1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package sun.awt.X11;
  28 import java.awt.*;
  29 import java.awt.peer.ComponentPeer;
  30 import java.awt.peer.TextAreaPeer;
  31 import java.awt.event.*;
  32 import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
  33 import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
  34 import javax.swing.JTextArea;
  35 import javax.swing.JComponent;
  36 import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
  37 import javax.swing.JScrollBar;
  38 import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
  39 import com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifTextAreaUI;
  40 import javax.swing.plaf.UIResource;
  41 import javax.swing.UIDefaults;
  42 import javax.swing.border.Border;
  43 import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
  44 import javax.swing.border.CompoundBorder;
  45 import javax.swing.border.AbstractBorder;
  46 import javax.swing.JButton;
  47 import javax.swing.JViewport;
  48 import javax.swing.InputMap;
  49 import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
  50 import javax.swing.TransferHandler;
  51 import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicArrowButton;
  52 import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI;
  53 import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI;
  54 import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
  55 import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
  56 import javax.swing.text.Caret;
  57 import javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret;
  58 import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
  60 import javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource;
  61 import java.awt.im.InputMethodRequests;
  62 import sun.awt.CausedFocusEvent;
  63 import sun.awt.AWTAccessor;
  64 import sun.awt.SunToolkit;
  67 final class XTextAreaPeer extends XComponentPeer implements TextAreaPeer {
  69     private final AWTTextPane textPane;
  70     private final AWTTextArea jtext;
  71     private final boolean firstChangeSkipped;
  73     private final JavaMouseEventHandler javaMouseEventHandler =
  74             new JavaMouseEventHandler(this);
  76     /**
  77      * Create a Text area.
  78      */
  79     XTextAreaPeer(TextArea target) {
  80         super(target);
  82         // some initializations require that target be set even
  83         // though init(target) has not been called
  84         this.target = target;
  86         //ComponentAccessor.enableEvents(target,AWTEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL_EVENT_MASK);
  88         String text = target.getText();
  89         jtext = new AWTTextArea(text, this);
  90         jtext.setWrapStyleWord(true);
  91         jtext.getDocument().addDocumentListener(jtext);
  92         XToolkit.specialPeerMap.put(jtext,this);
  93         textPane = new AWTTextPane(jtext,this, target.getParent());
  95         setBounds(x, y, width, height, SET_BOUNDS);
  96         textPane.setVisible(true);
  97         textPane.validate();
  99         AWTAccessor.ComponentAccessor compAccessor = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor();
 100         foreground = compAccessor.getForeground(target);
 101         if (foreground == null)  {
 102             foreground = SystemColor.textText;
 103         }
 104         setForeground(foreground);
 106         background = compAccessor.getBackground(target);
 107         if (background == null) {
 108             if (target.isEditable()) background = SystemColor.text;
 109             else background = SystemColor.control;
 110         }
 111         setBackground(background);
 113         if (!target.isBackgroundSet()) {
 114             // This is a way to set the background color of the TextArea
 115             // without calling setBackground - go through accessor
 116             compAccessor.setBackground(target, background);
 117         }
 118         if (!target.isForegroundSet()) {
 119             target.setForeground(SystemColor.textText);
 120         }
 122         setFont(font);
 124         // set the text of this object to the text of its target
 125         setTextImpl(target.getText());  //?? should this be setText
 127         int start = target.getSelectionStart();
 128         int end = target.getSelectionEnd();
 129         // Fix for 5100200
 130         // Restoring Motif behaviour
 131         // Since the end position of the selected text can be greater then the length of the text,
 132         // so we should set caret to max position of the text
 133         setCaretPosition(Math.min(end, text.length()));
 134         if (end > start) {
 135             // Should be called after setText() and setCaretPosition()
 136             select(start, end);
 137         }
 138         setEditable(target.isEditable());
 139         setScrollBarVisibility();
 140         // After this line we should not change the component's text
 141         firstChangeSkipped = true;
 142     }
 144     @Override
 145     public void dispose() {
 146         XToolkit.specialPeerMap.remove(jtext);
 147         // visible caret has a timer thread which must be stopped
 148         jtext.getCaret().setVisible(false);
 149         jtext.removeNotify();
 150         textPane.removeNotify();
 151         super.dispose();
 152     }
 154     /*
 155      * The method overrides one from XComponentPeer
 156      * If ignoreSubComponents=={@code true} it calls super.
 157      * If ignoreSubComponents=={@code false} it uses the XTextArea machinery
 158      * to change cursor appropriately. In particular it changes the cursor to
 159      * default if over scrollbars.
 160      */
 161     @Override
 162     public void pSetCursor(Cursor cursor, boolean ignoreSubComponents) {
 163         if (ignoreSubComponents ||
 164             javaMouseEventHandler == null) {
 165             super.pSetCursor(cursor, true);
 166             return;
 167         }
 169         Point cursorPos = new Point();
 170         ((XGlobalCursorManager)XGlobalCursorManager.getCursorManager()).getCursorPos(cursorPos);
 172         final Point onScreen = getLocationOnScreen();
 173         Point localPoint = new Point(cursorPos.x - onScreen.x, cursorPos.y - onScreen.y );
 175         javaMouseEventHandler.setPointerToUnderPoint(localPoint);
 176         javaMouseEventHandler.setCursor();
 177     }
 179     private void setScrollBarVisibility() {
 180         int visibility = ((TextArea)target).getScrollbarVisibility();
 181         jtext.setLineWrap(false);
 183         if (visibility == TextArea.SCROLLBARS_NONE) {
 184             textPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
 185             textPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
 186             jtext.setLineWrap(true);
 187         }
 188         else if (visibility == TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH) {
 190             textPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
 191             textPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
 192         }
 193         else if (visibility == TextArea.SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL_ONLY) {
 194             textPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
 195             textPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
 196             jtext.setLineWrap(true);
 197         }
 198         else if (visibility == TextArea.SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL_ONLY) {
 199             textPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
 200             textPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
 201         }
 202     }
 204     /**
 205      * Compute minimum size.
 206      */
 207     @Override
 208     public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
 209         return getMinimumSize(10, 60);
 210     }
 212     @Override
 213     public Dimension getPreferredSize(int rows, int cols) {
 214         return getMinimumSize(rows, cols);
 215     }
 217     /**
 218      * @see java.awt.peer.TextAreaPeer
 219      */
 220     @Override
 221     public Dimension getMinimumSize(int rows, int cols) {
 222         /*    Dimension d = null;
 223               if (jtext != null) {
 224               d = jtext.getMinimumSize(rows,cols);
 225               }
 226               return d;
 227         */
 229         int vsbwidth=0;
 230         int hsbheight=0;
 232         JScrollBar vsb = textPane.getVerticalScrollBar();
 233         if (vsb != null) {
 234             vsbwidth = vsb.getMinimumSize().width;
 235         }
 237         JScrollBar hsb = textPane.getHorizontalScrollBar();
 238         if (hsb != null) {
 239             hsbheight = hsb.getMinimumSize().height;
 240         }
 242         Font f = jtext.getFont();
 243         FontMetrics fm = jtext.getFontMetrics(f);
 245         return new Dimension(fm.charWidth('0') * cols + /*2*XMARGIN +*/ vsbwidth,
 246                              fm.getHeight() * rows + /*2*YMARGIN +*/ hsbheight);
 247     }
 249     @Override
 250     public boolean isFocusable() {
 251         return true;
 252     }
 254     @Override
 255     public void setVisible(boolean b) {
 256         super.setVisible(b);
 257         if (textPane != null)
 258             textPane.setVisible(b);
 259     }
 261     void repaintText() {
 262         jtext.repaintNow();
 263     }
 265     @Override
 266     public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
 267         super.focusGained(e);
 268         jtext.forwardFocusGained(e);
 269     }
 271     @Override
 272     public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
 273         super.focusLost(e);
 274         jtext.forwardFocusLost(e);
 275     }
 277     /**
 278      * Paint the component
 279      * this method is called when the repaint instruction has been used
 280      */
 281     @Override
 282     public void repaint() {
 283         if (textPane  != null)  {
 284             //textPane.validate();
 285             textPane.repaint();
 286         }
 287     }
 289     @Override
 290     void paintPeer(final Graphics g) {
 291         if (textPane  != null)  {
 292             textPane.paint(g);
 293         }
 294     }
 296     @Override
 297     public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height, int op) {
 298         super.setBounds(x, y, width, height, op);
 299         if (textPane != null) {
 300             /*
 301              * Fixed 6277332, 6198290:
 302              * the coordinates is coming (to peer): relatively to closest HW parent
 303              * the coordinates is setting (to textPane): relatively to closest ANY parent
 304              * the parent of peer is target.getParent()
 305              * the parent of textPane is the same
 306              * see 6277332, 6198290 for more information
 307              */
 308             int childX = x;
 309             int childY = y;
 310             Component parent = target.getParent();
 311             // we up to heavyweight parent in order to be sure
 312             // that the coordinates of the text pane is relatively to closest parent
 313             while (parent.isLightweight()){
 314                 childX -= parent.getX();
 315                 childY -= parent.getY();
 316                 parent = parent.getParent();
 317             }
 318             textPane.setBounds(childX,childY,width,height);
 319             textPane.validate();
 320         }
 321     }
 323     @Override
 324     void handleJavaKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) {
 325         AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().processEvent(jtext,e);
 326     }
 328     @Override
 329     public boolean handlesWheelScrolling() { return true; }
 331     @Override
 332     void handleJavaMouseWheelEvent(MouseWheelEvent e) {
 333         AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().processEvent(textPane, e);
 334     }
 336     @Override
 337     public void handleJavaMouseEvent( MouseEvent e ) {
 338         super.handleJavaMouseEvent( e );
 339         javaMouseEventHandler.handle( e );
 340     }
 342     @Override
 343     void handleJavaInputMethodEvent(InputMethodEvent e) {
 344         if (jtext != null)
 345             jtext.processInputMethodEventPublic(e);
 346     }
 348     /**
 349      * @see java.awt.peer.TextComponentPeer
 350      */
 351     @Override
 352     public void select(int s, int e) {
 353         jtext.select(s, e);
 354         // Fixed 5100806
 355         // We must take care that Swing components repainted correctly
 356         jtext.repaint();
 357     }
 359     @Override
 360     public void setBackground(Color c) {
 361         super.setBackground(c);
 362 //          synchronized (getStateLock()) {
 363 //              background = c;
 364 //          }
 365         if (jtext != null) {
 366             jtext.setBackground(c);
 367             jtext.setSelectedTextColor(c);
 368         }
 369 //          repaintText();
 370     }
 372     @Override
 373     public void setForeground(Color c) {
 374         super.setForeground(c);
 375 //          synchronized (getStateLock()) {
 376 //              foreground = c;
 377 //          }
 378         if (jtext != null) {
 379             jtext.setForeground(foreground);
 380             jtext.setSelectionColor(foreground);
 381             jtext.setCaretColor(foreground);
 382         }
 383 //          repaintText();
 384     }
 386     @Override
 387     public void setFont(Font f) {
 388         super.setFont(f);
 389 //          synchronized (getStateLock()) {
 390 //              font = f;
 391 //          }
 392         if (jtext != null) {
 393             jtext.setFont(font);
 394         }
 395         textPane.validate();
 396     }
 398     /**
 399      * @see java.awt.peer.TextComponentPeer
 400      */
 401     @Override
 402     public void setEditable(boolean editable) {
 403         if (jtext != null) jtext.setEditable(editable);
 404         repaintText();
 405     }
 407     /**
 408      * @see java.awt.peer.ComponentPeer
 409      */
 410     @Override
 411     public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
 412         super.setEnabled(enabled);
 413         if (jtext != null) {
 414             jtext.setEnabled(enabled);
 415             jtext.repaint();
 416         }
 417     }
 419     /**
 420      * @see java.awt.peer.TextComponentPeer
 421      */
 422     @Override
 423     public InputMethodRequests getInputMethodRequests() {
 424         if (jtext != null) return jtext.getInputMethodRequests();
 425         else  return null;
 426     }
 428     /**
 429      * @see java.awt.peer.TextComponentPeer
 430      */
 431     @Override
 432     public int getSelectionStart() {
 433         return jtext.getSelectionStart();
 434     }
 436     /**
 437      * @see java.awt.peer.TextComponentPeer
 438      */
 439     @Override
 440     public int getSelectionEnd() {
 441         return jtext.getSelectionEnd();
 442     }
 444     /**
 445      * @see java.awt.peer.TextComponentPeer
 446      */
 447     @Override
 448     public String getText() {
 449         return jtext.getText();
 450     }
 452     /**
 453      * @see java.awt.peer.TextComponentPeer
 454      */
 455     @Override
 456     public void setText(String text) {
 457         setTextImpl(text);
 458         repaintText();
 459     }
 461     private void setTextImpl(String txt) {
 462         if (jtext != null) {
 463             // JTextArea.setText() posts two different events (remove & insert).
 464             // Since we make no differences between text events,
 465             // the document listener has to be disabled while
 466             // JTextArea.setText() is called.
 467             jtext.getDocument().removeDocumentListener(jtext);
 468             jtext.setText(txt);
 469             if (firstChangeSkipped) {
 470                 postEvent(new TextEvent(target, TextEvent.TEXT_VALUE_CHANGED));
 471             }
 472             jtext.getDocument().addDocumentListener(jtext);
 473         }
 474     }
 476     /**
 477      * insert the text "txt on position "pos" in the array lines
 478      * @see java.awt.peer.TextAreaPeer
 479      */
 480     @Override
 481     public void insert(String txt, int p) {
 482         if (jtext != null) {
 483             boolean doScroll = (p >= jtext.getDocument().getLength() && jtext.getDocument().getLength() != 0);
 484             jtext.insert(txt,p);
 485             textPane.validate();
 486             if (doScroll) {
 487                 JScrollBar bar = textPane.getVerticalScrollBar();
 488                 if (bar != null) {
 489                     bar.setValue(bar.getMaximum()-bar.getVisibleAmount());
 490                 }
 491             }
 492         }
 493     }
 495     /**
 496      * replace the text between the position "s" and "e" with "txt"
 497      * @see java.awt.peer.TextAreaPeer
 498      */
 499     @Override
 500     public void replaceRange(String txt, int s, int e) {
 501         if (jtext != null) {
 502             // JTextArea.replaceRange() posts two different events.
 503             // Since we make no differences between text events,
 504             // the document listener has to be disabled while
 505             // JTextArea.replaceRange() is called.
 506             jtext.getDocument().removeDocumentListener(jtext);
 507             jtext.replaceRange(txt, s, e);
 508             postEvent(new TextEvent(target, TextEvent.TEXT_VALUE_CHANGED));
 509             jtext.getDocument().addDocumentListener(jtext);
 510         }
 511     }
 513     /**
 514      * to be implemented.
 515      * @see java.awt.peer.TextComponentPeer
 516      */
 517     @Override
 518     public void setCaretPosition(int position) {
 519         jtext.setCaretPosition(position);
 520     }
 522     /**
 523      * to be implemented.
 524      * @see java.awt.peer.TextComponentPeer
 525      */
 526     @Override
 527     public int getCaretPosition() {
 528         return jtext.getCaretPosition();
 529     }
 531     final class AWTTextAreaUI extends MotifTextAreaUI {
 533         private JTextArea jta;
 535         @Override
 536         protected String getPropertyPrefix() { return "TextArea"; }
 538         @Override
 539         public void installUI(JComponent c) {
 540             super.installUI(c);
 542             jta = (JTextArea) c;
 544             JTextArea editor = jta;
 546             UIDefaults uidefaults = XToolkit.getUIDefaults();
 548             String prefix = getPropertyPrefix();
 549             Font f = editor.getFont();
 550             if ((f == null) || (f instanceof UIResource)) {
 551                 editor.setFont(uidefaults.getFont(prefix + ".font"));
 552             }
 554             Color bg = editor.getBackground();
 555             if ((bg == null) || (bg instanceof UIResource)) {
 556                 editor.setBackground(uidefaults.getColor(prefix + ".background"));
 557             }
 559             Color fg = editor.getForeground();
 560             if ((fg == null) || (fg instanceof UIResource)) {
 561                 editor.setForeground(uidefaults.getColor(prefix + ".foreground"));
 562             }
 564             Color color = editor.getCaretColor();
 565             if ((color == null) || (color instanceof UIResource)) {
 566                 editor.setCaretColor(uidefaults.getColor(prefix + ".caretForeground"));
 567             }
 569             Color s = editor.getSelectionColor();
 570             if ((s == null) || (s instanceof UIResource)) {
 571                 editor.setSelectionColor(uidefaults.getColor(prefix + ".selectionBackground"));
 572             }
 574             Color sfg = editor.getSelectedTextColor();
 575             if ((sfg == null) || (sfg instanceof UIResource)) {
 576                 editor.setSelectedTextColor(uidefaults.getColor(prefix + ".selectionForeground"));
 577             }
 579             Color dfg = editor.getDisabledTextColor();
 580             if ((dfg == null) || (dfg instanceof UIResource)) {
 581                 editor.setDisabledTextColor(uidefaults.getColor(prefix + ".inactiveForeground"));
 582             }
 584             Border b = new BevelBorder(false,SystemColor.controlDkShadow,SystemColor.controlLtHighlight);
 585             editor.setBorder(new BorderUIResource.CompoundBorderUIResource(
 586                 b,new EmptyBorder(2, 2, 2, 2)));
 588             Insets margin = editor.getMargin();
 589             if (margin == null || margin instanceof UIResource) {
 590                 editor.setMargin(uidefaults.getInsets(prefix + ".margin"));
 591             }
 592         }
 594         @Override
 595         protected void installKeyboardActions() {
 596             super.installKeyboardActions();
 598             JTextComponent comp = getComponent();
 600             UIDefaults uidefaults = XToolkit.getUIDefaults();
 602             String prefix = getPropertyPrefix();
 604             InputMap map = (InputMap)uidefaults.get(prefix + ".focusInputMap");
 606             if (map != null) {
 607                 SwingUtilities.replaceUIInputMap(comp, JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED,
 608                                                  map);
 609             }
 610         }
 612         @Override
 613         protected Caret createCaret() {
 614             return new XAWTCaret();
 615         }
 616     }
 619     static final class XAWTCaret extends DefaultCaret {
 620         @Override
 621         public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
 622             super.focusGained(e);
 623             if (getComponent().isEnabled()){
 624                 // Make sure the cursor is visible in case of non-editable TextArea
 625                 super.setVisible(true);
 626             }
 627             getComponent().repaint();
 628         }
 630         @Override
 631         public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
 632             super.focusLost(e);
 633             getComponent().repaint();
 634         }
 636         // Fix for 5100950: textarea.getSelectedText() returns the de-selected text, on XToolkit
 637         // Restoring Motif behaviour
 638         // If the text is unhighlighted then we should sets the selection range to zero
 639         @Override
 640         public void setSelectionVisible(boolean vis) {
 641             if (vis){
 642                 super.setSelectionVisible(vis);
 643             }else{
 644                 // In order to de-select the selection
 645                 setDot(getDot());
 646             }
 647         }
 648     }
 650     final class XAWTScrollBarButton extends BasicArrowButton {
 652         private UIDefaults uidefaults = XToolkit.getUIDefaults();
 653         private Color darkShadow = SystemColor.controlShadow;
 654         private Color lightShadow = SystemColor.controlLtHighlight;
 655         private Color buttonBack = uidefaults.getColor("ScrollBar.track");
 657         XAWTScrollBarButton(int direction) {
 658             super(direction);
 660             switch (direction) {
 661             case NORTH:
 662             case SOUTH:
 663             case EAST:
 664             case WEST:
 665                 this.direction = direction;
 666                 break;
 667             default:
 668                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid direction");
 669             }
 671             setRequestFocusEnabled(false);
 672             setOpaque(true);
 673             setBackground(uidefaults.getColor("ScrollBar.thumb"));
 674             setForeground(uidefaults.getColor("ScrollBar.foreground"));
 675         }
 677         @Override
 678         public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
 679             switch (direction) {
 680             case NORTH:
 681             case SOUTH:
 682                 return new Dimension(11, 12);
 683             case EAST:
 684             case WEST:
 685             default:
 686                 return new Dimension(12, 11);
 687             }
 688         }
 690         @Override
 691         public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
 692             return getPreferredSize();
 693         }
 695         @Override
 696         public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
 697             return getPreferredSize();
 698         }
 700         @Override
 701         public boolean isFocusTraversable() {
 702             return false;
 703         }
 705         @Override
 706         public void paint(Graphics g)
 707         {
 708             int w = getWidth();
 709             int h = getHeight();
 711             if (isOpaque()) {
 712                 g.setColor(buttonBack);
 713                 g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
 714             }
 716             boolean isPressed = getModel().isPressed();
 717             Color lead = (isPressed) ? darkShadow : lightShadow;
 718             Color trail = (isPressed) ? lightShadow : darkShadow;
 719             Color fill = getBackground();
 721             int cx = w / 2;
 722             int cy = h / 2;
 723             int s = Math.min(w, h);
 725             switch (direction) {
 726             case NORTH:
 727                 g.setColor(lead);
 728                 g.drawLine(cx, 0, cx, 0);
 729                 for (int x = cx - 1, y = 1, dx = 1; y <= s - 2; y += 2) {
 730                     g.setColor(lead);
 731                     g.drawLine(x, y, x, y);
 732                     if (y >= (s - 2)) {
 733                         g.drawLine(x, y + 1, x, y + 1);
 734                     }
 735                     g.setColor(fill);
 736                     g.drawLine(x + 1, y, x + dx, y);
 737                     if (y < (s - 2)) {
 738                         g.drawLine(x, y + 1, x + dx + 1, y + 1);
 739                     }
 740                     g.setColor(trail);
 741                     g.drawLine(x + dx + 1, y, x + dx + 1, y);
 742                     if (y >= (s - 2)) {
 743                         g.drawLine(x + 1, y + 1, x + dx + 1, y + 1);
 744                     }
 745                     dx += 2;
 746                     x -= 1;
 747                 }
 748                 break;
 750             case SOUTH:
 751                 g.setColor(trail);
 752                 g.drawLine(cx, s, cx, s);
 753                 for (int x = cx - 1, y = s - 1, dx = 1; y >= 1; y -= 2) {
 754                     g.setColor(lead);
 755                     g.drawLine(x, y, x, y);
 756                     if (y <= 2) {
 757                         g.drawLine(x, y - 1, x + dx + 1, y - 1);
 758                     }
 759                     g.setColor(fill);
 760                     g.drawLine(x + 1, y, x + dx, y);
 761                     if (y > 2) {
 762                         g.drawLine(x, y - 1, x + dx + 1, y - 1);
 763                     }
 764                     g.setColor(trail);
 765                     g.drawLine(x + dx + 1, y, x + dx + 1, y);
 767                     dx += 2;
 768                     x -= 1;
 769                 }
 770                 break;
 772             case EAST:
 773                 g.setColor(lead);
 774                 g.drawLine(s, cy, s, cy);
 775                 for (int y = cy - 1, x = s - 1, dy = 1; x >= 1; x -= 2) {
 776                     g.setColor(lead);
 777                     g.drawLine(x, y, x, y);
 778                     if (x <= 2) {
 779                         g.drawLine(x - 1, y, x - 1, y + dy + 1);
 780                     }
 781                     g.setColor(fill);
 782                     g.drawLine(x, y + 1, x, y + dy);
 783                     if (x > 2) {
 784                         g.drawLine(x - 1, y, x - 1, y + dy + 1);
 785                     }
 786                     g.setColor(trail);
 787                     g.drawLine(x, y + dy + 1, x, y + dy + 1);
 789                     dy += 2;
 790                     y -= 1;
 791                 }
 792                 break;
 794             case WEST:
 795                 g.setColor(trail);
 796                 g.drawLine(0, cy, 0, cy);
 797                 for (int y = cy - 1, x = 1, dy = 1; x <= s - 2; x += 2) {
 798                     g.setColor(lead);
 799                     g.drawLine(x, y, x, y);
 800                     if (x >= (s - 2)) {
 801                         g.drawLine(x + 1, y, x + 1, y);
 802                     }
 803                     g.setColor(fill);
 804                     g.drawLine(x, y + 1, x, y + dy);
 805                     if (x < (s - 2)) {
 806                         g.drawLine(x + 1, y, x + 1, y + dy + 1);
 807                     }
 808                     g.setColor(trail);
 809                     g.drawLine(x, y + dy + 1, x, y + dy + 1);
 810                     if (x >= (s - 2)) {
 811                         g.drawLine(x + 1, y + 1, x + 1, y + dy + 1);
 812                     }
 813                     dy += 2;
 814                     y -= 1;
 815                 }
 816                 break;
 817             }
 818         }
 819     }
 821     final class XAWTScrollBarUI extends BasicScrollBarUI {
 823         @Override
 824         protected void installDefaults()
 825         {
 826             super.installDefaults();
 827             scrollbar.setBorder(new BevelBorder(false,SystemColor.controlDkShadow,SystemColor.controlLtHighlight) );
 828         }
 830         @Override
 831         protected void configureScrollBarColors() {
 832             UIDefaults uidefaults = XToolkit.getUIDefaults();
 833             Color bg = scrollbar.getBackground();
 834             if (bg == null || bg instanceof UIResource) {
 835                 scrollbar.setBackground(uidefaults.getColor("ScrollBar.background"));
 836             }
 838             Color fg = scrollbar.getForeground();
 839             if (fg == null || fg instanceof UIResource) {
 840                 scrollbar.setForeground(uidefaults.getColor("ScrollBar.foreground"));
 841             }
 843             thumbHighlightColor = uidefaults.getColor("ScrollBar.thumbHighlight");
 844             thumbLightShadowColor = uidefaults.getColor("ScrollBar.thumbShadow");
 845             thumbDarkShadowColor = uidefaults.getColor("ScrollBar.thumbDarkShadow");
 846             thumbColor = uidefaults.getColor("ScrollBar.thumb");
 847             trackColor = uidefaults.getColor("ScrollBar.track");
 849             trackHighlightColor = uidefaults.getColor("ScrollBar.trackHighlight");
 851         }
 853         @Override
 854         protected JButton createDecreaseButton(int orientation) {
 855             JButton b = new XAWTScrollBarButton(orientation);
 856             return b;
 858         }
 860         @Override
 861         protected JButton createIncreaseButton(int orientation) {
 862             JButton b = new XAWTScrollBarButton(orientation);
 863             return b;
 864         }
 866         public JButton getDecreaseButton(){
 867             return decrButton;
 868         }
 870         public JButton getIncreaseButton(){
 871             return incrButton;
 872         }
 874         @Override
 875         public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
 876             paintTrack(g, c, getTrackBounds());
 877             Rectangle thumbBounds = getThumbBounds();
 878             paintThumb(g, c, thumbBounds);
 879         }
 881         @Override
 882         public void paintThumb(Graphics g, JComponent c, Rectangle thumbBounds)
 883         {
 884             if(!scrollbar.isEnabled()) {
 885                 return;
 886             }
 888             if (thumbBounds.isEmpty())
 889                 thumbBounds = getTrackBounds();
 891             int w = thumbBounds.width;
 892             int h = thumbBounds.height;
 894             g.translate(thumbBounds.x, thumbBounds.y);
 895             g.setColor(thumbColor);
 896             g.fillRect(0, 0, w-1, h-1);
 898             g.setColor(thumbHighlightColor);
 899             g.drawLine(0, 0, 0, h-1);
 900             g.drawLine(1, 0, w-1, 0);
 902             g.setColor(thumbLightShadowColor);
 903             g.drawLine(1, h-1, w-1, h-1);
 904             g.drawLine(w-1, 1, w-1, h-2);
 906             g.translate(-thumbBounds.x, -thumbBounds.y);
 907         }
 908     }
 910     final class AWTTextArea extends JTextArea implements DocumentListener {
 912         private boolean isFocused = false;
 913         private final XTextAreaPeer peer;
 915         AWTTextArea(String text, XTextAreaPeer peer) {
 916             super(text);
 917             setFocusable(false);
 918             this.peer = peer;
 919         }
 921         @Override
 922         public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
 923             if (peer != null) {
 924                 peer.postEvent(new TextEvent(peer.target,
 925                                              TextEvent.TEXT_VALUE_CHANGED));
 926             }
 927         }
 929         @Override
 930         public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
 931             if (peer != null) {
 932                 peer.postEvent(new TextEvent(peer.target,
 933                                              TextEvent.TEXT_VALUE_CHANGED));
 934             }
 935         }
 937         @Override
 938         public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
 939             if (peer != null) {
 940                 peer.postEvent(new TextEvent(peer.target,
 941                                              TextEvent.TEXT_VALUE_CHANGED));
 942             }
 943         }
 945         void forwardFocusGained( FocusEvent e) {
 946             isFocused = true;
 947             FocusEvent fe = CausedFocusEvent.retarget(e, this);
 948             super.processFocusEvent(fe);
 949         }
 952         void forwardFocusLost( FocusEvent e) {
 953             isFocused = false;
 954             FocusEvent fe = CausedFocusEvent.retarget(e, this);
 955             super.processFocusEvent(fe);
 956         }
 958         @Override
 959         public boolean hasFocus() {
 960             return isFocused;
 961         }
 963         public void repaintNow() {
 964             paintImmediately(getBounds());
 965         }
 967         public void processMouseEventPublic(MouseEvent e) {
 968             processMouseEvent(e);
 969         }
 971         public void processMouseMotionEventPublic(MouseEvent e) {
 972             processMouseMotionEvent(e);
 973         }
 975         public void processInputMethodEventPublic(InputMethodEvent e) {
 976             processInputMethodEvent(e);
 977         }
 979         @Override
 980         public void updateUI() {
 981             ComponentUI ui = new AWTTextAreaUI();
 982             setUI(ui);
 983         }
 985         // Fix for 4915454 - override the default implementation to avoid
 986         // loading SystemFlavorMap and associated classes.
 987         @Override
 988         public void setTransferHandler(TransferHandler newHandler) {
 989             TransferHandler oldHandler = (TransferHandler)
 990                 getClientProperty(AWTAccessor.getClientPropertyKeyAccessor()
 991                                       .getJComponent_TRANSFER_HANDLER());
 992             putClientProperty(AWTAccessor.getClientPropertyKeyAccessor()
 993                                   .getJComponent_TRANSFER_HANDLER(),
 994                               newHandler);
 996             firePropertyChange("transferHandler", oldHandler, newHandler);
 997         }
 998     }
1000     final class XAWTScrollPaneUI extends BasicScrollPaneUI {
1002         private final Border vsbMarginBorderR = new EmptyBorder(0, 2, 0, 0);
1003         private final Border vsbMarginBorderL = new EmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 2);
1004         private final Border hsbMarginBorder = new EmptyBorder(2, 0, 0, 0);
1006         private Border vsbBorder;
1007         private Border hsbBorder;
1009         private PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeHandler;
1011         @Override
1012         protected void installListeners(JScrollPane scrollPane) {
1013             super.installListeners(scrollPane);
1014             propertyChangeHandler = createPropertyChangeHandler();
1015             scrollPane.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyChangeHandler);
1016         }
1018         @Override
1019         public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
1020             Border vpBorder = scrollpane.getViewportBorder();
1021             if (vpBorder != null) {
1022                 Rectangle r = scrollpane.getViewportBorderBounds();
1023                 vpBorder.paintBorder(scrollpane, g, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
1024             }
1025         }
1027         protected void uninstallListeners(JScrollPane scrollPane) {
1028             super.uninstallListeners(scrollPane);
1029             scrollPane.removePropertyChangeListener(propertyChangeHandler);
1030         }
1032         private PropertyChangeListener createPropertyChangeHandler() {
1033             return new PropertyChangeListener() {
1034                     @Override
1035                     public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
1036                         String propertyName = e.getPropertyName();
1038                         if (propertyName.equals("componentOrientation")) {
1039                             JScrollPane pane = (JScrollPane)e.getSource();
1040                             JScrollBar vsb = pane.getVerticalScrollBar();
1041                             if (vsb != null) {
1042                                 if (isLeftToRight(pane)) {
1043                                     vsbBorder = new CompoundBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, 4, 0, -4),
1044                                                                    vsb.getBorder());
1045                                 } else {
1046                                     vsbBorder = new CompoundBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, -4, 0, 4),
1047                                                                    vsb.getBorder());
1048                                 }
1049                                 vsb.setBorder(vsbBorder);
1050                             }
1051                         }
1052                     }};
1053         }
1055         boolean isLeftToRight( Component c ) {
1056             return c.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight();
1057         }
1059         @Override
1060         protected void installDefaults(JScrollPane scrollpane) {
1061             Border b = scrollpane.getBorder();
1062             UIDefaults uidefaults = XToolkit.getUIDefaults();
1063             scrollpane.setBorder(uidefaults.getBorder("ScrollPane.border"));
1064             scrollpane.setBackground(uidefaults.getColor("ScrollPane.background"));
1065             scrollpane.setViewportBorder(uidefaults.getBorder("TextField.border"));
1066             JScrollBar vsb = scrollpane.getVerticalScrollBar();
1067             if (vsb != null) {
1068                 if (isLeftToRight(scrollpane)) {
1069                     vsbBorder = new CompoundBorder(vsbMarginBorderR,
1070                                                    vsb.getBorder());
1071                 }
1072                 else {
1073                     vsbBorder = new CompoundBorder(vsbMarginBorderL,
1074                                                    vsb.getBorder());
1075                 }
1076                 vsb.setBorder(vsbBorder);
1077             }
1079             JScrollBar hsb = scrollpane.getHorizontalScrollBar();
1080             if (hsb != null) {
1081                 hsbBorder = new CompoundBorder(hsbMarginBorder, hsb.getBorder());
1082                 hsb.setBorder(hsbBorder);
1083             }
1084         }
1086         @Override
1087         protected void uninstallDefaults(JScrollPane c) {
1088             super.uninstallDefaults(c);
1090             JScrollBar vsb = scrollpane.getVerticalScrollBar();
1091             if (vsb != null) {
1092                 if (vsb.getBorder() == vsbBorder) {
1093                     vsb.setBorder(null);
1094                 }
1095                 vsbBorder = null;
1096             }
1098             JScrollBar hsb = scrollpane.getHorizontalScrollBar();
1099             if (hsb != null) {
1100                 if (hsb.getBorder() == hsbBorder) {
1101                     hsb.setBorder(null);
1102                 }
1103                 hsbBorder = null;
1104             }
1105         }
1106     }
1108     private class AWTTextPane extends JScrollPane implements FocusListener {
1110         private final JTextArea jtext;
1111         private final XWindow xwin;
1113         private final Color control = SystemColor.control;
1114         private final Color focus = SystemColor.activeCaptionBorder;
1116         AWTTextPane(JTextArea jt, XWindow xwin, Container parent) {
1117             super(jt);
1118             this.xwin = xwin;
1119             setDoubleBuffered(true);
1120             jt.addFocusListener(this);
1121             AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().setParent(this,parent);
1122             setViewportBorder(new BevelBorder(false,SystemColor.controlDkShadow,SystemColor.controlLtHighlight) );
1123             this.jtext = jt;
1124             setFocusable(false);
1125             addNotify();
1126         }
1128         @Override
1129         public void invalidate() {
1130             synchronized (getTreeLock()) {
1131                 final Container parent = getParent();
1132                 AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().setParent(this, null);
1133                 try {
1134                     super.invalidate();
1135                 } finally {
1136                     AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().setParent(this, parent);
1137                 }
1138             }
1139         }
1141         @Override
1142         public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
1143             Graphics g = getGraphics();
1144             Rectangle r = getViewportBorderBounds();
1145             g.setColor(focus);
1146             g.drawRect(r.x,r.y,r.width,r.height);
1147             g.dispose();
1148         }
1150         @Override
1151         public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
1152             Graphics g = getGraphics();
1153             Rectangle r = getViewportBorderBounds();
1154             g.setColor(control);
1155             g.drawRect(r.x,r.y,r.width,r.height);
1156             g.dispose();
1157         }
1159         public Window getRealParent() {
1160             return (Window) xwin.target;
1161         }
1163         @Override
1164         public ComponentPeer getPeer() {
1165             return (ComponentPeer) (xwin);
1166         }
1168         @Override
1169         public void updateUI() {
1170             ComponentUI ui = new XAWTScrollPaneUI();
1171             setUI(ui);
1172         }
1174         @Override
1175         public JScrollBar createVerticalScrollBar() {
1176             return new XAWTScrollBar(JScrollBar.VERTICAL);
1177         }
1179         @Override
1180         public JScrollBar createHorizontalScrollBar() {
1181             return new XAWTScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL);
1182         }
1184         public JTextArea getTextArea () {
1185             return this.jtext;
1186         }
1188         @Override
1189         public Graphics getGraphics() {
1190             return xwin.getGraphics();
1191         }
1193         final class XAWTScrollBar extends ScrollBar {
1195             XAWTScrollBar(int i) {
1196                 super(i);
1197                 setFocusable(false);
1198             }
1200             @Override
1201             public void updateUI() {
1202                 ComponentUI ui = new XAWTScrollBarUI();
1203                 setUI(ui);
1204             }
1205         }
1206     }
1208     static class BevelBorder extends AbstractBorder implements UIResource {
1209         private Color darkShadow = SystemColor.controlDkShadow;
1210         private Color lightShadow = SystemColor.controlLtHighlight;
1211         private Color control = SystemColor.controlShadow;
1212         private boolean isRaised;
1214         BevelBorder(boolean isRaised, Color darkShadow, Color lightShadow) {
1215             this.isRaised = isRaised;
1216             this.darkShadow = darkShadow;
1217             this.lightShadow = lightShadow;
1218         }
1220         @Override
1221         public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
1222             g.setColor((isRaised) ? lightShadow : darkShadow);
1223             g.drawLine(x, y, x+w-1, y);           // top
1224             g.drawLine(x, y+h-1, x, y+1);         // left
1226             g.setColor(control);
1227             g.drawLine(x+1, y+1, x+w-2, y+1);           // top
1228             g.drawLine(x+1, y+h-1, x+1, y+1);         // left
1230             g.setColor((isRaised) ? darkShadow : lightShadow);
1231             g.drawLine(x+1, y+h-1, x+w-1, y+h-1); // bottom
1232             g.drawLine(x+w-1, y+h-1, x+w-1, y+1); // right
1234             g.setColor(control);
1235             g.drawLine(x+1, y+h-2, x+w-2, y+h-2); // bottom
1236             g.drawLine(x+w-2, y+h-2, x+w-2, y+1); // right
1237         }
1239         @Override
1240         public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c) {
1241             return getBorderInsets(c, new Insets(0,0,0,0));
1242         }
1244         @Override
1245         public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c, Insets insets) {
1246             insets.top = insets.left = insets.bottom = insets.right = 2;
1247             return insets;
1248         }
1250         public boolean isOpaque(Component c) {
1251             return true;
1252         }
1253     }
1256     // This class dispatches 'MouseEvent's to 'XTextAreaPeer''s (hidden)
1257     // subcomponents, and overrides mouse cursor, e.g. for scrollbars.
1258     //
1259     // However, current dispatching is a kind of fake, and is tuned to do only
1260     // what is necessary/possible. E.g. no additional mouse-exited/entered
1261     // events are generated, when mouse exits scrollbar and enters viewport
1262     // with JTextArea inside. Actually, no events are ever generated here (for
1263     // now). They are only dispatched as correctly as possible/neccessary.
1264     //
1265     // In future, it would be better to replace fake-emulation of grab-detection
1266     // and event-dispatching here, by reusing some common implementation of this
1267     // functionality. Mouse-cursor setting should also be freed of hacked
1268     // overloading here.
1270     private static final class JavaMouseEventHandler {
1271         private final XTextAreaPeer outer;
1272         private final Pointer current = new Pointer();
1273         private boolean grabbed = false;
1275         JavaMouseEventHandler( XTextAreaPeer outer ) {
1276             this.outer = outer;
1277         }
1280         // 1. We can make grab-tracking emulation here more robust to variations in
1281         //    in mouse-events order and consistence. E.g. by using such code:
1282         //    if( grabbed && event.getID()==MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED ) grabbed = false;
1283         //    Or we can also use 'assert'ions.
1284         // 2. WARNING: Currently, while grab-detection mechanism _here_ says, that
1285         //    grab is in progress, we do not update 'current'.  In case 'current'
1286         //    is set to a scrollbar or to a scroll-button, then references to their
1287         //    'Component'-instances are "remembered". And events are dispatched to
1288         //    these remembered components, without checking, if XTextAreaPeer has
1289         //    replaced these instances with another ones. This also aplies to
1290         //    mouse-drags-from-outside (see comment in 'grabbed_update' method).
1292         void handle( MouseEvent event ) {
1293             if ( ! grabbed ) {
1294                 // dispatch() needs up-to-date pointer in ungrabbed case.
1295                 setPointerToUnderPoint( event.getPoint() );
1296             }
1297             dispatch( event );
1298             boolean wasGrabbed = grabbed;
1299             grabbed_update( event );
1300             if ( wasGrabbed && ! grabbed ) {
1301                 setPointerToUnderPoint( event.getPoint() );
1302             }
1303             setCursor();
1304         }
1306         // Following is internally private:
1308         // Here dispatching is performed, of 'MouseEvent's to (some)
1309         // 'XTextAreaPeer''s (hidden) subcomponents.
1310         private void dispatch( MouseEvent event ) {
1311             switch( current.getType() )
1312             {
1313                 case TEXT:
1314                     Point point = toViewportChildLocalSpace(
1315                         outer.textPane.getViewport(), event.getPoint() );
1316                     XTextAreaPeer.AWTTextArea jtext = outer.jtext;
1317                     MouseEvent newEvent = newMouseEvent( jtext, point, event );
1318                     int id = newEvent.getID();
1319                     if ( id==MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED || id==MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED ) {
1320                         jtext.processMouseMotionEventPublic( newEvent );
1321                     } else {
1322                         jtext.processMouseEventPublic( newEvent );
1323                     }
1324                     break;
1326                 // We perform (additional) dispatching of events to buttons of
1327                 // scrollbar, instead of leaving it to JScrollbar. This is
1328                 // required, because of different listeners in Swing and AWT,
1329                 // which trigger scrolling (ArrowButtonListener vs. TrackListener,
1330                 // accordingly). So we dispatch events to scroll-buttons, to
1331                 // invoke a correct Swing button listener.
1332                 // See CR 6175401 for more information.
1333                 case BAR:
1334                 case BUTTON:
1335                     Component c = current.getBar();
1336                     Point p = toLocalSpace( c, event.getPoint() );
1337                     if ( current.getType()==Pointer.Type.BUTTON ) {
1338                         c = current.getButton();
1339                         p = toLocalSpace( c, p );
1340                     }
1341                     AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().processEvent( c, newMouseEvent( c, p, event ) );
1342                     break;
1343             }
1344         }
1346         private static MouseEvent newMouseEvent(
1347             Component source, Point point, MouseEvent template )
1348         {
1349             MouseEvent e = template;
1350             MouseEvent nme = new MouseEvent(
1351                 source,
1352                 e.getID(), e.getWhen(),
1353                 e.getModifiersEx() | e.getModifiers(),
1354                 point.x, point.y,
1355                 e.getXOnScreen(), e.getYOnScreen(),
1356                 e.getClickCount(), e.isPopupTrigger(), e.getButton() );
1357             // Because these MouseEvents are dispatched directly to
1358             // their target, we need to mark them as being
1359             // system-generated here
1360             SunToolkit.setSystemGenerated(nme);
1361             return nme;
1362         }
1364         private void setCursor() {
1365             if ( current.getType()==Pointer.Type.TEXT ) {
1366                 // 'target.getCursor()' is also applied from elsewhere
1367                 // (at least now), but only when mouse "entered", and
1368                 // before 'XTextAreaPeer.handleJavaMouseEvent' is invoked.
1369                 outer.pSetCursor( outer.target.getCursor(), true );
1370             }
1371             else {
1372                 // We can write here a more intelligent cursor selection
1373                 // mechanism, like getting cursor from 'current' component.
1374                 // However, I see no point in doing so now. But if you feel
1375                 // like implementing it, you'll probably need to introduce
1376                 // 'Pointer.Type.PANEL'.
1377                 outer.pSetCursor( outer.textPane.getCursor(), true );
1378             }
1379         }
1382         // Current way of grab-detection causes interesting (but harmless)
1383         // side-effect. If mouse is draged from outside to inside of TextArea,
1384         // we will then (in some cases) be asked to dispatch mouse-entered/exited
1385         // events. But, as at least one mouse-button is down, we will detect
1386         // grab-mode is on (though the grab isn't ours).
1387         //
1388         // Thus, we will not update 'current' (see 'handle' method), and will
1389         // dispatch events to the last subcomponent, the 'current' was set to.
1390         // As always, we set cursor in this case also. But, all this seems
1391         // harmless, because mouse entered/exited events seem to have no effect
1392         // here, and cursor setting is ignored in case of drags from outside.
1393         //
1394         // Grab-detection can be further improved, e.g. by taking into account
1395         // current event-ID, but I see not point in doing it now.
1397         private void grabbed_update( MouseEvent event ) {
1398             final int allButtonsMask
1399                 = MouseEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK
1400                 | MouseEvent.BUTTON2_DOWN_MASK
1401                 | MouseEvent.BUTTON3_DOWN_MASK;
1402             grabbed = ( (event.getModifiersEx() & allButtonsMask) != 0 );
1403         }
1405         // 'toLocalSpace' and 'toViewportChildLocalSpace' can be "optimized" to
1406         // 'return' 'void' and use 'Point' input-argument also as output.
1407         private static Point toLocalSpace( Component local, Point inParentSpace )
1408         {
1409             Point p = inParentSpace;
1410             Point l = local.getLocation();
1411             return new Point( p.x - l.x, p.y - l.y );
1412         }
1413         private static Point toViewportChildLocalSpace( JViewport v, Point inViewportParentSpace )
1414         {
1415             Point l = toLocalSpace(v, inViewportParentSpace);
1416             Point p = v.getViewPosition();
1417             l.x += p.x;
1418             l.y += p.y;
1419             return l;
1420         }
1422         private void setPointerToUnderPoint( Point point ) {
1423             if ( outer.textPane.getViewport().getBounds().contains( point ) ) {
1424                 current.setText();
1425             }
1426             else if ( ! setPointerIfPointOverScrollbar(
1427                 outer.textPane.getVerticalScrollBar(), point ) )
1428             {
1429                 if ( ! setPointerIfPointOverScrollbar(
1430                     outer.textPane.getHorizontalScrollBar(), point ) )
1431                 {
1432                     current.setNone();
1433                 }
1434             }
1435         }
1437         private boolean setPointerIfPointOverScrollbar( JScrollBar bar, Point point ) {
1438             if ( ! bar.getBounds().contains( point ) ) {
1439                 return false;
1440             }
1441             current.setBar( bar );
1442             Point local = toLocalSpace( bar, point );
1444             XTextAreaPeer.XAWTScrollBarUI ui =
1445                 (XTextAreaPeer.XAWTScrollBarUI) bar.getUI();
1447             if ( ! setPointerIfPointOverButton( ui.getIncreaseButton(), local ) ) {
1448                 setPointerIfPointOverButton( ui.getDecreaseButton(), local );
1449             }
1451             return true;
1452         }
1454         private boolean setPointerIfPointOverButton( JButton button, Point point ) {
1455             if ( ! button.getBounds().contains( point ) ) {
1456                 return false;
1457             }
1458             current.setButton( button );
1459             return true;
1460         }
1462         private static final class Pointer {
1463             static enum Type {
1464                 NONE, TEXT, BAR, BUTTON  // , PANEL
1465             }
1466             Type getType() {
1467                 return type;
1468             }
1469             boolean isNone() {
1470                 return type==Type.NONE;
1471             }
1472             JScrollBar getBar() {
1473                 boolean ok = type==Type.BAR || type==Type.BUTTON;
1474                 assert ok;
1475                 return ok ? bar : null;
1476             }
1477             JButton getButton() {
1478                 boolean ok = type==Type.BUTTON;
1479                 assert ok;
1480                 return ok ? button : null;
1481             }
1482             void setNone() {
1483                 type = Type.NONE;
1484             }
1485             void setText() {
1486                 type = Type.TEXT;
1487             }
1488             void setBar( JScrollBar bar ) {
1489                 this.bar=bar;
1490                 type=Type.BAR;
1491             }
1492             void setButton( JButton button ) {
1493                 this.button=button;
1494                 type=Type.BUTTON;
1495             }
1497             private Type type;
1498             private JScrollBar bar;
1499             private JButton button;
1500         }
1501     }
1502 }