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@@ -28,19 +28,19 @@
  * Skip test on 32 bit system: it typically does not support the many and large virtual memory reservations needed.
  * @requires vm.gc.G1
  * @requires vm.bits != "32"
  * @key gc
  * @key regression
- * @library /testlibrary
+ * @library /test/lib
  * @modules java.base/jdk.internal.misc
  *          java.management
 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import jdk.test.lib.OutputAnalyzer;
-import jdk.test.lib.ProcessTools;
+import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer;
+import jdk.test.lib.process.ProcessTools;
 public class Test2GbHeap {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
     ArrayList<String> testArguments = new ArrayList<String>();
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