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1595     static int bitLengthForInt(int n) {
1596         return 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n);
1597     }
1599     /**
1600      * Left shift int array a up to len by n bits. Returns the array that
1601      * results from the shift since space may have to be reallocated.
1602      */
1603     private static int[] leftShift(int[] a, int len, int n) {
1604         int nInts = n >>> 5;
1605         int nBits = n&0x1F;
1606         int bitsInHighWord = bitLengthForInt(a[0]);
1608         // If shift can be done without recopy, do so
1609         if (n <= (32-bitsInHighWord)) {
1610             primitiveLeftShift(a, len, nBits);
1611             return a;
1612         } else { // Array must be resized
1613             if (nBits <= (32-bitsInHighWord)) {
1614                 int result[] = new int[nInts+len];
1615                 for (int i=0; i<len; i++)
1616                     result[i] = a[i];
1617                 primitiveLeftShift(result, result.length, nBits);
1618                 return result;
1619             } else {
1620                 int result[] = new int[nInts+len+1];
1621                 for (int i=0; i<len; i++)
1622                     result[i] = a[i];
1623                 primitiveRightShift(result, result.length, 32 - nBits);
1624                 return result;
1625             }
1626         }
1627     }
1629     // shifts a up to len right n bits assumes no leading zeros, 0<n<32
1630     static void primitiveRightShift(int[] a, int len, int n) {
1631         int n2 = 32 - n;
1632         for (int i=len-1, c=a[i]; i>0; i--) {
1633             int b = c;
1634             c = a[i-1];
1635             a[i] = (c << n2) | (b >>> n);
1636         }
1637         a[0] >>>= n;
1638     }
1640     // shifts a up to len left n bits assumes no leading zeros, 0<=n<32
1641     static void primitiveLeftShift(int[] a, int len, int n) {
1642         if (len == 0 || n == 0)

1891                           b2 = new MutableBigInteger(mod);
1893         MutableBigInteger r= a2.divide(b2, q);
1894         table[0] = r.toIntArray();
1896         // Pad table[0] with leading zeros so its length is at least modLen
1897         if (table[0].length < modLen) {
1898            int offset = modLen - table[0].length;
1899            int[] t2 = new int[modLen];
1900            for (int i=0; i<table[0].length; i++)
1901                t2[i+offset] = table[0][i];
1902            table[0] = t2;
1903         }
1905         // Set b to the square of the base
1906         int[] b = squareToLen(table[0], modLen, null);
1907         b = montReduce(b, mod, modLen, inv);
1909         // Set t to high half of b
1910         int[] t = new int[modLen];
1911         for(int i=0; i<modLen; i++)
1912             t[i] = b[i];
1914         // Fill in the table with odd powers of the base
1915         for (int i=1; i<tblmask; i++) {
1916             int[] prod = multiplyToLen(t, modLen, table[i-1], modLen, null);
1917             table[i] = montReduce(prod, mod, modLen, inv);
1918         }
1920         // Pre load the window that slides over the exponent
1921         int bitpos = 1 << ((ebits-1) & (32-1));
1923         int buf = 0;
1924         int elen = exp.length;
1925         int eIndex = 0;
1926         for (int i = 0; i <= wbits; i++) {
1927             buf = (buf << 1) | (((exp[eIndex] & bitpos) != 0)?1:0);
1928             bitpos >>>= 1;
1929             if (bitpos == 0) {
1930                 eIndex++;
1931                 bitpos = 1 << (32-1);
1932                 elen--;

1989                     a = montReduce(a, mod, modLen, inv);
1990                     t = a; a = b; b = t;
1991                 }
1992             }
1994             // Check if done
1995             if (ebits == 0)
1996                 break;
1998             // Square the input
1999             if (!isone) {
2000                 t = b;
2001                 a = squareToLen(t, modLen, a);
2002                 a = montReduce(a, mod, modLen, inv);
2003                 t = a; a = b; b = t;
2004             }
2005         }
2007         // Convert result out of Montgomery form and return
2008         int[] t2 = new int[2*modLen];
2009         for(int i=0; i<modLen; i++)
2010             t2[i+modLen] = b[i];
2012         b = montReduce(t2, mod, modLen, inv);
2014         t2 = new int[modLen];
2015         for(int i=0; i<modLen; i++)
2016             t2[i] = b[i];
2018         return new BigInteger(1, t2);
2019     }
2021     /**
2022      * Montgomery reduce n, modulo mod.  This reduces modulo mod and divides
2023      * by 2^(32*mlen). Adapted from Colin Plumb's C library.
2024      */
2025     private static int[] montReduce(int[] n, int[] mod, int mlen, int inv) {
2026         int c=0;
2027         int len = mlen;
2028         int offset=0;
2030         do {
2031             int nEnd = n[n.length-1-offset];
2032             int carry = mulAdd(n, mod, offset, mlen, inv * nEnd);
2033             c += addOne(n, offset, mlen, carry);
2034             offset++;
2035         } while(--len > 0);

2137                 result = result.multiply(baseToPow2).mod2(p);
2138             expOffset++;
2139             if (expOffset < limit)
2140                 baseToPow2 = baseToPow2.square().mod2(p);
2141         }
2143         return result;
2144     }
2146     /**
2147      * Returns a BigInteger whose value is this mod(2**p).
2148      * Assumes that this {@code BigInteger >= 0} and {@code p > 0}.
2149      */
2150     private BigInteger mod2(int p) {
2151         if (bitLength() <= p)
2152             return this;
2154         // Copy remaining ints of mag
2155         int numInts = (p + 31) >>> 5;
2156         int[] mag = new int[numInts];
2157         for (int i=0; i<numInts; i++)
2158             mag[i] = this.mag[i + (this.mag.length - numInts)];
2160         // Mask out any excess bits
2161         int excessBits = (numInts << 5) - p;
2162         mag[0] &= (1L << (32-excessBits)) - 1;
2164         return (mag[0]==0 ? new BigInteger(1, mag) : new BigInteger(mag, 1));
2165     }
2167     /**
2168      * Returns a BigInteger whose value is {@code (this}<sup>-1</sup> {@code mod m)}.
2169      *
2170      * @param  m the modulus.
2171      * @return {@code this}<sup>-1</sup> {@code mod m}.
2172      * @throws ArithmeticException {@code  m} &le; 0, or this BigInteger
2173      *         has no multiplicative inverse mod m (that is, this BigInteger
2174      *         is not <i>relatively prime</i> to m).
2175      */
2176     public BigInteger modInverse(BigInteger m) {
2177         if (m.signum != 1)
2178             throw new ArithmeticException("BigInteger: modulus not positive");

2204      * (Computes <tt>floor(this * 2<sup>n</sup>)</tt>.)
2205      *
2206      * @param  n shift distance, in bits.
2207      * @return {@code this << n}
2208      * @throws ArithmeticException if the shift distance is {@code
2209      *         Integer.MIN_VALUE}.
2210      * @see #shiftRight
2211      */
2212     public BigInteger shiftLeft(int n) {
2213         if (signum == 0)
2214             return ZERO;
2215         if (n==0)
2216             return this;
2217         if (n<0) {
2218             if (n == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
2219                 throw new ArithmeticException("Shift distance of Integer.MIN_VALUE not supported.");
2220             } else {
2221                 return shiftRight(-n);
2222             }
2223         }
2224         int[] newMag = shiftLeft(mag,n);
2226         return new BigInteger(newMag, signum);
2227     }
2229     private static int[] shiftLeft(int[] mag, int n) {
2230         int nInts = n >>> 5;
2231         int nBits = n & 0x1f;
2232         int magLen = mag.length;
2233         int newMag[] = null;
2235         if (nBits == 0) {
2236             newMag = new int[magLen + nInts];
2237             for (int i=0; i<magLen; i++)
2238                 newMag[i] = mag[i];
2239         } else {
2240             int i = 0;
2241             int nBits2 = 32 - nBits;
2242             int highBits = mag[0] >>> nBits2;
2243             if (highBits != 0) {
2244                 newMag = new int[magLen + nInts + 1];
2245                 newMag[i++] = highBits;
2246             } else {
2247                 newMag = new int[magLen + nInts];
2248             }
2249             int j=0;
2250             while (j < magLen-1)
2251                 newMag[i++] = mag[j++] << nBits | mag[j] >>> nBits2;
2252             newMag[i] = mag[j] << nBits;
2253         }
2254         return newMag;
2255     }
2257     /**
2258      * Returns a BigInteger whose value is {@code (this >> n)}.  Sign

2272         if (n<0) {
2273             if (n == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
2274                 throw new ArithmeticException("Shift distance of Integer.MIN_VALUE not supported.");
2275             } else {
2276                 return shiftLeft(-n);
2277             }
2278         }
2280         int nInts = n >>> 5;
2281         int nBits = n & 0x1f;
2282         int magLen = mag.length;
2283         int newMag[] = null;
2285         // Special case: entire contents shifted off the end
2286         if (nInts >= magLen)
2287             return (signum >= 0 ? ZERO : negConst[1]);
2289         if (nBits == 0) {
2290             int newMagLen = magLen - nInts;
2291             newMag = new int[newMagLen];
2292             for (int i=0; i<newMagLen; i++)
2293                 newMag[i] = mag[i];
2294         } else {
2295             int i = 0;
2296             int highBits = mag[0] >>> nBits;
2297             if (highBits != 0) {
2298                 newMag = new int[magLen - nInts];
2299                 newMag[i++] = highBits;
2300             } else {
2301                 newMag = new int[magLen - nInts -1];
2302             }
2304             int nBits2 = 32 - nBits;
2305             int j=0;
2306             while (j < magLen - nInts - 1)
2307                 newMag[i++] = (mag[j++] << nBits2) | (mag[j] >>> nBits);
2308         }
2310         if (signum < 0) {
2311             // Find out whether any one-bits were shifted off the end.
2312             boolean onesLost = false;
2313             for (int i=magLen-1, j=magLen-nInts; i>=j && !onesLost; i--)

2544      * For positive BigIntegers, this is equivalent to the number of bits in
2545      * the ordinary binary representation.  (Computes
2546      * {@code (ceil(log2(this < 0 ? -this : this+1)))}.)
2547      *
2548      * @return number of bits in the minimal two's-complement
2549      *         representation of this BigInteger, <i>excluding</i> a sign bit.
2550      */
2551     public int bitLength() {
2552         @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") int n = bitLength - 1;
2553         if (n == -1) { // bitLength not initialized yet
2554             int[] m = mag;
2555             int len = m.length;
2556             if (len == 0) {
2557                 n = 0; // offset by one to initialize
2558             }  else {
2559                 // Calculate the bit length of the magnitude
2560                 int magBitLength = ((len - 1) << 5) + bitLengthForInt(mag[0]);
2561                  if (signum < 0) {
2562                      // Check if magnitude is a power of two
2563                      boolean pow2 = (Integer.bitCount(mag[0]) == 1);
2564                      for(int i=1; i< len && pow2; i++)
2565                          pow2 = (mag[i] == 0);
2567                      n = (pow2 ? magBitLength -1 : magBitLength);
2568                  } else {
2569                      n = magBitLength;
2570                  }
2571             }
2572             bitLength = n + 1;
2573         }
2574         return n;
2575     }
2577     /**
2578      * Returns the number of bits in the two's complement representation
2579      * of this BigInteger that differ from its sign bit.  This method is
2580      * useful when implementing bit-vector style sets atop BigIntegers.
2581      *
2582      * @return number of bits in the two's complement representation
2583      *         of this BigInteger that differ from its sign bit.
2584      */

1595     static int bitLengthForInt(int n) {
1596         return 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n);
1597     }
1599     /**
1600      * Left shift int array a up to len by n bits. Returns the array that
1601      * results from the shift since space may have to be reallocated.
1602      */
1603     private static int[] leftShift(int[] a, int len, int n) {
1604         int nInts = n >>> 5;
1605         int nBits = n&0x1F;
1606         int bitsInHighWord = bitLengthForInt(a[0]);
1608         // If shift can be done without recopy, do so
1609         if (n <= (32-bitsInHighWord)) {
1610             primitiveLeftShift(a, len, nBits);
1611             return a;
1612         } else { // Array must be resized
1613             if (nBits <= (32-bitsInHighWord)) {
1614                 int result[] = new int[nInts+len];
1615                 System.arraycopy(a, 0, result, 0, len);

1616                 primitiveLeftShift(result, result.length, nBits);
1617                 return result;
1618             } else {
1619                 int result[] = new int[nInts+len+1];
1620                 System.arraycopy(a, 0, result, 0, len);

1621                 primitiveRightShift(result, result.length, 32 - nBits);
1622                 return result;
1623             }
1624         }
1625     }
1627     // shifts a up to len right n bits assumes no leading zeros, 0<n<32
1628     static void primitiveRightShift(int[] a, int len, int n) {
1629         int n2 = 32 - n;
1630         for (int i=len-1, c=a[i]; i>0; i--) {
1631             int b = c;
1632             c = a[i-1];
1633             a[i] = (c << n2) | (b >>> n);
1634         }
1635         a[0] >>>= n;
1636     }
1638     // shifts a up to len left n bits assumes no leading zeros, 0<=n<32
1639     static void primitiveLeftShift(int[] a, int len, int n) {
1640         if (len == 0 || n == 0)

1889                           b2 = new MutableBigInteger(mod);
1891         MutableBigInteger r= a2.divide(b2, q);
1892         table[0] = r.toIntArray();
1894         // Pad table[0] with leading zeros so its length is at least modLen
1895         if (table[0].length < modLen) {
1896            int offset = modLen - table[0].length;
1897            int[] t2 = new int[modLen];
1898            for (int i=0; i<table[0].length; i++)
1899                t2[i+offset] = table[0][i];
1900            table[0] = t2;
1901         }
1903         // Set b to the square of the base
1904         int[] b = squareToLen(table[0], modLen, null);
1905         b = montReduce(b, mod, modLen, inv);
1907         // Set t to high half of b
1908         int[] t = new int[modLen];
1909         System.arraycopy(b, 0, t, 0, modLen);

1911         // Fill in the table with odd powers of the base
1912         for (int i=1; i<tblmask; i++) {
1913             int[] prod = multiplyToLen(t, modLen, table[i-1], modLen, null);
1914             table[i] = montReduce(prod, mod, modLen, inv);
1915         }
1917         // Pre load the window that slides over the exponent
1918         int bitpos = 1 << ((ebits-1) & (32-1));
1920         int buf = 0;
1921         int elen = exp.length;
1922         int eIndex = 0;
1923         for (int i = 0; i <= wbits; i++) {
1924             buf = (buf << 1) | (((exp[eIndex] & bitpos) != 0)?1:0);
1925             bitpos >>>= 1;
1926             if (bitpos == 0) {
1927                 eIndex++;
1928                 bitpos = 1 << (32-1);
1929                 elen--;

1986                     a = montReduce(a, mod, modLen, inv);
1987                     t = a; a = b; b = t;
1988                 }
1989             }
1991             // Check if done
1992             if (ebits == 0)
1993                 break;
1995             // Square the input
1996             if (!isone) {
1997                 t = b;
1998                 a = squareToLen(t, modLen, a);
1999                 a = montReduce(a, mod, modLen, inv);
2000                 t = a; a = b; b = t;
2001             }
2002         }
2004         // Convert result out of Montgomery form and return
2005         int[] t2 = new int[2*modLen];
2006         System.arraycopy(b, 0, t2, modLen, modLen);

2008         b = montReduce(t2, mod, modLen, inv);
2010         t2 = new int[modLen];
2011         System.arraycopy(b, 0, t2, 0, modLen);

2013         return new BigInteger(1, t2);
2014     }
2016     /**
2017      * Montgomery reduce n, modulo mod.  This reduces modulo mod and divides
2018      * by 2^(32*mlen). Adapted from Colin Plumb's C library.
2019      */
2020     private static int[] montReduce(int[] n, int[] mod, int mlen, int inv) {
2021         int c=0;
2022         int len = mlen;
2023         int offset=0;
2025         do {
2026             int nEnd = n[n.length-1-offset];
2027             int carry = mulAdd(n, mod, offset, mlen, inv * nEnd);
2028             c += addOne(n, offset, mlen, carry);
2029             offset++;
2030         } while(--len > 0);

2132                 result = result.multiply(baseToPow2).mod2(p);
2133             expOffset++;
2134             if (expOffset < limit)
2135                 baseToPow2 = baseToPow2.square().mod2(p);
2136         }
2138         return result;
2139     }
2141     /**
2142      * Returns a BigInteger whose value is this mod(2**p).
2143      * Assumes that this {@code BigInteger >= 0} and {@code p > 0}.
2144      */
2145     private BigInteger mod2(int p) {
2146         if (bitLength() <= p)
2147             return this;
2149         // Copy remaining ints of mag
2150         int numInts = (p + 31) >>> 5;
2151         int[] mag = new int[numInts];
2152         System.arraycopy(this.mag, (this.mag.length - numInts), mag, 0, numInts);

2154         // Mask out any excess bits
2155         int excessBits = (numInts << 5) - p;
2156         mag[0] &= (1L << (32-excessBits)) - 1;
2158         return (mag[0]==0 ? new BigInteger(1, mag) : new BigInteger(mag, 1));
2159     }
2161     /**
2162      * Returns a BigInteger whose value is {@code (this}<sup>-1</sup> {@code mod m)}.
2163      *
2164      * @param  m the modulus.
2165      * @return {@code this}<sup>-1</sup> {@code mod m}.
2166      * @throws ArithmeticException {@code  m} &le; 0, or this BigInteger
2167      *         has no multiplicative inverse mod m (that is, this BigInteger
2168      *         is not <i>relatively prime</i> to m).
2169      */
2170     public BigInteger modInverse(BigInteger m) {
2171         if (m.signum != 1)
2172             throw new ArithmeticException("BigInteger: modulus not positive");

2198      * (Computes <tt>floor(this * 2<sup>n</sup>)</tt>.)
2199      *
2200      * @param  n shift distance, in bits.
2201      * @return {@code this << n}
2202      * @throws ArithmeticException if the shift distance is {@code
2203      *         Integer.MIN_VALUE}.
2204      * @see #shiftRight
2205      */
2206     public BigInteger shiftLeft(int n) {
2207         if (signum == 0)
2208             return ZERO;
2209         if (n==0)
2210             return this;
2211         if (n<0) {
2212             if (n == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
2213                 throw new ArithmeticException("Shift distance of Integer.MIN_VALUE not supported.");
2214             } else {
2215                 return shiftRight(-n);
2216             }
2217         }
2218         int[] newMag = shiftLeft(mag, n);
2220         return new BigInteger(newMag, signum);
2221     }
2223     private static int[] shiftLeft(int[] mag, int n) {
2224         int nInts = n >>> 5;
2225         int nBits = n & 0x1f;
2226         int magLen = mag.length;
2227         int newMag[] = null;
2229         if (nBits == 0) {
2230             newMag = new int[magLen + nInts];
2231             System.arraycopy(mag, 0, newMag, 0, magLen);

2232         } else {
2233             int i = 0;
2234             int nBits2 = 32 - nBits;
2235             int highBits = mag[0] >>> nBits2;
2236             if (highBits != 0) {
2237                 newMag = new int[magLen + nInts + 1];
2238                 newMag[i++] = highBits;
2239             } else {
2240                 newMag = new int[magLen + nInts];
2241             }
2242             int j=0;
2243             while (j < magLen-1)
2244                 newMag[i++] = mag[j++] << nBits | mag[j] >>> nBits2;
2245             newMag[i] = mag[j] << nBits;
2246         }
2247         return newMag;
2248     }
2250     /**
2251      * Returns a BigInteger whose value is {@code (this >> n)}.  Sign

2265         if (n<0) {
2266             if (n == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
2267                 throw new ArithmeticException("Shift distance of Integer.MIN_VALUE not supported.");
2268             } else {
2269                 return shiftLeft(-n);
2270             }
2271         }
2273         int nInts = n >>> 5;
2274         int nBits = n & 0x1f;
2275         int magLen = mag.length;
2276         int newMag[] = null;
2278         // Special case: entire contents shifted off the end
2279         if (nInts >= magLen)
2280             return (signum >= 0 ? ZERO : negConst[1]);
2282         if (nBits == 0) {
2283             int newMagLen = magLen - nInts;
2284             newMag = new int[newMagLen];
2285             System.arraycopy(mag, 0, newMag, 0, newMagLen);

2286         } else {
2287             int i = 0;
2288             int highBits = mag[0] >>> nBits;
2289             if (highBits != 0) {
2290                 newMag = new int[magLen - nInts];
2291                 newMag[i++] = highBits;
2292             } else {
2293                 newMag = new int[magLen - nInts -1];
2294             }
2296             int nBits2 = 32 - nBits;
2297             int j=0;
2298             while (j < magLen - nInts - 1)
2299                 newMag[i++] = (mag[j++] << nBits2) | (mag[j] >>> nBits);
2300         }
2302         if (signum < 0) {
2303             // Find out whether any one-bits were shifted off the end.
2304             boolean onesLost = false;
2305             for (int i=magLen-1, j=magLen-nInts; i>=j && !onesLost; i--)

2536      * For positive BigIntegers, this is equivalent to the number of bits in
2537      * the ordinary binary representation.  (Computes
2538      * {@code (ceil(log2(this < 0 ? -this : this+1)))}.)
2539      *
2540      * @return number of bits in the minimal two's-complement
2541      *         representation of this BigInteger, <i>excluding</i> a sign bit.
2542      */
2543     public int bitLength() {
2544         @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") int n = bitLength - 1;
2545         if (n == -1) { // bitLength not initialized yet
2546             int[] m = mag;
2547             int len = m.length;
2548             if (len == 0) {
2549                 n = 0; // offset by one to initialize
2550             }  else {
2551                 // Calculate the bit length of the magnitude
2552                 int magBitLength = ((len - 1) << 5) + bitLengthForInt(mag[0]);
2553                  if (signum < 0) {
2554                      // Check if magnitude is a power of two
2555                      boolean pow2 = (Integer.bitCount(mag[0]) == 1);
2556                      for (int i=1; i< len && pow2; i++)
2557                          pow2 = (mag[i] == 0);
2559                      n = (pow2 ? magBitLength -1 : magBitLength);
2560                  } else {
2561                      n = magBitLength;
2562                  }
2563             }
2564             bitLength = n + 1;
2565         }
2566         return n;
2567     }
2569     /**
2570      * Returns the number of bits in the two's complement representation
2571      * of this BigInteger that differ from its sign bit.  This method is
2572      * useful when implementing bit-vector style sets atop BigIntegers.
2573      *
2574      * @return number of bits in the two's complement representation
2575      *         of this BigInteger that differ from its sign bit.
2576      */