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*** 509,518 **** --- 509,519 ---- /** * Scan a number. The first digit of the number should be the current * character. We may be scanning hex, decimal, or octal at this point */ + @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") private void scanNumber() throws IOException { boolean seenNonOctal = false; boolean overflow = false; boolean seenDigit = false; // used to detect invalid hex number 0xL radix = (ch == '0' ? 8 : 10);
*** 530,539 **** --- 531,541 ---- case '8': case '9': // We can't yet throw an error if reading an octal. We might // discover we're really reading a real. seenNonOctal = true; + // Fall through case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': seenDigit = true; putc(ch); if (radix == 10) {
*** 666,675 **** --- 668,678 ---- * Scan a float. We are either looking at the decimal, or we have already * seen it and put it into the buffer. We haven't seen an exponent. * Scan a float. Should be called with the current character is either * the 'e', 'E' or '.' */ + @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") private void scanReal() throws IOException { boolean seenExponent = false; boolean isSingleFloat = false; char lastChar; if (ch == '.') {
*** 982,991 **** --- 985,995 ---- */ public long scan() throws IOException { return xscan(); } + @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") protected long xscan() throws IOException { final ScannerInputReader in =; long retPos = pos; prevPos = in.pos; docComment = null;
*** 1004,1013 **** --- 1008,1018 ---- // Do not just call; we want to present // a null token (and also avoid read-ahead). token = COMMENT; return retPos; } + // Fall through case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': ch =; break;