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2346     }
2348     /**
2349      * Add annotation to the annotation string.
2350      *
2351      * @param annotationDoc the annotation being documented
2352      * @param linkInfo the information about the link
2353      * @param annotation the annotation string to which the annotation will be added
2354      * @param pairs annotation type element and value pairs
2355      * @param indent the number of extra spaces to indent the annotations.
2356      * @param linkBreak if true, add new line between each member value
2357      */
2358     private void addAnnotations(TypeElement annotationDoc, LinkInfoImpl linkInfo,
2359         ContentBuilder annotation, Map<? extends ExecutableElement,? extends AnnotationValue>map,
2360         int indent, boolean linkBreak) {
2361         linkInfo.label = new StringContent("@" + annotationDoc.getSimpleName().toString());
2362         annotation.addContent(getLink(linkInfo));
2363         if (!map.isEmpty()) {
2364             annotation.addContent("(");
2365             boolean isFirst = true;
2366             for (ExecutableElement element : map.keySet()) {

2367                 if (isFirst) {
2368                     isFirst = false;
2369                 } else {
2370                     annotation.addContent(",");
2371                     if (linkBreak) {
2372                         annotation.addContent(DocletConstants.NL);
2373                         int spaces = annotationDoc.getSimpleName().toString().length() + 2;
2374                         for (int k = 0; k < (spaces + indent); k++) {
2375                             annotation.addContent(" ");
2376                         }
2377                     }
2378                 }

2379                 annotation.addContent(getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind.ANNOTATION,
2380                         element, element.getSimpleName().toString(), false));
2381                 annotation.addContent("=");

2382                 AnnotationValue annotationValue = map.get(element);
2383                 List<AnnotationValue> annotationTypeValues = new ArrayList<>();
2384                 new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9<Void, AnnotationValue>() {
2385                     @Override @DefinedBy(Api.LANGUAGE_MODEL)
2386                     public Void visitArray(List<? extends AnnotationValue> vals, AnnotationValue p) {
2387                         annotationTypeValues.addAll(vals);
2388                         return null;
2389                     }
2390                     @Override @DefinedBy(Api.LANGUAGE_MODEL)
2391                     protected Void defaultAction(Object o, AnnotationValue p) {
2392                         annotationTypeValues.add(p);
2393                         return null;
2394                     }
2395                 }.visit(annotationValue, annotationValue);
2396                 annotation.addContent(annotationTypeValues.size() == 1 ? "" : "{");
2397                 String sep = "";
2398                 for (AnnotationValue av : annotationTypeValues) {
2399                     annotation.addContent(sep);
2400                     annotation.addContent(annotationValueToContent(av));
2401                     sep = ",";

2346     }
2348     /**
2349      * Add annotation to the annotation string.
2350      *
2351      * @param annotationDoc the annotation being documented
2352      * @param linkInfo the information about the link
2353      * @param annotation the annotation string to which the annotation will be added
2354      * @param pairs annotation type element and value pairs
2355      * @param indent the number of extra spaces to indent the annotations.
2356      * @param linkBreak if true, add new line between each member value
2357      */
2358     private void addAnnotations(TypeElement annotationDoc, LinkInfoImpl linkInfo,
2359         ContentBuilder annotation, Map<? extends ExecutableElement,? extends AnnotationValue>map,
2360         int indent, boolean linkBreak) {
2361         linkInfo.label = new StringContent("@" + annotationDoc.getSimpleName().toString());
2362         annotation.addContent(getLink(linkInfo));
2363         if (!map.isEmpty()) {
2364             annotation.addContent("(");
2365             boolean isFirst = true;
2366             Set<? extends ExecutableElement> keys = map.keySet();
2367             boolean multipleValues = keys.size() > 1;
2368             for (ExecutableElement element : keys) {
2369                 if (isFirst) {
2370                     isFirst = false;
2371                 } else {
2372                     annotation.addContent(",");
2373                     if (linkBreak) {
2374                         annotation.addContent(DocletConstants.NL);
2375                         int spaces = annotationDoc.getSimpleName().toString().length() + 2;
2376                         for (int k = 0; k < (spaces + indent); k++) {
2377                             annotation.addContent(" ");
2378                         }
2379                     }
2380                 }
2381                 String simpleName = element.getSimpleName().toString();
2382                 if (multipleValues || !"value".equals(simpleName)) { // Omit "value=" where unnecessary
2383                     annotation.addContent(getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind.ANNOTATION,
2384                                                      element, simpleName, false));
2385                     annotation.addContent("=");
2386                 }
2387                 AnnotationValue annotationValue = map.get(element);
2388                 List<AnnotationValue> annotationTypeValues = new ArrayList<>();
2389                 new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9<Void, AnnotationValue>() {
2390                     @Override @DefinedBy(Api.LANGUAGE_MODEL)
2391                     public Void visitArray(List<? extends AnnotationValue> vals, AnnotationValue p) {
2392                         annotationTypeValues.addAll(vals);
2393                         return null;
2394                     }
2395                     @Override @DefinedBy(Api.LANGUAGE_MODEL)
2396                     protected Void defaultAction(Object o, AnnotationValue p) {
2397                         annotationTypeValues.add(p);
2398                         return null;
2399                     }
2400                 }.visit(annotationValue, annotationValue);
2401                 annotation.addContent(annotationTypeValues.size() == 1 ? "" : "{");
2402                 String sep = "";
2403                 for (AnnotationValue av : annotationTypeValues) {
2404                     annotation.addContent(sep);
2405                     annotation.addContent(annotationValueToContent(av));
2406                     sep = ",";

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