1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 #include "classfile/classLoaderData.hpp"
  29 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  30 #include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
  31 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  33 // GC root for walking class loader data created
  35 class ClassLoaderDataGraph : public AllStatic {
  36   friend class ClassLoaderData;
  37   friend class ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator;
  38   friend class ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic;
  39   friend class ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorStatic;
  40   friend class ClassLoaderDataGraphIterator;
  41   friend class VMStructs;
  42  private:
  43   // All CLDs (except the null CLD) can be reached by walking _head->_next->...
  44   static ClassLoaderData* _head;
  45   static ClassLoaderData* _unloading;
  46   // CMS support.
  47   static ClassLoaderData* _saved_head;
  48   static ClassLoaderData* _saved_unloading;
  49   static bool _should_purge;
  51   // Set if there's anything to purge in the deallocate lists or previous versions
  52   // during a safepoint after class unloading in a full GC.
  53   static bool _should_clean_deallocate_lists;
  54   static bool _safepoint_cleanup_needed;
  56   // OOM has been seen in metaspace allocation. Used to prevent some
  57   // allocations until class unloading
  58   static bool _metaspace_oom;
  60   static volatile size_t  _num_instance_classes;
  61   static volatile size_t  _num_array_classes;
  63   static ClassLoaderData* add_to_graph(Handle class_loader, bool is_unsafe_anonymous);
  64   static ClassLoaderData* add(Handle class_loader, bool is_unsafe_anonymous);
  66  public:
  67   static ClassLoaderData* find_or_create(Handle class_loader);
  68   static void clean_module_and_package_info();
  69   static void purge();
  70   static void clear_claimed_marks();
  71   // Iteration through CLDG inside a safepoint; GC support
  72   static void cld_do(CLDClosure* cl);
  73   static void cld_unloading_do(CLDClosure* cl);
  74   static void roots_cld_do(CLDClosure* strong, CLDClosure* weak);
  75   static void always_strong_cld_do(CLDClosure* cl);
  76   // Iteration through CLDG not by GC.
  77   static void loaded_cld_do(CLDClosure* cl);
  78   // klass do
  79   // Walking classes through the ClassLoaderDataGraph include array classes.  It also includes
  80   // classes that are allocated but not loaded, classes that have errors, and scratch classes
  81   // for redefinition.  These classes are removed during the next class unloading.
  82   // Walking the ClassLoaderDataGraph also includes unsafe anonymous classes.
  83   static void classes_do(KlassClosure* klass_closure);
  84   static void classes_do(void f(Klass* const));
  85   static void methods_do(void f(Method*));
  86   static void modules_do(void f(ModuleEntry*));
  87   static void modules_unloading_do(void f(ModuleEntry*));
  88   static void packages_do(void f(PackageEntry*));
  89   static void packages_unloading_do(void f(PackageEntry*));
  90   static void loaded_classes_do(KlassClosure* klass_closure);
  91   static void unlocked_loaded_classes_do(KlassClosure* klass_closure);
  92   static void classes_unloading_do(void f(Klass* const));
  93   static bool do_unloading(bool do_cleaning);
  95   // Expose state to avoid logging overhead in safepoint cleanup tasks.
  96   static inline bool should_clean_metaspaces_and_reset();
  97   static void set_should_clean_deallocate_lists() { _should_clean_deallocate_lists = true; }
  98   static void clean_deallocate_lists(bool purge_previous_versions);
  99   static void walk_metadata_and_clean_metaspaces();
 101   // dictionary do
 102   // Iterate over all klasses in dictionary, but
 103   // just the classes from defining class loaders.
 104   static void dictionary_classes_do(void f(InstanceKlass*));
 105   // Added for initialize_itable_for_klass to handle exceptions.
 106   static void dictionary_classes_do(void f(InstanceKlass*, TRAPS), TRAPS);
 108   // VM_CounterDecay iteration support
 109   static InstanceKlass* try_get_next_class();
 110   static void adjust_saved_class(ClassLoaderData* cld);
 111   static void adjust_saved_class(Klass* klass);
 113   static void verify_dictionary();
 114   static void print_dictionary(outputStream* st);
 115   static void print_dictionary_statistics(outputStream* st);
 117   // CMS support.
 118   static void remember_new_clds(bool remember) { _saved_head = (remember ? _head : NULL); }
 119   static GrowableArray<ClassLoaderData*>* new_clds();
 121   static void set_should_purge(bool b) { _should_purge = b; }
 122   static void purge_if_needed() {
 123     // Only purge the CLDG for CMS if concurrent sweep is complete.
 124     if (_should_purge) {
 125       purge();
 126       // reset for next time.
 127       set_should_purge(false);
 128     }
 129   }
 131   static int resize_if_needed();
 133   static bool has_metaspace_oom()           { return _metaspace_oom; }
 134   static void set_metaspace_oom(bool value) { _metaspace_oom = value; }
 136   static void print_on(outputStream * const out) PRODUCT_RETURN;
 137   static void print() { print_on(tty); }
 138   static void verify();
 140   // instance and array class counters
 141   static inline size_t num_instance_classes();
 142   static inline size_t num_array_classes();
 143   static inline void inc_instance_classes(size_t count);
 144   static inline void dec_instance_classes(size_t count);
 145   static inline void inc_array_classes(size_t count);
 146   static inline void dec_array_classes(size_t count);
 148 #ifndef PRODUCT
 149   static bool contains_loader_data(ClassLoaderData* loader_data);
 150 #endif
 152   // Check if ClassLoaderData is part of the ClassLoaderDataGraph (not unloaded)
 153   // Usage without lock only allowed during error reporting.
 154   static bool is_valid(ClassLoaderData* loader_data);
 155 };
 157 class LockedClassesDo : public KlassClosure {
 158   typedef void (*classes_do_func_t)(Klass*);
 159   classes_do_func_t _function;
 160 public:
 161   LockedClassesDo();  // For callers who provide their own do_klass
 162   LockedClassesDo(classes_do_func_t function);
 163   ~LockedClassesDo();
 165   void do_klass(Klass* k) {
 166     (*_function)(k);
 167   }
 168 };
 170 // An iterator that distributes Klasses to parallel worker threads.
 171 class ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic : public StackObj {
 172  Klass* volatile _next_klass;
 173  public:
 174   ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic();
 175   Klass* next_klass();
 176  private:
 177   static Klass* next_klass_in_cldg(Klass* klass);
 178 };
 180 class ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator : public StackObj {
 181   ClassLoaderData* _data;
 182  public:
 183   ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator();
 184   ~ClassLoaderDataGraphMetaspaceIterator();
 185   bool repeat() { return _data != NULL; }
 186   ClassLoaderMetaspace* get_next();
 187 };