1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package sun.rmi.server;
  28 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
  29 import java.io.File;
  30 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
  31 import java.io.IOException;
  32 import java.io.InputStream;
  33 import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
  34 import java.io.OutputStream;
  35 import java.io.PrintStream;
  36 import java.io.PrintWriter;
  37 import java.io.Serializable;
  38 import java.lang.Process;
  39 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
  40 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
  41 import java.net.InetAddress;
  42 import java.net.ServerSocket;
  43 import java.net.Socket;
  44 import java.net.SocketAddress;
  45 import java.net.SocketException;
  46 import java.nio.file.Files;
  47 import java.nio.channels.Channel;
  48 import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel;
  49 import java.rmi.AccessException;
  50 import java.rmi.AlreadyBoundException;
  51 import java.rmi.ConnectException;
  52 import java.rmi.ConnectIOException;
  53 import java.rmi.MarshalledObject;
  54 import java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException;
  55 import java.rmi.NotBoundException;
  56 import java.rmi.Remote;
  57 import java.rmi.RemoteException;
  58 import java.rmi.activation.ActivationDesc;
  59 import java.rmi.activation.ActivationException;
  60 import java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroupDesc;
  61 import java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroup;
  62 import java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroupID;
  63 import java.rmi.activation.ActivationID;
  64 import java.rmi.activation.ActivationInstantiator;
  65 import java.rmi.activation.ActivationMonitor;
  66 import java.rmi.activation.ActivationSystem;
  67 import java.rmi.activation.Activator;
  68 import java.rmi.activation.UnknownGroupException;
  69 import java.rmi.activation.UnknownObjectException;
  70 import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
  71 import java.rmi.server.ObjID;
  72 import java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader;
  73 import java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory;
  74 import java.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory;
  75 import java.rmi.server.RemoteObject;
  76 import java.rmi.server.RemoteServer;
  77 import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
  78 import java.security.AccessControlException;
  79 import java.security.AccessController;
  80 import java.security.AllPermission;
  81 import java.security.CodeSource;
  82 import java.security.Permission;
  83 import java.security.PermissionCollection;
  84 import java.security.Permissions;
  85 import java.security.Policy;
  86 import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
  87 import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
  88 import java.security.cert.Certificate;
  89 import java.text.MessageFormat;
  90 import java.util.ArrayList;
  91 import java.util.Arrays;
  92 import java.util.Date;
  93 import java.util.Enumeration;
  94 import java.util.HashMap;
  95 import java.util.HashSet;
  96 import java.util.Iterator;
  97 import java.util.List;
  98 import java.util.Map;
  99 import java.util.MissingResourceException;
 100 import java.util.Properties;
 101 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
 102 import java.util.Set;
 103 import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
 104 import sun.rmi.log.LogHandler;
 105 import sun.rmi.log.ReliableLog;
 106 import sun.rmi.registry.RegistryImpl;
 107 import sun.rmi.runtime.NewThreadAction;
 108 import sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef;
 109 import sun.rmi.transport.LiveRef;
 110 import sun.security.provider.PolicyFile;
 111 import com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecPermission;
 112 import com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecOptionPermission;
 114 /**
 115  * The Activator facilitates remote object activation. A "faulting"
 116  * remote reference calls the activator's <code>activate</code> method
 117  * to obtain a "live" reference to a activatable remote object. Upon
 118  * receiving a request for activation, the activator looks up the
 119  * activation descriptor for the activation identifier, id, determines
 120  * the group in which the object should be activated and invokes the
 121  * activate method on the object's activation group (described by the
 122  * remote interface <code>ActivationInstantiator</code>). The
 123  * activator initiates the execution of activation groups as
 124  * necessary. For example, if an activation group for a specific group
 125  * identifier is not already executing, the activator will spawn a
 126  * child process for the activation group. <p>
 127  *
 128  * The activator is responsible for monitoring and detecting when
 129  * activation groups fail so that it can remove stale remote references
 130  * from its internal tables. <p>
 131  *
 132  * @author      Ann Wollrath
 133  * @since       1.2
 134  */
 135 public class Activation implements Serializable {
 137     /** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
 138     private static final long serialVersionUID = 2921265612698155191L;
 139     private static final byte MAJOR_VERSION = 1;
 140     private static final byte MINOR_VERSION = 0;
 142     /** exec policy object */
 143     private static Object execPolicy;
 144     private static Method execPolicyMethod;
 145     private static boolean debugExec;
 147     /** maps activation id to its respective group id */
 148     private Map<ActivationID,ActivationGroupID> idTable =
 149         new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
 150     /** maps group id to its GroupEntry groups */
 151     private Map<ActivationGroupID,GroupEntry> groupTable =
 152         new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
 154     private byte majorVersion = MAJOR_VERSION;
 155     private byte minorVersion = MINOR_VERSION;
 157     /** number of simultaneous group exec's */
 158     private transient int groupSemaphore;
 159     /** counter for numbering groups */
 160     private transient int groupCounter;
 161     /** reliable log to hold descriptor table */
 162     private transient ReliableLog log;
 163     /** number of updates since last snapshot */
 164     private transient int numUpdates;
 166     /** the java command */
 167     // accessed by GroupEntry
 168     private transient String[] command;
 169     /** timeout on wait for child process to be created or destroyed */
 170     private static final long groupTimeout =
 171         getInt("sun.rmi.activation.groupTimeout", 60000);
 172     /** take snapshot after this many updates */
 173     private static final int snapshotInterval =
 174         getInt("sun.rmi.activation.snapshotInterval", 200);
 175     /** timeout on wait for child process to be created */
 176     private static final long execTimeout =
 177         getInt("sun.rmi.activation.execTimeout", 30000);
 179     private static final Object initLock = new Object();
 180     private static boolean initDone = false;
 182     // this should be a *private* method since it is privileged
 183     private static int getInt(String name, int def) {
 184         return AccessController.doPrivileged(
 185                 (PrivilegedAction<Integer>) () -> Integer.getInteger(name, def));
 186     }
 188     private transient Activator activator;
 189     private transient Activator activatorStub;
 190     private transient ActivationSystem system;
 191     private transient ActivationSystem systemStub;
 192     private transient ActivationMonitor monitor;
 193     private transient Registry registry;
 194     private transient volatile boolean shuttingDown = false;
 195     private transient volatile Object startupLock;
 196     private transient Thread shutdownHook;
 198     private static ResourceBundle resources = null;
 200     /**
 201      * Create an uninitialized instance of Activation that can be
 202      * populated with log data.  This is only called when the initial
 203      * snapshot is taken during the first incarnation of rmid.
 204      */
 205     private Activation() {}
 207     /**
 208      * Recover activation state from the reliable log and initialize
 209      * activation services.
 210      */
 211     private static void startActivation(int port,
 212                                         RMIServerSocketFactory ssf,
 213                                         String logName,
 214                                         String[] childArgs)
 215         throws Exception
 216     {
 217         ReliableLog log = new ReliableLog(logName, new ActLogHandler());
 218         Activation state = (Activation) log.recover();
 219         state.init(port, ssf, log, childArgs);
 220     }
 222     /**
 223      * Initialize the Activation instantiation; start activation
 224      * services.
 225      */
 226     private void init(int port,
 227                       RMIServerSocketFactory ssf,
 228                       ReliableLog log,
 229                       String[] childArgs)
 230         throws Exception
 231     {
 232         // initialize
 233         this.log = log;
 234         numUpdates = 0;
 235         shutdownHook =  new ShutdownHook();
 236         groupSemaphore = getInt("sun.rmi.activation.groupThrottle", 3);
 237         groupCounter = 0;
 238         Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdownHook);
 240         // Use array size of 0, since the value from calling size()
 241         // may be out of date by the time toArray() is called.
 242         ActivationGroupID[] gids =
 243             groupTable.keySet().toArray(new ActivationGroupID[0]);
 245         synchronized (startupLock = new Object()) {
 246             // all the remote methods briefly synchronize on startupLock
 247             // (via checkShutdown) to make sure they don't happen in the
 248             // middle of this block.  This block must not cause any such
 249             // incoming remote calls to happen, or deadlock would result!
 250             activator = new ActivatorImpl(port, ssf);
 251             activatorStub = (Activator) RemoteObject.toStub(activator);
 252             system = new ActivationSystemImpl(port, ssf);
 253             systemStub = (ActivationSystem) RemoteObject.toStub(system);
 254             monitor = new ActivationMonitorImpl(port, ssf);
 255             initCommand(childArgs);
 256             registry = new SystemRegistryImpl(port, null, ssf, systemStub);
 258             if (ssf != null) {
 259                 synchronized (initLock) {
 260                     initDone = true;
 261                     initLock.notifyAll();
 262                 }
 263             }
 264         }
 265         startupLock = null;
 267         // restart services
 268         for (int i = gids.length; --i >= 0; ) {
 269             try {
 270                 getGroupEntry(gids[i]).restartServices();
 271             } catch (UnknownGroupException e) {
 272                 System.err.println(
 273                     getTextResource("rmid.restart.group.warning"));
 274                 e.printStackTrace();
 275             }
 276         }
 277     }
 279     /**
 280      * Previous versions used HashMap instead of ConcurrentHashMap.
 281      * Replace any HashMaps found during deserialization with
 282      * ConcurrentHashMaps.
 283      */
 284     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois)
 285         throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
 286     {
 287         ois.defaultReadObject();
 288         if (! (groupTable instanceof ConcurrentHashMap)) {
 289             groupTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(groupTable);
 290         }
 291         if (! (idTable instanceof ConcurrentHashMap)) {
 292             idTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(idTable);
 293         }
 294     }
 296     private static class SystemRegistryImpl extends RegistryImpl {
 298         private static final String NAME = ActivationSystem.class.getName();
 299         private static final long serialVersionUID = 4877330021609408794L;
 300         private ActivationSystem systemStub = null;
 302         SystemRegistryImpl(int port,
 303                            RMIClientSocketFactory csf,
 304                            RMIServerSocketFactory ssf,
 305                            ActivationSystem systemStub)
 306             throws RemoteException
 307         {
 308             super(port, csf, ssf);
 309             assert systemStub != null;
 310             synchronized (this) {
 311                 this.systemStub = systemStub;
 312                 notifyAll();
 313             }
 314         }
 316         /**
 317          * Waits for systemStub to be initialized and returns its
 318          * initialized value. Any remote call that uses systemStub must
 319          * call this method to get it instead of using direct field
 320          * access. This is necessary because the super() call in the
 321          * constructor exports this object before systemStub is initialized
 322          * (see JDK-8023541), allowing remote calls to come in during this
 323          * time. We can't use checkShutdown() like other nested classes
 324          * because this is a static class.
 325          */
 326         private synchronized ActivationSystem getSystemStub() {
 327             boolean interrupted = false;
 329             while (systemStub == null) {
 330                 try {
 331                     wait();
 332                 } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
 333                     interrupted = true;
 334                 }
 335             }
 337             if (interrupted) {
 338                 Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
 339             }
 341             return systemStub;
 342         }
 344         /**
 345          * Returns the activation system stub if the specified name
 346          * matches the activation system's class name, otherwise
 347          * returns the result of invoking super.lookup with the specified
 348          * name.
 349          */
 350         public Remote lookup(String name)
 351             throws RemoteException, NotBoundException
 352         {
 353             if (name.equals(NAME)) {
 354                 return getSystemStub();
 355             } else {
 356                 return super.lookup(name);
 357             }
 358         }
 360         public String[] list() throws RemoteException {
 361             String[] list1 = super.list();
 362             int length = list1.length;
 363             String[] list2 = new String[length + 1];
 364             if (length > 0) {
 365                 System.arraycopy(list1, 0, list2, 0, length);
 366             }
 367             list2[length] = NAME;
 368             return list2;
 369         }
 371         public void bind(String name, Remote obj)
 372             throws RemoteException, AlreadyBoundException, AccessException
 373         {
 374             if (name.equals(NAME)) {
 375                 throw new AccessException(
 376                     "binding ActivationSystem is disallowed");
 377             } else {
 378                 super.bind(name, obj);
 379             }
 380         }
 382         public void unbind(String name)
 383             throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException
 384         {
 385             if (name.equals(NAME)) {
 386                 throw new AccessException(
 387                     "unbinding ActivationSystem is disallowed");
 388             } else {
 389                 super.unbind(name);
 390             }
 391         }
 394         public void rebind(String name, Remote obj)
 395             throws RemoteException, AccessException
 396         {
 397             if (name.equals(NAME)) {
 398                 throw new AccessException(
 399                     "binding ActivationSystem is disallowed");
 400             } else {
 401                 super.rebind(name, obj);
 402             }
 403         }
 404     }
 407     class ActivatorImpl extends RemoteServer implements Activator {
 408         // Because ActivatorImpl has a fixed ObjID, it can be
 409         // called by clients holding stale remote references.  Each of
 410         // its remote methods, then, must check startupLock (calling
 411         // checkShutdown() is easiest).
 413         private static final long serialVersionUID = -3654244726254566136L;
 415         /**
 416          * Construct a new Activator on a specified port.
 417          */
 418         ActivatorImpl(int port, RMIServerSocketFactory ssf)
 419             throws RemoteException
 420         {
 421             /* Server ref must be created and assigned before remote object
 422              * 'this' can be exported.
 423              */
 424             LiveRef lref =
 425                 new LiveRef(new ObjID(ObjID.ACTIVATOR_ID), port, null, ssf);
 426             UnicastServerRef uref = new UnicastServerRef(lref);
 427             ref = uref;
 428             uref.exportObject(this, null, false);
 429         }
 431         public MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> activate(ActivationID id,
 432                                                            boolean force)
 433             throws ActivationException, UnknownObjectException, RemoteException
 434         {
 435             checkShutdown();
 436             return getGroupEntry(id).activate(id, force);
 437         }
 438     }
 440     class ActivationMonitorImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject
 441         implements ActivationMonitor
 442     {
 443         private static final long serialVersionUID = -6214940464757948867L;
 445         ActivationMonitorImpl(int port, RMIServerSocketFactory ssf)
 446             throws RemoteException
 447         {
 448             super(port, null, ssf);
 449         }
 451         public void inactiveObject(ActivationID id)
 452             throws UnknownObjectException, RemoteException
 453         {
 454             try {
 455                 checkShutdown();
 456             } catch (ActivationException e) {
 457                 return;
 458             }
 459             RegistryImpl.checkAccess("Activator.inactiveObject");
 460             getGroupEntry(id).inactiveObject(id);
 461         }
 463         public void activeObject(ActivationID id,
 464                                  MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> mobj)
 465             throws UnknownObjectException, RemoteException
 466         {
 467             try {
 468                 checkShutdown();
 469             } catch (ActivationException e) {
 470                 return;
 471             }
 472             RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationSystem.activeObject");
 473             getGroupEntry(id).activeObject(id, mobj);
 474         }
 476         public void inactiveGroup(ActivationGroupID id,
 477                                   long incarnation)
 478             throws UnknownGroupException, RemoteException
 479         {
 480             try {
 481                 checkShutdown();
 482             } catch (ActivationException e) {
 483                 return;
 484             }
 485             RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationMonitor.inactiveGroup");
 486             getGroupEntry(id).inactiveGroup(incarnation, false);
 487         }
 488     }
 491     class ActivationSystemImpl
 492         extends RemoteServer
 493         implements ActivationSystem
 494     {
 495         private static final long serialVersionUID = 9100152600327688967L;
 497         // Because ActivationSystemImpl has a fixed ObjID, it can be
 498         // called by clients holding stale remote references.  Each of
 499         // its remote methods, then, must check startupLock (calling
 500         // checkShutdown() is easiest).
 501         ActivationSystemImpl(int port, RMIServerSocketFactory ssf)
 502             throws RemoteException
 503         {
 504             /* Server ref must be created and assigned before remote object
 505              * 'this' can be exported.
 506              */
 507             LiveRef lref = new LiveRef(new ObjID(4), port, null, ssf);
 508             UnicastServerRef uref = new UnicastServerRef(lref);
 509             ref = uref;
 510             uref.exportObject(this, null);
 511         }
 513         public ActivationID registerObject(ActivationDesc desc)
 514             throws ActivationException, UnknownGroupException, RemoteException
 515         {
 516             checkShutdown();
 517             RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationSystem.registerObject");
 519             ActivationGroupID groupID = desc.getGroupID();
 520             ActivationID id = new ActivationID(activatorStub);
 521             getGroupEntry(groupID).registerObject(id, desc, true);
 522             return id;
 523         }
 525         public void unregisterObject(ActivationID id)
 526             throws ActivationException, UnknownObjectException, RemoteException
 527         {
 528             checkShutdown();
 529             RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationSystem.unregisterObject");
 530             getGroupEntry(id).unregisterObject(id, true);
 531         }
 533         public ActivationGroupID registerGroup(ActivationGroupDesc desc)
 534             throws ActivationException, RemoteException
 535         {
 536             checkShutdown();
 537             RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationSystem.registerGroup");
 538             checkArgs(desc, null);
 540             ActivationGroupID id = new ActivationGroupID(systemStub);
 541             GroupEntry entry = new GroupEntry(id, desc);
 542             // table insertion must take place before log update
 543             groupTable.put(id, entry);
 544             addLogRecord(new LogRegisterGroup(id, desc));
 545             return id;
 546         }
 548         public ActivationMonitor activeGroup(ActivationGroupID id,
 549                                              ActivationInstantiator group,
 550                                              long incarnation)
 551             throws ActivationException, UnknownGroupException, RemoteException
 552         {
 553             checkShutdown();
 554             RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationSystem.activeGroup");
 556             getGroupEntry(id).activeGroup(group, incarnation);
 557             return monitor;
 558         }
 560         public void unregisterGroup(ActivationGroupID id)
 561             throws ActivationException, UnknownGroupException, RemoteException
 562         {
 563             checkShutdown();
 564             RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationSystem.unregisterGroup");
 566             // remove entry before unregister so state is updated before
 567             // logged
 568             removeGroupEntry(id).unregisterGroup(true);
 569         }
 571         public ActivationDesc setActivationDesc(ActivationID id,
 572                                                 ActivationDesc desc)
 573             throws ActivationException, UnknownObjectException, RemoteException
 574         {
 575             checkShutdown();
 576             RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationSystem.setActivationDesc");
 578             if (!getGroupID(id).equals(desc.getGroupID())) {
 579                 throw new ActivationException(
 580                     "ActivationDesc contains wrong group");
 581             }
 582             return getGroupEntry(id).setActivationDesc(id, desc, true);
 583         }
 585         public ActivationGroupDesc setActivationGroupDesc(ActivationGroupID id,
 586                                                           ActivationGroupDesc desc)
 587             throws ActivationException, UnknownGroupException, RemoteException
 588         {
 589             checkShutdown();
 590             RegistryImpl.checkAccess(
 591                 "ActivationSystem.setActivationGroupDesc");
 593             checkArgs(desc, null);
 594             return getGroupEntry(id).setActivationGroupDesc(id, desc, true);
 595         }
 597         public ActivationDesc getActivationDesc(ActivationID id)
 598             throws ActivationException, UnknownObjectException, RemoteException
 599         {
 600             checkShutdown();
 601             RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationSystem.getActivationDesc");
 603             return getGroupEntry(id).getActivationDesc(id);
 604         }
 606         public ActivationGroupDesc getActivationGroupDesc(ActivationGroupID id)
 607             throws ActivationException, UnknownGroupException, RemoteException
 608         {
 609             checkShutdown();
 610             RegistryImpl.checkAccess
 611                 ("ActivationSystem.getActivationGroupDesc");
 613             return getGroupEntry(id).desc;
 614         }
 616         /**
 617          * Shutdown the activation system. Destroys all groups spawned by
 618          * the activation daemon and exits the activation daemon.
 619          */
 620         public void shutdown() throws AccessException {
 621             RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationSystem.shutdown");
 623             Object lock = startupLock;
 624             if (lock != null) {
 625                 synchronized (lock) {
 626                     // nothing
 627                 }
 628             }
 630             synchronized (Activation.this) {
 631                 if (!shuttingDown) {
 632                     shuttingDown = true;
 633                     (new Shutdown()).start();
 634                 }
 635             }
 636         }
 637     }
 639     private void checkShutdown() throws ActivationException {
 640         // if the startup critical section is running, wait until it
 641         // completes/fails before continuing with the remote call.
 642         Object lock = startupLock;
 643         if (lock != null) {
 644             synchronized (lock) {
 645                 // nothing
 646             }
 647         }
 649         if (shuttingDown == true) {
 650             throw new ActivationException(
 651                 "activation system shutting down");
 652         }
 653     }
 655     private static void unexport(Remote obj) {
 656         for (;;) {
 657             try {
 658                 if (UnicastRemoteObject.unexportObject(obj, false) == true) {
 659                     break;
 660                 } else {
 661                     Thread.sleep(100);
 662                 }
 663             } catch (Exception e) {
 664                 continue;
 665             }
 666         }
 667     }
 669     /**
 670      * Thread to shutdown rmid.
 671      */
 672     private class Shutdown extends Thread {
 673         Shutdown() {
 674             super("rmid Shutdown");
 675         }
 677         public void run() {
 678             try {
 679                 /*
 680                  * Unexport activation system services
 681                  */
 682                 unexport(activator);
 683                 unexport(system);
 685                 // destroy all child processes (groups)
 686                 for (GroupEntry groupEntry : groupTable.values()) {
 687                     groupEntry.shutdown();
 688                 }
 690                 Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(shutdownHook);
 692                 /*
 693                  * Unexport monitor safely since all processes are destroyed.
 694                  */
 695                 unexport(monitor);
 697                 /*
 698                  * Close log file, fix for 4243264: rmid shutdown thread
 699                  * interferes with remote calls in progress.  Make sure
 700                  * the log file is only closed when it is impossible for
 701                  * its closure to interfere with any pending remote calls.
 702                  * We close the log when all objects in the rmid VM are
 703                  * unexported.
 704                  */
 705                 try {
 706                     synchronized (log) {
 707                         log.close();
 708                     }
 709                 } catch (IOException e) {
 710                 }
 712             } finally {
 713                 /*
 714                  * Now exit... A System.exit should only be done if
 715                  * the RMI activation system daemon was started up
 716                  * by the main method below (in which should always
 717                  * be the case since the Activation constructor is private).
 718                  */
 719                 System.err.println(getTextResource("rmid.daemon.shutdown"));
 720                 System.exit(0);
 721             }
 722         }
 723     }
 725     /** Thread to destroy children in the event of abnormal termination. */
 726     private class ShutdownHook extends Thread {
 727         ShutdownHook() {
 728             super("rmid ShutdownHook");
 729         }
 731         public void run() {
 732             synchronized (Activation.this) {
 733                 shuttingDown = true;
 734             }
 736             // destroy all child processes (groups) quickly
 737             for (GroupEntry groupEntry : groupTable.values()) {
 738                 groupEntry.shutdownFast();
 739             }
 740         }
 741     }
 743     /**
 744      * Returns the groupID for a given id of an object in the group.
 745      * Throws UnknownObjectException if the object is not registered.
 746      */
 747     private ActivationGroupID getGroupID(ActivationID id)
 748         throws UnknownObjectException
 749     {
 750         ActivationGroupID groupID = idTable.get(id);
 751         if (groupID != null) {
 752             return groupID;
 753         }
 754         throw new UnknownObjectException("unknown object: " + id);
 755     }
 757     /**
 758      * Returns the group entry for the group id, optionally removing it.
 759      * Throws UnknownGroupException if the group is not registered.
 760      */
 761     private GroupEntry getGroupEntry(ActivationGroupID id, boolean rm)
 762         throws UnknownGroupException
 763     {
 764         if (id.getClass() == ActivationGroupID.class) {
 765             GroupEntry entry;
 766             if (rm) {
 767                 entry = groupTable.remove(id);
 768             } else {
 769                 entry = groupTable.get(id);
 770             }
 771             if (entry != null && !entry.removed) {
 772                 return entry;
 773             }
 774         }
 775         throw new UnknownGroupException("group unknown");
 776     }
 778     /**
 779      * Returns the group entry for the group id. Throws
 780      * UnknownGroupException if the group is not registered.
 781      */
 782     private GroupEntry getGroupEntry(ActivationGroupID id)
 783         throws UnknownGroupException
 784     {
 785         return getGroupEntry(id, false);
 786     }
 788     /**
 789      * Removes and returns the group entry for the group id. Throws
 790      * UnknownGroupException if the group is not registered.
 791      */
 792     private GroupEntry removeGroupEntry(ActivationGroupID id)
 793         throws UnknownGroupException
 794     {
 795         return getGroupEntry(id, true);
 796     }
 798     /**
 799      * Returns the group entry for the object's id. Throws
 800      * UnknownObjectException if the object is not registered or the
 801      * object's group is not registered.
 802      */
 803     private GroupEntry getGroupEntry(ActivationID id)
 804         throws UnknownObjectException
 805     {
 806         ActivationGroupID gid = getGroupID(id);
 807         GroupEntry entry = groupTable.get(gid);
 808         if (entry != null && !entry.removed) {
 809             return entry;
 810         }
 811         throw new UnknownObjectException("object's group removed");
 812     }
 814     /**
 815      * Container for group information: group's descriptor, group's
 816      * instantiator, flag to indicate pending group creation, and
 817      * table of the objects that are activated in the group.
 818      *
 819      * WARNING: GroupEntry objects should not be written into log file
 820      * updates.  GroupEntrys are inner classes of Activation and they
 821      * can not be serialized independent of this class.  If the
 822      * complete Activation system is written out as a log update, the
 823      * point of having updates is nullified.
 824      */
 825     private class GroupEntry implements Serializable {
 827         /** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
 828         private static final long serialVersionUID = 7222464070032993304L;
 829         private static final int MAX_TRIES = 2;
 830         private static final int NORMAL = 0;
 831         private static final int CREATING = 1;
 832         private static final int TERMINATE = 2;
 833         private static final int TERMINATING = 3;
 835         ActivationGroupDesc desc = null;
 836         ActivationGroupID groupID = null;
 837         long incarnation = 0;
 838         Map<ActivationID,ObjectEntry> objects = new HashMap<>();
 839         Set<ActivationID> restartSet = new HashSet<>();
 841         transient ActivationInstantiator group = null;
 842         transient int status = NORMAL;
 843         transient long waitTime = 0;
 844         transient String groupName = null;
 845         transient Process child = null;
 846         transient boolean removed = false;
 847         transient Watchdog watchdog = null;
 849         GroupEntry(ActivationGroupID groupID, ActivationGroupDesc desc) {
 850             this.groupID = groupID;
 851             this.desc = desc;
 852         }
 854         void restartServices() {
 855             Iterator<ActivationID> iter = null;
 857             synchronized (this) {
 858                 if (restartSet.isEmpty()) {
 859                     return;
 860                 }
 862                 /*
 863                  * Clone the restartSet so the set does not have to be locked
 864                  * during iteration. Locking the restartSet could cause
 865                  * deadlock if an object we are restarting caused another
 866                  * object in this group to be activated.
 867                  */
 868                 iter = (new HashSet<ActivationID>(restartSet)).iterator();
 869             }
 871             while (iter.hasNext()) {
 872                 ActivationID id = iter.next();
 873                 try {
 874                     activate(id, true);
 875                 } catch (Exception e) {
 876                     if (shuttingDown) {
 877                         return;
 878                     }
 879                     System.err.println(
 880                         getTextResource("rmid.restart.service.warning"));
 881                     e.printStackTrace();
 882                 }
 883             }
 884         }
 886         synchronized void activeGroup(ActivationInstantiator inst,
 887                                       long instIncarnation)
 888             throws ActivationException, UnknownGroupException
 889         {
 890             if (incarnation != instIncarnation) {
 891                 throw new ActivationException("invalid incarnation");
 892             }
 894             if (group != null) {
 895                 if (group.equals(inst)) {
 896                     return;
 897                 } else {
 898                     throw new ActivationException("group already active");
 899                 }
 900             }
 902             if (child != null && status != CREATING) {
 903                 throw new ActivationException("group not being created");
 904             }
 906             group = inst;
 907             status = NORMAL;
 908             notifyAll();
 909         }
 911         private void checkRemoved() throws UnknownGroupException {
 912             if (removed) {
 913                 throw new UnknownGroupException("group removed");
 914             }
 915         }
 917         private ObjectEntry getObjectEntry(ActivationID id)
 918             throws UnknownObjectException
 919         {
 920             if (removed) {
 921                 throw new UnknownObjectException("object's group removed");
 922             }
 923             ObjectEntry objEntry = objects.get(id);
 924             if (objEntry == null) {
 925                 throw new UnknownObjectException("object unknown");
 926             }
 927             return objEntry;
 928         }
 930         synchronized void registerObject(ActivationID id,
 931                                          ActivationDesc desc,
 932                                          boolean addRecord)
 933             throws UnknownGroupException, ActivationException
 934         {
 935             checkRemoved();
 936             objects.put(id, new ObjectEntry(desc));
 937             if (desc.getRestartMode() == true) {
 938                 restartSet.add(id);
 939             }
 941             // table insertion must take place before log update
 942             idTable.put(id, groupID);
 944             if (addRecord) {
 945                 addLogRecord(new LogRegisterObject(id, desc));
 946             }
 947         }
 949         synchronized void unregisterObject(ActivationID id, boolean addRecord)
 950             throws UnknownGroupException, ActivationException
 951         {
 952             ObjectEntry objEntry = getObjectEntry(id);
 953             objEntry.removed = true;
 954             objects.remove(id);
 955             if (objEntry.desc.getRestartMode() == true) {
 956                 restartSet.remove(id);
 957             }
 959             // table removal must take place before log update
 960             idTable.remove(id);
 961             if (addRecord) {
 962                 addLogRecord(new LogUnregisterObject(id));
 963             }
 964         }
 966         synchronized void unregisterGroup(boolean addRecord)
 967            throws UnknownGroupException, ActivationException
 968         {
 969             checkRemoved();
 970             removed = true;
 971             for (Map.Entry<ActivationID,ObjectEntry> entry :
 972                      objects.entrySet())
 973             {
 974                 ActivationID id = entry.getKey();
 975                 idTable.remove(id);
 976                 ObjectEntry objEntry = entry.getValue();
 977                 objEntry.removed = true;
 978             }
 979             objects.clear();
 980             restartSet.clear();
 981             reset();
 982             childGone();
 984             // removal should be recorded before log update
 985             if (addRecord) {
 986                 addLogRecord(new LogUnregisterGroup(groupID));
 987             }
 988         }
 990         synchronized ActivationDesc setActivationDesc(ActivationID id,
 991                                                       ActivationDesc desc,
 992                                                       boolean addRecord)
 993             throws UnknownObjectException, UnknownGroupException,
 994                    ActivationException
 995         {
 996             ObjectEntry objEntry = getObjectEntry(id);
 997             ActivationDesc oldDesc = objEntry.desc;
 998             objEntry.desc = desc;
 999             if (desc.getRestartMode() == true) {
1000                 restartSet.add(id);
1001             } else {
1002                 restartSet.remove(id);
1003             }
1004             // restart information should be recorded before log update
1005             if (addRecord) {
1006                 addLogRecord(new LogUpdateDesc(id, desc));
1007             }
1009             return oldDesc;
1010         }
1012         synchronized ActivationDesc getActivationDesc(ActivationID id)
1013             throws UnknownObjectException, UnknownGroupException
1014         {
1015             return getObjectEntry(id).desc;
1016         }
1018         synchronized ActivationGroupDesc setActivationGroupDesc(
1019                 ActivationGroupID id,
1020                 ActivationGroupDesc desc,
1021                 boolean addRecord)
1022             throws UnknownGroupException, ActivationException
1023         {
1024             checkRemoved();
1025             ActivationGroupDesc oldDesc = this.desc;
1026             this.desc = desc;
1027             // state update should occur before log update
1028             if (addRecord) {
1029                 addLogRecord(new LogUpdateGroupDesc(id, desc));
1030             }
1031             return oldDesc;
1032         }
1034         synchronized void inactiveGroup(long incarnation, boolean failure)
1035             throws UnknownGroupException
1036         {
1037             checkRemoved();
1038             if (this.incarnation != incarnation) {
1039                 throw new UnknownGroupException("invalid incarnation");
1040             }
1042             reset();
1043             if (failure) {
1044                 terminate();
1045             } else if (child != null && status == NORMAL) {
1046                 status = TERMINATE;
1047                 watchdog.noRestart();
1048             }
1049         }
1051         synchronized void activeObject(ActivationID id,
1052                                        MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> mobj)
1053                 throws UnknownObjectException
1054         {
1055             getObjectEntry(id).stub = mobj;
1056         }
1058         synchronized void inactiveObject(ActivationID id)
1059             throws UnknownObjectException
1060         {
1061             getObjectEntry(id).reset();
1062         }
1064         private synchronized void reset() {
1065             group = null;
1066             for (ObjectEntry objectEntry : objects.values()) {
1067                 objectEntry.reset();
1068             }
1069         }
1071         private void childGone() {
1072             if (child != null) {
1073                 child = null;
1074                 watchdog.dispose();
1075                 watchdog = null;
1076                 status = NORMAL;
1077                 notifyAll();
1078             }
1079         }
1081         private void terminate() {
1082             if (child != null && status != TERMINATING) {
1083                 child.destroy();
1084                 status = TERMINATING;
1085                 waitTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + groupTimeout;
1086                 notifyAll();
1087             }
1088         }
1090        /*
1091         * Fallthrough from TERMINATE to TERMINATING
1092         * is intentional
1093         */
1094         @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough")
1095         private void await() {
1096             while (true) {
1097                 switch (status) {
1098                 case NORMAL:
1099                     return;
1100                 case TERMINATE:
1101                     terminate();
1102                 case TERMINATING:
1103                     try {
1104                         child.exitValue();
1105                     } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {
1106                         long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
1107                         if (waitTime > now) {
1108                             try {
1109                                 wait(waitTime - now);
1110                             } catch (InterruptedException ee) {
1111                             }
1112                             continue;
1113                         }
1114                         // REMIND: print message that group did not terminate?
1115                     }
1116                     childGone();
1117                     return;
1118                 case CREATING:
1119                     try {
1120                         wait();
1121                     } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1122                     }
1123                 }
1124             }
1125         }
1127         // no synchronization to avoid delay wrt getInstantiator
1128         void shutdownFast() {
1129             Process p = child;
1130             if (p != null) {
1131                 p.destroy();
1132             }
1133         }
1135         synchronized void shutdown() {
1136             reset();
1137             terminate();
1138             await();
1139         }
1141         MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> activate(ActivationID id,
1142                                                     boolean force)
1143             throws ActivationException
1144         {
1145             Exception detail = null;
1147             /*
1148              * Attempt to activate object and reattempt (several times)
1149              * if activation fails due to communication problems.
1150              */
1151             for (int tries = MAX_TRIES; tries > 0; tries--) {
1152                 ActivationInstantiator inst;
1153                 long currentIncarnation;
1155                 // look up object to activate
1156                 ObjectEntry objEntry;
1157                 synchronized (this) {
1158                     objEntry = getObjectEntry(id);
1159                     // if not forcing activation, return cached stub
1160                     if (!force && objEntry.stub != null) {
1161                         return objEntry.stub;
1162                     }
1163                     inst = getInstantiator(groupID);
1164                     currentIncarnation = incarnation;
1165                 }
1167                 boolean groupInactive = false;
1168                 boolean failure = false;
1169                 // activate object
1170                 try {
1171                     return objEntry.activate(id, force, inst);
1172                 } catch (NoSuchObjectException e) {
1173                     groupInactive = true;
1174                     detail = e;
1175                 } catch (ConnectException e) {
1176                     groupInactive = true;
1177                     failure = true;
1178                     detail = e;
1179                 } catch (ConnectIOException e) {
1180                     groupInactive = true;
1181                     failure = true;
1182                     detail = e;
1183                 } catch (InactiveGroupException e) {
1184                     groupInactive = true;
1185                     detail = e;
1186                 } catch (RemoteException e) {
1187                     // REMIND: wait some here before continuing?
1188                     if (detail == null) {
1189                         detail = e;
1190                     }
1191                 }
1193                 if (groupInactive) {
1194                     // group has failed or is inactive; mark inactive
1195                     try {
1196                         System.err.println(
1197                             MessageFormat.format(
1198                                 getTextResource("rmid.group.inactive"),
1199                                 detail.toString()));
1200                         detail.printStackTrace();
1201                         getGroupEntry(groupID).
1202                             inactiveGroup(currentIncarnation, failure);
1203                     } catch (UnknownGroupException e) {
1204                         // not a problem
1205                     }
1206                 }
1207             }
1209             /**
1210              * signal that group activation failed, nested exception
1211              * specifies what exception occurred when the group did not
1212              * activate
1213              */
1214             throw new ActivationException("object activation failed after " +
1215                                           MAX_TRIES + " tries", detail);
1216         }
1218         /**
1219          * Returns the instantiator for the group specified by id and
1220          * entry. If the group is currently inactive, exec some
1221          * bootstrap code to create the group.
1222          */
1223         private ActivationInstantiator getInstantiator(ActivationGroupID id)
1224             throws ActivationException
1225         {
1226             assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
1228             await();
1229             if (group != null) {
1230                 return group;
1231             }
1232             checkRemoved();
1233             boolean acquired = false;
1235             try {
1236                 groupName = Pstartgroup();
1237                 acquired = true;
1238                 String[] argv = activationArgs(desc);
1239                 checkArgs(desc, argv);
1241                 if (debugExec) {
1242                     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(argv[0]);
1243                     int j;
1244                     for (j = 1; j < argv.length; j++) {
1245                         sb.append(' ');
1246                         sb.append(argv[j]);
1247                     }
1248                     System.err.println(
1249                         MessageFormat.format(
1250                             getTextResource("rmid.exec.command"),
1251                             sb.toString()));
1252                 }
1254                 try {
1255                     child = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(argv);
1256                     status = CREATING;
1257                     ++incarnation;
1258                     watchdog = new Watchdog();
1259                     watchdog.start();
1260                     addLogRecord(new LogGroupIncarnation(id, incarnation));
1262                     // handle child I/O streams before writing to child
1263                     PipeWriter.plugTogetherPair
1264                         (child.getInputStream(), System.out,
1265                          child.getErrorStream(), System.err);
1266                     try (MarshalOutputStream out =
1267                             new MarshalOutputStream(child.getOutputStream())) {
1268                         out.writeObject(id);
1269                         out.writeObject(desc);
1270                         out.writeLong(incarnation);
1271                         out.flush();
1272                     }
1275                 } catch (IOException e) {
1276                     terminate();
1277                     throw new ActivationException(
1278                         "unable to create activation group", e);
1279                 }
1281                 try {
1282                     long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
1283                     long stop = now + execTimeout;
1284                     do {
1285                         wait(stop - now);
1286                         if (group != null) {
1287                             return group;
1288                         }
1289                         now = System.currentTimeMillis();
1290                     } while (status == CREATING && now < stop);
1291                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1292                 }
1294                 terminate();
1295                 throw new ActivationException(
1296                         (removed ?
1297                          "activation group unregistered" :
1298                          "timeout creating child process"));
1299             } finally {
1300                 if (acquired) {
1301                     Vstartgroup();
1302                 }
1303             }
1304         }
1306         /**
1307          * Waits for process termination and then restarts services.
1308          */
1309         private class Watchdog extends Thread {
1310             private final Process groupProcess = child;
1311             private final long groupIncarnation = incarnation;
1312             private boolean canInterrupt = true;
1313             private boolean shouldQuit = false;
1314             private boolean shouldRestart = true;
1316             Watchdog() {
1317                 super("WatchDog-"  + groupName + "-" + incarnation);
1318                 setDaemon(true);
1319             }
1321             public void run() {
1323                 if (shouldQuit) {
1324                     return;
1325                 }
1327                 /*
1328                  * Wait for the group to crash or exit.
1329                  */
1330                 try {
1331                     groupProcess.waitFor();
1332                 } catch (InterruptedException exit) {
1333                     return;
1334                 }
1336                 boolean restart = false;
1337                 synchronized (GroupEntry.this) {
1338                     if (shouldQuit) {
1339                         return;
1340                     }
1341                     canInterrupt = false;
1342                     interrupted(); // clear interrupt bit
1343                     /*
1344                      * Since the group crashed, we should
1345                      * reset the entry before activating objects
1346                      */
1347                     if (groupIncarnation == incarnation) {
1348                         restart = shouldRestart && !shuttingDown;
1349                         reset();
1350                         childGone();
1351                     }
1352                 }
1354                 /*
1355                  * Activate those objects that require restarting
1356                  * after a crash.
1357                  */
1358                 if (restart) {
1359                     restartServices();
1360                 }
1361             }
1363             /**
1364              * Marks this thread as one that is no longer needed.
1365              * If the thread is in a state in which it can be interrupted,
1366              * then the thread is interrupted.
1367              */
1368             void dispose() {
1369                 shouldQuit = true;
1370                 if (canInterrupt) {
1371                     interrupt();
1372                 }
1373             }
1375             /**
1376              * Marks this thread as no longer needing to restart objects.
1377              */
1378             void noRestart() {
1379                 shouldRestart = false;
1380             }
1381         }
1382     }
1384     private String[] activationArgs(ActivationGroupDesc desc) {
1385         ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment cmdenv;
1386         cmdenv = desc.getCommandEnvironment();
1388         // argv is the literal command to exec
1389         List<String> argv = new ArrayList<>();
1391         // Command name/path
1392         argv.add((cmdenv != null && cmdenv.getCommandPath() != null)
1393                     ? cmdenv.getCommandPath()
1394                     : command[0]);
1396         // Group-specific command options
1397         if (cmdenv != null && cmdenv.getCommandOptions() != null) {
1398             argv.addAll(Arrays.asList(cmdenv.getCommandOptions()));
1399         }
1401         // Properties become -D parameters
1402         Properties props = desc.getPropertyOverrides();
1403         if (props != null) {
1404             for (Enumeration<?> p = props.propertyNames();
1405                  p.hasMoreElements();)
1406             {
1407                 String name = (String) p.nextElement();
1408                 /* Note on quoting: it would be wrong
1409                  * here, since argv will be passed to
1410                  * Runtime.exec, which should not parse
1411                  * arguments or split on whitespace.
1412                  */
1413                 argv.add("-D" + name + "=" + props.getProperty(name));
1414             }
1415         }
1417         /* Finally, rmid-global command options (e.g. -C options)
1418          * and the classname
1419          */
1420         for (int i = 1; i < command.length; i++) {
1421             argv.add(command[i]);
1422         }
1424         String[] realArgv = new String[argv.size()];
1425         System.arraycopy(argv.toArray(), 0, realArgv, 0, realArgv.length);
1427         return realArgv;
1428     }
1430     private void checkArgs(ActivationGroupDesc desc, String[] cmd)
1431         throws SecurityException, ActivationException
1432     {
1433         /*
1434          * Check exec command using execPolicy object
1435          */
1436         if (execPolicyMethod != null) {
1437             if (cmd == null) {
1438                 cmd = activationArgs(desc);
1439             }
1440             try {
1441                 execPolicyMethod.invoke(execPolicy, desc, cmd);
1442             } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
1443                 Throwable targetException = e.getTargetException();
1444                 if (targetException instanceof SecurityException) {
1445                     throw (SecurityException) targetException;
1446                 } else {
1447                     throw new ActivationException(
1448                         execPolicyMethod.getName() + ": unexpected exception",
1449                         e);
1450                 }
1451             } catch (Exception e) {
1452                 throw new ActivationException(
1453                     execPolicyMethod.getName() + ": unexpected exception", e);
1454             }
1455         }
1456     }
1458     private static class ObjectEntry implements Serializable {
1460         private static final long serialVersionUID = -5500114225321357856L;
1462         /** descriptor for object */
1463         ActivationDesc desc;
1464         /** the stub (if active) */
1465         volatile transient MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> stub = null;
1466         volatile transient boolean removed = false;
1468         ObjectEntry(ActivationDesc desc) {
1469             this.desc = desc;
1470         }
1472         synchronized MarshalledObject<? extends Remote>
1473             activate(ActivationID id,
1474                      boolean force,
1475                      ActivationInstantiator inst)
1476             throws RemoteException, ActivationException
1477         {
1478             MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> nstub = stub;
1479             if (removed) {
1480                 throw new UnknownObjectException("object removed");
1481             } else if (!force && nstub != null) {
1482                 return nstub;
1483             }
1485             nstub = inst.newInstance(id, desc);
1486             stub = nstub;
1487             /*
1488              * stub could be set to null by a group reset, so return
1489              * the newstub here to prevent returning null.
1490              */
1491             return nstub;
1492         }
1494         void reset() {
1495             stub = null;
1496         }
1497     }
1499     /**
1500      * Add a record to the activation log. If the number of updates
1501      * passes a predetermined threshold, record a snapshot.
1502      */
1503     private void addLogRecord(LogRecord rec) throws ActivationException {
1504         synchronized (log) {
1505             checkShutdown();
1506             try {
1507                 log.update(rec, true);
1508             } catch (Exception e) {
1509                 numUpdates = snapshotInterval;
1510                 System.err.println(getTextResource("rmid.log.update.warning"));
1511                 e.printStackTrace();
1512             }
1513             if (++numUpdates < snapshotInterval) {
1514                 return;
1515             }
1516             try {
1517                 log.snapshot(this);
1518                 numUpdates = 0;
1519             } catch (Exception e) {
1520                 System.err.println(
1521                     getTextResource("rmid.log.snapshot.warning"));
1522                 e.printStackTrace();
1523                 try {
1524                     // shutdown activation system because snapshot failed
1525                     system.shutdown();
1526                 } catch (RemoteException ignore) {
1527                     // can't happen
1528                 }
1529                 // warn the client of the original update problem
1530                 throw new ActivationException("log snapshot failed", e);
1531             }
1532         }
1533     }
1535     /**
1536      * Handler for the log that knows how to take the initial snapshot
1537      * and apply an update (a LogRecord) to the current state.
1538      */
1539     private static class ActLogHandler extends LogHandler {
1541         ActLogHandler() {
1542         }
1544         public Object initialSnapshot()
1545         {
1546             /**
1547              * Return an empty Activation object.  Log will update
1548              * this object with recovered state.
1549              */
1550             return new Activation();
1551         }
1553         public Object applyUpdate(Object update, Object state)
1554             throws Exception
1555         {
1556             return ((LogRecord) update).apply(state);
1557         }
1559     }
1561     /**
1562      * Abstract class for all log records. The subclass contains
1563      * specific update information and implements the apply method
1564      * that applys the update information contained in the record
1565      * to the current state.
1566      */
1567     private static abstract class LogRecord implements Serializable {
1568         /** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
1569         private static final long serialVersionUID = 8395140512322687529L;
1570         abstract Object apply(Object state) throws Exception;
1571     }
1573     /**
1574      * Log record for registering an object.
1575      */
1576     private static class LogRegisterObject extends LogRecord {
1577         /** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
1578         private static final long serialVersionUID = -6280336276146085143L;
1579         private ActivationID id;
1580         private ActivationDesc desc;
1582         LogRegisterObject(ActivationID id, ActivationDesc desc) {
1583             this.id = id;
1584             this.desc = desc;
1585         }
1587         Object apply(Object state) {
1588             try {
1589                 ((Activation) state).getGroupEntry(desc.getGroupID()).
1590                     registerObject(id, desc, false);
1591             } catch (Exception ignore) {
1592                 System.err.println(
1593                     MessageFormat.format(
1594                         getTextResource("rmid.log.recover.warning"),
1595                         "LogRegisterObject"));
1596                 ignore.printStackTrace();
1597             }
1598             return state;
1599         }
1600     }
1602     /**
1603      * Log record for unregistering an object.
1604      */
1605     private static class LogUnregisterObject extends LogRecord {
1606         /** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
1607         private static final long serialVersionUID = 6269824097396935501L;
1608         private ActivationID id;
1610         LogUnregisterObject(ActivationID id) {
1611             this.id = id;
1612         }
1614         Object apply(Object state) {
1615             try {
1616                 ((Activation) state).getGroupEntry(id).
1617                     unregisterObject(id, false);
1618             } catch (Exception ignore) {
1619                 System.err.println(
1620                     MessageFormat.format(
1621                         getTextResource("rmid.log.recover.warning"),
1622                         "LogUnregisterObject"));
1623                 ignore.printStackTrace();
1624             }
1625             return state;
1626         }
1627     }
1629     /**
1630      * Log record for registering a group.
1631      */
1632     private static class LogRegisterGroup extends LogRecord {
1633         /** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
1634         private static final long serialVersionUID = -1966827458515403625L;
1635         private ActivationGroupID id;
1636         private ActivationGroupDesc desc;
1638         LogRegisterGroup(ActivationGroupID id, ActivationGroupDesc desc) {
1639             this.id = id;
1640             this.desc = desc;
1641         }
1643         Object apply(Object state) {
1644             // modify state directly; cant ask a nonexistent GroupEntry
1645             // to register itself.
1646             ((Activation) state).groupTable.put(id, ((Activation) state).new
1647                                                 GroupEntry(id, desc));
1648             return state;
1649         }
1650     }
1652     /**
1653      * Log record for udpating an activation desc
1654      */
1655     private static class LogUpdateDesc extends LogRecord {
1656         /** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
1657         private static final long serialVersionUID = 545511539051179885L;
1659         private ActivationID id;
1660         private ActivationDesc desc;
1662         LogUpdateDesc(ActivationID id, ActivationDesc desc) {
1663             this.id = id;
1664             this.desc = desc;
1665         }
1667         Object apply(Object state) {
1668             try {
1669                 ((Activation) state).getGroupEntry(id).
1670                     setActivationDesc(id, desc, false);
1671             } catch (Exception ignore) {
1672                 System.err.println(
1673                     MessageFormat.format(
1674                         getTextResource("rmid.log.recover.warning"),
1675                         "LogUpdateDesc"));
1676                 ignore.printStackTrace();
1677             }
1678             return state;
1679         }
1680     }
1682     /**
1683      * Log record for unregistering a group.
1684      */
1685     private static class LogUpdateGroupDesc extends LogRecord {
1686         /** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
1687         private static final long serialVersionUID = -1271300989218424337L;
1688         private ActivationGroupID id;
1689         private ActivationGroupDesc desc;
1691         LogUpdateGroupDesc(ActivationGroupID id, ActivationGroupDesc desc) {
1692             this.id = id;
1693             this.desc = desc;
1694         }
1696         Object apply(Object state) {
1697             try {
1698                 ((Activation) state).getGroupEntry(id).
1699                     setActivationGroupDesc(id, desc, false);
1700             } catch (Exception ignore) {
1701                 System.err.println(
1702                     MessageFormat.format(
1703                         getTextResource("rmid.log.recover.warning"),
1704                         "LogUpdateGroupDesc"));
1705                 ignore.printStackTrace();
1706             }
1707             return state;
1708         }
1709     }
1711     /**
1712      * Log record for unregistering a group.
1713      */
1714     private static class LogUnregisterGroup extends LogRecord {
1715         /** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
1716         private static final long serialVersionUID = -3356306586522147344L;
1717         private ActivationGroupID id;
1719         LogUnregisterGroup(ActivationGroupID id) {
1720             this.id = id;
1721         }
1723         Object apply(Object state) {
1724             GroupEntry entry = ((Activation) state).groupTable.remove(id);
1725             try {
1726                 entry.unregisterGroup(false);
1727             } catch (Exception ignore) {
1728                 System.err.println(
1729                     MessageFormat.format(
1730                         getTextResource("rmid.log.recover.warning"),
1731                         "LogUnregisterGroup"));
1732                 ignore.printStackTrace();
1733             }
1734             return state;
1735         }
1736     }
1738     /**
1739      * Log record for an active group incarnation
1740      */
1741     private static class LogGroupIncarnation extends LogRecord {
1742         /** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.2 version of class */
1743         private static final long serialVersionUID = 4146872747377631897L;
1744         private ActivationGroupID id;
1745         private long inc;
1747         LogGroupIncarnation(ActivationGroupID id, long inc) {
1748             this.id = id;
1749             this.inc = inc;
1750         }
1752         Object apply(Object state) {
1753             try {
1754                 GroupEntry entry = ((Activation) state).getGroupEntry(id);
1755                 entry.incarnation = inc;
1756             } catch (Exception ignore) {
1757                 System.err.println(
1758                     MessageFormat.format(
1759                         getTextResource("rmid.log.recover.warning"),
1760                         "LogGroupIncarnation"));
1761                 ignore.printStackTrace();
1762             }
1763             return state;
1764         }
1765     }
1767     /**
1768      * Initialize command to exec a default group.
1769      */
1770     private void initCommand(String[] childArgs) {
1771         command = new String[childArgs.length + 2];
1772         AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
1773             public Void run() {
1774                 try {
1775                     command[0] = System.getProperty("java.home") +
1776                         File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "java";
1777                 } catch (Exception e) {
1778                     System.err.println(
1779                         getTextResource("rmid.unfound.java.home.property"));
1780                     command[0] = "java";
1781                 }
1782                 return null;
1783             }
1784         });
1785         System.arraycopy(childArgs, 0, command, 1, childArgs.length);
1786         command[command.length-1] = "sun.rmi.server.ActivationGroupInit";
1787     }
1789     private static void bomb(String error) {
1790         System.err.println("rmid: " + error); // $NON-NLS$
1791         System.err.println(MessageFormat.format(getTextResource("rmid.usage"),
1792                     "rmid"));
1793         System.exit(1);
1794     }
1796     /**
1797      * The default policy for checking a command before it is executed
1798      * makes sure the appropriate com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecPermission and
1799      * set of com.sun.rmi.rmid.ExecOptionPermissions have been granted.
1800      */
1801     public static class DefaultExecPolicy {
1803         public void checkExecCommand(ActivationGroupDesc desc, String[] cmd)
1804             throws SecurityException
1805         {
1806             PermissionCollection perms = getExecPermissions();
1808             /*
1809              * Check properties overrides.
1810              */
1811             Properties props = desc.getPropertyOverrides();
1812             if (props != null) {
1813                 Enumeration<?> p = props.propertyNames();
1814                 while (p.hasMoreElements()) {
1815                     String name = (String) p.nextElement();
1816                     String value = props.getProperty(name);
1817                     String option = "-D" + name + "=" + value;
1818                     try {
1819                         checkPermission(perms,
1820                             new ExecOptionPermission(option));
1821                     } catch (AccessControlException e) {
1822                         if (value.equals("")) {
1823                             checkPermission(perms,
1824                                 new ExecOptionPermission("-D" + name));
1825                         } else {
1826                             throw e;
1827                         }
1828                     }
1829                 }
1830             }
1832             /*
1833              * Check group class name (allow nothing but the default),
1834              * code location (must be null), and data (must be null).
1835              */
1836             String groupClassName = desc.getClassName();
1837             if ((groupClassName != null &&
1838                  !groupClassName.equals(
1839                     ActivationGroupImpl.class.getName())) ||
1840                 (desc.getLocation() != null) ||
1841                 (desc.getData() != null))
1842             {
1843                 throw new AccessControlException(
1844                     "access denied (custom group implementation not allowed)");
1845             }
1847             /*
1848              * If group descriptor has a command environment, check
1849              * command and options.
1850              */
1851             ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment cmdenv;
1852             cmdenv = desc.getCommandEnvironment();
1853             if (cmdenv != null) {
1854                 String path = cmdenv.getCommandPath();
1855                 if (path != null) {
1856                     checkPermission(perms, new ExecPermission(path));
1857                 }
1859                 String[] options = cmdenv.getCommandOptions();
1860                 if (options != null) {
1861                     for (String option : options) {
1862                         checkPermission(perms,
1863                                         new ExecOptionPermission(option));
1864                     }
1865                 }
1866             }
1867         }
1869         /**
1870          * Prints warning message if installed Policy is the default Policy
1871          * implementation and globally granted permissions do not include
1872          * AllPermission or any ExecPermissions/ExecOptionPermissions.
1873          */
1874         static void checkConfiguration() {
1875             Policy policy =
1876                 AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Policy>() {
1877                     public Policy run() {
1878                         return Policy.getPolicy();
1879                     }
1880                 });
1881             if (!(policy instanceof PolicyFile)) {
1882                 return;
1883             }
1884             PermissionCollection perms = getExecPermissions();
1885             for (Enumeration<Permission> e = perms.elements();
1886                  e.hasMoreElements();)
1887             {
1888                 Permission p = e.nextElement();
1889                 if (p instanceof AllPermission ||
1890                     p instanceof ExecPermission ||
1891                     p instanceof ExecOptionPermission)
1892                 {
1893                     return;
1894                 }
1895             }
1896             System.err.println(getTextResource("rmid.exec.perms.inadequate"));
1897         }
1899         private static PermissionCollection getExecPermissions() {
1900             /*
1901              * The approach used here is taken from the similar method
1902              * getLoaderAccessControlContext() in the class
1903              * sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler.
1904              */
1906             // obtain permissions granted to all code in current policy
1907             PermissionCollection perms = AccessController.doPrivileged(
1908                 new PrivilegedAction<PermissionCollection>() {
1909                     public PermissionCollection run() {
1910                         CodeSource codesource =
1911                             new CodeSource(null, (Certificate[]) null);
1912                         Policy p = Policy.getPolicy();
1913                         if (p != null) {
1914                             return p.getPermissions(codesource);
1915                         } else {
1916                             return new Permissions();
1917                         }
1918                     }
1919                 });
1921             return perms;
1922         }
1924         private static void checkPermission(PermissionCollection perms,
1925                                             Permission p)
1926             throws AccessControlException
1927         {
1928             if (!perms.implies(p)) {
1929                 throw new AccessControlException(
1930                    "access denied " + p.toString());
1931             }
1932         }
1933     }
1935     /**
1936      * Main program to start the activation system. <br>
1937      * The usage is as follows: rmid [-port num] [-log dir].
1938      */
1939     public static void main(String[] args) {
1940         boolean stop = false;
1942         // Create and install the security manager if one is not installed
1943         // already.
1944         if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
1945             System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());
1946         }
1948         try {
1949             int port = ActivationSystem.SYSTEM_PORT;
1950             RMIServerSocketFactory ssf = null;
1952             /*
1953              * If rmid has an inherited channel (meaning that it was
1954              * launched from inetd), set the server socket factory to
1955              * return the inherited server socket.
1956              **/
1957             Channel inheritedChannel = AccessController.doPrivileged(
1958                 new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Channel>() {
1959                     public Channel run() throws IOException {
1960                         return System.inheritedChannel();
1961                     }
1962                 });
1964             if (inheritedChannel != null &&
1965                 inheritedChannel instanceof ServerSocketChannel)
1966             {
1967                 /*
1968                  * Redirect System.err output to a file.
1969                  */
1970                 AccessController.doPrivileged(
1971                     new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
1972                         public Void run() throws IOException {
1973                             File file =
1974                                 Files.createTempFile("rmid-err", null).toFile();
1975                             PrintStream errStream =
1976                                 new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
1977                             System.setErr(errStream);
1978                             return null;
1979                         }
1980                     });
1982                 ServerSocket serverSocket =
1983                     ((ServerSocketChannel) inheritedChannel).socket();
1984                 port = serverSocket.getLocalPort();
1985                 ssf = new ActivationServerSocketFactory(serverSocket);
1987                 System.err.println(new Date());
1988                 System.err.println(getTextResource(
1989                                        "rmid.inherited.channel.info") +
1990                                        ": " + inheritedChannel);
1991             }
1993             String log = null;
1994             List<String> childArgs = new ArrayList<>();
1996             /*
1997              * Parse arguments
1998              */
1999             for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
2000                 if (args[i].equals("-port")) {
2001                     if (ssf != null) {
2002                         bomb(getTextResource("rmid.syntax.port.badarg"));
2003                     }
2004                     if ((i + 1) < args.length) {
2005                         try {
2006                             port = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
2007                         } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
2008                             bomb(getTextResource("rmid.syntax.port.badnumber"));
2009                         }
2010                     } else {
2011                         bomb(getTextResource("rmid.syntax.port.missing"));
2012                     }
2014                 } else if (args[i].equals("-log")) {
2015                     if ((i + 1) < args.length) {
2016                         log = args[++i];
2017                     } else {
2018                         bomb(getTextResource("rmid.syntax.log.missing"));
2019                     }
2021                 } else if (args[i].equals("-stop")) {
2022                     stop = true;
2024                 } else if (args[i].startsWith("-C")) {
2025                     childArgs.add(args[i].substring(2));
2027                 } else {
2028                     bomb(MessageFormat.format(
2029                         getTextResource("rmid.syntax.illegal.option"),
2030                         args[i]));
2031                 }
2032             }
2034             if (log == null) {
2035                 if (ssf != null) {
2036                     bomb(getTextResource("rmid.syntax.log.required"));
2037                 } else {
2038                     log = "log";
2039                 }
2040             }
2042             debugExec = AccessController.doPrivileged(
2043                 (PrivilegedAction<Boolean>) () -> Boolean.getBoolean("sun.rmi.server.activation.debugExec"));
2045             /**
2046              * Determine class name for activation exec policy (if any).
2047              */
2048             String execPolicyClassName = AccessController.doPrivileged(
2049                 (PrivilegedAction<String>) () -> System.getProperty("sun.rmi.activation.execPolicy"));
2050             if (execPolicyClassName == null) {
2051                 if (!stop) {
2052                     DefaultExecPolicy.checkConfiguration();
2053                 }
2054                 execPolicyClassName = "default";
2055             }
2057             /**
2058              * Initialize method for activation exec policy.
2059              */
2060             if (!execPolicyClassName.equals("none")) {
2061                 if (execPolicyClassName.equals("") ||
2062                     execPolicyClassName.equals("default"))
2063                 {
2064                     execPolicyClassName = DefaultExecPolicy.class.getName();
2065                 }
2067                 try {
2068                     Class<?> execPolicyClass = getRMIClass(execPolicyClassName);
2069                     @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
2070                     Object tmp = execPolicyClass.newInstance();
2071                     execPolicy = tmp;
2072                     execPolicyMethod =
2073                         execPolicyClass.getMethod("checkExecCommand",
2074                                                   ActivationGroupDesc.class,
2075                                                   String[].class);
2076                 } catch (Exception e) {
2077                     if (debugExec) {
2078                         System.err.println(
2079                             getTextResource("rmid.exec.policy.exception"));
2080                         e.printStackTrace();
2081                     }
2082                     bomb(getTextResource("rmid.exec.policy.invalid"));
2083                 }
2084             }
2086             if (stop == true) {
2087                 final int finalPort = port;
2088                 AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
2089                     public Void run() {
2090                         System.setProperty("java.rmi.activation.port",
2091                                            Integer.toString(finalPort));
2092                         return null;
2093                     }
2094                 });
2095                 ActivationSystem system = ActivationGroup.getSystem();
2096                 system.shutdown();
2097                 System.exit(0);
2098             }
2100             /*
2101              * Fix for 4173960: Create and initialize activation using
2102              * a static method, startActivation, which will build the
2103              * Activation state in two ways: if when rmid is run, no
2104              * log file is found, the ActLogHandler.recover(...)
2105              * method will create a new Activation instance.
2106              * Alternatively, if a logfile is available, a serialized
2107              * instance of activation will be read from the log's
2108              * snapshot file.  Log updates will be applied to this
2109              * Activation object until rmid's state has been fully
2110              * recovered.  In either case, only one instance of
2111              * Activation is created.
2112              */
2113             startActivation(port, ssf, log,
2114                             childArgs.toArray(new String[childArgs.size()]));
2116             // prevent activator from exiting
2117             while (true) {
2118                 try {
2119                     Thread.sleep(Long.MAX_VALUE);
2120                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
2121                 }
2122             }
2123         } catch (Exception e) {
2124             System.err.println(
2125                 MessageFormat.format(
2126                     getTextResource("rmid.unexpected.exception"), e));
2127             e.printStackTrace();
2128         }
2129         System.exit(1);
2130     }
2132     /**
2133      * Retrieves text resources from the locale-specific properties file.
2134      */
2135     private static String getTextResource(String key) {
2136         if (Activation.resources == null) {
2137             try {
2138                 Activation.resources = ResourceBundle.getBundle(
2139                     "sun.rmi.server.resources.rmid");
2140             } catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
2141             }
2142             if (Activation.resources == null) {
2143                 // throwing an Error is a bit extreme, methinks
2144                 return ("[missing resource file: " + key + "]");
2145             }
2146         }
2148         String val = null;
2149         try {
2150             val = Activation.resources.getString (key);
2151         } catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
2152         }
2154         if (val == null) {
2155             return ("[missing resource: " + key + "]");
2156         } else {
2157             return val;
2158         }
2159     }
2161     @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
2162     private static Class<?> getRMIClass(String execPolicyClassName) throws Exception  {
2163         return RMIClassLoader.loadClass(execPolicyClassName);
2164     }
2165     /*
2166      * Dijkstra semaphore operations to limit the number of subprocesses
2167      * rmid attempts to make at once.
2168      */
2169     /**
2170      * Acquire the group semaphore and return a group name.  Each
2171      * Pstartgroup must be followed by a Vstartgroup.  The calling thread
2172      * will wait until there are fewer than <code>N</code> other threads
2173      * holding the group semaphore.  The calling thread will then acquire
2174      * the semaphore and return.
2175      */
2176     private synchronized String Pstartgroup() throws ActivationException {
2177         while (true) {
2178             checkShutdown();
2179             // Wait until positive, then decrement.
2180             if (groupSemaphore > 0) {
2181                 groupSemaphore--;
2182                 return "Group-" + groupCounter++;
2183             }
2185             try {
2186                 wait();
2187             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
2188             }
2189         }
2190     }
2192     /**
2193      * Release the group semaphore.  Every P operation must be
2194      * followed by a V operation.  This may cause another thread to
2195      * wake up and return from its P operation.
2196      */
2197     private synchronized void Vstartgroup() {
2198         // Increment and notify a waiter (not necessarily FIFO).
2199         groupSemaphore++;
2200         notifyAll();
2201     }
2203     /**
2204      * A server socket factory to use when rmid is launched via 'inetd'
2205      * with 'wait' status.  This socket factory's 'createServerSocket'
2206      * method returns the server socket specified during construction that
2207      * is specialized to delay accepting requests until the
2208      * 'initDone' flag is 'true'.  The server socket supplied to
2209      * the constructor should be the server socket obtained from the
2210      * ServerSocketChannel returned from the 'System.inheritedChannel'
2211      * method.
2212      **/
2213     private static class ActivationServerSocketFactory
2214         implements RMIServerSocketFactory
2215     {
2216         private final ServerSocket serverSocket;
2218         /**
2219          * Constructs an 'ActivationServerSocketFactory' with the specified
2220          * 'serverSocket'.
2221          **/
2222         ActivationServerSocketFactory(ServerSocket serverSocket) {
2223             this.serverSocket = serverSocket;
2224         }
2226         /**
2227          * Returns the server socket specified during construction wrapped
2228          * in a 'DelayedAcceptServerSocket'.
2229          **/
2230         public ServerSocket createServerSocket(int port)
2231             throws IOException
2232         {
2233             return new DelayedAcceptServerSocket(serverSocket);
2234         }
2236     }
2238     /**
2239      * A server socket that delegates all public methods to the underlying
2240      * server socket specified at construction.  The accept method is
2241      * overridden to delay calling accept on the underlying server socket
2242      * until the 'initDone' flag is 'true'.
2243      **/
2244     private static class DelayedAcceptServerSocket extends ServerSocket {
2246         private final ServerSocket serverSocket;
2248         DelayedAcceptServerSocket(ServerSocket serverSocket)
2249             throws IOException
2250         {
2251             this.serverSocket = serverSocket;
2252         }
2254         public void bind(SocketAddress endpoint) throws IOException {
2255             serverSocket.bind(endpoint);
2256         }
2258         public void bind(SocketAddress endpoint, int backlog)
2259                 throws IOException
2260         {
2261             serverSocket.bind(endpoint, backlog);
2262         }
2264         public InetAddress getInetAddress() {
2265             return AccessController.doPrivileged(
2266                 new PrivilegedAction<InetAddress>() {
2267                     @Override
2268                     public InetAddress run() {
2269                         return serverSocket.getInetAddress();
2270                     }
2271                 });
2272         }
2274         public int getLocalPort() {
2275             return serverSocket.getLocalPort();
2276         }
2278         public SocketAddress getLocalSocketAddress() {
2279             return AccessController.doPrivileged(
2280                 new PrivilegedAction<SocketAddress>() {
2281                     @Override
2282                     public SocketAddress run() {
2283                         return serverSocket.getLocalSocketAddress();
2284                     }
2285                 });
2286         }
2288         /**
2289          * Delays calling accept on the underlying server socket until the
2290          * remote service is bound in the registry.
2291          **/
2292         public Socket accept() throws IOException {
2293             synchronized (initLock) {
2294                 try {
2295                     while (!initDone) {
2296                         initLock.wait();
2297                     }
2298                 } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
2299                     throw new AssertionError(ignore);
2300                 }
2301             }
2302             return serverSocket.accept();
2303         }
2305         public void close() throws IOException {
2306             serverSocket.close();
2307         }
2309         public ServerSocketChannel getChannel() {
2310             return serverSocket.getChannel();
2311         }
2313         public boolean isBound() {
2314             return serverSocket.isBound();
2315         }
2317         public boolean isClosed() {
2318             return serverSocket.isClosed();
2319         }
2321         public void setSoTimeout(int timeout)
2322             throws SocketException
2323         {
2324             serverSocket.setSoTimeout(timeout);
2325         }
2327         public int getSoTimeout() throws IOException {
2328             return serverSocket.getSoTimeout();
2329         }
2331         public void setReuseAddress(boolean on) throws SocketException {
2332             serverSocket.setReuseAddress(on);
2333         }
2335         public boolean getReuseAddress() throws SocketException {
2336             return serverSocket.getReuseAddress();
2337         }
2339         public String toString() {
2340             return serverSocket.toString();
2341         }
2343         public void setReceiveBufferSize(int size)
2344             throws SocketException
2345         {
2346             serverSocket.setReceiveBufferSize(size);
2347         }
2349         public int getReceiveBufferSize()
2350             throws SocketException
2351         {
2352             return serverSocket.getReceiveBufferSize();
2353         }
2354     }
2355 }
2357 /**
2358  * PipeWriter plugs together two pairs of input and output streams by
2359  * providing readers for input streams and writing through to
2360  * appropriate output streams.  Both output streams are annotated on a
2361  * per-line basis.
2362  *
2363  * @author Laird Dornin, much code borrowed from Peter Jones, Ken
2364  *         Arnold and Ann Wollrath.
2365  */
2366 class PipeWriter implements Runnable {
2368     /** stream used for buffering lines */
2369     private ByteArrayOutputStream bufOut;
2371     /** count since last separator */
2372     private int cLast;
2374     /** current chunk of input being compared to lineSeparator.*/
2375     private byte[] currSep;
2377     private PrintWriter out;
2378     private InputStream in;
2380     private String pipeString;
2381     private String execString;
2383     private static String lineSeparator;
2384     private static int lineSeparatorLength;
2386     private static int numExecs = 0;
2388     static {
2389         lineSeparator = AccessController.doPrivileged(
2390            (PrivilegedAction<String>) () -> System.getProperty("line.separator"));
2391         lineSeparatorLength = lineSeparator.length();
2392     }
2394     /**
2395      * Create a new PipeWriter object. All methods of PipeWriter,
2396      * except plugTogetherPair, are only accesible to PipeWriter
2397      * itself.  Synchronization is unnecessary on functions that will
2398      * only be used internally in PipeWriter.
2399      *
2400      * @param in input stream from which pipe input flows
2401      * @param out output stream to which log messages will be sent
2402      * @param dest String which tags output stream as 'out' or 'err'
2403      * @param nExecs number of execed processes, Activation groups.
2404      */
2405     private PipeWriter
2406         (InputStream in, OutputStream out, String tag, int nExecs) {
2408         this.in = in;
2409         this.out = new PrintWriter(out);
2411         bufOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
2412         currSep = new byte[lineSeparatorLength];
2414         /* set unique pipe/pair annotations */
2415         execString = ":ExecGroup-" +
2416             Integer.toString(nExecs) + ':' + tag + ':';
2417     }
2419     /**
2420      * Create a thread to listen and read from input stream, in.  buffer
2421      * the data that is read until a marker which equals lineSeparator
2422      * is read.  Once such a string has been discovered; write out an
2423      * annotation string followed by the buffered data and a line
2424      * separator.
2425      */
2426     public void run() {
2427         byte[] buf = new byte[256];
2428         int count;
2430         try {
2431             /* read bytes till there are no more. */
2432             while ((count = in.read(buf)) != -1) {
2433                 write(buf, 0, count);
2434             }
2436             /*  flush internal buffer... may not have ended on a line
2437              *  separator, we also need a last annotation if
2438              *  something was left.
2439              */
2440             String lastInBuffer = bufOut.toString();
2441             bufOut.reset();
2442             if (lastInBuffer.length() > 0) {
2443                 out.println (createAnnotation() + lastInBuffer);
2444                 out.flush();                    // add a line separator
2445                                                 // to make output nicer
2446             }
2448         } catch (IOException e) {
2449         }
2450     }
2452     /**
2453      * Write a subarray of bytes.  Pass each through write byte method.
2454      */
2455     private void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
2457         if (len < 0) {
2458             throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(len);
2459         }
2460         for (int i = 0; i < len; ++ i) {
2461             write(b[off + i]);
2462         }
2463     }
2465     /**
2466      * Write a byte of data to the stream.  If we have not matched a
2467      * line separator string, then the byte is appended to the internal
2468      * buffer.  If we have matched a line separator, then the currently
2469      * buffered line is sent to the output writer with a prepended
2470      * annotation string.
2471      */
2472     private void write(byte b) throws IOException {
2473         int i = 0;
2475         /* shift current to the left */
2476         for (i = 1 ; i < (currSep.length); i ++) {
2477             currSep[i-1] = currSep[i];
2478         }
2479         currSep[i-1] = b;
2480         bufOut.write(b);
2482         /* enough characters for a separator? */
2483         if ( (cLast >= (lineSeparatorLength - 1)) &&
2484              (lineSeparator.equals(new String(currSep))) ) {
2486             cLast = 0;
2488             /* write prefix through to underlying byte stream */
2489             out.print(createAnnotation() + bufOut.toString());
2490             out.flush();
2491             bufOut.reset();
2493             if (out.checkError()) {
2494                 throw new IOException
2495                     ("PipeWriter: IO Exception when"+
2496                      " writing to output stream.");
2497             }
2499         } else {
2500             cLast++;
2501         }
2502     }
2504     /**
2505      * Create an annotation string to be printed out after
2506      * a new line and end of stream.
2507      */
2508     private String createAnnotation() {
2510         /* construct prefix for log messages:
2511          * date/time stamp...
2512          */
2513         return ((new Date()).toString()  +
2514                  /* ... print pair # ... */
2515                  (execString));
2516     }
2518     /**
2519      * Allow plugging together two pipes at a time, to associate
2520      * output from an execed process.  This is the only publicly
2521      * accessible method of this object; this helps ensure that
2522      * synchronization will not be an issue in the annotation
2523      * process.
2524      *
2525      * @param in input stream from which pipe input comes
2526      * @param out output stream to which log messages will be sent
2527      * @param in1 input stream from which pipe input comes
2528      * @param out1 output stream to which log messages will be sent
2529      */
2530     static void plugTogetherPair(InputStream in,
2531                                  OutputStream out,
2532                                  InputStream in1,
2533                                  OutputStream out1) {
2534         Thread inThread = null;
2535         Thread outThread = null;
2537         int nExecs = getNumExec();
2539         /* start RMI threads to read output from child process */
2540         inThread = AccessController.doPrivileged(
2541             new NewThreadAction(new PipeWriter(in, out, "out", nExecs),
2542                                 "out", true));
2543         outThread = AccessController.doPrivileged(
2544             new NewThreadAction(new PipeWriter(in1, out1, "err", nExecs),
2545                                 "err", true));
2546         inThread.start();
2547         outThread.start();
2548     }
2550     private static synchronized int getNumExec() {
2551         return numExecs++;
2552     }
2553 }