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1509     private JCBlock makeArmFinallyClause(Symbol primaryException, JCExpression resource) {
1510         // primaryException.addSuppressed(catchException);
1511         VarSymbol catchException =
1512             new VarSymbol(0, make.paramName(2),
1513                           syms.throwableType,
1514                           currentMethodSym);
1515         JCStatement addSuppressionStatement =
1516             make.Exec(makeCall(make.Ident(primaryException),
1517                                names.addSuppressed,
1518                                List.<JCExpression>of(make.Ident(catchException))));
1520         // try { resource.close(); } catch (e) { primaryException.addSuppressed(e); }
1521         JCBlock tryBlock =
1522             make.Block(0L, List.<JCStatement>of(makeResourceCloseInvocation(resource)));
1523         JCVariableDecl catchExceptionDecl = make.VarDef(catchException, null);
1524         JCBlock catchBlock = make.Block(0L, List.<JCStatement>of(addSuppressionStatement));
1525         List<JCCatch> catchClauses = List.<JCCatch>of(make.Catch(catchExceptionDecl, catchBlock));
1526         JCTry tryTree = make.Try(tryBlock, catchClauses, null);
1528         // if (resource != null) resourceClose;
1529         JCExpression nullCheck = makeBinary(JCTree.NE,
1530                                             make.Ident(primaryException),
1531                                             makeNull());
1532         JCIf closeIfStatement = make.If(nullCheck,
1533                                         tryTree,
1534                                         makeResourceCloseInvocation(resource));
1535         return make.Block(0L, List.<JCStatement>of(closeIfStatement));
1536     }
1538     private JCStatement makeResourceCloseInvocation(JCExpression resource) {
1539         // create resource.close() method invocation
1540         JCExpression resourceClose = makeCall(resource, names.close, List.<JCExpression>nil());
1541         return make.Exec(resourceClose);

1542     }
1544     /** Construct a tree that represents the outer instance
1545      *  <C.this>. Never pick the current `this'.
1546      *  @param pos           The source code position to be used for the tree.
1547      *  @param c             The qualifier class.
1548      */
1549     JCExpression makeOuterThis(DiagnosticPosition pos, TypeSymbol c) {
1550         List<VarSymbol> ots = outerThisStack;
1551         if (ots.isEmpty()) {
1552             log.error(pos, "", c);
1553             Assert.error();
1554             return makeNull();
1555         }
1556         VarSymbol ot = ots.head;
1557         JCExpression tree = access(;
1558         TypeSymbol otc = ot.type.tsym;
1559         while (otc != c) {
1560             do {
1561                 ots = ots.tail;

1509     private JCBlock makeArmFinallyClause(Symbol primaryException, JCExpression resource) {
1510         // primaryException.addSuppressed(catchException);
1511         VarSymbol catchException =
1512             new VarSymbol(0, make.paramName(2),
1513                           syms.throwableType,
1514                           currentMethodSym);
1515         JCStatement addSuppressionStatement =
1516             make.Exec(makeCall(make.Ident(primaryException),
1517                                names.addSuppressed,
1518                                List.<JCExpression>of(make.Ident(catchException))));
1520         // try { resource.close(); } catch (e) { primaryException.addSuppressed(e); }
1521         JCBlock tryBlock =
1522             make.Block(0L, List.<JCStatement>of(makeResourceCloseInvocation(resource)));
1523         JCVariableDecl catchExceptionDecl = make.VarDef(catchException, null);
1524         JCBlock catchBlock = make.Block(0L, List.<JCStatement>of(addSuppressionStatement));
1525         List<JCCatch> catchClauses = List.<JCCatch>of(make.Catch(catchExceptionDecl, catchBlock));
1526         JCTry tryTree = make.Try(tryBlock, catchClauses, null);
1528         // if (primaryException != null) {try...} else resourceClose;
1529         JCIf closeIfStatement = make.If(makeNonNullCheck(make.Ident(primaryException)),

1530                                         tryTree,
1531                                         makeResourceCloseInvocation(resource));
1532         return make.Block(0L, List.<JCStatement>of(closeIfStatement));
1533     }
1535     private JCStatement makeResourceCloseInvocation(JCExpression resource) {
1536         // create resource.close() method invocation protected by a null-check
1538         JCExpression resourceClose = makeCall(resource,
1539                                               names.close,
1540                                               List.<JCExpression>nil());
1542         return make.If(makeNonNullCheck(resource), make.Exec(resourceClose), null);
1543     }
1545     private JCExpression makeNonNullCheck(JCExpression expression) {
1546         return makeBinary(JCTree.NE, expression, makeNull());
1547     }
1549     /** Construct a tree that represents the outer instance
1550      *  <C.this>. Never pick the current `this'.
1551      *  @param pos           The source code position to be used for the tree.
1552      *  @param c             The qualifier class.
1553      */
1554     JCExpression makeOuterThis(DiagnosticPosition pos, TypeSymbol c) {
1555         List<VarSymbol> ots = outerThisStack;
1556         if (ots.isEmpty()) {
1557             log.error(pos, "", c);
1558             Assert.error();
1559             return makeNull();
1560         }
1561         VarSymbol ot = ots.head;
1562         JCExpression tree = access(;
1563         TypeSymbol otc = ot.type.tsym;
1564         while (otc != c) {
1565             do {
1566                 ots = ots.tail;