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@@ -263,10 +263,14 @@
     /** The list of exceptions that are either caught or declared to be
      *  thrown.
     List<Type> caught;
+    /** The list of unreferenced automatic resources.
+     */
+    List<Symbol> unrefdResources;
     /** Set when processing a loop body the second time for DU analysis. */
     boolean loopPassTwo = false;
     /*-------------------- Environments ----------------------*/

@@ -975,20 +979,56 @@
         Bits uninitsTryPrev = uninitsTry;
         ListBuffer<PendingExit> prevPendingExits = pendingExits;
         pendingExits = new ListBuffer<PendingExit>();
         Bits initsTry = inits.dup();
         uninitsTry = uninits.dup();
+        unrefdResources = List.nil();
+        for (JCTree resource : tree.resources) {
+            if (resource instanceof JCVariableDecl) {
+                visitVarDef((JCVariableDecl) resource);
+            } else if (resource instanceof JCExpression) {
+                scanExpr((JCExpression) resource);
+            } else {
+                throw new AssertionError(tree);  // parser error
+            }
+        }
+        for (JCTree resource : tree.resources) {
+            MethodSymbol topCloseMethod = (MethodSymbol)syms.autoCloseableType.tsym.members().lookup(names.close).sym;
+            List<Type> closeableSupertypes = resource.type.isCompound() ?
+                types.interfaces(resource.type).prepend(types.supertype(resource.type)) :
+                List.of(resource.type);
+            for (Type sup : closeableSupertypes) {
+                if (types.asSuper(sup, syms.autoCloseableType.tsym) != null) {
+                    MethodSymbol closeMethod = types.implementation(topCloseMethod, sup.tsym, types, true);
+                    for (Type t : closeMethod.getThrownTypes()) {
+                        markThrown(tree.body, t);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
         List<Type> thrownInTry = thrown;
         thrown = thrownPrev;
         caught = caughtPrev;
         boolean aliveEnd = alive;
         Bits initsEnd = inits;
         Bits uninitsEnd = uninits;
         int nextadrCatch = nextadr;
+        if (unrefdResources.nonEmpty()) {
+            for (List<JCTree> l = tree.resources; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) {
+                if (l.head instanceof JCVariableDecl) {
+                    JCVariableDecl v = (JCVariableDecl) l.head;
+                    if (unrefdResources.contains(v.sym)) {
+                        log.warning(v.pos(),
+                                    "automatic.resource.not.referenced", v.sym);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
         List<Type> caughtInTry = List.nil();
         for (List<JCCatch> l = tree.catchers; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) {
             alive = true;
             JCVariableDecl param = l.head.param;
             List<JCExpression> subClauses = TreeInfo.isMultiCatch(l.head) ?

@@ -1291,12 +1331,24 @@
         // annotations don't get scanned
     public void visitIdent(JCIdent tree) {
-        if (tree.sym.kind == VAR)
+        if (tree.sym.kind == VAR) {
             checkInit(tree.pos(), (VarSymbol)tree.sym);
+            referenced(tree.sym);
+        }
+    }
+    void referenced(Symbol sym) {
+        if (unrefdResources != null && unrefdResources.contains(sym)) {
+            ListBuffer<Symbol> lb = new ListBuffer<Symbol>();
+            for (List<Symbol> l = unrefdResources; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail)
+                if (l.head != sym)
+                    lb.add(l.head);
+            unrefdResources = lb.toList();
+        }
     public void visitTypeCast(JCTypeCast tree) {
         if (!tree.type.isErroneous()