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  90  * MidiDevice device = ...;
  91  * if ( ! (device instanceof Sequencer) && ! (device instanceof Synthesizer)) {
  92  *   // we're now sure that device represents a MIDI port
  93  *   // ...
  94  * }
  95  * </pre>
  96  *
  97  * <p>
  98  * A <code>MidiDevice</code> includes a <code>{@link MidiDevice.Info}</code> object
  99  * to provide manufacturer information and so on.
 100  *
 101  * @see Synthesizer
 102  * @see Sequencer
 103  * @see Receiver
 104  * @see Transmitter
 105  *
 106  * @author Kara Kytle
 107  * @author Florian Bomers
 108  */
 110 public interface MidiDevice {
 113     /**
 114      * Obtains information about the device, including its Java class and
 115      * <code>Strings</code> containing its name, vendor, and description.
 116      *
 117      * @return device info
 118      */
 119     public Info getDeviceInfo();
 122     /**
 123      * Opens the device, indicating that it should now acquire any
 124      * system resources it requires and become operational.
 125      *
 126      * <p>An application opening a device explicitly with this call
 127      * has to close the device by calling {@link #close}. This is
 128      * necessary to release system resources and allow applications to
 129      * exit cleanly.
 130      *

  90  * MidiDevice device = ...;
  91  * if ( ! (device instanceof Sequencer) && ! (device instanceof Synthesizer)) {
  92  *   // we're now sure that device represents a MIDI port
  93  *   // ...
  94  * }
  95  * </pre>
  96  *
  97  * <p>
  98  * A <code>MidiDevice</code> includes a <code>{@link MidiDevice.Info}</code> object
  99  * to provide manufacturer information and so on.
 100  *
 101  * @see Synthesizer
 102  * @see Sequencer
 103  * @see Receiver
 104  * @see Transmitter
 105  *
 106  * @author Kara Kytle
 107  * @author Florian Bomers
 108  */
 110 public interface MidiDevice extends AutoCloseable {
 113     /**
 114      * Obtains information about the device, including its Java class and
 115      * <code>Strings</code> containing its name, vendor, and description.
 116      *
 117      * @return device info
 118      */
 119     public Info getDeviceInfo();
 122     /**
 123      * Opens the device, indicating that it should now acquire any
 124      * system resources it requires and become operational.
 125      *
 126      * <p>An application opening a device explicitly with this call
 127      * has to close the device by calling {@link #close}. This is
 128      * necessary to release system resources and allow applications to
 129      * exit cleanly.
 130      *