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  46     public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
  47         // set up dir1/test0.java
  48         File dir1 = new File("dir1");
  49         dir1.mkdir();
  50         BufferedWriter fout = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(dir1, "test0.java")));
  51         fout.write("public class test0 { }");
  52         fout.close();
  54         // run annotation processor b6341534 so we can check diagnostics
  55         // -proc:only -processor b6341534 -cp . ./src/*.java
  56         String testSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
  57         String testClasses = System.getProperty("test.classes");
  58         JavacTool tool = JavacTool.create();
  59         MyDiagListener dl = new MyDiagListener();
  60         StandardJavaFileManager fm = tool.getStandardFileManager(dl, null, null);
  61         fm.setLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH, Arrays.asList(new File(".")));
  62         Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> files = fm.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(Arrays.asList(
  63             new File(testSrc, "test0.java"), new File(testSrc, "test1.java")));
  64         Iterable<String> opts = Arrays.asList("-proc:only",
  65                                               "-processor", "b6341534",
  66                                               "-source", "1.6",
  67                                               "-processorpath", testClasses);
  68         StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
  69         JavacTask task = tool.getTask(out, fm, dl, opts, null, files);
  70         task.call();
  71         String s = out.toString();
  72         System.err.print(s);
  73         // Expect the following 2 diagnostics, and no output to log
  74         System.err.println(dl.count + " diagnostics; " + s.length() + " characters");
  75         if (dl.count != 2 || s.length() != 0)
  76             throw new AssertionError("unexpected output from compiler");
  77     }
  79     static class MyDiagListener implements DiagnosticListener<JavaFileObject> {
  80         public void report(Diagnostic d) {
  81             System.err.println(d);
  82             count++;
  83         }
  85         public int count;
  86     }

  46     public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
  47         // set up dir1/test0.java
  48         File dir1 = new File("dir1");
  49         dir1.mkdir();
  50         BufferedWriter fout = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(dir1, "test0.java")));
  51         fout.write("public class test0 { }");
  52         fout.close();
  54         // run annotation processor b6341534 so we can check diagnostics
  55         // -proc:only -processor b6341534 -cp . ./src/*.java
  56         String testSrc = System.getProperty("test.src", ".");
  57         String testClasses = System.getProperty("test.classes");
  58         JavacTool tool = JavacTool.create();
  59         MyDiagListener dl = new MyDiagListener();
  60         StandardJavaFileManager fm = tool.getStandardFileManager(dl, null, null);
  61         fm.setLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH, Arrays.asList(new File(".")));
  62         Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> files = fm.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(Arrays.asList(
  63             new File(testSrc, "test0.java"), new File(testSrc, "test1.java")));
  64         Iterable<String> opts = Arrays.asList("-proc:only",
  65                                               "-processor", "b6341534",

  66                                               "-processorpath", testClasses);
  67         StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
  68         JavacTask task = tool.getTask(out, fm, dl, opts, null, files);
  69         task.call();
  70         String s = out.toString();
  71         System.err.print(s);
  72         // Expect the following 2 diagnostics, and no output to log
  73         System.err.println(dl.count + " diagnostics; " + s.length() + " characters");
  74         if (dl.count != 2 || s.length() != 0)
  75             throw new AssertionError("unexpected output from compiler");
  76     }
  78     static class MyDiagListener implements DiagnosticListener<JavaFileObject> {
  79         public void report(Diagnostic d) {
  80             System.err.println(d);
  81             count++;
  82         }
  84         public int count;
  85     }