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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1994, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1994, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this

@@ -168,10 +168,63 @@
      * @serial
     private String detailMessage;
+     * {@linkplain #setStackTrace(StackTraceElement[]) Setting the
+     * stack trace} to a one-element array containing this sentinel
+     * value indicates future attempts to set the stack trace will be
+     * ignored.  The sentinal is equal to the result of calling:<br>
+     * {@code new StackTraceElement("", "", null, Integer.MIN_VALUE)}
+     */
+    public static final StackTraceElement STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT_SENTINEL =
+        new StackTraceElement("", "", null, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
+    /**
+     * Sentinel value used in the serial form to indicate an immutable
+     * stack trace.
+     */
+    private static final StackTraceElement[] STACK_TRACE_SENTINEL = initStackTraceSentinel();
+    private static StackTraceElement[] initStackTraceSentinel() {
+        StackTraceElement[] ste = new StackTraceElement[1];
+        return ste;
+    }
+    /**
+     * A value indicating the stack trace field has not yet been initialized.
+     */
+    private static final StackTraceElement[] EMPTY_STACK = new StackTraceElement[0];
+    /*
+     * To allow Throwable objects to be made immutable and safely
+     * reused by the JVM, such as OutOfMemoryErrors, the three fields
+     * of Throwable that are writable in response to user actions,
+     * cause, stackTrace, and suppressedExceptions obey the following
+     * protocol:
+     *
+     * 1) The fields are initialized to a non-null sentinel value
+     * which indicates the value has logically not been set.
+     *
+     * 2) Writing a null to the field indicates further writes
+     * are forbidden
+     * 
+     * 3) The sentinel value may be replaced with another non-null
+     * value.
+     *
+     * For example, implementations of the HotSpot JVM have
+     * preallocated OutOfMemoryError objects to provide for better
+     * diagnosability of that situation.  These objects are created
+     * without calling the constructor for that class and the fields
+     * in question are initialized to null.  To support this
+     * capability, any new fields added to Throwable that require
+     * being initialized to a non-null value require a coordinated JVM
+     * change.
+     */
+    /**
      * The throwable that caused this throwable to get thrown, or null if this
      * throwable was not caused by another throwable, or if the causative
      * throwable is unknown.  If this field is equal to this throwable itself,
      * it indicates that the cause of this throwable has not yet been
      * initialized.

@@ -185,37 +238,35 @@
      * The stack trace, as returned by {@link #getStackTrace()}.
      * @serial
      * @since 1.4
-    private StackTraceElement[] stackTrace;
-    /*
-     * This field is lazily initialized on first use or serialization and
-     * nulled out when fillInStackTrace is called.
-     */
+    private StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = EMPTY_STACK;
+    // Setting this static field introduces an acceptable
+    // initialization dependency on a few java.util classes.
+    private static final List<Throwable> suppressedSentinel =
+        Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<Throwable>(0));
-     * The list of suppressed exceptions, as returned by
-     * {@link #getSuppressedExceptions()}.
+     * The list of suppressed exceptions, as returned by {@link
+     * #getSuppressed()}.  The list is initialized to a zero-element
+     * unmodifiable sentinel list.  When a serialized Throwable is
+     * read in, if the {@code suppressedExceptions} field points to a
+     * zero-element list, the field is reset to the sentinel value.
      * @serial
      * @since 1.7
-    private List<Throwable> suppressedExceptions = null;
-    /*
-     * This field is lazily initialized when the first suppressed
-     * exception is added.
-     *
-     * OutOfMemoryError is preallocated in the VM for better OOM
-     * diagnosability during VM initialization. Constructor can't
-     * be not invoked. If a new field to be added in the future must
-     * be initialized to non-null, it requires a synchronized VM change.
-     */
+    private List<Throwable> suppressedExceptions = suppressedSentinel;
     /** Message for trying to suppress a null exception. */
     private static final String NULL_CAUSE_MESSAGE = "Cannot suppress a null exception.";
+    /** Message for trying to suppress oneself. */
+    private static final String SELF_SUPPRESSION_MESSAGE = "Self-suppression not permitted";
     /** Caption  for labeling causative exception stack traces */
     private static final String CAUSE_CAPTION = "Caused by: ";
     /** Caption for labeling suppressed exception stack traces */
     private static final String SUPPRESSED_CAPTION = "Suppressed: ";

@@ -570,11 +621,11 @@
             StackTraceElement[] trace = getOurStackTrace();
             for (StackTraceElement traceElement : trace)
                 s.println("\tat " + traceElement);
             // Print suppressed exceptions, if any
-            for (Throwable se : getSuppressedExceptions())
+            for (Throwable se : getSuppressed())
                 se.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, SUPPRESSED_CAPTION, "\t", dejaVu);
             // Print cause, if any
             Throwable ourCause = getCause();
             if (ourCause != null)

@@ -611,11 +662,11 @@
                 s.println(prefix + "\tat " + trace[i]);
             if (framesInCommon != 0)
                 s.println(prefix + "\t... " + framesInCommon + " more");
             // Print suppressed exceptions, if any
-            for (Throwable se : getSuppressedExceptions())
+            for (Throwable se : getSuppressed())
                 se.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, SUPPRESSED_CAPTION,
                                            prefix +"\t", dejaVu);
             // Print cause, if any
             Throwable ourCause = getCause();

@@ -716,16 +767,19 @@
         return getOurStackTrace().clone();
     private synchronized StackTraceElement[] getOurStackTrace() {
         // Initialize stack trace if this is the first call to this method
-        if (stackTrace == null) {
+        if (stackTrace == EMPTY_STACK) {
             int depth = getStackTraceDepth();
             stackTrace = new StackTraceElement[depth];
             for (int i=0; i < depth; i++)
                 stackTrace[i] = getStackTraceElement(i);
+        } else if  (stackTrace == null) {
+            return EMPTY_STACK;
         return stackTrace;
      * Sets the stack trace elements that will be returned by

@@ -736,10 +790,15 @@
      * advanced systems, allows the client to override the default
      * stack trace that is either generated by {@link #fillInStackTrace()}
      * when a throwable is constructed or deserialized when a throwable is
      * read from a serialization stream.
+     * <p>If the stack trace is set to one-element array containing
+     * the {@linkplain #STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT_SENTINEL stack trace sentinel}
+     * value, then future calls to this method have no effect other
+     * than validating the argument is non-null.
+     *
      * @param   stackTrace the stack trace elements to be associated with
      * this {@code Throwable}.  The specified array is copied by this
      * call; changes in the specified array after the method invocation
      * returns will have no affect on this {@code Throwable}'s stack
      * trace.

@@ -749,14 +808,24 @@
      *         {@code stackTrace} are {@code null}
      * @since  1.4
     public void setStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] stackTrace) {
+        // Null-check the argument
         StackTraceElement[] defensiveCopy = stackTrace.clone();
+        if (stackTrace == null)
+            return;
+        if (defensiveCopy.length == 1 &&
+            STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT_SENTINEL.equals(defensiveCopy[0]))
+            defensiveCopy = null;
+        else {
         for (int i = 0; i < defensiveCopy.length; i++)
             if (defensiveCopy[i] == null)
                 throw new NullPointerException("stackTrace[" + i + "]");
+        }
         synchronized (this) {
             this.stackTrace = defensiveCopy;

@@ -778,38 +847,109 @@
      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code index < 0 ||
      *         index >= getStackTraceDepth() }
     native StackTraceElement getStackTraceElement(int index);
+    /**
+     * Read a {@code Throwable} from a stream, enforcing
+     * well-formedness constraints on fields.  Null entries and
+     * self-pointers are not allowed in the list of {@code
+     * suppressedExceptions}.  Null entries are not allowed for stack
+     * trace elements.  A single-element stack trace whose entry is
+     * equal to {@link #STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT_SENTINEL} results in a
+     * {@code null} {@code stackTrace} field.
+     *
+     * Note that there are no constraints on the value the {@code
+     * cause} field can hold; both {@code null} and this are valid
+     * values for the field.
+     */
     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
         throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
         s.defaultReadObject();     // read in all fields
         List<Throwable> suppressed = null;
         if (suppressedExceptions != null &&
             !suppressedExceptions.isEmpty()) { // Copy Throwables to new list
-            suppressed = new ArrayList<Throwable>();
+            suppressed = new ArrayList<Throwable>(1);
             for (Throwable t : suppressedExceptions) {
+                // Enforce constraints on suppressed exceptions in
+                // case of corrupt or malicious stream.
                 if (t == null)
                     throw new NullPointerException(NULL_CAUSE_MESSAGE);
+                if (t == this)
+                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(SELF_SUPPRESSION_MESSAGE);
+        // If suppressed is a zero-length list, use the sentinel
+        // value.
+        if (suppressed != null && suppressed.isEmpty())
+            suppressedExceptions = suppressedSentinel;
+        else
         suppressedExceptions = suppressed;
+        // Check for the marker for an immutable stack trace
+        if (stackTrace != null) {
+            // Share zero-length stack traces
+            if (stackTrace.length == 0) {
+                stackTrace = EMPTY_STACK;
+            }  else if (stackTrace.length == 1 &&
+                STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT_SENTINEL.equals(stackTrace[0])) {
+                stackTrace = null;
+            } else { // Verify stack trace elements are non-null.
+                for(StackTraceElement ste : stackTrace) {
+                    if (ste == null)
+                        throw new NullPointerException("null StackTraceElement in serial stream. ");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // A null stackTrace field in the serial form can result from
+        // an exception serialied without that field.  Such exceptions
+        // are now treated as having immutable stack traces.
+    /**
+     * Write a {@code Throwable} object to a stream.  A {@code null}
+     * stack trace field is represented in the serial form as a
+     * one-element array whose element is equals to {@link
+     */
     private synchronized void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
-        throws IOException
-    {
-        getOurStackTrace();  // Ensure that stackTrace field is initialized.
-        s.defaultWriteObject();
+        throws IOException {
+        // Ensure that the stackTrace field is initialized to a
+        // non-null value, if appropriate.  As of JDK 7, a null stack
+        // trace field is a valid value indicating the stack trace
+        // should not be set.
+        getOurStackTrace();
+        ObjectOutputStream.PutField fields = s.putFields();
+        fields.put("detailMessage", detailMessage);
+        fields.put("cause", cause);
+        // Serialize a null stacktrace using the stack trace sentinel.
+        if (stackTrace == null)
+            fields.put("stackTrace", STACK_TRACE_SENTINEL);
+        else
+            fields.put("stackTrace", stackTrace);
+        fields.put("suppressedExceptions", suppressedExceptions);
+        s.writeFields();
      * Adds the specified exception to the list of exceptions that
      * were suppressed, typically by the {@code try}-with-resources
      * statement, in order to deliver this exception.
+     * If the first exception to be suppressed is {@code null}, that
+     * indicates suppressed exception information will <em>not</em> be
+     * recorded for this exception.  Subsequent calls to this method
+     * will not record any suppressed exceptions.  Otherwise,
+     * attempting to suppress {@code null} after an exception has
+     * already been successfully suppressed results in a {@code
+     * NullPointerException}.
+     *
      * <p>Note that when one exception {@linkplain
      * #initCause(Throwable) causes} another exception, the first
      * exception is usually caught and then the second exception is
      * thrown in response.  In contrast, when one exception suppresses
      * another, two exceptions are thrown in sibling code blocks, such

@@ -817,39 +957,57 @@
      * control flow can only continue with one exception so the second
      * is recorded as a suppressed exception of the first.
      * @param exception the exception to be added to the list of
      *        suppressed exceptions
-     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code exception} is null
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code exception} is this
      *         throwable; a throwable cannot suppress itself.
+     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code exception} is null and
+     *         an exception has already been suppressed by this exception
      * @since 1.7
-    public synchronized void addSuppressedException(Throwable exception) {
-        if (exception == null)
-            throw new NullPointerException(NULL_CAUSE_MESSAGE);
+    public synchronized void addSuppressed(Throwable exception) {
         if (exception == this)
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Self-suppression not permitted");
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException(SELF_SUPPRESSION_MESSAGE);
+        if (exception == null) {
+            if (suppressedExceptions == suppressedSentinel) {
+                suppressedExceptions = null; // No suppression information recorded
+                return;
+            } else
+                throw new NullPointerException(NULL_CAUSE_MESSAGE);
+        } else {
+            assert exception != null && exception != this;
+            if (suppressedExceptions == null) // Suppressed exceptions not recorded
+                return;
+            if (suppressedExceptions == suppressedSentinel)
+                suppressedExceptions = new ArrayList<Throwable>(1);
+            assert suppressedExceptions != suppressedSentinel;
-        if (suppressedExceptions == null)
-            suppressedExceptions = new ArrayList<Throwable>();
+    }
     private static final Throwable[] EMPTY_THROWABLE_ARRAY = new Throwable[0];
      * Returns an array containing all of the exceptions that were
      * suppressed, typically by the {@code try}-with-resources
      * statement, in order to deliver this exception.
+     * If no exceptions were suppressed, an empty array is returned.
+     *
      * @return an array containing all of the exceptions that were
      *         suppressed to deliver this exception.
      * @since 1.7
-    public synchronized Throwable[] getSuppressedExceptions() {
-        if (suppressedExceptions == null)
+    public synchronized Throwable[] getSuppressed() {
+        if (suppressedExceptions == suppressedSentinel ||
+            suppressedExceptions == null)
             return EMPTY_THROWABLE_ARRAY;
             return suppressedExceptions.toArray(EMPTY_THROWABLE_ARRAY);