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  91      * <p>
  92      * Like {@link java.lang.Integer#valueOf Integer.valueOf},
  93      * {@code asInterfaceInstance} is a factory method whose results are defined
  94      * by their behavior.
  95      * It is not guaranteed to return a new instance for every call.
  96      * <p>
  97      * Because of the possibility of {@linkplain java.lang.reflect.Method#isBridge bridge methods}
  98      * and other corner cases, the interface may also have several abstract methods
  99      * with the same name but having distinct descriptors (types of returns and parameters).
 100      * In this case, all the methods are bound in common to the one given target.
 101      * The type check and effective {@code asType} conversion is applied to each
 102      * method type descriptor, and all abstract methods are bound to the target in common.
 103      * Beyond this type check, no further checks are made to determine that the
 104      * abstract methods are related in any way.
 105      * <p>
 106      * Future versions of this API may accept additional types,
 107      * such as abstract classes with single abstract methods.
 108      * Future versions of this API may also equip wrapper instances
 109      * with one or more additional public "marker" interfaces.
 110      *

 111      * @param target the method handle to invoke from the wrapper
 112      * @param intfc the desired type of the wrapper, a single-method interface
 113      * @return a correctly-typed wrapper for the given target
 114      * @throws NullPointerException if either argument is null
 115      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code intfc} is not a
 116      *         valid argument to this method
 117      * @throws WrongMethodTypeException if the target cannot
 118      *         be converted to the type required by the requested interface
 119      */
 120     // Other notes to implementors:
 121     // <p>
 122     // No stable mapping is promised between the single-method interface and
 123     // the implementation class C.  Over time, several implementation
 124     // classes might be used for the same type.
 125     // <p>
 126     // If the implementation is able
 127     // to prove that a wrapper of the required type
 128     // has already been created for a given
 129     // method handle, or for another method handle with the
 130     // same behavior, the implementation may return that wrapper in place of
 131     // a new wrapper.
 132     // <p>

  91      * <p>
  92      * Like {@link java.lang.Integer#valueOf Integer.valueOf},
  93      * {@code asInterfaceInstance} is a factory method whose results are defined
  94      * by their behavior.
  95      * It is not guaranteed to return a new instance for every call.
  96      * <p>
  97      * Because of the possibility of {@linkplain java.lang.reflect.Method#isBridge bridge methods}
  98      * and other corner cases, the interface may also have several abstract methods
  99      * with the same name but having distinct descriptors (types of returns and parameters).
 100      * In this case, all the methods are bound in common to the one given target.
 101      * The type check and effective {@code asType} conversion is applied to each
 102      * method type descriptor, and all abstract methods are bound to the target in common.
 103      * Beyond this type check, no further checks are made to determine that the
 104      * abstract methods are related in any way.
 105      * <p>
 106      * Future versions of this API may accept additional types,
 107      * such as abstract classes with single abstract methods.
 108      * Future versions of this API may also equip wrapper instances
 109      * with one or more additional public "marker" interfaces.
 110      *
 111      * @param <T> the desired type of the wrapper, a single-method interface
 112      * @param intfc a class object representing {@code T}
 113      * @param target the method handle to invoke from the wrapper

 114      * @return a correctly-typed wrapper for the given target
 115      * @throws NullPointerException if either argument is null
 116      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code intfc} is not a
 117      *         valid argument to this method
 118      * @throws WrongMethodTypeException if the target cannot
 119      *         be converted to the type required by the requested interface
 120      */
 121     // Other notes to implementors:
 122     // <p>
 123     // No stable mapping is promised between the single-method interface and
 124     // the implementation class C.  Over time, several implementation
 125     // classes might be used for the same type.
 126     // <p>
 127     // If the implementation is able
 128     // to prove that a wrapper of the required type
 129     // has already been created for a given
 130     // method handle, or for another method handle with the
 131     // same behavior, the implementation may return that wrapper in place of
 132     // a new wrapper.
 133     // <p>