderStatsVMOperation op;
 505   VMThread::execute(&op);
 506 }
 508 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CompilerStatistics) {
 509   EventCompilerStatistics event;
 510   event.set_compileCount(CompileBroker::get_total_compile_count());
 511   event.set_bailoutCount(CompileBroker::get_total_bailout_count());
 512   event.set_invalidatedCount(CompileBroker::get_total_invalidated_count());
 513   event.set_osrCompileCount(CompileBroker::get_total_osr_compile_count());
 514   event.set_standardCompileCount(CompileBroker::get_total_standard_compile_count());
 515   event.set_osrBytesCompiled(CompileBroker::get_sum_osr_bytes_compiled());
 516   event.set_standardBytesCompiled(CompileBroker::get_sum_standard_bytes_compiled());
 517   event.set_nmetodsSize(CompileBroker::get_sum_nmethod_size());
 518   event.set_nmetodCodeSize(CompileBroker::get_sum_nmethod_code_size());
 519   event.set_peakTimeSpent(CompileBroker::get_peak_compilation_time());
 520   event.set_totalTimeSpent(CompileBroker::get_total_compilation_time());
 521   event.commit();
 522 }
 524 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CompilerConfiguration) {
 525   EventCompilerConfiguration event;
 526   event.set_threadCount(CICompilerCount);
 527   event.set_tieredCompilation(TieredCompilation);
 528   event.commit();
 529 }
 531 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CodeCacheStatistics) {
 532   // Emit stats for all available code heaps
 533   for (int bt = 0; bt < CodeBlobType::NumTypes; ++bt) {
 534     if (CodeCache::heap_available(bt)) {
 535       EventCodeCacheStatistics event;
 536       event.set_codeBlobType((u1)bt);
 537       event.set_startAddress((u8)CodeCache::low_bound(bt));
 538       event.set_reservedTopAddress((u8)CodeCache::high_bound(bt));
 539       event.set_entryCount(CodeCache::blob_count(bt));
 540       event.set_methodCount(CodeCache::nmethod_count(bt));
 541       event.set_adaptorCount(CodeCache::adapter_count(bt));
 542       event.set_unallocatedCapacity(CodeCache::unallocated_capacity(bt));
 543       event.set_fullCount(CodeCache::get_codemem_full_count(bt));
 544       event.commit();
 545     }
 546   }
 547 }
 549 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CodeCacheConfiguration) {
 550   EventCodeCacheConfiguration event;
 551   event.set_initialSize(InitialCodeCacheSize);
 552   event.set_reservedSize(ReservedCodeCacheSize);
 553   event.set_nonNMethodSize(NonNMethodCodeHeapSize);
 554   event.set_profiledSize(ProfiledCodeHeapSize);
 555   event.set_nonProfiledSize(NonProfiledCodeHeapSize);
 556   event.set_expansionSize(CodeCacheExpansionSize);
 557   event.set_minBlockLength(CodeCacheMinBlockLength);
 558   event.set_startAddress((u8)CodeCache::low_bound());
 559   event.set_reservedTopAddress((u8)CodeCache::high_bound());
 560   event.commit();
 561 }
 563 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CodeSweeperStatistics) {
 564   EventCodeSweeperStatistics event;
 565   event.set_sweepCount(NMethodSweeper::traversal_count());
 566   event.set_methodReclaimedCount(NMethodSweeper::total_nof_methods_reclaimed());
 567   event.set_totalSweepTime(NMethodSweeper::total_time_sweeping());
 568   event.set_peakFractionTime(NMethodSweeper::peak_sweep_fraction_time());
 569   event.set_peakSweepTime(NMethodSweeper::peak_sweep_time());
 570   event.commit();
 571 }
 573 TRACE_REQUEST_FUNC(CodeSweeperConfiguration) {
 574   EventCodeSweeperConfiguration event;
 575   event.set_sweeperEnabled(MethodFlushing);
 576   event.set_flushingEnabled(UseCodeCacheFlushing);
 577   event.commit();
 578 }