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 100     private String[] myPieces;
 102     /**
 103      * String value for this MIME type. Computed when needed and cached.
 104      */
 105     private transient String myStringValue = null;
 107     /**
 108      * Parameter map entry set. Computed when needed and cached.
 109      */
 110     private transient ParameterMapEntrySet myEntrySet = null;
 112     /**
 113      * Parameter map. Computed when needed and cached.
 114      */
 115     private transient ParameterMap myParameterMap = null;
 117     /**
 118      * Parameter map entry.
 119      */
 120     private class ParameterMapEntry implements Map.Entry {
 121         private int myIndex;
 122         public ParameterMapEntry(int theIndex) {
 123             myIndex = theIndex;
 124         }
 125         public Object getKey(){
 126             return myPieces[myIndex];
 127         }
 128         public Object getValue(){
 129             return myPieces[myIndex+1];
 130         }
 131         public Object setValue (Object value) {
 132             throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 133         }
 134         public boolean equals(Object o) {
 135             return (o != null &&
 136                     o instanceof Map.Entry &&
 137                     getKey().equals (((Map.Entry) o).getKey()) &&
 138                     getValue().equals(((Map.Entry) o).getValue()));
 139         }
 140         public int hashCode() {
 141             return getKey().hashCode() ^ getValue().hashCode();
 142         }
 143     }
 145     /**
 146      * Parameter map entry set iterator.
 147      */
 148     private class ParameterMapEntrySetIterator implements Iterator {
 149         private int myIndex = 2;
 150         public boolean hasNext() {
 151             return myIndex < myPieces.length;
 152         }
 153         public Object next() {
 154             if (hasNext()) {
 155                 ParameterMapEntry result = new ParameterMapEntry (myIndex);
 156                 myIndex += 2;
 157                 return result;
 158             } else {
 159                 throw new NoSuchElementException();
 160             }
 161         }
 162         public void remove() {
 163             throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 164         }
 165     }
 167     /**
 168      * Parameter map entry set.
 169      */
 170     private class ParameterMapEntrySet extends AbstractSet {
 171         public Iterator iterator() {
 172             return new ParameterMapEntrySetIterator();
 173         }
 174         public int size() {
 175             return (myPieces.length - 2) / 2;
 176         }
 177     }
 179     /**
 180      * Parameter map.
 181      */
 182     private class ParameterMap extends AbstractMap {
 183         public Set entrySet() {
 184             if (myEntrySet == null) {
 185                 myEntrySet = new ParameterMapEntrySet();
 186             }
 187             return myEntrySet;
 188         }
 189     }
 191     /**
 192      * Construct a new MIME type object from the given string. The given
 193      * string is converted into canonical form and stored internally.
 194      *
 195      * @param  s  MIME media type string.
 196      *
 197      * @exception  NullPointerException
 198      *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if <CODE>s</CODE> is null.
 199      * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
 200      *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if <CODE>s</CODE> does not obey the
 201      *     syntax for a MIME media type string.
 202      */
 203     public MimeType(String s) {

 217      */
 218     public String getMediaType() {
 219         return myPieces[0];
 220     }
 222     /**
 223      * Returns this MIME type object's media subtype.
 224      */
 225     public String getMediaSubtype() {
 226         return myPieces[1];
 227     }
 229     /**
 230      * Returns an unmodifiable map view of the parameters in this MIME type
 231      * object. Each entry in the parameter map view consists of a parameter
 232      * name String (key) mapping to a parameter value String. If this MIME
 233      * type object has no parameters, an empty map is returned.
 234      *
 235      * @return  Parameter map for this MIME type object.
 236      */
 237     public Map getParameterMap() {
 238         if (myParameterMap == null) {
 239             myParameterMap = new ParameterMap();
 240         }
 241         return myParameterMap;
 242     }
 244     /**
 245      * Converts this MIME type object to a string.
 246      *
 247      * @return  MIME type string based on the canonical form. Each parameter
 248      *          value is enclosed in quotes.
 249      */
 250     public String toString() {
 251         return getStringValue();
 252     }
 254     /**
 255      * Returns a hash code for this MIME type object.
 256      */
 257     public int hashCode() {

 531      * <UL>
 532      * <LI> If the media type is text, the value of a charset parameter is
 533      *      converted to lowercase.
 534      * </UL>
 535      *
 536      * @param  s  MIME media type string.
 537      *
 538      * @exception  NullPointerException
 539      *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if <CODE>s</CODE> is null.
 540      * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
 541      *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if <CODE>s</CODE> does not obey the
 542      *     syntax for a MIME media type string.
 543      */
 544     private void parse(String s) {
 545         // Initialize.
 546         if (s == null) {
 547             throw new NullPointerException();
 548         }
 549         LexicalAnalyzer theLexer = new LexicalAnalyzer (s);
 550         int theLexemeType;
 551         Vector thePieces = new Vector();
 552         boolean mediaTypeIsText = false;
 553         boolean parameterNameIsCharset = false;
 555         // Parse media type.
 556         if (theLexer.getLexemeType() == TOKEN_LEXEME) {
 557             String mt = toUnicodeLowerCase (theLexer.getLexeme());
 558             thePieces.add (mt);
 559             theLexer.nextLexeme();
 560             mediaTypeIsText = mt.equals ("text");
 561         } else {
 562             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
 563         }
 564         // Parse slash.
 565         if (theLexer.getLexemeType() == TSPECIAL_LEXEME &&
 566               theLexer.getLexemeFirstCharacter() == '/') {
 567             theLexer.nextLexeme();
 568         } else {
 569             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
 570         }
 571         if (theLexer.getLexemeType() == TOKEN_LEXEME) {

 606                               pv);
 607                 theLexer.nextLexeme();
 608             } else if (theLexer.getLexemeType() == QUOTED_STRING_LEXEME) {
 609                 String pv = removeBackslashes (theLexer.getLexeme());
 610                 thePieces.add(mediaTypeIsText && parameterNameIsCharset ?
 611                               toUnicodeLowerCase (pv) :
 612                               pv);
 613                 theLexer.nextLexeme();
 614             } else {
 615                 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
 616             }
 617         }
 619         // Make sure we've consumed everything.
 620         if (theLexer.getLexemeType() != EOF_LEXEME) {
 621             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
 622         }
 624         // Save the pieces. Parameters are not in ascending order yet.
 625         int n = thePieces.size();
 626         myPieces = (String[]) thePieces.toArray (new String [n]);
 628         // Sort the parameters into ascending order using an insertion sort.
 629         int i, j;
 630         String temp;
 631         for (i = 4; i < n; i += 2) {
 632             j = 2;
 633             while (j < i && myPieces[j].compareTo (myPieces[i]) <= 0) {
 634                 j += 2;
 635             }
 636             while (j < i) {
 637                 temp = myPieces[j];
 638                 myPieces[j] = myPieces[i];
 639                 myPieces[i] = temp;
 640                 temp = myPieces[j+1];
 641                 myPieces[j+1] = myPieces[i+1];
 642                 myPieces[i+1] = temp;
 643                 j += 2;
 644             }
 645         }
 646     }

 100     private String[] myPieces;
 102     /**
 103      * String value for this MIME type. Computed when needed and cached.
 104      */
 105     private transient String myStringValue = null;
 107     /**
 108      * Parameter map entry set. Computed when needed and cached.
 109      */
 110     private transient ParameterMapEntrySet myEntrySet = null;
 112     /**
 113      * Parameter map. Computed when needed and cached.
 114      */
 115     private transient ParameterMap myParameterMap = null;
 117     /**
 118      * Parameter map entry.
 119      */
 120     private class ParameterMapEntry implements Map.Entry<String, String> {
 121         private int myIndex;
 122         public ParameterMapEntry(int theIndex) {
 123             myIndex = theIndex;
 124         }
 125         public String getKey(){
 126             return myPieces[myIndex];
 127         }
 128         public String getValue(){
 129             return myPieces[myIndex+1];
 130         }
 131         public String setValue (String value) {
 132             throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 133         }
 134         public boolean equals(Object o) {
 135             return (o != null &&
 136                     o instanceof Map.Entry &&
 137                     getKey().equals (((Map.Entry) o).getKey()) &&
 138                     getValue().equals(((Map.Entry) o).getValue()));
 139         }
 140         public int hashCode() {
 141             return getKey().hashCode() ^ getValue().hashCode();
 142         }
 143     }
 145     /**
 146      * Parameter map entry set iterator.
 147      */
 148     private class ParameterMapEntrySetIterator implements Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> {
 149         private int myIndex = 2;
 150         public boolean hasNext() {
 151             return myIndex < myPieces.length;
 152         }
 153         public Map.Entry<String, String> next() {
 154             if (hasNext()) {
 155                 ParameterMapEntry result = new ParameterMapEntry (myIndex);
 156                 myIndex += 2;
 157                 return result;
 158             } else {
 159                 throw new NoSuchElementException();
 160             }
 161         }
 162         public void remove() {
 163             throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 164         }
 165     }
 167     /**
 168      * Parameter map entry set.
 169      */
 170     private class ParameterMapEntrySet extends AbstractSet<Map.Entry<String, String>> {
 171         public Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iterator() {
 172             return new ParameterMapEntrySetIterator();
 173         }
 174         public int size() {
 175             return (myPieces.length - 2) / 2;
 176         }
 177     }
 179     /**
 180      * Parameter map.
 181      */
 182     private class ParameterMap extends AbstractMap<String, String> {
 183         public Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entrySet() {
 184             if (myEntrySet == null) {
 185                 myEntrySet = new ParameterMapEntrySet();
 186             }
 187             return myEntrySet;
 188         }
 189     }
 191     /**
 192      * Construct a new MIME type object from the given string. The given
 193      * string is converted into canonical form and stored internally.
 194      *
 195      * @param  s  MIME media type string.
 196      *
 197      * @exception  NullPointerException
 198      *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if <CODE>s</CODE> is null.
 199      * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
 200      *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if <CODE>s</CODE> does not obey the
 201      *     syntax for a MIME media type string.
 202      */
 203     public MimeType(String s) {

 217      */
 218     public String getMediaType() {
 219         return myPieces[0];
 220     }
 222     /**
 223      * Returns this MIME type object's media subtype.
 224      */
 225     public String getMediaSubtype() {
 226         return myPieces[1];
 227     }
 229     /**
 230      * Returns an unmodifiable map view of the parameters in this MIME type
 231      * object. Each entry in the parameter map view consists of a parameter
 232      * name String (key) mapping to a parameter value String. If this MIME
 233      * type object has no parameters, an empty map is returned.
 234      *
 235      * @return  Parameter map for this MIME type object.
 236      */
 237     public Map<String, String> getParameterMap() {
 238         if (myParameterMap == null) {
 239             myParameterMap = new ParameterMap();
 240         }
 241         return myParameterMap;
 242     }
 244     /**
 245      * Converts this MIME type object to a string.
 246      *
 247      * @return  MIME type string based on the canonical form. Each parameter
 248      *          value is enclosed in quotes.
 249      */
 250     public String toString() {
 251         return getStringValue();
 252     }
 254     /**
 255      * Returns a hash code for this MIME type object.
 256      */
 257     public int hashCode() {

 531      * <UL>
 532      * <LI> If the media type is text, the value of a charset parameter is
 533      *      converted to lowercase.
 534      * </UL>
 535      *
 536      * @param  s  MIME media type string.
 537      *
 538      * @exception  NullPointerException
 539      *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if <CODE>s</CODE> is null.
 540      * @exception  IllegalArgumentException
 541      *     (unchecked exception) Thrown if <CODE>s</CODE> does not obey the
 542      *     syntax for a MIME media type string.
 543      */
 544     private void parse(String s) {
 545         // Initialize.
 546         if (s == null) {
 547             throw new NullPointerException();
 548         }
 549         LexicalAnalyzer theLexer = new LexicalAnalyzer (s);
 550         int theLexemeType;
 551         Vector<String> thePieces = new Vector<>();
 552         boolean mediaTypeIsText = false;
 553         boolean parameterNameIsCharset = false;
 555         // Parse media type.
 556         if (theLexer.getLexemeType() == TOKEN_LEXEME) {
 557             String mt = toUnicodeLowerCase (theLexer.getLexeme());
 558             thePieces.add (mt);
 559             theLexer.nextLexeme();
 560             mediaTypeIsText = mt.equals ("text");
 561         } else {
 562             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
 563         }
 564         // Parse slash.
 565         if (theLexer.getLexemeType() == TSPECIAL_LEXEME &&
 566               theLexer.getLexemeFirstCharacter() == '/') {
 567             theLexer.nextLexeme();
 568         } else {
 569             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
 570         }
 571         if (theLexer.getLexemeType() == TOKEN_LEXEME) {

 606                               pv);
 607                 theLexer.nextLexeme();
 608             } else if (theLexer.getLexemeType() == QUOTED_STRING_LEXEME) {
 609                 String pv = removeBackslashes (theLexer.getLexeme());
 610                 thePieces.add(mediaTypeIsText && parameterNameIsCharset ?
 611                               toUnicodeLowerCase (pv) :
 612                               pv);
 613                 theLexer.nextLexeme();
 614             } else {
 615                 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
 616             }
 617         }
 619         // Make sure we've consumed everything.
 620         if (theLexer.getLexemeType() != EOF_LEXEME) {
 621             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
 622         }
 624         // Save the pieces. Parameters are not in ascending order yet.
 625         int n = thePieces.size();
 626         myPieces = thePieces.toArray (new String [n]);
 628         // Sort the parameters into ascending order using an insertion sort.
 629         int i, j;
 630         String temp;
 631         for (i = 4; i < n; i += 2) {
 632             j = 2;
 633             while (j < i && myPieces[j].compareTo (myPieces[i]) <= 0) {
 634                 j += 2;
 635             }
 636             while (j < i) {
 637                 temp = myPieces[j];
 638                 myPieces[j] = myPieces[i];
 639                 myPieces[i] = temp;
 640                 temp = myPieces[j+1];
 641                 myPieces[j+1] = myPieces[i+1];
 642                 myPieces[i+1] = temp;
 643                 j += 2;
 644             }
 645         }
 646     }