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  84  * </pre>
  85  * Note that the system URI ( is
  86  * <i>not</i> accessed when exporting or importing properties; it merely
  87  * serves as a string to uniquely identify the DTD, which is:
  88  * <pre>
  89  *    &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
  90  *
  91  *    &lt;!-- DTD for properties --&gt;
  92  *
  93  *    &lt;!ELEMENT properties ( comment?, entry* ) &gt;
  94  *
  95  *    &lt;!ATTLIST properties version CDATA #FIXED "1.0"&gt;
  96  *
  97  *    &lt;!ELEMENT comment (#PCDATA) &gt;
  98  *
  99  *    &lt;!ELEMENT entry (#PCDATA) &gt;
 100  *
 101  *    &lt;!ATTLIST entry key CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 102  * </pre>
 103  *
 104  * @see <a href="../../../technotes/tools/solaris/native2ascii.html">native2ascii tool for Solaris</a>
 105  * @see <a href="../../../technotes/tools/windows/native2ascii.html">native2ascii tool for Windows</a>
 106  *
 107  * <p>This class is thread-safe: multiple threads can share a single
 108  * <tt>Properties</tt> object without the need for external synchronization.
 109  *

 110  * @author  Arthur van Hoff
 111  * @author  Michael McCloskey
 112  * @author  Xueming Shen
 113  * @since   JDK1.0
 114  */
 115 public
 116 class Properties extends Hashtable<Object,Object> {
 117     /**
 118      * use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.1.X for interoperability
 119      */
 120      private static final long serialVersionUID = 4112578634029874840L;
 122     /**
 123      * A property list that contains default values for any keys not
 124      * found in this property list.
 125      *
 126      * @serial
 127      */
 128     protected Properties defaults;

  84  * </pre>
  85  * Note that the system URI ( is
  86  * <i>not</i> accessed when exporting or importing properties; it merely
  87  * serves as a string to uniquely identify the DTD, which is:
  88  * <pre>
  89  *    &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
  90  *
  91  *    &lt;!-- DTD for properties --&gt;
  92  *
  93  *    &lt;!ELEMENT properties ( comment?, entry* ) &gt;
  94  *
  95  *    &lt;!ATTLIST properties version CDATA #FIXED "1.0"&gt;
  96  *
  97  *    &lt;!ELEMENT comment (#PCDATA) &gt;
  98  *
  99  *    &lt;!ELEMENT entry (#PCDATA) &gt;
 100  *
 101  *    &lt;!ATTLIST entry key CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 102  * </pre>
 103  *

 104  * <p>This class is thread-safe: multiple threads can share a single
 105  * <tt>Properties</tt> object without the need for external synchronization.
 106  *
 107  * @see <a href="../../../technotes/tools/solaris/native2ascii.html">native2ascii tool for Solaris</a>
 108  * @see <a href="../../../technotes/tools/windows/native2ascii.html">native2ascii tool for Windows</a>
 109  *
 110  * @author  Arthur van Hoff
 111  * @author  Michael McCloskey
 112  * @author  Xueming Shen
 113  * @since   JDK1.0
 114  */
 115 public
 116 class Properties extends Hashtable<Object,Object> {
 117     /**
 118      * use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.1.X for interoperability
 119      */
 120      private static final long serialVersionUID = 4112578634029874840L;
 122     /**
 123      * A property list that contains default values for any keys not
 124      * found in this property list.
 125      *
 126      * @serial
 127      */
 128     protected Properties defaults;